Install/Configuration Of

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Install/Configuration Of

Install/Configuration of Informatica Enterprise Grid 9.6.1

DOCUMENT AUTHOR: Amit Mangal DOCUMENT OWNER: Amit Mangal DATE CREATED: Thursday 18thSeptember 2014 LAST UPDATED: COMPANY: Informatica - Internal project Introduction

Scope The scope of this document is to implement the enterprise level data integration Informatica PowerCenter961 baseline architecture with the installation/configuration and best practices recommendations to Enterprise Grid, running in 2 Nodes using Linux environment.

Informatica Professional Services The information contained in this document has been offered by Informatica Professional Services, strictly based on the Informatica Velocity Methodology and the combined experience of Professional Services Senior Consultants and Regional Managers.

Velocity is a methodology that provides an implementation framework for the development of analytic solutions based on Informatica's platform product, Informatica PowerCenter. Velocity covers each of the major phases of analytic solution development efforts, including: Manage, Architect, Design, Build, Deploy, and Operate. Where applicable, Velocity includes best practices and techniques culled from Professional Services Consultants collective experiences assisting clients, day in and day out.

Velocity represents a goal of bringing Informatica's Professional Services field experience to bear in ensuring successful implementations of Informatica products. Significantly, the creation of Velocity was accomplished through the tremendous collective efforts of Professional Services directors, managers, senior consultants, and consultants. The methodology has been designed, from the beginning, to represent the best approaches our practice has developed over the years.

Velocity offers sample deliverables which can, and to some extent, should be used to build standardized documents to support all PowerCenter administration, development and operations. By maintaining standards, you are ensuring efficiency in all of the fore-mentioned aspects of PowerCenter. Some of the key documents are:

 Mapping Specifications  Source-Target Matrix  Operations Manual  Unit Test Plan  Change Request Manual  Issues Tracking

These are just some of the documents that would be immediately benefiting. Even if they don’t fit your needs, they should at least offer a base for forming your own. 2 The best practices section of Velocity offers insight into key subject areas around PowerCenter. Some of the areas are: Integration Competency Centers and Architecture, Error Handling and Operations. These are all a great source of collective and refined information that can help promote thorough understanding of the subject areas.

Please visit the Customer Portal, for more information. Any comments or questions regarding Informatica Velocity Methodology can be directed to [email protected].

Server Level Best Practice for Enterprise Grid implementation The PowerCenter Grid Option enables enterprises to build dynamic and scalable data integration infrastructures that have the flexibility to meet diverse business needs. The Grid Option can exploit underutilized computing resources to handle peak load periods and its dynamic partitioning and load balancing capabilities can improve the overall reliability of a data integration platform. If a server fails in a grid-only configuration without the HA option/capability, the tasks assigned to it are not automatically recovered, but any subsequent tasks are assigned to other servers.

The foundation for a successful PowerCenter Grid Option implementation is the storage sub-system. In order to provide a high performance single file system view to PowerCenter, it is necessary to set up either a Clustered File System (CFS) or a Network Attached Storage (NAS). While NAS is directly accessible from multiple nodes and can use the existing network fabric, CFS allows nodes to share the same directories by managing concurrent read/write access.

CFS should be configured for simultaneous read/writes and the CFS block size should be set to optimize the PowerCenter disk I/O. A separate mount point for the infa_shared directory should be created using the shared file system. The infa_shared directory contains the working file sub-directories such as Cache, SrcFiles, TgtFiles. The PowerCenter binaries should be installed on local storage. Some CFS alternatives include

 Red Hat Global File System (GFS)

 Sun Cluster (CFS, QFS)

 VERITAS Storage Foundation Cluster File System

 HP Service guard Cluster File System

 IBM AIX Cluster File System (GPFS) The diagram below shows the Grid implementation for a two node system The domain can be configured to determine how the load balancer selects the nodes to distribute workflow tasks. The load balancer uses the following dispatch modes

 Round-robin. The Load Balancer dispatches tasks to available nodes in a round-robin fashion. It checks the maximum processes threshold on each available node and excludes a node if dispatching a task causes the threshold to be exceeded. This mode is the least compute-intensive and is useful when the load on the grid is even and the tasks to dispatch have similar computing requirements.

