Directions (01-05): Study the Following Information Carefully and Answer the Questions

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Directions (01-05): Study the Following Information Carefully and Answer the Questions

KALINGA ACADEMY Directions (01-05): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. There are eight teddies of different colours, viz Blue, Orange, Violet, Green, pink, Red , Maroon and Purple. They are kept on the corners of two square table placed side by side. If we consider the two squares together as a rectangle, then each teddy on one long side of the rectangle is facing a teddy each on the other long side. Red a purple teddies are kept on the two corners that meet. Maroon teddy is kept in front of Red teddy. Violet teddy is opposite Orange teddy and on the immediate left of Maroon teddy. Pink teddy is kept diagonally opposite Purple teddy on one square table. Blue teddy is not adjacent to Maroon teddy. 01. If the positions of Blue teddy and Green teddy are interchanged then which teddy will sit second to the left of Green teddy? 1) Maroon 2) Blue 3) Purple 4) Violet 5) NOT 02. Which teddy sits diagonally opposite Violet teddy on the same table? 1) Green 2) Red 3) Pink 4) Blue 5) NOT 03. Which teddies sits adjacent to Pink teddy? 1) Violet, Green 2) Orange, Blue 3) Blue, Green 4) Green, Red 5) NOT 04. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. which is the one that does not belong to that group? 1) Red, Violet 2) Orange, Maroon 3) Red, Pink 4) Blue, Green 5) Purple, Pink 05. Which of the following teddies is in front of the Blue teddy? 1) Pink 2) Purple 3) Green 4) Red 5) NOT Directions (06-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. There is a family of five members A, B,C, D and E each of whom has a different profession. viz Doctor, Teacher, Trader, Lawyer and Engineer. Each of them tikes a different colour Red, Yellow, Green, Black, and Brown, not necessarily in the same order. B, an unmarried teacher, is the daughter of A, who likes neither Yellow nor Green. E is a Lawyer and brother of C, who likes Red. C is the husband and forms the only married couple in the family. D like Yellow. A is an Engineer, who is father of two sons and an unmarried daughter. Father and one of the son like either Brown or Black. Daughter-in-law of A is a Doctor and likes neither Black nor Green. The sister of the Lawyer does not like Brown. 06. Who is the Doctor in the family? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) NOT 07. Which of the following is a group of female members? 1) B and C 2) C and D 3) B and D 4) D and E 5) E and D 08. The Trader likes which of the following colours? 1) Brown 2) Green 3) Red 4) Yellow 5) Either Black or Brown 09. Which of the following combinations is definitely true. 1) B-Teacher-Green 2) C-Trader-Yellow 3) E-Lawyer-black 4) D-Doctor-Red 5) A- Engineer-Red 10. Which of the following represents the combination of colours liked by the married couple of the family? 1) Red-Yellow 2) yellow-Brown 3) Red-Green 4) Can't be determined 5) NOT 9853548747 Page 1 KALINGA ACADEMY Directions (11-15): Study the following arrangement of numbers, letters and symbols carefully and answer the questions given below. # F 9 ↑ ©P S ∆ δ C A $ M @ Z 8 R 1 D % 3 U G H £ V T B * N E Y 11. Four of the following five are alike in a certain ways based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? 1) ↑P9 2) ∆CS 3) NT* 4) @8$ 5) 1%R 12. Which of the following is eight to the right of the twelfth element from the right end? 1)£ 2) B 3) * 4) % 5) ↑ 13. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a consonant but not immediately preceded by a symbol? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 14. Which of the following should come in place of questions mark (?) in the following series based on the elements in the above arrangement? ©S9 AMδ R DZ ? 1) HUV 2) G£3 3) %UI 4) G%£ 5) NOT 15. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant? 1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) Five 5) NOT Directions (16-20): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions: There are six candidates A, B, C, D, E and F are playing an online game, sitting around a circular table. All are facing the centre and have secured different position, ie. