Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the South Lincolnshire Riding Club
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There were 26 members and guests present, under the Chairmanship of Mr Kevin Hill.
Received from Miss E Howsam, Mrs R Hicks, Mrs S Lister, Mrs C Llewelyn, Mrs L Puterill, Ms F Waters and Mrs M Waters.
Approved. Proposed by Mrs F Stewart-Johnson and Seconded by Mrs S Allen.
Mr Kevin Hill thanked everyone for attending the meeting, and gave the following report:
The Club has 92 members – 61 Seniors, 31 Juniors and 2 Social members
Some parts of the year have been successful, and some not so successful.
Our first Xmas show at Spa Farm was very successful, despite the weather being awful. We would like to have repeated the format this year, but it is relatively risky to have an outside type of event in December!
Three shows were held this year up at Corner Farm, Halton Holegate, which just made a combined overall profit. All events were enjoyed by those who came, but attendance was low, possibly due to various factors – such as weather/economics/people being choosey/ too far to travel/Bank Holiday weekend.
Does anyone have any ideas how we can improve attendance? Should we consider Corner Farm again, Blossom Hall, or even a big field somewhere? The Club would like to put a show on next year somewhere.
Socials were held during the year, namely - Rosemary White hosted a very successful Sausage and Mash Supper at Sibsey Northlands Village Hall - Pam Hoskins invited Club members to an enjoyable social at her house in Folkingham.
Again, attendance on the low side – do Club members want these type of events, or are they just interested in the riding aspect?
A Painting Party was held at Strugg’s Hill to renovate the recently bought Club jumps, which was good fun.
Three Pleasure Rides were organised during the year – the first one was an organic hack courtesy of Woodlands Farm in Kirton, mapped out by Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson. The second one was a riverbank ride from Fosdyke to Spalding organised kindly by Mrs Hazel Needham and Mrs Rosemary White. The last one was an Autumn Marsh Bank ride, organised by Ms Faithe Waters, Mrs Mary Waters and Mrs Jayne Cornwall, by kind permission of Thompson Farms. Thirty riders had booked in following a very successful event last year, but the weather was just so bad on the morning that only 10 braved the elements. Would Club members like more of these activities?
Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson and Mrs Ann Kent attended Area 16 Liaison Meetings throughout the year. These meetings keep Clubs in our Area up to date with competitions and training available.
Mr Hill completed his report after his first year as Chairman by asking for more feedback over the coming year. and saying Committee members work very hard to put any event on, at the moment with not a lot of response.
Finally, his thanks went to the following retiring Committee members, and presented those present with gifts as a token of appreciation for their contributions: Mrs Sarah Stentiford, Mrs Pam Jakeway ( who in particular has had a difficult job this year but has been very level headed and kept other Committee members in their place!), Ms Faithe Waters, Mrs Mary Waters and Mrs Lorraine Putterill.
The Chairman then asked for comments from the floor, and the following points were raised: - Corner Farm is an ideal venue for a show, but it is just too far away
The Chairman commented that the club was considering just having one show there next year on 31st May, with sponsorship and cash prizes considered.
- Long Dog at Sleaford was thought a good venue too, but as it is run by a charity/ trustees, it is difficult to hold open competitions there.
- Blossom Hall is a potential venue.
- Sissons Farm near Peakirk was mentioned as a good place, with three rings and plenty of parking, but, again, may be too far for some members.
- The website is not user friendly. The Chairman advised that our present website organiser will be relinquishing his role next year, and the Club is hoping to get a website set up through Lincolnshire County Council.
Mrs Pam Jakeway handed out copies of the Club’s Annual Accounts, but advised they could not be compared to last year’s, which were for only seven months.
The principal receipts were: £278 profit on training, although one invoice is still outstanding. £332 profit from the three shows – one made a loss – this is not much considering how much effort and work is put in to the organisation of shows. Last year one show in particular made a big profit, but, as the Chairman has already mentioned, there could be several factors as to why attendance was low this year. £310 was made from fund raising. Some merchandise was sold from stock, but some had to be bought in because popular sizes go well. Details are on the website, and it is all very good quality. Area Competitions, but this shows a slight loss, due to not charging for a horse which went lame between payment due and the competition. However, payment still has to be made to Area and Stoneleigh.
The main payments were to Stoneleigh for Insurance and Affiliation fees. These are based on the previous year’s membership, and the Treasurer estimated this charge will be over £1,000 next year. Advertising was up on last year, and the big expense was a set of jumps and miscellaneous items bought from Melton Mowbray Riding Club which had closed down.
Overall, there was a deficit of £541 this year, but there is still £1,753 in the bank – although next year the Club will need to be careful. Training should breakeven, so profit must come from shows and fund raising.
Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson started her report by thanking all those who had competed at Area 16 competitions on behalf of the Club.
Last November the Club entered one Junior and two Senior teams into the Indoor Show Jumping competition held at Laughton Manor. The Juniors collected 4th place out of 8 eight other very respectable teams.
The Summer Dressage at Sheepgate was entered by one Junior Nov individual, one Senior Nov team and a Dressage to Music individual. Claire Llewelyn won her Dressage to Music class and went to the National Championships held at Addington Manor in Buckinghamshire, where she came 5th out of 26 entrants. Well done Claire!
One Senior Individual entered both the Horse Trials and One Day Event competitions.
This July a Junior Nov team had fun at the Outdoor Show Jumping at Eagle Moor near Lincoln.
Training has not been well supported this summer, except by the dedicated few. It has been very embarrassing having to cancel pre-booked venues and instructors. Sessions are not viable if there are less than four riders.
The Fun Days at Long Dog are very popular – do members want more of these days?
Mrs Stewart-Johnson ended her report by asking what do Club members want. The following comments were made from the floor:
- Can more notice be given for training sessions, as it can be difficult to attend at the last minute. - The calendar of events was well received, and the format liked. - The Area Indoor Show Jumping Competition is coming up in November – despite forms being distributed to all members, only one person has shown interest. It was suggested that special training sessions should be put on to encourage potential team members. - Could the Club get clinics with well known instructors? - Perhaps Club members could meet once a month somewhere just for a ride out.
Mrs Stewart-Johnson concluded that as it is down to the same few people who do all the work, sessions could be organised to suit them.
The Chairman asked if there were any volunteers to join the Committee. The following put their names forward: Mrs Karen Barker – proposed by Mrs Ann Kent and seconded by Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson Mrs Lorna Atkinson – proposed by Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson and seconded by Mrs Ann Kent Mrs Claire Trofer – proposed by Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson and seconded by Mrs Sharon Allen
Mrs Rosemary White thanked Mrs Judith Morfitt for organising the evening. Mrs Fiona Stewart-Johnson thanked Mrs Ann Kent for doing the photo and notice boards. Mrs Ann Kent made a request for items to go in the newsletter.
As there was no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.18pm