Invitation for Tenders

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Invitation for Tenders

evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Office of the wbe©vnx cÖ‡KŠkjxi Executive Engineer `ßi, Chittagong O&M Division-1, PÆMÖvg c I i wefvM-1, BWDB, Chittagong. evcvD‡ev,PÆMÖvg| Tel.No.031-650572 †dvb (Awdm) t 031-650572 Invitation for Tenders Tender Notice No. 03/2013-2014 GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGALDSH 1 Ministry/Division Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) 2 Agency Bangladesh Water Development Board 3 Procuring Entity Name Executive Engineer, Chittagong O& M Division-1, BWDB,Chittagong. 4 Procuring Entity Code Not used at present 5 Procuring Entity District Chittagong. 6 Invitation for Tender Notice No. 03/2013-2014 7. Invitation Ref. No. Memo No.T-1/727(100) 8. Date 23/01/2014 KEY INFORMATION 9. Procurement Method Open Tendering Method (OTM) FUNDING INFORMATION 10. Budget and Source of Funds Non-Development Revenue Budget. 11. Development partners(if applicable) N/A PARTICULARS INFORMATION 12. Project/ Programme Code (If applicable) N/A 13. Project/ Programme name (If applicable) Non-Development Revenue Budget. 14. Tender Package No. P-05/13-14, P-06/13-14& P-07/13-14. 15. Tender Package name As described in serial no. 25 16 Tender Publication Date Date : 23/01/2014 17. Tender Last Selling Date Date: 12/02/2014 Time: Up to banking hours 18. Tender Closing Date and Time 13/02/2014 Up to 12:00 Hrs 19. Tender Opening Date and Time 13/02/2014 At 13:00 Hrs 20. Name & Address of the Office(s): Address -Selling Tender Document(Principal) Manager, Sonali Bank Ltd., Bahadderhat Branch, Chittagong. -Selling Tender Document(Others) Deputy General Manager, Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29-Dilkhusha C/A, Dhaka. -Receiving Tender Document Office of the Executive Engineer, Chittagong O& M Division-1, BWDB, Chittagong. -Opening Tender Document Office of the Executive Engineer, Chittagong O& M Division-1, BWDB, Chittagong. 21. Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Not applicable Meeting(Optional) INFORMATION FOR TENDERER 22. Eligibility of Tenderer All eligible tenderers fulfilling conditions laid in PPR-2008 and Standard Tender Documents. 23. Brief Description of Goods or works As stated below in Sl. No. 25of this tender notice. 24. Brief Description of Related services Do 25. Brief Description Sl. Lot No. Identification of Lot Location Price of Tender Comple- No (Upazila Tender Security tion Time District) document Amount in Days (Tk.) (Tk.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. T-03/13-14 Supplying Transformer oil & oil purification of 1600 KVA P-05/13-14 Transformer of 11KV/3.3KV sub-station, servicing & Repairing of 250 KW motors (3Nos.), Servicing & Repairing HT Panel board (G-11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33 & 35) Upazilla- Repairing & servicing LT Pannel Board DB-1, DB-2 with Hathazari, DC Battery (90 Nos. Battery) etc. complete, in connection Dist- 400.00 18,000.00 with High Pumping Plant (HPP) of Halda Extension 90 days Chittagong Irrigation Sub-Project at Upazilla- Hathazari, Dist: Chittagong Under Non-Development Revenue Budget (Economic Code No. 5974) Under Chittagong O & M Division-1, BWDB, Chittagong during the year 2013-2014. -2- 2. T-03/13-14 Repair & maintenance work of 13 Nos. Hoist & Gate of LCC-1, LCC-2 & LCC-3 check structure with M.S. work etc P-06/13-14 Upazilla- complete in connection with Low Level Cannel of Halda Hathazari, Extension Irrigation Sub-Project in Upazilla- Hathazari, Dist: Dist- 400.00 13,000.00 Chittagong Under Non-Development Revenue Budget 90 days Chittagong (Economic Code No. 5974) Under Chittagong O & M Division-1, BWDB, Chittagong during the year 2013-2014. 3. T-03/13-14 Construction of RC.C. cover of 9 Nos. pipe out let at P-07/13-14 different location of low level canal in connection with Halda Upazilla- Extension Irrigation Sub-Project in Upazilla- Hathazari, Dist: Hathazari, 750.00 40,000.00 Chittagong Under Non-Development Revenue Budget Dist- 90 days (Economic Code No. 5974) under Chittagong O & M Chittagong Division-1, BWDB, Chittagong during the year 2013-2014 The Tender security shall be in the form of Pay order/Demand draft address to the Deputy Director, RAC, BWDB, Chittagong, issued by a scheduled bank of Bangladesh. we‡kl `ªóe¨/N.B.:- 1) Ò`icÎ weÁwßwU evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †ev‡W©i & CPTU I‡qe mvB‡UI cvIqv hvB‡eÓ| PROCURING ENTITY DETAILS 26. Name of the Official inviting Tender Md. Ashraf Jamal 27. Designation of Official inviting Tender Executive Engineer 28. Address of Official inviting Tender Executive Engineer, Chittagong O&M Division-I, BWDB, Chittagong. 