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Created in the Cloud with Aspose.Words for Cloud s2

Created in the cloud with Aspose.Words for Cloud. api.aspx QADEX & The 7 Tips of Training

Published Date : 2014-06-09 14:11:24

Having an informed, competent and well trained staff base is the key to success for any business operating in any industry. The development and mastering of work related skills have an array of benefits that have a hugely positive impact on the operations of all companies, from small independent businesses to international corporations. Investing in the training and career development of staff may require time and monetary resources however the end of the day, skilled staff members pay for themselves. Here’s why!

Improves employee performance An employee that is confident in their ability to successfully complete tasks is far more valuable than an employee who doubts their abilities and professional competence. Investing in training is crucial to maximising worker productivity and improving overall performance.

Identifies employee weaknesses Often workers will shy away from tasks that they are not confident in performing. This can have a negative impact on company productivity and profitability. Training is a great way to eliminate any staff weaknesses and ensure workers are equally skilled in all areas.

Instils employee satisfaction Training is a highly effective way to make employees feel valued and invested in. These positive feelings will ensure workers feel satisfied with their position and continue to bring a positive attitude to the workplace.

Enhances customer service Well trained and knowledgeable employees have a direct correlation with a business’s ability to provide exceptional customer service. Customer satisfaction is a paramount part of running a successful consumer driven businesses and will reflect significantly on profit margins, reputation and repeat custom.

Decreases necessity for supervision Competent employees represent significant savings when it comes to eliminating the need for constant supervision and management. This translates to other important savings related to time and wages.

Reduces running costs Untrained staff can result in substantial losses due to the wastage of resources, breakage of goods and incorrect operation of machinery. Investing in employee training will reduce these unnecessary costs and ensure the workplace remains productive and profitable. Ensures employee uniformity Ensuring all employees are well trained is highly beneficial to any business. It eliminates the need to rely solely on certain members of staff and makes certain that all outgoing information, advice and knowledge are of a uniform standard.

From the above information it is clear that well trained employees can have a huge impact on the successful operations of any business. This is particularly important in the food and beverage industries as they are extremely customer focussed. QADEX offer a comprehensive range of training programs that will ensure staff members are confident, capable and productive in all aspects of their role!

Top 3 Reasons Allergy Recalls Occur & How To Prevent Them

Published Date : 2014-06-06 14:44:00

Despite the fact that they are largely preventable, allergy issues represent a huge portion of product recalls across the food industry. This can mean a vast amount of wasted time and financial resources for any company, manufacturer or supplier associated with products that are recalled for allergy reasons. To help combat the common issue, we’ve compiled a list of the top three reasons behind allergen recalls and offer an informative overview of how to avoid them:

Over dependability on paper based systems

The over reliance on outdated paper based systems is one of the major causes of allergen recalls across the country. Updating paper records can be incredibly time consuming which means the process if often overlooked, rushed or completely forgotten. This can cause huge problems down the line as incorrectly labelled products pose as a serious public health and safety risk.

Inadequate technology without the capacity to assess, review and cross examine information provided by suppliers

In an ideal world, all information provided by suppliers should be accurate, precise and up to date. Unfortunately this is not the case. Suppliers often make errors which are passed directly on to product manufacturers. Without the use of intelligent allergen management technology these mistakes go largely unnoticed and can cause vast problems for manufacturers and stockists that are forced to recall products for allergen related reasons.

Lack of communication between supplier reviews and product specifications

Many food businesses suffer greatly from a disjointed approach when it comes to supplier review functions and product specification functions. When the two are not effectively aligned, product specifications run the risk of being inaccurate and non- inclusive. This can result in serious health repercussions for consumers as well as severe financial and repute consequences for members of the supply chain.

The most effective way to combat allergen related recalls is to implement a technologically advanced quality control software system such as Qadex Vision.

The comprehensive ALLERGEN MANAGEMENT MODULE offers a unique solution to all allergen labelling and allergen management issues.

The high powered technology uses a series of inbuilt auto-validation tools that intelligently combats allergen recall concerns to ensure operations are safe, thorough and 100% accurate. The digital based system makes updating information a breeze while the cross checking authentication tools ensure that nothing slips through the net. Incorporating effective allergen management policies not only ensures customer safety but also acts to protect company reputation, save time, reduce expenses and increase profitability.

