Present:Councillor a Lee Chairman (And Borough)

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Present:Councillor a Lee Chairman (And Borough)


Present: Councillor A Lee – Chairman (and Borough) Councillor I Turner – Vice-Chairman (late) Councillors: C Brotherton (and Borough), R Foster, J Fitzgerald, L Fossitt, C Rylott, M Brookes (County), P Skinner (County) Also Present: PCSO McPherson Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

83/11 Apologies for absence and reason given D Smith - away, S Ransome- holiday, M Bourne- working, S Carter – ill, M Hannay- sick child

84/11 Receipt of declarations of interest regarding items on the agenda Cllr Fitzgerald declared a personal interest in item 11 on the agenda (Town Hall) as he is a Trustee of the Management Committee. Cllr Lee declared a personal interest in planning application no B/11/0080 as he knew the applicant personally.

85/11 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting It was proposed by Cllr Brotherton, seconded by Cllr Fossitt and agreed by the remainder that the notes of the meeting held on the 19th May, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

86/11 Police Matters There were 10 crimes recorded since the last meeting: 1 x theft from Co-op – on-going investigation 1 x criminal damage – undetected 1 x criminal damage – windows broken – undetected 1 x theft from Co-op – arrest made 1 x theft of catalytic convertor – undetected 2 x theft of garden ornaments and lead – undetected 1 x criminal damage – attempted theft of catalytic convertor – undetected 1 x criminal damage to a door – arrest made 1 x theft of a catalytic convertor - undetected

PCSO Thornton had telephoned the Clerk to confirm that a total of £4000 had been promised from 2 funds that he had applied to. Clerk to get details from PCSO Thornton to write letters of thanks. Action Clerk 87/11 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public No members of the public present.

88/11 Report from the minutes of the previous meeting 1. Email received reporting control box of pedestrian crossing dropped – hazard reported to LCC ref: 1048476 2. Letter written to Mr Sharp regarding Station Road/Skeldyke Road Correspondence from LCC to confirm that work will start within 2 weeks regarding the consultation and advertisement for the double yellow lines and the lines will be refreshed to show the stop at the end of Skeldyke Road. 3. Ever increasing size and number of potholes on corner Edinburgh Drive/Princess Road reported to LCC ref: 1049117 4. Pot holes between Drainside North and Kirton End Bridge reported to LCC ref: 1049285 1 5. Road surface come off between 21 and 26 Sentence Crescent reported to LCC ref: 1049311 6. Letter written to the Thomas Middlecott Trust to keep them up to date with the access/pathway to the rear of the Park. 7. Layby on Drainside South – reported that this is a prime site for fly tipping and possible drug use to LCC and asked that they bollard/remove access to it: ref: 1049290 8. Police have reported that they have definitely secured £2000 towards the MUGA unit in the Park and are still exploring the money pots available. 9. The secondary school has also contacted the Police regarding getting the School Council involved in village issues – such as litter. 10. A request has been made by a resident for more litter bins outside the secondary school It was resolved that the clerk should request a bin outside the school and also on the footpath near to the footpath entrance to Thomas Middlecott Drive. Action Clerk

89/11 Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on 1. Lincolnshire County Council – New Footway – Donington Road, Kirton End A reply has been received from Highways Officer – due to shortage of manpower this pathway took longer than hoped for. Completion expected by end of summer half term. 2. Environment Agency – Proposed Slipway, Hubberts Bridge – Footpath Diversion No objections or comments. 3. Lincolnshire County Council – Proposed Stopping up Order – Kings Street, Kirton – No objections or comments. 4. Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board – Trip to View Areas of Black Sluice IDB – 28th June 5. Lincolnshire County Council – Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework: Development Management Policies, Draft Waste Policy DM19 Consultation Consultation ends 25th July 6. Lincolnshire County Council – Proposed Highway Works Skeldyke Road (Patching – June 2011), Kirton Holmes Road – Gas Mains Works, Kirton End – Donington Road – Gas Mains Work ( June-July 2011), Kirton, Ralphs Lane – Mains Works (June – July 2011) 7. Lincolnshire County Council – Highway Drainage near War Memorial Work will recommence 11 July – 29 July 8. Bank – reserve funds It was resolved that the funds should be reinvested for the next 3 months. Clerk to find any better deals. 9. Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closures and Restrictions 11.07.11 – 29.07.11 – The Green (Closed at Junction with High Street) – suspension of One Way Order to allow access to The Green 10. Lincolnshire Co-op – invitation To celebrate co-operation an event organised – it was proposed by Cllr Lee and agreed by the remainder that the clerk should extend the invitation to George and Paula Davies to go on the Council’s behalf.

90/11 Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council Cllr Skinner reported that he had met with Highways at Kirton Holme to discuss pathways. He reported that although the progress has been slow, there has been progress and there have been improvements to one side of the path, however there is still room for improvement.

Cllr Turner acknowledged Cllr Skinners efforts in the Holme Ward. (Cllr Skinner left the meeting)

Cllr Brookes reported that the lights have been changed at the pedestrian crossing on High Street and the halos are due to be put on very soon.

