Resources needed: 7–11 year olds

 Tablet/laptop for media  Dressing up costumes for rap band (children and adult helpers)  Bingo sheets (see last page) and several dice  Craft Resources – box templates (find online), ribbons, pens/pencils, etc to decorate  Song lyrics for each group (‘Shaped for Serving God’)

 Children will understand that ‘transformed’ means being changed from one thing into another IN CHRIST I AM… GIFTED Learning  Children will understand that in Christ they Title FOR HIS SERVICE Objectives are all unique and special and have gifts and skills given by God  Children will understand what it means to serve God with their gifts

This week, we will look at the Ephesians 3:1–13 parable of the talents. Matt. 25:14–30 Story of the talents Key Bible Session Overview We will see how each child is 1 Cor. 12:4–11 Verses unique and special and look at how they can use their gifts and 1 Pet. 4:10 Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of talents to serve God. others. So use your gift well. (CEV)


Ephesians 1:12 (The Message) It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for Timing Activity What they will do and learn

10 mins Activity Body Part Bingo Who I wanna be: Song 5 mins (choose one) Spin: 5 mins Memory verse RAP BAND. All the children work together to make a rap of the verse

10 mins Teaching Story of the talents

10 mins Team Time Shaped for serving God (BIG SONG ‘N’ DANCE)

10 mins Team Time 2 ‘Gift’ Boxes

5 mins TEAM SUPERSTAR Go round the teams and ask ‘who is your superstar today?’ Leaders give out stickers

Notes on Leading the Session


This week we are carrying on with our series called ‘Transformed Life’. What does that mean? A changed life because we trust in Jesus.

This week we are learning from Ephesians that …


Bingo-style activity. Each team has a body outline (see last page) and a dice. The team must roll the dice and cross off the numbers with a marker as they are rolled. The first team to cross of all the numbers shouts ‘BINGO!’ and is the winning team. Have several rounds if time allows.


The children will have picked this up by now and already know what they are doing. You could have different fancy dress items to use as costumes for the rap. Always give different children a chance to be the main ‘rapper’ each time. You could try using a different beat – faster or slower.

Split the children into two teams. Both teams clap in a 4/4 rhythm. On 1–2, one team says ‘it’s in Christ’, on 3–4, the other team says ‘who we are’. One person is chosen as the ‘rapper’ and wears a cool hat and sunglasses and raps into the mic over the top: ‘It’s in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for’. You can choose one person from each team to be the rapper. One of the adult helpers could dress up and give it a go as well, to give the children some encouragement and join in the fun. If possible, make it a different adult from last week.

Encourage the children to then come up with their own lines to rap about the gifts God has given them.


Who remembers what it means to be in Christ? It means to have asked Jesus to come into our hearts, forgive our sin and transform us into a new person!

Ephesians tells us that when we are in Christ, God gives us gifts. Not gifts like a bike or an Xbox. Gifts are special things we can do. We sometimes call them talents or skills. You are very special and you have things that you are good at, things only you can do. You might be brilliant at singing or drama. You might be good at making things. You might be a very caring person. These are all gifts. God gave them to you for a reason. He doesn’t want you to waste what He has given. Watch this story from the Bible, which Jesus told about three servants: God wants us to use whatever He gives us to serve Him. What does it mean to serve God? It means using our special talents to love and help others and spread the good news about Jesus.

In your groups you are going to create a show for us all. This is the song we are going to use. We are all going to make up actions for a bit of it and then perform it all together.

Now listen to the song ‘Shaped for Serving God’.


Use the words of the song to make some actions for your group (a copy of the words should be given to each group). Group 2 should be the oldest group, as they have the most verses!

All teams come together to perform the song.


Each child makes a ‘gift’ box (you can use a search engine online to see how to make paper boxes) and decorates it. When they take their ‘gift’ box home, their family and friends can write the children’s unique gifts on cards to put in the box and celebrate their God-given talents.


Everyone holds their ‘gift’ boxes and team leaders to pray for the children in their teams, that they might discover their gifts and use them to serve God and others. SHAPED FOR SERVING GOD

Group 1 Wonderful indeed, gave you gifts you need If you walk like a model or walk with a waddle To work on earth for Him You are, you are, you're God's indeed If you're very, very funny or good at making money All You are, you are, you're God's indeed You are shaped for serving God You are shaped for serving God Group 2 You are shaped for serving God God had a brilliant plan when He created man Holy, holy is His name He knew just how each one would serve Him Group 3 If you laugh like a donkey or your hair's a little wonky Chorus (All) You are, you are, you're God's indeed If you're really good at caring or a little brave and Group 4 daring If you're good at origami or can make a great salami You are, you are, you're God's indeed You are, you are, you're God's indeed If you're fast like a whippet or really good at cricket You are, you are, you're God's indeed

Group 2 Group 2 God had a brilliant plan when He created man God had a brilliant plan when He created man He knew just how each one would serve Him He knew just how each one would serve Him Wonderful indeed, gave you gifts you need Wonderful indeed, gave you gifts you need To work on earth for Him To work on earth for Him Chorus (All)