This module is FREE to all customers who choose to use our Raw Material Specifications module and Self Audit Questionnaire module. 5 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Customer Complaints

Published Date : 2014-06-03 07:00:23

Customer complaints are a major issue for any business and must be effectively handled in order to protect business reputation, ensure repeat custom and prevent negative press coverage or word of mouth.

Fortunately there is a range of helpful tips that can implemented to reduce complaints and ensure that customers complete transactions feeling happy, satisfied and ready to return.

1. Use advanced technology to keep on top of safety issues

One of the most effective ways a business can reduce customer complaints is to arm itself with high powered software that ensures safety standards and quality control is kept up to date at all times. This eliminates any potential problems before they emerge as grounds for customer dissatisfaction.

Implementing comprehensive management software such as QADEX offers a simple dashboard on which to oversee all aspects of food safety, quality management, compliance, customers and new product development. The Customer Complaints module gives business owners and managers complete control over the grievance process, allowing users to easily log complaints, track outstanding complaints, manage the non-conformance process, customise letter templates and automatically chasse up any outstanding or unresolved investigations.

2. Provide exceptional customer service

Happy customers are the key to ensuring the successful continuation of any business. Providing clients with an unparalleled level of customer service is a highly effective way to make them feel valued and important. This is hugely helpful in diffusing any complaints and ensuring customers leave with a positive impression of the business.

3. Be sure to deliver on promised standards

One of the simplest ways to minimise complaints is to ensure that customers receive exactly what they have paid for. Anything less represents valid ground for protests and objections. There are two major ways that businesses can ensure they are delivering advertised standards of service. The first is to make sure that the product or service description is accurate and not overly exaggerated. The second is to maintain meticulous level of quality control that are overseen by all staff members.

4. Ask for feedback

Communicating with customers and actively asking for their opinions is a great way to identify problems before they begin to escalate. Not only will customers feel as though the business cares about their wants and needs but it also represents an opportunity to identify issues that other customers may have experienced but were not forthcoming enough to raise.

5. Find the root of the problem

No matter how small or seemingly insignificant the complaint, it is essential for businesses to track down the root of the problem and actively address any areas that are resulting in customer dissatisfaction. This will ensure that the issue is 100% dealt with and will not snowball into something bigger and more damaging at a later stage.

Implementing these simple tips into your business operations will ensure that the level of customer complaints received is significantly reduced across all areas. Customer Complaint Management Module new functionality

Published Date : 2014-05-14 14:15:14

I love my job at QADEX, especially when it allows me to get my creative juices going!

I recently attended a customers site, to see how they dealt with their customer complaint management for brand protection and how we could use the QADEX customer complaint module to help them.

From this meeting I came away with a large list of improvements to the QADEX Customer Complaint Module and today some of those upgrades went live. I am hoping that these new upgrades will help customers brand protection.

That sounded really easy didn’t it! But trust me when I tell you it isn’t. First we have to look at the existing functionality in the system and how it can perhaps be configured to work better, we then have to look at new functionality that may be required and if we have it within the system or we need to look at how we acquire those skills, then we have to design it, just having an idea of what a customer wants and then building it sometimes can go very wrong! Once all the wireframes have been designed and signed off by all interested parties, we go into the build phase and from there to testing, all of which takes a huge amount of effort but when you see your creation live it’s all worth it.

Today I am very proud to announce some very exciting NEW functionality to the customer complaints module in regards to our already brilliant Automatic Retailer Customer Complaint Upload feature. This module works for own label suppliers where the brand protection risk is shared with the retailer, but many own label suppliers also produce branded & unbranded food.

New to the Qadex desktop, is a complaints search. You can search using your customers name (complainant) or your customer reference number. Clicking Search will open a pop up with all the complaints matching your chosen search criteria. You will see another upgrade in the pop up box, Archive/Close, you can now select more than one complaint by ticking the individual complaint boxes. Clicking the tick box at the top will select all the complaints. After that, clicking the green plus sign will allow you to archive/ close your selected complaints.

The Retailer auto upload link in My Qadex desktop, this link will allow you to track the auto uploads. You will be shown a list of all your retailers. Clicking on a particular retailer will open a table showing the date, number of complaints and the number of duplicates!! From here you can view the automatically uploaded complaints as well as change the status to archive/ close. The generate report button will allow you to select start and end date for the auto upload and will generate an on screen report. The report can be exported as a pdf and xls.