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th but not necessarily in the same order.  One who secured the 3rd position is the neighbor of the candidates having first and fifth position.  D is on the immediate right of C and 2nd to the left of F.  The candidates who secured the 4th position is on the immediate right of E.  F and E sit together. The candidate who secured the 1st position sits second to the left of C.  There are two candidates between C and the one who secured the 3rd position.  B is second to the left of the candidates who secured the 2nd position. 16. Who is sitting between A and E? 1) B 2) D 3) F 4) C 5) Can't be determined 17. Who is sits second to the left of B? 1) D 2) A 3) E 4) C 5) F 18. How is D related to A? 1) 2nd to the right of A 2) Immediate right of A 3) Immediate left of A 4) 2nd to the left of A 5) NOT 19. Who among the following is the neighbor of C and A? 1) D 2) B 3) E 4) F 5) Can't be determined 20. Who among the following secured the 1st position? 1) A 2) E 3) D 4) B 5) C Directions (21-25): In these questions relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusion. Mark answer 1) If Either I or II follows 2) Only I follows 3) Both I and Ii follows 4) Only II follows 5) Neither I nor Ii follows. 21. Statements: 9853548747 Page 2 KALINGA ACADEMY Conclusion: 22. Statements: Conclusion: 23. Statements: Conclusion: 24. Statements: Conclusion: 25 Statements: Conclusion: Directions: (26-30): Refer to the following statement and answer the questions. Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G take a series of a test in Kalinga Academy. No two friends get similar marks. G always scores more than A. A always scores more than B. Each time either C scores the highest and E gets the least or alternatively D scores the highest and F or B scores the least. 26. If D is ranked 6th and B is ranked 5th, which of the following can be true? 1) G is ranked 1st or 4th 2) C is ranked 2nd or 3rd 3) E is ranked 4th or 5th 4) F is ranked 3rd or 4th 5) NOT 27. If C gets the highest, G should be ranked not lower than 1) Second 2) Third 3) Fourth 4) Fifth 5) NOT 28. If C is ranked second and B is ranked first, which of the following must be true? 1) D is ranked 3rd 2) E is ranked 3rd 3) A is ranked 6th 4) Not 5) Can't be determined 29. if D is ranked 2nd, which of the following can be true? 1) F gets more than G 2) G gets more than F 3) A gets more than C 4) A gets more than G 5) NOT 30. If G is ranked 5th, which of the following must be true? 1) D score the highest 2) C is ranked 2nd 3) E is ranked 3rd 4) B is ranked 2nd 5) NOT Directions (31-32): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. Six flats on a floor in two rows facing north and south are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U. Q gets a north-facing flat and is not next to S. S and U get diagonally opposite flats. R, who is next to U, gets a south facing flat and T gets a north facing flat. 31. Whose flat is immediate left of P's flat? 1) R 2) S 3) T 4) NOT 5) Can't be determined 32. The flat of which of the pairs, other than SU, are diagonally opposite each other. 1) PS 2) QP 3) RT 4) TS 5) NOT Directions (33-35): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below. 1) If Only 1st follows 2) If Only 2nd follows 3) Either 1st or 2nd follows 4) Both 1st and 2nd follow 5) Neither 1st nor 2nd follows 33. Statements: Some inputs are Outputs. Some outputs are results Conclusion: I. All results being output is a possibilityII. Some inputs are results. 34. Statements: Some cubes are dices. All dices are plastic. Conclusion: I. All plastics are cubes. II. All plastics being dices in a possibility. 35. Statements: All Days are Weeks. Some Weeks are Months. No Month is a Year. 9853548747 Page 3 KALINGA ACADEMY Conclusion: Some Months not being Weeks is a possibility II. Some Weeks are not Years

Directions (36-40): Study the table carefully and answer the following questions. the following table gives the stock market data for selected companies

