Course Description s5

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Course Description s5

Course: BSC 2085 Laboratory Term: Spring Term 2013 (2012-2) Instructor: Dr. R.Moradi Course Policies and Syllabus Office: Biology, Health and Wellness Department Room: 3261 Kendall Campus Phone: (305) 237- 2136 E-mail: [email protected] BSC 2085L Time: Thursday 8:00AM :9:40 Am Ref#:725115 Office Hours :Room#:3261 Time: Saturday 1:400 Pm-2:40 Pm

Index: 1- Course description; text book; grading policy, p 1 2- Quizzes; practicum; CLA; grading system; make ups; p 2 3- Attendance; Course Participation; Drop Policy; p 3 4- How to succeed in this course?; On study Aids, p 4 and 5 5- Attachment #1 Course Competences and course Syllabus Fall 2012, p 6, 7, 8 and 9 6- Attachment #2 Tentative Schedule, p 10 7- Contract, p 11

Course Description

This is the 1st half of the Anatomy & Physiology laboratory which provides hands on experience This is a one credit course, where the students will learn anatomical terms and functions. Structures and terms not included in the text book or competencies may be asked as bonus questions (extra credit) Text Book -Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology by Michael G. Wood BSC 2085L Lab Manual Second Custom Edition for Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus ISBN 10: 1-256-73906-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-256-73906-7 -Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology by Martini. 9th edition -Auxiliary cd: Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 CD Author: Lopez .Copyright Year: 2010 ISBN: 9780615337784

Grading Policy

A) Three Practicum +Three Tests : 100 Points. B) Extra credits: 1- Homeworks : 1-5 points. which will be added to each test grade (practicum +Test) . 2-Perfect attendance will increase the final score (overall Grade) by One point



25 questions and one bonus question.


25 questions and one bonus question. Grading System

A: 90 to 100 B: 80 to 89 C: 70 to 79 D: 60 to 69 F: 59 or under

General Course Policy

Please make sure that you read the syllabus in its entirety. By signing the syllabus you agree to abide by the course policies. -No Food /Drinks Allowed to the Lab. Make-ups

- There is no make ups for labs, practicum, or tests unless your professor has other labs covering the same material you missed during that week. - The opportunity of doing a make up test will be given no later than the next scheduled class and only with a medical excuse or other satisfactory excuse. - The make up has to be arranged by the student as soon as possible. - A missed test or practicum will be granted a grade of 0. - There is a 10 point penalty for each make up test. - If the student misses one of the practicums for a medical reason, the student needs to sign an incomplete form and take that practicum before the end of the term in order to obtain a final grade or the final grade will be F. - It is not possible to have an incomplete grade if the student is not passing the class (at least a C). - There is no make up for collaborative learning activities. The collaborative learning activities have to be done during the class time in groups. - Traveling such as, vacations, family reunions, weddings are not excusable absences. There are no make ups, NO EXCEPTIONS!



-A student who is consistently absent from class & does not make the attempt to communicate with the instructor will be purged from the class student roster after two absences . - Four tardies will count as one absence. - Each undocumented absence reduces your score (grade) for that test by one point. - Perfect attendance (zero absences, zero tardiness), will be rewarded by having an additional 4 points added to your grade. - Students who are consistently absent to the classes and have not made attempts to communicate with the instructor will be purged from the class roster in accordance to the academic & administrative calendar. - A student who leaves the class, while it is in session, without the aproval of their instructor will have lower final grade. - Any student who is not in the room when a quiz or practicum begins, will have to wait outside until the quiz or practicum is over.

General course policy

Please make sure that you read everything in this handout because this is our contract and agreement with the rules of this class, as well as, sign and turn, the signature portion of it When you sign this paper, you have agreed to abide by the course policy. The use of telecommunications devices that include cellular phones, beepers, ipad,tablet, and PDA with Internet capabilities is not permitted. Leaving classrooms in order to use cellular phones will be only permitted in the case of extreme emergencies. Do not interrupt class by chatting with your classmates , or texting. The professor reserves the right to expel disrupting students from the classroom at any time, ask students to surrender their electronic devices and request disciplinary action from the Dean for Academic Affairs and even assign a failing grade to those who display such anti-pedagogic behavior Please note that frequently material may be discussed in class that is not in the text or the emphasis may differ from that of the text or syllabus. Test dates and assignments may also be announced or modified in class. Academic dishonesty will impact your grade. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY 4074 OF THE STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITY HANDBOOK WILL BE FOLLOWED IF A STUDENT ENGAGES IN UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. Unethical behavior includes, but not limited to the following: 1. Cheating on examinations, taking information or allowing information to be taken from your test. Usage of any electronic devices(Cell Phone,Ipads,Tablets,etc,,,) is not . . permitted,in the class, specially during the test. 2. Receiving help from others in work to be submitted, if contrary to the stated rules of the course. 3. Plagiarism 3 If a student is involved in any form of academic dishonesty one or both of the following will be imposed: 1. A failing grade for the course (F) 2. Disciplinary probation.