The Customer complaints auto upload link in My Qadex desktop, this link has the same functionality as the retailer auto upload link, the difference here is that the complaints coming to this link are from any websites that you have, such as Contact us etc. The generate report function is also available.

View, edit & add complaints link has been completely overhauled as you may be aware I am tasked with keeping the system speedy, so it has been a bit of a dilemma on how I do this with the number of complaints some of our customers are dealing with! So we created a filter. You can filter your complaints by category, status, site and even the date. The filters are not dependent so you can use one at a time (for example, you can select the start and end dates and clicking Filter Complaints button would show you the results). As before, viewing all complaints is available.

We have also added a new complaint status – New complaint (duplicate). This will help you identify any duplicate complaints the retailers send you. Hovering over the complaint status New complaint (duplicate) will show you the reference number for the original complaint(s).

Wow quite a lot to explain, I hope I have been clear, there will be a new screencast coming soon and I will blog on any customer feedback received.

I hope you all enjoy the new upgraded Customer complaint management module and here’s hoping your brand protection will be increased with this new functionality.

QADEX Urge Compliance with Food Safety Regulations

Published Date : 2014-05-09 17:27:19

QADEX, a software system which helps to improve food safety and monitor supply chains in the food industry, is strongly encouraging companies within the sector to review their quality managements and ensure they have efficient food safety policies in place – or face a harsh penalty.

With consumer confidence in the food industry at an all-time low, businesses are increasingly finding that they must bring every aspect of food safety, quality management, compliance and product development together in order to monitor every aspect of the process. There have been numerous cases in the last few years where brands which are renowned across the globe have been sanctioned and punished for mistakes and errors that resulted in unsafe products hitting the shelves and being available to the public – now QADEX are trying to ensure that big brands have the appropriate monitoring systems in place to prevent this from taking down another famous name.

Tracey Cranney Operations Manager of QADEX, which offers supply chain risk management and enables step change improvement in food safety and brand protection, says, “There are many worrying case studies around at the moment, which demonstrate that there are still companies out there putting their customers at risk by not implementing the correct quality control systems for their ingredients and their products. Quality management is a crucial element of all food service organisations, and we strongly encourage all businesses within the sector to review their current policies and processes and ensure that they are doing everything they can to increase food safety.”

She adds, “Our innovative software brings everything from product development to customer complaints together in one dynamic dashboard, allowing managers to identify problems and, if necessary, carry out corrective actions. Managers are given the opportunity to view how their operations are performing at a glance, allowing for great brand protection capabilities and food quality management .”

The main message from QADEX is that, if it could happen to a big brand with all the power and legal clout that they possess, it could happen to any business within the food industry. It’s crucial that businesses large and small are able to follow-up on their shipments and orders, identifying any problems before it’s too late – when unsafe food products need to be recalled, or when they cause some form of widespread illness or injury, it is a safe bet that the might of the Food Standards Agency will come down hard on that particular company, and it is crucial that they have safeguards to ensure that they are not culpable.

Software like QADEX is crucial in ensuring that these incidents are minimised – those that do occur can be identified at an early stage and action can be taken before the food products are distributed for public consumption. With allergen risk assessment tools, supplier approval management tips and the ability to manage all customer complaints, QADEX provides the comprehensive answer to all food safety concerns. Heartbleed Bug - QADEX Status

Published Date : 2014-04-10 14:01:48

QADEX are aware of the Heartbeat bug and have made the appropriate corrections across our entire platform

The heartbleed bug exists in a piece of open source software called OpenSSL which is designed to encrypt communications between a user’s computer and a web server, a sort of secret handshake at the beginning of a secure conversation.

It was dubbed Heartbleed because it affects an extension to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which engineers dubbed Heartbeat.

It is one of the most widely used encryption tools on the internet, believed to be deployed by roughly two-thirds of all websites. If you see a little padlock symbol in your browser then it is likely that you are using SSL.

Half a million sites are thought to have been affected.

