The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack Was Held at City Hall
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The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack was held at City Hall, 65 Central Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey, on Monday, December 1, 2003 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Zisa called the meeting to order and asked everyone to stand for the flag salute and to remain standing to observe a moment of silence for the Honorable Anthony Cipollone, our Planning Board attorney, who passed away.
The Mayor then asked Ms. D’Auria to call the roll.
Present – Mayor John F. Zisa, Councilwoman Juanita Trammell, Councilmen Mark A. Stein and Jesus R. Galvis, City Manager, James S. Lacava, Acting City Clerk Debra A. D’Auria and City Attorney Richard E. Salkin. Absent – Deputy Mayor Roger B. Mattei.
Ms. D’Auria: "In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Laws of l975 adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending a notice to the Record and by posting a copy on the Bulletin Board in City Hall".
Mayor Zisa stated that Deputy Mayor Mattei is still absent due to surgery and that most likely he will continue to be absent for the next two meetings.
Mayor Zisa called for a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 17th, 2003.
Motion offered by Councilman Stein and seconded by Councilwoman Trammell that the minutes be approved as submitted. Carried.
WHEREAS, the City of Hackensack has received Change Order No. 1 from Kenneth G.B. Job, in the amount of $8,750.00 due to expanded scope of services related to the Tax Map Update; and
WHEREAS, the City reviewed this change order and has recommended that said Change Order be approved; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available from Account No. X-50-U05-001 of the Current Fund, in the amount of $8,750.00. Purchase Order No. 135527;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $8,750.00 for the expanded scope of services related to the Tax Map Update for Kenneth G.B. Job, 108 Hudson Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 be and is hereby approved.
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammell, Stein, Zisa Absent – Mattei
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the proper officers be and are hereby authorized to release the following Performance Guarantee’s.
$ 375.00 Colonnelli Brothers, Inc.,236 Hamilton Ave #E-5753 2,550.00 Kook & Son, Inc.,75 Anderson Ave #E-5763 575.00 Benmark Construction, 59 Spring Valley Rd #E-5778 937.50 Royal Oak Construction Co. 340 DeWolf Place #E-5789 500.00 Hugh O’Kane Datacom, Central & Union #E-5811 400.00 Hugh O’Kane Datacom, Clay & State #E-5812 415.00 Matina & Son, Inc., 101 Hobart Street #E-5755 350.00 Bill Puntasecca Contractors, 31 Martin Terr #E-5816 425.00 Bogush Inc., 28 Oak Street #E-5817 3,725.00 Public Service Electric & Gas, E.Lafayette #E-5813 275.00 J. Hugroy Plumbing, 105 Maple Avenue #E-5820
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammell, Stein, Zisa Absent - Mattei
WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Transportation is considering transportation enhancement strategies for the Route 4 corridor in Bergen County; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack requests a continuation of the engineering for the various improvements; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack requests that this Program involve a study of the westbound lane of Route 4 during the evening rush hours from the Hackensack River Bridge to the Paramus border which is heavily congested at this time;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hackensack supports this project and that the aforementioned recommendation be forwarded to the appropriate officials of the New Jersey Department of Transportation that is formulating transportation strategies to improve the Route 4 corridor in Bergen County.
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammell, Stein, Zisa Absent - Mattei
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the proper officers be and are hereby authorized to make the following refunds for the reason stated: AMOUNT BLOCK LOT NAME YEAR REASON
$1,488.46 435 1,C0N83 Rachlin, Todd 2003 ERRPMT 693.00 540 8,C0B10 Stempkowski,Peter A. 2003 ERRPMT
$30.00 refund to each of the following for a basketball program overpayment. Tenya Pierce, 25 Coolidge Place, Margaret Dotson, 72 Newman Street, Apt. G3, Audlett Gibbs, 176 High Street, Nancy Lepera, 34 Arcadia Road, Inez Moore, 151 Lehigh Street, Apt. #31.
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammell, Stein, Zisa Absent – Mattei
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the bills in the following accounts be and are hereby ordered paid:
Current Account $5,510,296.34 Capital Account 16,253.84 Public Parking System Account 158,571.11 Trust Account 17,200.00 Payroll Agency Account 115,005.96 State Unemployment Insurance 51,417.91
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bills are on file as a public record in the office of the Chief Financial Officer.