Current Last 49 Weeks DIVIDEND Market Prices High Price (Rs) Low Price (Rs) (Rs) SLT 145 480.00 135 27% SIF 338 1372.00 310 31% WIP 289 385.00 225 24% INF 392 720.40 285 20% HFC 208 265.00 160 12% MAF 452 792.00 320 21%

36. The absolute difference in the 49 week High and Low price is the lowest for which of the following companies? 1) WIP 2) SIF 3) MAF 4) HFC 5) SLT 37. How much %age is the low price for SIF lower than the High price for the same company? (Approximate value) 1) 68% 2) 77% 3) 61% 4) 59% 5) 83% 38. For which of the following companies is the average market price is highest? (Average price = Average of High, Low and Current prices) 1) INF 2) MAF 3) SIF 4) SLT 5) WIP 39. The ratio of 49 week High Price to the current price is the second highest for which of the following com companies? 1) SLT 2) WIP 3) HFC 4) SIF 5) MAF 40. What is the %age gain for SIF from 49 weeks low price to the current price? 1) 11% 2) 10.62% 3) 8.73% 4) 9.71% 5) 9.03% 41. The ages of A, B and C are in arithmetic progression, but not in order. The ratio of ages of A and B is 6:5 and D is to C is 7:8. Two years later the age of B and C will be 2:3. Find the ratio ages of A and D: 1) 7:6 2) 5:8 3) 6:7 4) 8:9 5) NOT 42. The arithmetic Mean of the scores of a group of students in a test was 52. The brightest 20% of them secured a mean score of 80 and the dullest 25%, a mean score of 31. The mean score of remaining 55% is (consider approx. value) 1) 54.6% 2) 45% 3) 50% 4) 51.4% 5) NOT 43. The price of rice is reduced by 5%. How many kilograms of rice can now be bought for the money which was sufficient to buy 50 kg of rice earlier? 1) 52.94 kg 2) 50.40 kg 3) 42.30 kg 4) 60.50 kg 5) NOT 44. The simple interest on a certain sum of money for year at 12% per annum is Rs 20 less than the simple interest on the same sum for year at 10% per annum. Find the sum. 1) Rs 800 2) Rs 750 3) Rs 625 4) Rs 400 5) NOT 9853548747 Page 4 KALINGA ACADEMY 45. A and B invest Rs 3000 and Rs 4000, respectively in a business. A receives Rs 10 per month out of the profit as a remuneration for running the business and the rest of the profit is divided in proportion to be investments. If in a year A totally receive Rs 390, What does B receives? 1) Rs 630 2) Rs 360 3) Rs 480 4) Rs 380 5) NOT 46. A, B and C completed a work costing Rs 1800. A worked for 6 days, B worked for 4day and C worked for 9 days. If their daily wages are in the ratio of 5:6:4, how much amount will be received by A? 1) Rs 600 2) Rs 500 3) Rs 900 4) Rs 450 5) NOT 47. In a mixture of 60 liter the ratio of acid and water is 2:1. If the ratio of acid and water is to be 1:2 then the amount or water (in liters) to be added to the mixture is 1) 55 2) 60 3) 50 4) 45 5) 40 48. A and B appear for an interview for two vacancies in an organization for the same post. The probabilities of their selection are and respectively. What is the probability that none of them will be selected? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) NOT 49. Rs 600 are divided among A, B and C such that Rs 40 more than th of A's share. Rs 20 more than th of B's share and Rs 10 more than th of C's share, all are equal. What is B's share? 1) Rs 150 2) Rs 185 3) Rs 280 4) Rs 285 5) NOT 50. Due to a 25% increase in the price of rice per kilogram, a person is able to purchase 20 kg less for Rs 400. What is the increased price of rice per kilogram? 1) Rs 5 2) Rs 6 3) Rs 10 4) Rs 4 5) Rs 5.5 Directions (51-55): What approximate value will come in place of question mark (?) in the given questions? 51. 1) 670 2) 570 3) 710 4) 510 5) 610 52. 1) 625 2) 400 3) 25 4) 900 5) 225 53. 1) 625 2) 627 3) 597 4) 427 5) 637 54. 1) 4096 2) 218 3) 612 4) 512 5) NOT 55. 1) 46566 2) 46656 3) 46626 4) 46256 5) 46216 Directions (56-60): Find out the number in place of question mark (?) in the following number series. 56. 429 351 281 219 105 ? 1) 72 2) 119 3) 64 4) 123 5) 72 57. 150 252 392 ? 810 1) 576 2) 625 3) 729 4) 529 5) 676 58. 2 12 30 56 ? 132 1) 78 2) 88 3) 90 4) 84 5) 81 59. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 60. 6 24 60 120 ? 336 1) 210 2) 180 3) 240 4) 190 5) 236 Directions (61-65): Refer to the graph and answer the given questions 9853548747 Page 5 KALINGA ACADEMY Data related to the number of hats sold by two stores (M and N) during the given six months.

