The Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute Is a Project of Urban Habitat
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2014 Target Seats See the Guidelines for Nominations for instructions for submitting a complete nomination packet. Nominations are due no later than July 1st.
The target boards and commissions below are arranged geographically as follows: the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, and San Mateo; the cities of Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Oakland, Richmond, and San Leandro; the City and County of San Francisco; and regional commissions.
Individuals may be nominated toward any of the seats on this list provided they meet residence and other requirements.
Board vacancies change all the time! Be sure to visit your city and/or county’s website or call the clerk’s office to review current vacancies.
We target boards, commissions, and committees that affect decisions that relate to land use/planning, housing, transportation, community development, environment, health, economic and workforce development. If you find out about any upcoming vacancies in a board or commission you are interested in, please contact Uma Viswanathan ([email protected]) to ensure it is aligned with BCLI’s goals.
Alameda County Alameda County Housing and Community Development Advisory Alameda County Housing Authority/Housing Commission Alameda County Public Health Commission Alameda County Transportation Commission Citizens Watchdog Committee Alameda County Workforce Investment Board
Current list of Vacancies: https :// sites . google . com / a / urbanhabitat . org / boards - commission - vacancies / alameda - county
List of all Boards and Commissions: http :// www . acgov . org / bc /
Application: http :// www . acgov . org / clerk / forms / BoardCommApplication .pdf
Contra Costa County Contra Costa County Economic Opportunity Council Contra Costa County Planning Commission Contra Costa County Workforce Development Board Contra Costa County Public and Environmental Health Board
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . contracosta . ca . gov / DocumentCenter / View /6263
All Boards & Commissions: http :// contra . napanet . net / maddybook /
Application: http :// www . contracosta . ca . gov / DocumentCenter / View /6433 Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee Housing Authority of Santa Clara County
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . sccgov . org / sites / bos / bnc / CABODocs / VacancyReport .pdf
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . sccgov . org / sites / bos / bnc / bnc - listing / Pages / default .aspx
Application: http :// www . sccgov . org / forms / home /_ layouts / FormServer . aspx ? XsnLocation =/ forms / home / cob / ApplicationAdvisoryAppointment . xsn & DefaultItemOpen =1
San Mateo County Housing and Community Development Committee
Current list of Vacancies: https :// bnc . smcgov . org / vacancies
All Boards & Commissions: https :// bnc . smcgov . org / boards - and - commissions
Application: https :// bnc . smcgov . org / webforms / application - boards - commissions - and - committees
City of Albany City of Albany Planning and Zoning Commission City of Albany Social and Economic Justice Commission City of Albany Sustainability Committee City of Albany Traffic and Safety Commission
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . albanyca . org / index . aspx ? page =97
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . albanyca . org / index . aspx ? page =86
Application: http :// www . albanyca . org / index . aspx ? recordid =24& page =20
City of Alameda Current list of Vacancies: http :// alamedaca . gov / news /2014/03/31/ vacancies - various - city - boards - and - commissions
All Boards & Commissions: http :// alamedaca . gov / city - hall / boards - commissions
Application: http :// alamedaca . gov / documents / find ? field _ document _ type _ tid =210
City of Berkeley City of Berkeley Community Environmental Advisory Commission City of Berkeley Community Health Commission City of Berkeley Energy Commission City of Berkeley Homeless Commission City of Berkeley Planning Commission City of Berkeley Transportation Commission
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . cityofberkeley . info / Clerk / Commissions / Commissions __ Vacancy _ Page .aspx
Applications: http :// www . cityofberkeley . info / Clerk / Commissions / Commissions __ Applications .aspx
More info: http :// www . cityofberkeley . info / Clerk / Commissions / Commissions __ General _ Information .aspx
City of El Cerrito City of El Cerrito Economic Development Board City of El Cerrito Environmental Quality Committee City of El Cerrito Planning Commission
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . el - cerrito . org / DocumentCenter / View /3055
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . el - cerrito . org / index . aspx ? nid =93
Application: http :// www . el - cerrito . org / DocumentCenter / Home / View /335
City Emeryville City of Emeryville Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Subcommittee City of Emeryville Planning Commission
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . emeryville . org / index . aspx ? NID =916
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . emeryville . org / index . aspx ? NID =89
Application: http :// www . emeryville . org / forms . aspx ? FID =115
City of Fremont
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . fremont . gov / DocumentCenter / Home / View /591
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . fremont . gov / index . aspx ? NID =76
Application: http :// www . fremont . gov / index . aspx ? NID =76
City of Oakland City of Oakland Budget Advisory Committee City of Oakland Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board City of Oakland Housing Authority City of Oakland Planning Commission City of Oakland Board of Port Commissioners
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www 2. oaklandnet . com / oakca 1/ groups / mayor / documents / report / oak 045892. pdf
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www 2. oaklandnet . com / Government / o / Mayor / OurPartners / BoardsandCommissions / index .htm
Application: Applications vary by commission, if you are interested in being considered for a Board or Commission with a vacancy you are eligible for, please send a letter of interest and your resume to Hatzune Aguilar Sanchez at haguilar @ oaklandnet .com.
City of Richmond City of Richmond Community Development Commission City of Richmond Economic Development Commission City of Richmond Planning Commission
List of Commissions: http :// www . ci . richmond . ca . us / index . aspx ? NID =256
Applications: http :// ca - richmond 2. civicplus . com / DocumentView . asp ? DID =190
City of San Leandro
City of San Leandro Planning Commission
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . sanleandro . org / civicax / filebank / blobdload . aspx ? blobid =14291
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . sanleandro . org / civicax / filebank / blobdload . aspx ? blobid =3759
Application: http :// www . sanleandro . org / civicax / filebank / blobdload . aspx ? blobid =3759
City of Union City
Current list of Vacancies: http :// www . ci . union - city . ca . us / gov / PDF . citygov / CurrentCommOpenings .pdf
All Boards & Commissions: http :// www . ci . union - city . ca . us / gov / commissions .htm
Application: http :// www . ci . union - city . ca . us / gov / commissions .htm (different applications per board/commission)
City and County of San Francisco
Annual Listing of Vacancies: http :// www . sfbos . org / Modules / ShowDocument . aspx ? documentid =47457
Application: http :// www . sfbos . org / Modules / ShowDocument . aspx ? documentid =19462
Complete list of boards & commissions: http :// www . sfbos . org / index . aspx ? page =3045
San Francisco Arts Commission San Francisco Building Inspection Commission San Francisco Citizens Committee on Community Development San Francisco Eastern Neighborhoods Citizens Advisory Committee San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission San Francisco Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee San Francisco Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee San Francisco Public Utilities Citizen’s Advisory Committee San Francisco Reentry Council San Francisco SRO Task Force San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority Citizen Advisory Committee
Regional Seats Metropolitan Transit Commission Policy Advisory Council