The domain can be configured to determine how the load balancer selects the nodes to distribute workflow tasks. The load balancer uses the following dispatch modes

 Round-robin. The Load Balancer dispatches tasks to available nodes in a round-robin fashion. It checks the maximum processes threshold on each available node and excludes a node if dispatching a task causes the threshold to be exceeded. This mode is the least compute-intensive and is useful when the load on the grid is even and the tasks to dispatch have similar computing requirements.

 Metric-based. The Load Balancer evaluates nodes in a round-robin fashion. It checks all resource provision thresholds on each available node and excludes a node if dispatching a task causes the thresholds to be exceeded. The Load Balancer continues to evaluate nodes until it finds a node that can accept the task. This mode prevents overloading nodes when tasks have uneven computing requirements.

 Adaptive. The Load Balancer ranks nodes according to current CPU availability. It checks all resource provision thresholds on each available node and excludes a node if dispatching a task causes the thresholds to be exceeded. This mode prevents overloading nodes and ensures the best performance on a grid that is not heavily loaded.

4 In metric-based dispatch mode and adaptive dispatch mode, the Load Balancer collects and stores statistics from the last three runs of the task and compares them with node load metrics to determine whether a task can run on a node. This metadata is available in the OPB_TASK_STATS repository table. The CPU and memory metrics available in this table can be used for capacity planning and departmental charge backs. Since this table contains statistics from the last three runs of the task, a process can be built to extract data from this table to load a custom history table. The history table can be used to calculate averages and perform trend analysis. If no statistics exist in the repository, the Load Balancer uses default values. In adaptive dispatch mode, the Load Balancer can use the CPU profile for the node to identify the node with the most computing resources

The PowerCenter Integration Service reads from and writes to the shared file system in a Grid configuration. When persistent lookups are used, there may be simultaneous reads from multiple nodes. The Integration Service performs random reads for lookup caches. If it is determined that cache performance degradations are experienced as a result of using a certain type of CFS or NAS product, the cache directory can be placed in local storage. In the case of persistent cache files that need to be accessed from multiple nodes, the persistent cache file can be built on one node first and then copied to other nodes. This will reduce the random read performance impact of the CFS or NAS product.

PowerCenter resources can be configured to assign specific tasks to specific nodes. The objective in this type of configuration is to create a dynamic Grid to meet changing business needs. For example, a dummy custom resource can be defined and assigned to tasks. This custom resource can be made permanently available to the production nodes. If during peak month-end processing the need arises to use an additional node from the test environment, simply make this custom resource available to the additional node to allow production tasks to run on the new server

Proactive monitoring for Service Manager Failures is essential. Service Manager manages both the integration service and the repository service. In a two-node grid configuration, two Service Manager Processes are running. Informatica monitoring tools as mentioned in section 10.3 can be used to monitor the service manager on each node. Alternatively custom scripts can be written to check the health and availability of the PowerCenter Service Manager process. Below is a sample script created in shell that can be used called from a monitoring tool:

# !/bin/ksh # Initializing runtime variables typeset integer no_srv=0 srv_env='uname -n' # Checking to verify if the PowerCenter process (tomcat) is currently running # in background no_srv=`ps -ef | grep tomcat | grep -v grep | wc -l` # If it is not running, then exit with message if [ $no_srv -eq 0 ] then echo "PowerCenter service process on $srv_env is not running" exit 1 fi exit 0

When the domain contains multiple gateway nodes, once the master gateway node is elected, it updates the value in the domain table PCSF_MASTER_ELECTION every 8 seconds.

If it fails to update the row continuously for 4 times, then the master gateway will give up the master role and shuts down the node. The services will fail over to the backup node. This can occur in one or more of the following situations:

• The domain database is being backed up (as a result the database is too busy to respond to client connections).