61. The number of hats sold by store M during Jan is what percent of the total number of hats sold by store N during March and April together? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 62. What is the average number of hats sold by store N during Jan, March, Many and June? 1) 535 2) 525 3) 515 4) 500 5) 530 63. Sotes M and N sell only two types of hats, Fedora hats and Trilby Hats. If the ratio of the total number of Fedora to the total number of Trilby hats sold by store M and N together during March is 9:5, what is the total number of Fedora hats sold by stores M and N together during March? 1) 990 2) 900 3) 720 4) 630 5) 810 64. If the total number of hats sold by stores M and N together in July is 15% more than the total number of hats sold by the same stores together during June, what is the total number of hats sold by the same stores together during July? 1) 1298 2) 1316 3) 1356 4) 1284 5) 1334 65. The number of hats sold by store M increased by what percent from Feb to May? 1) 75 2) 55 3) 65 4) 70 5) 60 Directions (66-68): In the following questions, a question is followed by two statements. You have to decide the information given in which of the statements in necessary and sufficient to answer the questions. 66. What is the length of a rectangle? I. The Area of the rectangle is 36 II. The sum of the length and breadth of the rectangle is 15 cm. 1) Only I 2) Both I and II 3) Either I or II 4) Only II 5) NOT 67. How much time did X takes to reach the destination? I. The ratio of the speed of X to that of Y is 4:7 II. Y takes 28 minutes to reach the destination. 1) Both I and II 2) Neither I nor II 3) Only II 4) Only I 5) Either I or II 68. What was the population of State A? I. The Males and Females were in the ratio of 4:5 II. 8 lakh Males in the state were literate. 1) Only II 2) Only I 3) Neither I nor II 4) Both I and II 5) NOT Directions (69-70): What value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? 69. 1) 162 2) 186.25 3) 160 4) 150.25 5) 152 70. 1) 290 2) 190 3) 490 4) 191 5) 291 Directions (Q. 71-80): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases have been printed in BOLD to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. One of the reasons, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class struggles in debt is because the subject of money is taught at home not in school. Most of us learn about money from our parents. Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades in school may still struggle 9853548747 Page 6 KALINGA ACADEMY financially all their lives. Our staggering national debt is in large part due to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money. I often look ahead to the new millennium and what will happen when we have millions of people who will need financial and medical assistance. Because I had two influential fathers, I learned from both of them. I had to think about each dad’s advice and in doing so I gained valuable insight into the power and effect of one’s thoughts on one’s life. For example, one dad had a habit of saving, “I can’t afford it”. The other dad forbade those words to be used. He insisted I say “How can I afford it?” He did not mean you buy everything you wanted. He was fanatical about exercising your brain, the most powerful computer in the world. He believed that automatically saying ‘I can’t afford it,’ was a sign of mental laziness. Although both dads worked hard, I noticed that one dad had a habit of putting his brain to sleep when it came to money matters, and the other had a habit of exercising his brain. The long term result was that one dad grew stronger financially and the other grew weaker. It is not much different from a person who goes to gym to exercise on a regular basis versus someone who sits on the couch watching television. Proper physical exercise increases your chance for health, and proper mental exercise increases your chance for wealth. Laziness of both decreases health and wealth. Money is one form of power. But what is more powerful is financial education. Money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth. The reason why positive thinking alone does not work is because most people went to school and never learned how money works, so they spend their lives working for money. 