You can find more information about this issue on the BBC website

QADEX food specifications team jump out of a plane

Published Date : 2014-04-08 11:11:57

Two members of the QADEX team are mad enough to jump out of a plane for their chosen charities. To support their chosen charities we have agreed to provide £1 for every person across our food manufacturing and supply chain who follow QADEX on LinkedIn No doubt some readers will say that many of the QADEX team are mad to spend their days chasing food specifications and supplier self audit questionnaires across the food supply chain. Apparently when they jump they fall at a speed of 210mph, that seems fast to me!

So who are these brave/stupid/crazy souls Kayleigh Duffin has worked with us for over three years, starting as a school leaver stuffing envelopes and working her way up to an Account Manager. Kayleigh is currently suffering with a broken elbow which she hopes will have mended before she jumps!

Luke Gale is a recent joiner to our team, and has the distinction of winning employee of the month in his first month. Luke says he is a keen sportsman, playing cricket for Sileby Cricket Club First XI. On being asked why she felt the need (with a broken elbow) to jump from 10,000 feet out of a moving airplane, Kayleigh says; “Both myself and Luke have seen family members, friends and loved ones suffer from this horrible disease, we’d like to raise money as well as awareness to prevent anyone YOU love going through the same thing! We have chosen to donate all funds to Breast Cancer Campaign and Orchid- Fighting Male Cancer. We chose these charities because they are very close to our heart, Luke has a friend currently suffering from Testicular cancer and would like to show him support – we’d like YOU to show your support too and help towards preventing this happening to one of your close friends/family members. We’d like people to sponsor this very good cause and assist in raising awareness in hope that one day, we WILL beat Cancer. To support Kayleighs fundraising click here To support Lukes fundraising click here

Luke Gale and Kayleigh Duffin who are taking a break from chasing food specifications to jump out of a plane

So get clicking for a good cause! About Kayleigh & Lukes day job when they are not jumping out of planes. Kayleigh and Luke are account managers at QADEX and are responsible for day to day liason with their dedicated QADEX customers and working with some of the 14,000 supplying sites who use QADEX to get food specifications and self audit questionnaires completed promptly and to a high standard. Currently the team process over 20,000 food specifications and other document per month. So the documents do come in quickly but not quite at the 210mph that Kayleigh & Luke will be soon falling from the sky at.

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 9

Published Date : 2014-03-10 13:48:35

Template letters can now be downloaded onto your computer’s desktop as a ‘.doc’ and are fully editable and can be customised to your specific needs and requirements on QADEX’s Customer Complaints Module.

This enables you as a company to formulate templates that suit your every requirement and that are unique to you. You are now able to download and customise your email templates on our QADEX Customer Complaints Module

This makes it easier and quicker to send out emails and reminders to customers regarding their complaints.

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 7

Published Date : 2014-03-10 13:46:44

New to the Customer Complaints Module is the ability to see the Start of Manufacture, End of Manufacture and Shelf Life fields.

This will be able to give clearer information on your complaint without having to navigate elsewhere to find the information.

You are now able to see the Start of Manufacture, End of Manufacture and Shelf Life fields on our QADEX Customer Complaints upgrade

By having as much information on each individual complaint as possible it makes complaint managing a quicker and easier process.

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 6

Published Date : 2014-03-10 13:45:41

Another upgrade on our Customer Complaints Module is that you are now able to filter complaints by entering the first three letters or numbers of a specific complaint.

To do this go into View/Edit – Add Complaints. You are now to filter complaints by entering the first 3 letters or numbers of a specific complaint

This will make dealing with specific complaints quicker and easier and you will also now be able to see all of the relevant complaint information. Allocating your complaints is now a quicker and a whole lot easier!

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 4

Published Date : 2014-03-06 15:10:51

QADEX have now allowed the user or manufacturer to be able to view all of the complaints details on the Customer Complaints Module.

This will also work in conjunction with the extended character limit to help give a more detailed overview of the complaints.

This can be accessed through My Company – Complaint Reports – Create a report

When a user then selects the time frame and clicks Generate on Show Data, it will open a table with all complaint and complaint references which can be viewed by clicking on the complaint reference number.

You are now able to view all complaint data on our Customer Complaints Module

This will now allow the user to get a clearer view of complaints which will hopefully drive down time and costs when dealing with complaints.

What do you think of this new addition? We’d love to know what you think!

