How TransitionSpot Can Help

Transition Assessment We all know that the students must be given a transition assessment on an annual basis. TransitionSpot provides a short, data-driven Career Matching Quiz to help students find careers that match their preferences and goals.

Transition Plan The Transition Plan should drive a student’s IEP, and we believe in putting the student in the driver’s seat. Our guided Career Planner walks students through the development of their own transition plan.

Student Involvement By providing students with powerful tools to assess their goals, evaluate career options, plan their future and practice setting SMART goals, we empower them to take ownership of their transition plan and practice self-determination skills.

Overcoming Obstacles We understand that teachers are often overworked and overwhelmed. Our goal is to provide tools that make your transition planning easier, faster, and more effective.

Top 5 Obstacles to Overcome

When will I find time to test the students?

When will I find time to meet with the students to gather information for the transition plan? When will the students be able to work on their transition goals?

How will I keep track of student progress toward their transition goals?

How can I get parents to support the transition process?

Engaging Your Students in the Transition Process

Keep the process person-centered, not procedure-centered: We want to focus on helping kids, not filling out paperwork. Engage the students. Do it with them, but don’t do it to them. Coach them to lead the process themselves.

Explain to the student the importance of engaging in the transition process.

Explain the steps of the transition process.

Before the assessment: Make sure students know the kind of assessment, what the results will be used for, how many questions it is, and approximately how long it will take.

What to do after the assessment: Encourage the students to review their results, share them with someone who cares about them, and begin researching careers that interest them.

Develop an individual career plan: Practice writing long-term and short-term SMART goals, as well as breaking them down into smaller tasks. Encourage task completion. Hold them accountable and CELEBRATE!