• There is a network performance issue between the node that is acting as master gateway and the domain database.

 The domain database is responding too slowly to client connections

Set the MasterDBRefreshInterval custom parameter for the Domain to increase the refresh interval and avoid temporary issues, however If there is an on going issue with connectivity this parameter will not resolve this issue. The underlying issue must be resolved first

Also sometimes the nodes shut down when the master gateway node takes a long time to initialize or fails to initialize before the other nodes authenticate with the master gateway node. To resolve this set the INFA_JAVA_OPTS parameter as follows, Refer KB Article 114350 on Informatica support knowledgebase for additional information export INFA_JAVA_OPTS='-Dinfa.maxMasterGatewayLoginRetries=15'

Checklist to Implement Grid

OPERATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS  A minimum of 2 CPU, 4GB RAM & 5 GB hard-disk space is required for all the PowerCenter services running on a single node.

 The System user account on all the nodes in the grid should have the same uid and guid. This user should have write permissions to the installation directory and read access to the database client, path and libraries

6  The open files limit on the OS should be set to alteast 8192, if not unlimited. Typically in Linux this value is defaulted to 102 and can be verified by doing a ulimit –a command.

In RHEL this can also be modified by editing the /etc/security/limits.conf file and adding the following lines near the bottom:

* soft nofile 8192

* hard nofile 65535

Make sure the soft limit is set to exceed 4500, because the o/s will always default to the soft limit when a user logs in and we need that soft limit to exceed 4500.

FILE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS  A clustered Shared file system is mandatory that can be accessed by each node in the grid.

 If possible create / store files like tnsnames.ora, odbc.ini powerexchange datamaps, or any third party files in the shared file system. Create softlinks wherever not feasible

Application level Best Practices for Grid implementation  When you use a Sequence Generator transformation, increase the number of cached values to reduce the communication required between the master and worker DTM processes and the repository.

 If a service process variable is overridden, ensure that all the nodes on the Integration Service can access the path overridden

 To ensure that the Log Viewer can accurately order log events when you run a workflow or session on a grid, use time synchronization software to ensure that the nodes of a grid use a synchronized date/time.

WORKFLOW ON GRID Workflow on Grid can be configured for sessions running on an Informatica grid service. Workflow on Grid splits the workflow's sessions across multiple nodes in the grid. It does not split the session across the nodes. Each session is executed on one node only. For Workflow’s with multiple sessions, the sessions are executed on all the nodes simultaneously

SESSION ON GRID With Session on Grid, PowerCenter automatically distributes the partitions of the transformations across the grid. You do not need to specify the distribution of nodes for each transformation. By using Dynamic Partitioning that bases the number of partitions on the number of nodes in the grid, a session can scale up automatically when the number of nodes in the grid is expanded Session on Grid provides the ability to run a session on multi-node integration services. This is most suitable for large-size sessions. For small and medium size sessions, it is more practical to distribute whole sessions to different nodes using Workflow on Grid. Session on Grid leverages existing partitions of a session b executing threads in multiple DTMs. Log service can be used to get the cumulative log.

Dynamic partitioning is also called parameterized partitioning because a single parameter can determine the number of partitions. With the Session on Grid option, more partitions can be added when more resources are available. Also the number of partitions in a session can be tied to partitions in the database to facilitate maintenance of PowerCenter partitioning to leverage database partitioning.

When you run a session that uses dynamic partitioning, and you want to distribute session threads across all nodes in the grid, configure dynamic partitioning for the session to use the “Based on number of nodes in the grid” method

You cannot run a debug session on a grid.

8 Installation and Configuration


MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You can create an Informatica domain with one node and run all application services on the same node. If you create an Informatica domain with multiple nodes, you can run the application services on separate nodes. When you plan the application services for the domain, consider system requirements based on the services that you run on a node.

Note: Based on workload and concurrency requirements, you might need to optimize performance by adding cores and memory on a node.