Please ensure that you are on time for scheduled tests. These are all timed and given at the start of the lecture period. No additional time will be given to latecomers. Also if a student has completed the test and left the room before you enter, you will not be allowed to sit the test. This will be counted as a missed test.

Course Participation

The students are expected to come to class having read and done the assigned material in the lab books and/or handouts. The students are required to bring the lab manual to class.

Drop Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to drop the course. The final grade may be affected by attendance record and lack of particitpation. Causing distractions or disruptions may affect the final grade (i.e., cell phone usage, execissive talking). Any behavior not in agreement with the “student code of conduct policies” can produce a lower final grade in the course. The student is expected to get to class on time and remain until class is dismissed. The student who has two consecutive absences without notifying the professor will be dropped.

Note: Please review the academic dishonesty policy wich can be found in the MDC website. Procedure 4035

Please visit: rights and resposabilities.pdf

The professor will assign places in the lab during classes, quizes, practicums and collaboratives learning activities.

H ow to succeed in this course

 Attend class regularly  Be present when class begins and ends  Read and do the exercises assigned from the lab text book  Read the chapter before the lab  Dedicate ample time to your studies  Be on time for test  Do not interrupt class by chatting with your classmates  Assume responsibility for your own learning  Be eager to learn 4  Watch the videos assigned  Do not bring audible devices such as pagers, cellular phones, ipods, etc  Do not bring food or beverages to class  Place your book bags in the assigned cabinet when you enter the room, only keeping your lab book, pen or pencil

On Study Aids

Room 3326- Anatomy & Physiology Tutoring & Open Lab Hours Phone # (305) 237 2233 Lab hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays; and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 on Fridays. Open lab hours (for Anatomy and Physiology): Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. These hours may vary during the spring and summer terms. For information, call (305)237-2233. Web page: Miami Dade College Kendall Library- (Adam, Interactive Anatomy & Physiology & videos) Media Center (second floor of building 2) - videos if you bring your own blank videotape you can copy the assigned videos Miami Dade College website: You can find videos created by the professors at Kendall Campus that show you the lab models and charts. Anatomy 360 grades CD, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Martini 8th edition Interactive Physiology CD, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Martini 8th edition Miami Dade College Book Store: BSC 2085L Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology with CD. (Necessary).

Feel free to ask questions during class, or you can address any questions or concerns during office hours. “Follow the golden rule “Treat others as you wish to be treated”

Thank you,

Dr. R.Moradi 5

Attachment # 1 Course competencies

Common Course Number: BSC-2085-L Course Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory

Catalog Course Description:

Laboratory for BSC-2085, Human Anatomy and Physiology I. Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to complete laboratory exercises, practices with models, charts, videos, and computers that reinforce topics covered in BSC2085 (Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Nervous System , and Special Senses) .

Prerequisite: None

Co requisite: BSC-2085, Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Course Competencies:

Competency 1: Introductory concepts and terminology in Human Anatomy

Upon successful completion of this laboratory, the students should be able to apply the basic concepts and terminology of Human Anatomy by:

1.1 Demonstrating the anatomical position.

1.2 Listing the directional terminology for the human body.

1.3 Identifying the human anatomical regions.

1.4 Recognizing the different body cavities.


Competency 2: The microscope, cell, and tissues

Upon successful completion of this laboratory, the students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the microscope, and the cellular and tissue levels of organization by:

2.1 Identifiying the parts of the compound microscope.

2.2 Describing the functions of each part of the compound microscope. 2.3 Demonstrating the correct use and care of the compound microscope to examine specimens.

2.4 Identifying and describing the different parts of human cells and their functions.

2.5 Recognizing the basic human tissue types.

2.6 Describing the location and function of the basic human tissue types.

Competency 3: The Integumentary System

Upon successful completion of this laboratory, the students should be able to recognize the various skin components of the integumentary system by: 3.1 Recognizing, from prepared slides, selected skin tissues and structures. 3.2 Explaining the structures and functions of epidermal and dermal layers of skin. 3.3 Identifying the accessory structures of the skin.

Competency 4: The Skeletal System

Upon successful completion of this laboratory, the student will be able to identify the microscopic and macroscopic structure of bones and the structural and functional classification of selected articulations by:

4.1 Identifying the bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton. 4.2 Distinguishing between compact and spongy bone. 4.3 Recognizing the location, structure, and functions of various types of cartilage in the adult skeleton. 4.4 Identifying the components of the osteon or Haversian system. 4.5 Locating the major anatomical structures of a long bone. 4.6 Recognizing the bones and sutures of the adult skull and locate fontanels on a fetal skull. 4.7 Identifying selected bone markings. 4.8 Listing the subdivisions of the vertebral column and identifying the parts of individual vertebral types. 4.9 Distinguishing among the selected types of body movements. 4.10 Describing the general structure and function of selected articulations and their accessory structures. 7

Competency 5: The Muscular System

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to understand the gross and microscopic anatomy of muscles and their physiology by:

5.1 Recognize the three types of muscle tissue.

5.2 Describing the location and functions of the microscopic structures of skeletal muscle. 5.3 Identifying the muscles of the axial region, and their actions.

