Instructions: If Applicable, Submit This Form with Animal Use Protocol (AUP)
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Supplemental Hazardous Materials, Risk Assessment
Instructions: If applicable, submit this form with Animal Use Protocol (AUP). (PLEASE SINGLE CLICK ON SHADED BOXES TO TYPE)
1.Description of hazardous material
a. Hazard (fill in applicable information):
Chemical (name) Route of toxicity (e.g. inhalation) Type of toxicity (e.g. irritant) Biohazard (name) Route of infection (e.g. inhalation) Biohazard level (e.g. BSL-1) Radioisotope (name) Route of administration Physical hazard (e.g. UV light) Route of administration Other (describe) Route of administration
b. Description of hazardous material: (form upon receipt, solubility, volatility, vehicle, etc.):
c. If applicable, Manufacturer: Product #:
d. Where will the material be stored prior to use (room, refrigeration, etc.)?
e. Submit a material data sheet if commercially available (submit as an e-mail attachment).
2.Proposed use of hazardous material in animals
a. Animal species to be dosed:
b. Proposed work location:
c. Dose per animal:
d. Route of delivery:
e. Treatment schedule:
f. Time treated animals will be maintained:
g. Number of animals to be treated for each experiment: 3.Fate of hazardous material (where does the compound go after dosing the animal?)
a. Route of excretion:
b. What is excreted:
c. Percent excreted:
d. Where is the hazard? How long is it present? Describe where the hazard exists and how it should be handled:
4.Institutional approvals for using hazardous materials
a. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) a.i. IBC Protocol Number: a.ii. Date of IBC approval:
b. Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) b.i. Date of RSC approval:
5.Exposure Risk Management
a. Preparing hazardous material a.i. Where will hazardous material be prepared (lab, room, fume hood, BSC)?
a.ii. Lab door signage will read:
a.iii. Required PPE for preparation:
a.iv. Clean-up procedures:
a.v. Waste disposal procedures:
b. Exposing animals to hazardous material
b.i. Where in vivaria will animal work be conducted?
b.ii. Animal room signage will read:
b.iii. Required PPE for research staff:
b.iv. Clean-up procedures:
b.v. Waste disposal procedures:
c. After exposing animals to hazardous material c.i. Time frame (how long will animals be kept following exposure):
c.ii. Animal room signage will read:
c.iii. Required PPE for research staff:
c.iv. Required PPE for LAB staff:
c.v. Cage changing frequency: Bedding disposal procedure: c.vii. Carcass disposal procedure:
c.viii. Waste disposal procedure:
d. Termination of hazardous experiment in animals d.i. Time frame (how long will hazard be present):
d.ii. Animal room signage will read: d.iii. Required PPE for research staff: d.iv. Required PPE for LAB staff:
d.v. Cage changing frequency: Bedding disposal procedure: d.vii. Carcass disposal procedure:
d.viii. Waste disposal procedure:
e. Action to take if you have an accidental exposure to hazardous material e.i. Needle stick, other sharp:
e.ii. Skin or mucous membrane exposure: e.iii. Where to seek medical attention:
e.iv. File an accident report:
f. Drugs, antidotes, or immunizations available to hazardous material f.i. Drugs and dosage: f.ii. Antidotes and dosage:
f.iii. Immunization:
6.For IACUC use only: date and name of person reviewing hazard information including comments
a. Environmental Health & Risk Management:
b. Biosafety Officer:
c. Occupational Health and Safety: