Absent: Faigy Gertz (Treasurer)
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Pine Valley HOA Annual Meeting and election of Officers – August 10, 2014 (2-4 pm) held at Wallace Park. Minutes submitted by Philip Jolas, President
Board in Attendance: Philip Jolas (President), Gino Braiotta (Vice President), Radhika Nath (Secretary). Absent: Faigy Gertz (Treasurer)
Jolas: Called annual meeting to order while ice cream social was underway.
Welcomed those in attendance, over 100 were present and a quorum was present. No guest speakers were present at this meeting.
Dues were collected at sign-up and contact information was updated for all existing members and new members present.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Jolas, Pine Valley HOA balance stands at $3,434.54.
Nath reported a new membership directory would be published this year. She encouraged everyone to get their neighbors on to the phone alert system, and to use the website, even if they aren’t dues payers.
Gino Braiotta spoke about his contacts with Denver Police Dept. and setting up of a Neighborhood Watch program. Kickoff meeting would occur in the Fall. Sign-up sheets were passed around to get assessment of interest; there was considerable interest and the program will go forward.
A Fall neighborhood garage sale would be scheduled, Rob Schwager would organize it and publicize it once the dates are set.
Jolas reported on Wallace Park building and grounds activities. He spoke about changes that were made, and would be made, to the park.
Jolas reported we need more Block Captains, as some streets are not covered. He invited the Board members to encourage anyone who might be willing to do this.
Election of Officers. Philip Jolas and Gino Braiotta stood for re-election and both won unopposed. Board members stepping down included Faigy Gertz and Radhika Nath. Nicole Berry was elected as Secretary and Bianca Braiotta as Treasurer, both won unopposed. Radhika Nath assumed a new Board position of Board Member without Portfolio. She will be available to help PV HOA as needed.
Meeting ended at 4:00pm.