The following table lists the minimum system requirements for a node based on some common configuration scenarios. Use this information as a guideline for other configurations in your domain.

Component Processor RAM Disk Space Domain with all Data Quality and 2 CPU with the 20 GB PowerCenter services running on one 12 GB multiple cores node Domain with all PowerCenter services 2 CPU with the 10 GB 8 GB running on one node multiple cores Domain with all Data Quality services 2 CPU with the 20 GB 12 GB running on one node multiple cores Domain with all PowerCenter services running on one node except Reporting 2 CPU with the 8 GB 10 GB Service replaced with Reporting and multiple cores Dashboard Service Metadata Manager Service running on 1 CPU with the 10 GB 4 GB a separate node multiple cores Reporting Service running on a 1 CPU with the 4 GB 10 GB separate node multiple cores Analyst Service and Search Service 1 CPU with the 4 GB 10 GB running on separate node multiple cores Metadata Manager Agent 1 CPU with the 4 GB 400 MB multiple cores MINIMUM TEMPORARY DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS The installer writes temporary files to the hard disk. Verify that you have enough available disk space on the machine to support the installation. When the installation completes, the installer deletes the temporary files and releases the disk space. The installer requires 1 GB of temporary disk space.

DETERMINE PORT AVAILABILITY The installer sets up the ports for components in the Informatica domain, and it designates the ports to use for application service processes that run on the node where you install Informatica. You can specify the port numbers to use for the components and a range of port numbers to use for the application services. Or you can use the default port numbers provided by the installer. Verify that the port numbers are available on the machines where you install the Informatica services.

Port Type Description Node port Port number for the node created during installation. Default is 6005. Service Manager Port number used by the Service Manager on the node. The port Service Manager listens for incoming connection requests on this port. Client applications use this port to communicate with the services in the domain. This is the port that the Informatica command line programs use to communicate to the domain. This is also the port for the SQL data service JDBC/ODBC driver. Default is 6006. Service Manager Port number that controls server shutdown for the domain shutdown port Service Manager. The Service Manager listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6007. Informatica Port number used by the Administrator tool. Default is 6008. Administrator port Informatica Port number that controls server shutdown for the Administrator Administrator tool. The Administrator tool listens for shutdown shutdown port commands on this port. Default is 6009. Range of ports for Range of port numbers that can be assigned to the application application service processes that run on the node. When you create an services application service in the domain, the Service Manager assigns the first available port in this range to the service process. At a minimum, the number of ports in the range must be at least twice the number of application service processes that will run on the node. Default is 6013 to 6113.

10 GUIDELINES FOR PORT CONFIGURATION The installer validates the port numbers that you specify to ensure that there will be no port conflicts in the domain. Use the following guidelines to determine the port numbers:  The port number you specify for the domain and for each component in the domain must be unique.

 The port number for the domain and domain components cannot be within the range of the port numbers that you specify for the application service processes.

 The highest number in the range of port numbers that you specify must be at least three numbers higher than the lowest port number. For example, if the minimum port number in the range is 6400, the maximum port number must be at least 6403.

 The port numbers that you specify for the domain, domain and node components, and application service processes cannot be lower than 1025 or higher than 65535.

CREATE A SYSTEM USER ACCOUNT  Create a user account specifically to run the Informatica Daemon.

 Verify that the user account you use to install Informatica has write permission on the installation directory.

SET UP A KEYSTONE FILE (OPTIONAL) During installation, you can configure Informatica to use SSL certificates for secure communication between the Administrator tool and the Service Manager. The installer can generate a self-signed certificate, or you can provide the location of a certificate signed by a certification authority.

You can use the keytool utility to generate a keystore file to store the SSL keys and certificates for a secure connection. Keytool is a key and certificate management utility to generate and administer SSL keys and certificates. The keys and certificates are stored in a keystore file. You can use a self-signed certificate or one signed by a certification authority (CA). To use a certificate signed by a CA, use keytool to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and apply for a digital identity certificate from a CA. You can find the keytool utility in one of the following directories:  %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin

 InformaticaInstallDir\java\bin

For more information about using keytool, see the documentation on the Sun web site: Note: After installation, you can also configure a secure connection when you create a Reporting Service, Metadata Manager Service, or a Web Services Hub in the domain. Use the Administrator tool to specify the keystore files for the application services.

