UNC-Chapel Hill Occupational Therapy Program Prerequisite Course Waiver Request

If you wish to request a waiver of the 5-year rule for one or more prerequisite courses for the MSOT Program at UNC-Chapel Hill, please complete the following and email it to [email protected] with the email subject line “Waiver Request.” Please note, you cannot request a waiver of the occupation prerequisite or the 3-year rule on that prerequisite. The Admissions Committee will review waiver requests at the end of March, May, August, and October of each year. Each course will be considered individually, so you may receive a waiver for one course, but not another. Any course that does not receive a waiver approval must be re-taken. The table below will expand as you write, so there is no word limit on your justification statements.

Name: Email: Year in which you will apply to the MSOT program:

Waiver Request #1 (list course you want waived):

Course taken that fits this prerequisite:

Taken at:

Semester/Year taken:

Work or other experience since that time that in which you have used this content/knowledge:

Waiver Request #2 (list course you want waived):

Course taken that fits this prerequisite:

Taken at:

Semester/Year taken:

Work or other experience since that time that in which you have used this content/knowledge: Waiver Request #3 (list course you want waived):

Course taken that fits this prerequisite:

Taken at:

Semester/Year taken:

Work or other experience since that time that in which you have used this content/knowledge:

Waiver Request #4 (list course you want waived):

Course taken that fits this prerequisite:

Taken at:

Semester/Year taken:

Work or other experience since that time that in which you have used this content/knowledge:

For Admissions Committee use only:

Waiver Request received (date) : Waiver Request reviewed: Waiver Approved for :