The Clerk reported that one resident has photos of flooding on Station Road and has complained that initially the road did feel better after it was resurfaced, however since the rain in February it has returned to being a bumpy, house shaking road again. It was resolved that this issue should be just kept on hold until all the War Memorial work has been completed and then readdressed as necessary.

91/11 Planning applications: B/11/0219 – Construction of a single storey extension and erection of detached double garage with first floor studio at Welcome Farm, Drainside North, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/11/0114 - Erection of a detached garage, construction of a new road access and hardstanding for the parking and turning of vehicles (including raising the ground level of the site) to be used in association with Rosebeck Cottage, Kirton Holme – Cllr Lee expressed a personal interest in this application and took no part in any discussion – NO OBJECTIONS

Application Decision Notices B/11/0080 – Land to rear of 14-18 Willington Road, Off Church Meadows, Kirton – GRANT B/11/0289/CDE1 – Land Adjacent Orchard House, Beck Bank, Kirton Holme – CONDITION DISCHARGE

92/11 Accounts for payment It was proposed by Cllr Brotherton, seconded by Cllr Fitzgerald and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per sheet dated June 2011 03/12 should be paid.

93/11 Town Hall a. Works to building Cllr Turner expressed a personal interest in one of the contractors who have replied to requests for quotes to carry out the pointing to the building. The letter from one contractor was read out and the quotes from the other two contractors were discussed. It was resolved that the Clerk should approach a building surveyor and get a full specification of the amount of work needed and a type of mortar to be used and then get the 3 contractors to requote as per the specification. Action Clerk A letter had been received from the Town Hall Committee regarding the amount of grant being given to the Committee. It was resolved that the issues raised should be discussed properly at the next finance committee meeting.

94/11 Cemetery a. Lease – Chapel This is almost complete, but the solicitors have raised their concern that the bank balance of the Church does not cover the work anticipated to the building. Members were not worried as they felt that most of the work would be carried out by congregation members (professionals) at a nominal cost plus they were probably in the process of procuring grant monies. It was proposed by Cllr Lee that no structural work be carried out without first showing that they can cover these costs before work begins. This was agreed by all.

Additionally the Parish Council had been asked whether they would cover any of the legal fees to draw up the lease, unanimously it was resolved that the Parish Council should not pay for any legal fees.

b. The Cemetery Manager had obtained quotes for spiked and plain chains for the front wall of the cemetery. It was resolved that the spiked chain should be purchased. 3 Cemetery Manager 95/11 Reports for Various Bodies Cllr Turner reported the Kebab shop had been using the bin in the Town Hall Car Park when their bin was full. It was resolved that the Clerk should write and remind them that they must pay for their own rubbish to be taken away and not use the public bin. Action Clerk Cllr Fitzgerald reported that there is shrubbery overgrowing the footpath onto Kings Street from the Old Kings Head – Cllrs Lee and Brotherton will speak to the homeowner. Action Cllrs Lee/Brotherton

Cllr Fossitt reported that One Way Street needed resurfacing – Cllr Brotherton has already taken the Highways Officer around the village and he is aware of this. Cllr Fossitt also reported the manholes on Horseshoe Lane are not as flat as the road. Clerk to report to Highways. Action Clerk Cllr Fossitt also queried whether the centre of the village is still a conservation area. Cllr Brotherton will check.

Cllr Lee queried whether the 30 mph sign could be extended out of the village on Boston Road to the Medical Centre. Clerk to arrange meeting on site with Andy Wharf to discuss this. Action Clerk 96/11 Parish matters a. Recreation Project Next meeting will be on 23rd June. Clerk has contacted land owner of field who is allowing the access to the Park through his land. It was discussed that the best option was to have a legal type letter. Clerk had obtained a quotation for work, but would like option to explore other avenues and adapt an existing easement if possible. Members agreed after hearing quote for work from solicitors. Action Clerk b. Inspection Rota Cllr Hanny will continue c. Donations to various organisations It was resolved that the following donations be made: £250 to Kirton Holme, Christ Church Hall, £150 to Four Village Day Care Management Committee and £150 to Kirton News d. New Lincolnshire Flag – It was resolved that the Clerk should purchase a 4 yard MOD sewn flag. e. Pensioners Xmas Dinner Cllr Lee had obtained a quotation from Willoughby Foods which was accepted by members for the Christmas Pensioners Dinner. It was resolved that the ticket price be increased to £1.50 per ticket. Fossitt and Thorns have agreed to sell the tickets on the Council’s behalf again this year. f. Kirton Quiz Will be held in October g. Emergency Plan Members were told that Sutterton would like to have a joint Emergency Plan with Kirton. Members felt this was a good idea but would leave appointing committee members until the next meeting when there would hopefully be more members present. h. Kirton in Bloom The colouring entries have been collected. Cllr Lee will present the two prizes when they have been chosen at the Primary School. i. Councillors dinner – decide on 23rd or 30th September and venue. Ongoing j. Date change for next meeting. Due to the Chairman and Vice Chairman being unable to be at the meeting on the 21 st July, it was resolved that the meeting be held on the 19th July instead. 97/11 Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting The next Parish Council Meeting will be held 19th July 2011 at 7.15 pm in the Upsall Rooms, Kirton Town Hall with the public forum at 7.00 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared themeeting closed at 9.00 pm.

Dated : Chairman:


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