DATABASE REQUIREMENTS Before you start the installation process, verify that the database server has adequate disk space for the domain configuration repository and other repositories in the domain. You must set up the Oracle database for a repository before you create the application service in the domain. You specify the database connection information when you create the service.

Use the following guidelines when you set up the repository on Oracle:  Set the open_cursors parameter to 1000 or higher.

 Set the permissions on the view $parameter for the database user.

 Set the privileges for the database user to run show parameter open_cursors in the Oracle database.

When you run the pre-installation (i9Pi) system check tool, i9Pi runs the command against the database to identify the OPEN_CURSORS parameter with the domain database user credentials.

You can run the following query to determine the open cursors setting for the domain database user account:


 Verify that the database user has the CONNECT, RESOURCE, and CREATE VIEW privileges.

 Informatica does not support Oracle public synonyms for repository tables. Verify that public synonyms have not been created for any tables in the database.

Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installation

INSTALLATION STEPS ON NODE 1 # cd /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software ahdrh1827::(/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software) # ./ OS detected is Linux

12 \*************************************************************************** \* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer. * \***************************************************************************

Before you continue, read the following documents: * Informatica 9.6.1 Installation Guide and Release Notes. * B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration Guide and Release Notes.

You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at

Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and create and connect to repositories and Repository Services. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series. Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431. Current operating system meets minimum requirements.

Select to install or upgrade:

1. Install or upgrade Informatica. Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.

2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only. Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1 ------Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation. To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options: 1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool 2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator 3. Run the Informatica services installation Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)1 Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

****************************************************************************** ************************ Welcome - Step 1 of 4 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool

The Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool verifies the minimum system and database requirements for the Informatica services installation or upgrade.

Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Informatica Corporation. All rights reserved. This Software is protected by U.S. Patent Numbers 5,794,246; 6,014,670; 6,016,501; 6,029,178; 6,032,158; 6,035,307; 6,044,374; 6,092,086; 6,208,990; 6,339,775; 6,640,226; 6,789,096; 6,820,077; 6,823,373; 6,850,947; 6,895,471; 7,117,215; 7,162,643; 7,243,110; 7,254,590; 7,281,001; 7,421,458; 7,496,588; 7,523,121; 7,584,422; 7,676,516; 7,720,842; 7,721,270; 7,774,791; 8,065,266; 8,150,803; 8,166,048; 8,166,071; 8,200,622; 8,224,873; 8,271,477; 8,327,419; 8,386,435; 8,392,460; 8,453,159; 8,458,230; and RE44,478; International Patents and other Patents Pending. Press to continue ...

****************************************************************************** ************************ System Information - Step 2 of 4 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Informatica installation directory: (default :- /home/informatdv) :/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961

Informatica starting port number: (default :- 6005) :

****************************************************************************** ************************ Database and JDBC Connection Information - Step 3 of 4

14 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Use Custom String 1->YES * 2->NO :2

Database type: 1->DB2 2->SQLServer * 3->Oracle 4->Sybase :3

Database user ID: (default :- user_name) :pwcdev96_dom Database user password: : Database host name: (default :- host_name) :exd1-scan Database port number: (default :- 1521) : Database service name: (default :- service_name) :enrp2dev