71. Most of the people are poor and or are struggling in debt because, 1) The schools focus on scholastic and professional skills 2) People have no “money power” 3) Politicians and government officials make financial decisions 4) People have not been educated to make money work for them 5) None of these 72. According to the author, to build wealth 1) Education and learning about how money works, is a must 2) Positive thinking, power over money and exercising brain are a must 3) One must gain, power over money learning from parents. 4) School education must improve on how to make money 5) None of these 73. The core learning one can gain from the above passage is best highlighted by the statement below is, 1) If financial education is imparted in schools, everyone will be in a position to meet his/her financial and medical needs on his/her own 2) Those who taught money matters at home are more successful 3) Sound financial education, quality of thinking and exercising of body can make one healthy and wealthy 4) Parents positive thinking and sound schooling can make people rich 5) None of these 74. The reference how can ‘I afford it’ in the passage, 1) Envisages how to make things happen and have it 2) Emphasizes the importance of positive thinking 3) Emphasises the point that how can one afford something which is not in one’s control? 4) Dismisses things which are not affordable 9853548747 Page 7 KALINGA ACADEMY 5) None of these 75. According to the passage above, it can be deducted that a nation cannot progress to economic independence, 1) If schools focus on scholastic and professional skills only 2) If parents keep saying “how can I afford it” 3) If the educated work for money 4) If the politicians and government officials make financial decisions 5) None of these 76. The passage highlights one very important aspect that 1) By working for money, one can be rich 2) Training in the subject of money is very important to be rich 3) School education is not necessary to be rich 4) All the above are true 5) None of these Directions (Q. 77-78): Find out from the alternatives given the word which has most nearly the SAME meaning to the word given in capitals. 77. STAGGERING 1) stagecraft 2) bewildering 3) stainless 4) clear 5) blunder 78. FANATICAL 1) excessive devotion 2) false alarm 3) fang 4) fall out 5) emulate Directions (Q. 79-80): Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the passage. 79. FORBADE 1) intense effort 2) to do nothing 3) foray 4) to do something 5) eventide 80. INSISTED 1) insipid 2) not lacking 3) not fixed 4) insomnia 5) not demanded Directions (Q. 81-85): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) 81. I was being astonished /1) when I heard that /2) he had left the country /3) without informing any one of us. /4) No error 5) 82. I would have lost /1) my luggage and other belongings /2) if I would have left the /3) compartment and gone out to fetch drinking water. /4) No error 5) 83. All of you will agree with me /1) that no problem faced by our /2) society is as grave and intractable /3) as this problem is. /4) No error 5) 84. The committee is thankful to /1) Shri Desaj for preparing not only the main report /2) but also for pre-paring /3) the agenda notes and minutes. /4) No error 5) 85. No country can long endure /1) if its foundations /2) were not laid deep /3) in the material prosperity. /4) No error 5) Directions (Q. 86-90): In each of the following sentences there are blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete. 86. The country is endowed with vast and ______resources possessing river ecological ______and rich biodiversity. 9853548747 Page 8 KALINGA ACADEMY 1) myriad, balance 2) diverse, balance 3) diverse, heritage 4) varied, heritage 5) myriad, heritage 87. Agricultural growth and development can become ______only if we ______use our costly and limited water and land resources. 1) sustainable, judiciously 2) possible, sparingly 3) sustainable, sparingly 4) sustained, judiciously 5) possibly, judiciously 88. We would require a research effort with missionary zeal, sound extension ______and a ______government policy. 1) network, pragmatic 2) labyrinth, supportive 3) programme, visionary

