Rochester Accelerated Math Program 6th Grade Appeal Process The Rochester Accelerated Math Program (RAMP) has been in existence for over fifteen years to meet the needs of the high performing math students in the Rochester Public Schools beginning in sixth grade. The middle school gifted specialists use the results of multiple tests to make an informed decision about your student’s readiness to be successful in an accelerated math class. Students in the accelerated math program are actually SKIPPING a year of math; therefore, we recommend that students in accelerated classes not only have strong math skills but also possess the maturity and strong study and organizational skills to be successful in a higher level course. The criteria used for math placement can be found on the District Gifted Services webpage as well as each individual middle school’s gifted services website.

Sixth grade students have two opportunities to be accelerated. The first opportunity is in the spring before the beginning of 6th grade, and the second is at the end of the 6th grade year when high performing students have the opportunity to test out of 7th grade pre-algebra.

Students in an accelerated math class are required to sign and abide by a contract stating that the student will strive to maintain a grade of 80% on all homework, quizzes, and tests, and pass the end of the year final at 80%. If a student fails to maintain a minimum grade of 80%, the parents, student, teacher, gifted specialist and principal will conference together and develop a plan to help the student raise his/her grade. If the student fails to raise his/her grade, there will be another meeting to determine if it is in the child’s best interest to continue in the accelerated math class or not.

If you feel your child has been incorrectly placed in Math 6, please follow this process to appeal your child’s placement: This process is only for single accelerated math placement (Pre-algebra).

1. Contact the middle school gifted specialist at your child’s middle school by email to inquire about your child’s placement. It is best if you contact your child’s middle school gifted specialist before June 10 with your questions or concerns. The middle school gifted specialists are not contracted to work over the summer; thus, you cannot expect an immediate reply to your inquiry. Friedell: Joanne Michet – [email protected] John Adams: Denise Cooksey-Sebarkrob - [email protected] Kellogg: Cindy Martenson – [email protected] Lincoln: Vandi King – [email protected] Willow Creek: Denise Cooksey-Sebarkrob - [email protected]

2. . If you still feel that your child was incorrectly placed after speaking to your gifted specialist, your child must take the 6th grade Math 6 Appeal Test in August at Edison. You may register your child to take the Math 6 Appeal Test with your gifted specialist.

3. A student who is appealing his/her math placement will take the Math 6 Appeal Test on August 4, 2016th at 9:00 am or 1:00 pm at the Edison Building. Students must pass the test at 80% in order to be placed in Pre-algebra.

4. Parents will be notified of their child’s math placement prior to the start of school. The gifted services specialists will contact the school if a change in class enrollment is necessary.

RAMP Appeal Process January 2016