****************************************************************************** ************************ System Check Summary - Step 4 of 4 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool Results [Fail] OPEN_CURSORS Parameter: Cannot determine the number of open cursors in the database. If you are installing Informatica, set OPEN_CURSORS to 1000 or higher. If you are upgrading Informatica, set OPEN_CURSORS to 4000 or higher. [Pass] Disk Space: Available disk space is 11,198 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] Processors: Available number of processors is 5. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] Physical Memory: Available physical memory is 24,607 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] Temporary Space: Available temporary disk space is 6,129 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] Ports: Port range is 6,005 - 6,009. All port numbers within the port range are available for the Informatica installation. [Pass] Locale Environment Variable: The LANG environment variable is set to language C. The LC_ALL environment variable is set to language C. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] JRE_HOME Environment Variable: The JRE_HOME environment variable does not contain a value. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] File Descriptor Limits: The file descriptor limits per process is 2443289. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] RESOURCE Privilege: The database user account has the RESOURCE privilege. Sufficient for the Informatica installation. [Pass] CREATE TABLE Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE TABLE privilege. The installer successfully created a database table. [Pass] CREATE VIEW Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE VIEW privilege. The installer successfully created a database view. [Information] Informatica Installation Directory: /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961 [Information] Informatica Starting Port Number: 6005 [Information] Database Type: Oracle [Information] Database User ID: pwcdev96_dom [Information] Database Host Name: exd1-scan [Information] Database Port Number: 1521 [Information] Database Service Name: enrp2dev [Information] Operating System: Operating system is Linux. Operating system version is 2.6.32- 431.el6.x86_64. [Information] RAM: The memory module size is 24,607 MB.

Press Enter to quit the pre-installation system check... Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Type - Step 1 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Informatica Corporation. All rights reserved. This Software is protected by U.S. Patent Numbers 5,794,246; 6,014,670; 6,016,501; 6,029,178; 6,032,158; 6,035,307; 6,044,374; 6,092,086; 6,208,990; 6,339,775; 6,640,226; 6,789,096; 6,820,077; 6,823,373; 6,850,947; 6,895,471; 7,117,215; 7,162,643; 7,243,110; 7,254,590; 7,281,001; 7,421,458; 7,496,588; 7,523,121; 7,584,422; 7,676,516; 7,720,842; 7,721,270; 7,774,791; 8,065,266; 8,150,803; 16 8,166,048; 8,166,071; 8,200,622; 8,224,873; 8,271,477; 8,327,419; 8,386,435; 8,392,460; 8,453,159; 8,458,230; and RE44,478; International Patents and other Patents Pending.

Select to install or upgrade: * 1->Install Informatica 9.6.1. Select this option to perform a full installation of Informatica 9.6.1. 2->Upgrade to Informatica 9.6.1. Select this option to upgrade previous versions of Informatica products to Informatica 9.6.1. : ****************************************************************************** ************************ License Key - Step 3 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the license key file (default :- Select to install or upgrade:) :/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software/Land_O_Lakes_Inc_AE_v961_DEV_00947 47_7-2-2014_8-55-06_AM.key

****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Directory - Step 3 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the installation directory (default :- /home/informatdv/Informatica/9.6.1) :/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961

****************************************************************************** ************************ Pre-Installation Summary - Step 4 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Product Name : Informatica 9.6.1 Services Installation Type : New Installation Installation Directory : /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961 Disk Space Requirements Required Disk Space : 6,999 MB Available Disk Space : 8,126 MB Press to continue ...

****************************************************************************** ************************ Installing - Step 5 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************

[======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======]

****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain Selection - Step 5A of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

* 1->Create a domain 2->Join a domain :1

Enable secure communication for the domain * 1->No 2->Yes :1 * 1->Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator 2->Disable HTTPS :1

Port: (default :- 8443) : * 1->Use a keystore file generated by the installer 2->Specify a keystore file and password: :1

Generating keystore... - ****************************************************************************** ************************ 18 Domain Configuration Repository - Step 5B of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Configure the database for the domain configuration repository:

Database type: * 1->Oracle 2->SQLServer 3->DB2 4->Sybase :1

Database user ID: (default :- pwcdev96_dom) :

User password: :

Configure the database connection * 1->JDBC URL 2->Custom JDBC Connection String :1

Database address: (default :- exd1-scan:1521) :

Database service name: (default :- enrp2dev) :

Configure JDBC parameters * 1->Yes 2->No :1

JDBC parameters (default :- MaxPooledStatements=20;CatalogOptions=0;BatchPerformanceWorkaround=true) :

****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain Security - Encryption Key - Step 5C of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Keyword: : Encryption key directory: (default :- /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/isp/config/keys) :

Information !!! The encryption key will be generated in /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/isp/config/keys with the file name siteKey. You must keep the name of the domain, the keyword for the encryption key, and the encryption key file in a secure location. The domain name, keyword, and encryption key are required when you change the encryption key for the domain or move a repository to another domain.