29. Contract details of Official inviting Tender 031-650572 30. Special conditions a. The Authority/procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason before accepting. b. The Provision laid down in “The public procurement regulation, 2008’ and that of standard Tender document PW2 which is applicable for procurement of work will be binding upon the contractors. c. Work order will be issued on the basis of sanction estimate, budgetary provision and after getting clearance from the competent authority thereof for which no claim will be accepted. d. The work may be totally dropped, decreased or increased. No extra claim will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased or increased quantity of the work. e. Any order before tender closing time in connection with public procurement from Government will be followed and binding upon the Tenderers Participating. f. Tthe works must be completed within the stipulated time period. Payment will be made subject to the availability of fund. No extra claim or extra payment will be entertained for delay of payment. g. Quantity of work may be increased or decreased subject to approved design & Estimate. h. If it is not possible to received /open the tender on the schedule date for unavoidable circumstances the same will be received /opened on the next working day at the same time and same place. i. Notification of Award will be issued after proper clearance from competent authority. j. The provision laid down in PPR/2008. PPA/2009 (Amended) and Standard Tender Documents of PW2 which is binding upon the contractors. Other Government Rules, when applicable will also be in compliance to the Tenderers PW2 which is available in the office of the undersigned. k. While purchasing the documents, interested Tenderers shall submit a written application to the bank on their letter head pad (Photocopy not applicable) with the authorized signature for selling the documents in favour of him/her. l. All pages of the submitted tender document including all enclosures should number and signed by the tenderer or his/her authorized signatory. m. Tenders shall submit attested enlistment copy along with his tender. n. Incase of percentage, 02(two) digit after decimal will be considered. A Tender quoting more than 2 digit after decimal shall be rejected. o. Attested Valid Trade License, VAT Registration Copy, IT/GIR Certificate should be submitted along with the tender. p. The completion Certificate will be Treated as Experience Certificate of Tenderers for the Executed work. q. In case of credit certificate from bank, specific package No. & Name of the work must be shown in the certificate. r. In additional to the original & duplicate the tenderer must submit 2 (two) additional BoQ duly filled in and attested by the contractor as per contract and procurement Cell, BWDB’s Memo No. PPR/CPC-51/1475 Dated: 20-08-2008 in two separate sealed envelops along with the tender documents. s. The Tenderers have to produce 1(one) more copy of the tender document in addition to the original & then one should be marked as “Original” & the other “copy” are to be submitted in separate Envelope. All the tender documents to be inserted in 1(one) single envelope. t. The tenderer shall submit attested enlistment copy along with his/her tender ( in case of enlisted contractor of BWDB. u. In case of quoting abnormal unbalanced rate for any\ all items of rates the chairman of TEC may ask the tenderer to submit valid reason analysis of rates as per regulation 98(8), 98(13) & 98(23) of PPR\2008. v. No departmental land is available, bidder(s) will have to arrange necessary land (For block/Geo-bag manufacturing/preparing materials and construction etc.) for which extra payment will be made. w. 1) `icÎ`vZv `icÎ ms‡kva‡bi Rb¨ Zvi wb‡Ri ev `icÎ`vZvi wbKU n‡Z ¶gZvcÖvß e¨w³i ¯^v¶iK…Z wjwLZ †bvwUk Ges ¶gZvcÖvw„ßi ‡bvUvivBR cÎ `icÎ `vwL‡ji me©‡kl mg‡qi cy‡e© µqKvix KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU †cŠQv‡Z n‡e | 2) `icÎ`vZvMb †h mKj AvB‡Ugmgy‡ni `i ms‡kvab Ki‡Z B”QzK, †m mKj AvB‡Ugmgy‡ni `i I gyj¨ Section 6 : BOQ bZybfv‡e cyib K‡i Modificaiton wjwLZ Lv‡g wmjMvjv K‡i Rgv w`‡Z n‡e | GKK ev mKj AvB‡U‡gi `i/gy‡j¨i Dci kZKiv Kg/‡ekx nv‡i D‡jL cye©K RgvK…Z Modificaiton MÖnb‡hvM¨ n‡e bv| 3) GKvwaK ¯’v‡bi `icÎ `vwL‡ji e¨e¯’v _vwK‡j `icÎ ms‡kvab cÖv_wgK ¯’v‡b `vwLj Kwi‡Z n‡e | 4) `icÎ ms‡kvab Modificaiton G †Kvb cÖKvi KvuUv-‡Quov/Nlv-gvRv MÖnb‡hvM¨ b‡n | 5) Awbevh© KviY ekZt wbשvwiZ Zvwi‡L `icÎ MÖnY m¤¢e bv n‡j cieZx© Kvh© w`e‡m `icÎ MÖnY Kiv n‡e|

(Md. Ashraf Jamal) Executive Engineer Chittagong O & M Division-I BWDB, Chittagong.

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