4) model, progressive 5) labyrinth, visionary 89. In the onrush of new technologies, it is perhaps inevitable that the new economy has a tendency to ______out the ______manufacturing sector. 1) bow, dysfunctional 2) brush, antiquated 3) shove, obsolete 4) elbow, entrenched 5) brush, obsolete 90. Even apart from the urgency of stimulating ______demand, the long-term growth prospects of the economy ______on investments in the agricultural sector. 1) overall, depend 2) substantial, hinge 3) rural, hinge 4) country side, depend 5) overall, hinge Directions (Q. 91-95):- Rearrange the following six sentences (A),(B),(C),(D),(E) and (F) in the proper sequence so as to make a meaningful paragraph , then answer the questions given bellow them . A) We feel these things are glorious because of the splendid triumphs. B) Because of these sacrifices, we realize the victories of peace are even more glorious than victories of war. C) The word victory is associated in our minds with war. D) We are impressed by their sacrifices. E) It calls up visions of battles, bloodshed and conquests by force. F) But when we think of the philosophy of great men, scholars, social reformers, scientists and philanthropists we start thinking in a different way. 91. Which sentence should be the FOURTH in the paragraph? 1. B 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.F 92. Which sentence should be the THIRD in the paragraph? 1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E 93. Which sentence should be the FIRST in the paragraph? 1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E 94. Which sentence should be the LAST (SIXTH) in the paragraph? 1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E 95. Which sentence should be the SECOND in the paragraph? 1. B 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.F

Directions (Q. 96-100): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. Five words/ phrases are suggested. One of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word / phrase in each case. The habit of terrorism and violence is not easily (96). People who have grown up believing that violence is a realistic and (97) way of asserting belief do not change overnight. History shows, however, that it is (98) to live with this. Guerrillas and freedom fighters, in many former colonial territories, have been reluctant to give up their (99) when the just cause has been 9853548747 Page 9 KALINGA ACADEMY achieved, and they have often become a major (100) to the government that they fought to install. 96. 1) cultivated 2) inculcated 3) mitigated 4) diagnosed 5) cured 97. 1) acceptable 2) dreaded 3) unethical 4) immoral 5) fine 98. 1) futile 2) necessary 3) enigmatic 4) impertinent 5) absurd 99. 1) ways 2) cause 3) violence 4) fighting 5) ideology 100. 1) embarrassment 2) hurdle 3) asset 4) trouble 5) possession


01-2 02-2 03-3 04-3 05-1 06-4 07-3 08-3 09-1 10-1 11-4 12-3 13-4 14-2 15-4 16-3 17-5 18-2 19-1 20-2 21-5 22-5 23-3 24-2 25-4 26-4 27-3 28-5 29-1 30-1 31-5 32-2 33-1 34-2 35-5 36-4 37-2 38-3 39-1 40-5 41-3 42-4 43-1 44-4 45-2 46-1 47-2 48-3 49-3 50-1 51-1 52-5 53-3 54-5 55-2 56-2 57-1 58-3 59-3 60-1 61-4 62-2 63-5 64-5 65-3 66-2 67-1 68-3 69-1 70-4 71-4 72-1 73-1 74-3 75-1 76-2 77-2 78-1 79-4 80-5 81-1 82-3 83-2 84-3 85-3 86-4 87-1 88-1 89-4 90-3 91-5 92-1 93-3 94-2 95-4 96-5 97-1 98-2 99-5 100-4 Time table MATH/REAS DISCUSSION AT 9.00AM THEN ENGLISH THURSDAY IMPROVEMENT ENGLISH AT 7 PM BY SNAJEEB SIR 11-8-2016

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