Select a Choice * 1->OK :1

****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain and Node Configuration - Step 6 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the following information for the Informatica domain.

Domain name: (default :- :Domain_dev Node host name: (default :- : Node name: (default :- :Node1_ahdrh1827 Node port number: (default :- 6005) : Domain user name: (default :- Administrator) : Domain password: (default :- ) : Confirm password: (default :- ) :

Display advanced port configuration page * 1->No 2->Yes :2

****************************************************************************** ************************ Port Configuration - Step 6A of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ] 20 Enter the port numbers for the Service Manager and Administrator:

Service Manager shutdown port: (default :- 6007) : Service Manager port: (default :- 6006) : Informatica Administrator port: (default :- 6008) : Informatica Administrator shutdown port: (default :- 6009) : Minimum port number: (default :- 6013) : Maximum port number: (default :- 6113) :

Executing Command... -- Defining domain... - Registering plugins... - Starting service... - Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - Pinging Administrator... -

****************************************************************************** ************************ Post-Installation Summary - Step 7 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Status SUCCESS

The Informatica 9.6.1 installation is complete.

For more information, see the debug log file: /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/Informatica_9.6.1_Services.log

Installation Type :New Installation

Informatica Administrator Home Page::

Product Name: Informatica 9.6.1 Services

Press to continue ... ahdrh1827::(/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software) #

INSTALLATION STEPS ON NODE 2 # cd /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software ahdrh1828::(/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software)

\*************************************************************************** \* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer. * \***************************************************************************

Before you continue, read the following documents: * Informatica 9.6.1 Installation Guide and Release Notes. * B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration Guide and Release Notes.

You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at

Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and create and connect to repositories and Repository Services. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y 22 Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series. Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431. Current operating system meets minimum requirements.

Select to install or upgrade:

1. Install or upgrade Informatica. Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.

2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only. Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1 ------Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation. To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options: 1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool 2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator 3. Run the Informatica services installation Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)3 Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y Preparing to install... Extracting the JRE from the installer archive... Unpacking the JRE... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Type - Step 1 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Informatica Corporation. All rights reserved. This Software is protected by U.S. Patent Numbers 5,794,246; 6,014,670; 6,016,501; 6,029,178; 6,032,158; 6,035,307; 6,044,374; 6,092,086; 6,208,990; 6,339,775; 6,640,226; 6,789,096; 6,820,077; 6,823,373; 6,850,947; 6,895,471; 7,117,215; 7,162,643; 7,243,110; 7,254,590; 7,281,001; 7,421,458; 7,496,588; 7,523,121; 7,584,422; 7,676,516; 7,720,842; 7,721,270; 7,774,791; 8,065,266; 8,150,803; 8,166,048; 8,166,071; 8,200,622; 8,224,873; 8,271,477; 8,327,419; 8,386,435; 8,392,460; 8,453,159; 8,458,230; and RE44,478; International Patents and other Patents Pending.

Select to install or upgrade: * 1->Install Informatica 9.6.1. Select this option to perform a full installation of Informatica 9.6.1. 2->Upgrade to Informatica 9.6.1. Select this option to upgrade previous versions of Informatica products to Informatica 9.6.1. :1

Enable Kerberos network authentication * 1->No 2->Yes :1 ****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Pre-Requisites - Step 2 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Verify the installation pre-requisites and complete the pre-installation tasks before you continue.