Customer Complaints Upgrade 3

Published Date : 2014-03-06 14:52:38

On our QADEX Customer Complaints Module the character limit has been increased to 5,000 and the user will be notified that the character limit has been reached.

This will allow you to have more detailed and concise comments and complaints which will in turn make it easier to overcome and tackle.

The character limit for customer complaints has been increased to 5,000

The increased character limit will also enable more concise and effective communication between yourselves and the suppliers.

What do you think of this upgrade? If you have any comments or suggestions please do let us know, we’d love to hear your feedback!

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 2

Published Date : 2014-03-06 14:28:13

QADEX have recently upgraded their Industry leading Complaints software to allow the Main Manufacturer user to have actions assigned them in the investigation stage.

This allows you to assign the task to the correct member of your team, thus saving you and your company time by sending it directly to the individual rather than forwarding to and from.

The system now allows you to assign actions within departments as well as to top level users such as the Main Manufacturer.

The ability to assign to any level allows greater traceability and flexibility within the system.

Customer Complaints Module Upgrade 1

Published Date : 2014-03-06 14:22:12

QADEX have recently upgraded their industry leading Complaints software to include an EXPORT ALL function.

This great piece of functionality allows you to export every field into an excel file so you can set your own filters and sort by any field.

This is a powerful tool allowing different complaint users to quickly and easily access the complaint information they need

If you currently use the complaints module, check out this great report by going to:

My Suppliers Tab – Reports – Complaints report Our new upgrade allows users to export all information on complaints

This is a live export, so depending on your internet connection it may take a few minutes to download – do not worry!

We hope you enjoy this new upgrade and if you have any comments or suggestions we’d love to hear! Managing Customer Complaints Workshop

Published Date : 2014-02-26 09:20:45


Can’t cope with customer complaints?

Are they draining your technical and quality resources?

Are they affecting your profitability?

Don’t have time to chase?

Don’t fear, Qadex is here

FREE Managing Customer Complaints Workshop


Click here to book your place now!

Qadex have created a workshop to help your business overcome the challenges that can be faced when dealing with customer complaints. During the workshop we will explore ways to manage complaints more efficiently and show you how to turn complaint data into business intelligence. Through this you will be able to drive complaint levels down which will in turn increase profitability for your business.

Don’t waste time chasing, get on board the Managing Customer Complaints Workshop to take the hassle, stress and cost out of complaints.

25th March 2014 – Put it in your diaries!

There are limited spaces to make sure to book quickly!


 10am Registration and drinks  Complaint basics  Root Cause Anaylsis  Tracking and Trending  How IT solutions can help  Q&A  Lunch  Depart

The workshop will be held at:

QADEX Limited, Oak Business Centre, Ratcliffe Road, Sileby, Leicesitershire, LE12 7PU

Click here to book now!


A maximum of 2 delegates from your company are able to attend the workshop as spaces are limited. If you are unable to attend this date please let Daniella Vignali know at [email protected] to ensure future workshop dates are sent through to you. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact Daniella via email or on 01509 60631601509 606316/07788210703. Herbs and Spice Set For Global Quality Standards

Published Date : 2014-02-24 12:15:14

Herbs and spices will be set to join global quality standards with the aim of adding further assurances to consumers and to encourage more growers into the already “booming” market.

Standards were set in place for a certain herbs and spices but there has been no previously recognised global body to provide specific and equal quality standards for all herbs and spices according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. By having clear and concise standards it also gives clarity to farmers on what they should be growing and how.

Qadex is welcoming this new addition and is keen to get to work on creating the necessary SAQs and Specs needed for the flavourful duo to join our system.

The herbs and spices sector is to get its first set of global quality standards

The UNFAO said: “With such a diverse range of byproducts and uses, booming international demand and expanding areas of production, the need for international standards is clear.”

By implementing these checks it will help UK food businesses and their suppliers in managing specifications and specification compliance as well as quality assurance checks and supplier monitoring.

The herbs and spices sector has been relishing in it’s rapid growth and as a result a newly formed committee have begun meetings to develop the quality standards for herbs and spices such as thyme and nutmeg.

The Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH), part of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, is to develop the international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice.