5.4 Identifying the muscles of appendicular region and their actions.

Competency 6: The Nervous System

Upon successful completion of this laboratory, the students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the structural and functional features of the nervous system including the special sense organs by:

6.1 Identifying the parts of a neuron.

6.2 Explaining the structural and functional classification of the neurons.

6.3 Describing the structure and functions of the supporting cells of the nervous system.

6.4 Distinguishing between neuron, nerve and track.

6.5 Explaining the structure and functions of the brain and the peripheral system.

6.6 Describing the structure and functions of the spinal cord and the spinal nerves and their plexuses.

6.7 Recognizing the structures associated with vision and explaining their functions.

6.8 Identifying the structures associated with hearing and explaining their functions.

6.9 Identifying the structures of the ear and describe their functions.

6.10 Identifying the structures of the eye and describe their functions.

8 Anatomy and Physiology Lab - BSC-2085-L Course Syllabus: Spring Term 2012-2 Lab Month M T W R F S Topics 1 January 08 0 10 11 12 Anatomica 9

2 14 15 1 17 18 19 Microscop 6

3 21 22 2 24 25 26 Bone 3 4 January/February 28 29 3 31 01 02 Axial 0 skeleton 5 04 05 0 07 08 09 Practicum 6 6 11 12 1 14 15 16 Practicum 3 7 18 19 2 21 22 23 Body 0 8 February/March 25 26 2 28 01 02 Axial 7

9 04 05 0 07 08 09 Appendicu 6

10 11 12 1 14 15 16 Practicum 3 II 11 March 18 19 2 21 22 23 Practicum 0 II Histol ogy of the neuro n and Spina l cord. 12 25 26 2 28 29 30 Spinal 7 cord and Brain 13 April 01 02 0 04 05 06 Brain, 3 14 08 09 1 11 12 13 Brain, 0

15 15 16 1 18 19 20 Special 7

16 22 23 2 25 26 27 Practicum 4 III. Final Lab exam 17 29 30 0 02 03 04 Final 1 exam s week

Important Dates: Friday, March 08, 2013: Employee Retreat (Not a holiday and no classes) Monday, January 14, 2013: Last day to withdraw or change course without penalty Wednesday, March 20, 2013: Last day to withdraw with a grade of W Friday, April 26, 2013: Last day of classes Friday, May 03, 2013: Last day of examinations Saturday, May 04, 2013: Faculty grade input ends at 12:00 noon.


Saturday, January19 - Monday, January 21, 2013: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Saturday, February 16- Monday, February 18, 2013: Presidents Day Friday - Sunday, March 29, 30, and 31 2013: Spring Recess 9 **Tentative** Schedule Anatomy and Physiology Lab- BSC 2085L (Term: Spring 2013 (2012-2)

January 10: Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Anatomical terms, positions, Microscope practice and Cell.

January 17: Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Tissues and Skin.

January 24: Chapters 9 and 10 Bone histology and Axial skeleton

January 31: Chapters 10 Axial skeleton

February 7: Practicum I

February 14: Chapters 11 and 12 Apendicular skeleton, joints and Body Movements

February 21: Chapters 13, 14 and 15 Muscle histology and Axial Muscles

February 28: Chapters 16 and 17 Apendicular Muscles

March 14: Practicum II

March 22: Chapter 18 Histology of the neuron and Spinal cord

April 5: Chapter 19 and 20 Brain, cranial nerves and ANS

April 12: Chapters 19 and 20 Brain, cranial nerves and ANS

April 19: Chapter 21 and 22 Special sense organs: eye and ear

April 25: Practicum III

** Lab topics, dates and practicums are subject to change **


***CONTRACT*** Provide the following information. Write legibly.





College Level: English 1101______English 1102______Math (1033)______Chemistry (1033) ______Biology (BSC 1005) ______Anatomy and physiology______

High School Level: Specify year and Grade CHEMISTRY______BIOLOGY______ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY______

Where did you receive advisement? Advisement office (Kendall campus)______Biology Dept______Self advised______Other campus______Other______(name it) YOUR TELEPHONE: HOME______WORK______EMAIL______

DO YOU WORK? NO ______YES ____ HOURS PER WEEK: ______I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREE 100% WITH Dr. Moradi ’S COURSE POLICY. I commit to putting in my maximum effort into the class.



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