Disk Space Requirement: 7 GB Memory Requirement (RAM): 4 GB

Database Requirements - Verify the Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Sybase ASE database version. - Verify the database user account. The account must have permissions to create and drop tables and views, and insert, update, and delete data.

Pre-installation Tasks - Obtain the Informatica license key. - Verify the minimum system requirements. - Set the environment variables. - Verify the port availability. - Set up the keystore file. 24 - On UNIX, set the file descriptor limit. - On UNIX, configure POSIX asynchronous I/O. - Download and extract the Informatica installer files. - Run the Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool. - If you are enabling Kerberos network authentication, run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator. Press to continue ...

****************************************************************************** ************************ License Key - Step 3 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the license key file (default :- /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software/ Land_O_Lakes_Inc_AE_v961_DEV_0094747_7-2-2014_8-55-06_AM.key) :/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software/Land_O_Lakes_Inc_AE_v961_DEV_00947 47_7-2-2014_8-55-06_AM.key

****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Directory - Step 3 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the installation directory (default :- /home/informatdv/Informatica/9.6.1) :/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961

****************************************************************************** ************************ Pre-Installation Summary - Step 4 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Product Name : Informatica 9.6.1 Services Installation Type : New Installation Installation Directory : /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961 Disk Space Requirements Required Disk Space : 6,999 MB Available Disk Space : 25,717 MB Press to continue ... ****************************************************************************** ************************ Installing - Step 5 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======] [======|======|======|======]

****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain Selection - Step 5A of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

* 1->Create a domain 2->Join a domain :2

Join a secure domain * 1->No 2->Yes :1

Configure this node as a gateway * 1->Yes 2->No :2 * 1->Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator 2->Disable HTTPS :1

Port: (default :- 8443) : * 1->Use a keystore file generated by the installer 2->Specify a keystore file and password: :1

Generating keystore... -

26 ****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain Configuration - Step 6 of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the information for the Informatica domain to join.

Domain name: (default :- Domain) :Domain_dev Gateway Node host: (default :- Gateway Node port: (default :- 6005) : Domain user name: (default :- Administrator) : Domain password: (default :- ) : Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - ****************************************************************************** ************************ Domain Security - Encryption Key - Step 6A of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

(***Copy the encryption key: siteKey file from 1827 to User defined directory in 1828 and reference it here) Select the encryption key: :/home/u42073/siteKey

Encryption key directory: (default :- /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/isp/config/keys) :

****************************************************************************** ************************ Join Domain Node Configuration - Step 6B of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the information for this node: Node Host Name: (default :- :ahdrh1828 Node Name: (default :- ahdrh1828.ent.lolcentral.com_node01) :Node2_ahdrh1828 Node Port Number: (default :- 6005) :

Display advanced port configuration page * 1->No 2->Yes :2

****************************************************************************** ************************ Port Configuration - Step 6A of 7 ****************************************************************************** ************************ [ Type 'back' to go to the previous panel or 'quit' to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the port numbers for the Service Manager:

Service Manager shutdown port: (default :- 6007) : Service Manager port: (default :- 6006) : Minimum port number: (default :- 6013) : Maximum port number: (default :- 6113) :

Defining node... - Adding node... - Starting service... - Pinging domain... - Pinging domain... - Listing license... - Pinging Administrator... -

****************************************************************************** ************************ Post-Installation Summary - Step 7 of 7

28 ****************************************************************************** ************************ Installation Status SUCCESS

The Informatica 9.6.1 installation is complete.

For more information, see the debug log file: /dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/Informatica_9.6.1_Services.log

Installation Type :New Installation

Informatica Administrator Home Page:: Product Name: Informatica 9.6.1 Services

Press to continue ... ahdrh1828::(/dvendor501/vendor/informatica/pwc961/software)

INSTALLATION STEPS TO ENTERPRISE GRID Login into Informatica Administrator Select Actions New Grid

Provide Name and Description of the Grid. Click on Browse Node Move Available Nodes section to Assigned Nodes section to form Grid. Click OK.

GR_Dev_96 Enterprise Grid created on Node1 and Node2


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