For more information on this please visit: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The United Nations News Centre

Don't Let Complaints Cost Your Company

Published Date : 2014-02-14 09:10:43

Speaking at a Westminster Forum Conference, Christine Tacon bought some well needed attention to the mounting costs associated with customer complaints.

When a complaint is made, there is the time consuming task of managing and delegating the complaint which can become not only laborious but stressful. Labour costs can be prohibitive and eat away at the company’s bottom line. This cost doesn’t take into account the costs that are consequentially incurred from the complaint itself.

So stop those complaints draining your time, your money and your resources; Qadex Complaints Module is here to save the day. Through our carefully structured system you can not only track complaints but drive down the cost.

Qadex Vision Customer Complaints Managements Module includes :-

 Management of multiple sources of complaints from customer care centres, websites, emails & social media which ensures that all complaints, regardless of source, are dealt with in a consistent manner.  Access to “backup or contingency” customer care-line personnel available in the QADEX Support centres, meaning that if you are faced with peaks in complaints at certain times we can step in to support at a few hours notice.  Auto alerts and notifications to flag when a product, or batch, has a complaint level which is “above trend” ensuring rapid management attention and focus.  Advanced intelligence tools for suppliers to enable prompt identification of “root cause” and providing suppliers with the intelligence to drive reduction in complaints per million units sold.  Accurate complaint logging and allocation which ensures that complaints are assigned to the correct sites and also assigned to the correct categories for management reporting and KPI purposes. And these are just to name a few.

If you’d like more information on the Qadex complaints module please visit our website (link here)

Alternatively, if you’d like talk to someone, talk to one of our friendly team on 0845 302 4780.

Red Tractor Recognition

Published Date : 2014-02-11 11:32:05

One of Qadex’s customers Red Tractor (also known as Assured Food Standards) has been rewarded with the highest rate of public recognition over recent years.

You may have probably seen the Red Tractor logo being advertised recently by Jimmy Doherty, one of Jamie Oliver’s best friends and a renowned Essex pig farmer, who recently featured on television show Jimmy’s Farm. More likely you will have seen the logo on your on packs of mince or chicken but I’m sure if you checked your fridge you could potentially find lots more products with the colourful Red Tractor logo.

A whopping 57% of the public recognise this logo, which is a rise of 9% since 2012. Testament to the good work of the team at Red Tractor and the British based farmers market.

The importance of this logo goes beyond health and safety; it also enforces the support of Britain’s farmers and the public’s recognition of local provenance.

The Red Tractor is now recognised by 57% of the public The “Give a Fork about Pork” campaign, sponsored by Jimmy Doherty, has helped cement Red Tractor’s journey into the public domain. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) who coined “Don’t Worry, Eat Happy” use only chicken that is Red Tractor assured. Red tractor has also gained momentum and positive recognition after the recent horse meat scandal, which dented public confidence in the meat industry, by helping consumers gain trust back into their food by ensuring produce is local and complies with Red Tractor’s standard

Here’s to many more ads and more recognition.

Big surge in consumer recognition of Red Tractor

Published Date : 2014-02-10 10:20:33

Farewell to the long serving boy with the peas on the login

Published Date : 2014-01-08 16:46:49

On the 1st of January the QADEX login screen was updated.

For some strange reason I was a little emotional about this. As one of the two people who were here on day 1 when we switched on the QADEX system in 2006, this screen and the “boy with the peas” was the first part of the system that I and subsequent users of the system saw.

The initial system only managed food safety questionnaires / supplier self assessments. We could never have envisaged the level of growth and development that the system would undergo over the following 7 years.

Today there is a growing team of 72 people working at QADEX and we are processing over 20,000 raw material specifications, packaging specifications and food safety questionnaires per month from over 14,000 supplying sites per month.

Due to customer demand modules have been added which cover:

 supplier risk assessment  supply chain auditing  allergen risk assessment  food specs  QA checks on intake / supplier performance management  customer specifications  complaint management

With other exciting modules being launched during 2014/2015

Despite vast amounts of upgrades and new module releases over the past 7 years, the “boy with the peas” hung on, until now.

Over these years there has been a sea change in how the food industry handles supply chain risk management and we were hit by a Tsunami during 2013

He served us well.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers who have been logging into QADEX for up to 7 years and seeing this boy’s smiling face.

May we continue to add value and help you deliver step change improvement in food safety and brand protection.

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