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammell, Stein, Zisa Absent - Mattei
WHEREAS, various Year 2003 bills have been presented for payment this year, which bills were not covered by Year 2003 Budget Appropriations; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A: 4-58 provides that amounts in excess of appropriations over and above the amounts deemed to be necessary to fulfill the purpose of such appropriations may be transferred to appropriations deemed to be insufficient during the last two months of the year;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the transfers in the amount of $469,000.00 be made between the Year 2003 Budget Appropriations as follows: From To
3-10-262-246 Utilities Electric/Natural Gas $40,000.00 3-10-262-253 Utilities – Vehicle Gasoline $40,000.00
3-10-501-100 Street Cleaning S/W 10,000.00 3-10-303-100 Fire Official S/W 10,000.00
3-10-881-100 Salary Adjustments S/W 250,000.00 3-10-310-100 Police S/W 250,000.00
3-10-525-200 Sanitary Landfill O/E 30,000.00 3-10-310-200 Police O/E 30,000.00
3-10-342-100 Inspection of Property S/W 20,000.00 3-10-318-200 Traffic Control O/E 20,000.00
3-10-341-100 Building Inspectors S/W 25,000.00 3-10-319-100 Communication Oper. O/E 25,000.00
3-10-341-100 Building Inspectors S/W 2,000.00 3-10-319-200 Communication Oper. O/E 2,000.00
3-10-341-100 Building Inspectors S/W 4,000.00 3-10-330-100 Public Defenders S/W 4,000.00
3-10-401-200 City Garage S/W 10,000.00 3-10-401-100 DPW S/W 10,000.00
3-10-530-100 Sewer S/W 10,000.00 3-10-510-100 Garbage & Trash S/W 10,000.00
3-10-701-100 Parks & Playgrounds S/W 25,000.00 3-10-510-200 Garbage & Trash O/E 25,000.00 3-10-530-100 Sewer S/W 10,000.00 3-10-530-200 Sewer O/E 10,000.00
3-10-344-200 Comm Dev Consultant O/E 3,000.00 3-10-890-100 911 S/W 3,000.00
Public Parking Utility
3-20-100-100 PPS S/W 30,000.00 3-20-100-200 PPS O/E 30,000.00
______Total $ 469,000.00 $469,000.00 ======
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hackensack that the By-Laws of the “Hackensack Main Street Business Alliance” adopted by that organization on November 24th, 2003, be, and hereby are deemed to be approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 147-12(A) of Ordinance 10-2003.
Roll Call: Ayes – Galvis, Trammel, Stein, Zisa Absent – Mattei
Mayor Zisa introduced Steve Mandaro of Brother’s Carpet, Beth Goran, the President of the Bergen County Economic Development Commission and Stuart Koperweis, Esq. who were present in the audience and thanked them for being instrumental in the formation of the Business Improvement District.
Ms. D’Auria advised the Mayor that the docket was completed. The Mayor thanked her and asked the City Manager and the members of the Council if they had anything to report. City Attorney Richard Salkin congratulated the Acting Clerk for successfully passing the State Registered Municipal Clerk exam and the Mayor and Council also offered their congratulations. Councilman Stein advised the audience that beginning Thursday and running through next weekend the annual holiday show would be presented at the Cultural Arts Building. This year’s show is in coordination with Hackensack High School and additional information can be obtained through the Recreation Department. Councilman Stein also advised that the annual tree lighting ceremony will take place on Friday, December 5, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. on the Green.
The Mayor opened the meeting to the public for discussion of City business.
Geneva Youngblood asked Mayor Zisa when Mr. Cipollone had passed away and he replied on Thanksgiving Day.
Eric Martindale, 100 Second Street, asked various questions with reference to the proposed acquisition of the Moss Lighting property.
Len Nix, 83 Elm Avenue, also inquired about the proposed acquisition of the Moss Lighting property and asked why the BID by-law acceptance was not listed on the docket. Mr. Nix also reported that the owner of the property located at 157 Byrne Street is removing trees and throwing them into Borg’s Woods.
Ernie Keahey, 161 Elm Avenue, offered his congratulations to the Clerk and again voiced his displeasure regarding the fact that his son was not been hired by the Fire Department due to a residency discrepancy. The Mayor again suggested that Mr. Keahey’s son file an appeal with the Department of Personnel.
As no one wished to be heard, a motion was made by Councilman Stein and seconded by Councilwoman Trammell that the meeting be adjourned. (Carried 8:40 p.m.)