Horam Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting

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Horam Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting


Chairman of the meeting: Councillor Susan Stedman, Horam Parish Councillor and Wealden District Council (WDC) Ward Member for the Horam Ward

Also Present:- Marina Brigginshaw, Head of Planning Policy and Economic Development, Wealden District Council Michael Cousins, Chairman of Horam Parish Council Trevor Furse, Landscape Architect Debbie Marriage, Parker Dann, Planning Consultant Ann Newton, Wealden District Councillor and Portfolio holder for Planning and Economic Development Gabriella Paterson-Griggs, Democratic Services Manager, Wealden District Council Allen Rollings, Highways Engineer Trevor Scott, Director of Governance and Corporate Services, Wealden District Council Bob Standley, Leader of Wealden District Council Kelvin Williams, Head of Planning, Wealden District Council Adrian Moore, Parker Dann, Planning Consultant

The Chairman of the meeting, Susan Stedman (SS) opened the meeting by thanking the officers from Wealden District Council (WDC) for attending. She asked anyone in the audience who wished to ask a question to state their name and the name of the road they live in when speaking. The village hall was full to capacity with standing room only.

Marina Briggingshaw (MB) gave the brief background to the options and issues for testing as follows:-  Core strategy was adopted in February 2013.  Early review to look into housing numbers.  Wealden Local Plan – undertaken in accordance with government guidance.  Have to determine the amount of housing and look into higher level of houses which led to Issues and Options document which was published at the end of last year.  400 houses for Horam identified.  400 for issues and options considered to be low, new testing issues and options contained in document.  Testing for land that has been put forward Strategic Housing and Strategic Land Availability (SHEELA) by landowners.  Sites shown on the map displayed does not mean that they are automatically suitable. Examine constraints, infrastructure etc. Look at whole area, not just Horam.  Testing is ongoing, not yet completed.  Next stage, publish Council preferences – publish policy at end of year.  Housing numbers have not yet been decided. Will be published at end of year. Further consultation exercise and Examination in Public.  Next stage to Planning Inspectorate for approval.  Wealden District Council will then decide whether to adopt the Plan.

Question from Helen Marsden, Thatched Cottage, Vines Cross  Issues/Options document. Carried out straw poll 2015 postcards sent out, no-one appears to have received. Response from audience was a solid no.

HORAM – explore,discover,enjoy  MB explained that there were other forms of media coverage and that the post card was not the only way to submit comments.  SS said that this is the third Parish meeting in relation to the Local Plan – poor turnout to the other two meetings.

Question from Lucy Atabey, Horebeech Lane  Sustainability - concern over quantity, the figures are too high. There is a threat to the south Wealden area. District Councillors are concerned and wrote to the Daily Telegraph last week.  SS clarified that the letter was sent by a Polegate Town Councillor who wants to be convinced that Officers know this a rural area and will deal with it accordingly in the plans.

 MB - It is recognised that this is a rural area, very large district and have to take into account government guidelines. She referred to the other local plans for the county, e.g. Lewes.

 MB - Do look at sustainability – protecting environment, special areas of South Downs National Park. If we underestimate growth, Inspectorate can send WDC away to redo work and increase numbers.

 BS explained how Wealden is reasoning the numbers.

Question from Gail Welford, Cowden Hall Lane

 400 houses, each with two cars, increase in traffic movement. The roads are falling apart, dangerous for dog walkers, pedestrians and horse riders – has real concerns over safety because of the state of the road. The audience supported this view.  KW explained that each application is consulted with ESCC highways and are assessed on national standards. He explained about infrastructure requirements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).  KW explained the position regarding the Merrydown site following a meeting with the developer.

Tony Niblock, Laundry Lane

 Quoted the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Council seems to him want to develop houses without infrastructure in place.  Making roads unsafe, infrastructure needs to come first.  Crematorium will create pollution and slow moving traffic.  WDC have employed experts, can we expect them to do a proper job?

 AN confirmed that WDC meets with infrastructure providers, but is reliant upon them. She mentioned the revolving infrastructure fund.  This is the largest local plan exercise being undertaken.  It is the Government who wrote the NPPF and it is the Government who is responsible for making WDC have the number of houses.  Infrastructure – have to rely on County Council as to needs and work with them.  CIL – revolving infrastructure find can help out if CIL monies not collected.  Plan goes through 20 year period being properly and thoroughly prepared.

Question from Christine Hansin, Chiddingly Road

 How does the 400 houses for Horam compare with other districts in the Wealden area?  Where are the schools going to go? The Hailsham planning application for a new school was turned down what are the plans for a primary school?  MB Schools vary in size. Similar sized villages are getting similar numbers. WDC are working with the County Council regarding schools provision as part of infrastructure testing and asking for solutions. HORAM – explore,discover,enjoy  KW confirmed that an application for a school in Hailsham has been approved.

Question from Sally Willcox, Chiddingly Road

 Lives near Flat Farm (crematorium site). Homes already built in Chiddigy Road are subject to subsidence (has been refused building insurance) concerns over subsidence on potential site at Horebeech Lane. Potential sites should be looked at in greater detail.

 KW - all new sites have to have a better run-off than if left as greenfield site. There are very strict requirements for testing.

 Will the Council review the number of houses following Brexit, less migration?

 BS – the number will be reviewed in the autumn, but will not have anything to do with Brexit.

Question from Diana Francis, Millbrook Close

 Infrastructure and sustainability. Chiddingly Road has no facilities, all residents have to travel anywhere.

 Concerns regarding flooding A267, Wellhurst, Horebeech Lane and Marle Green. ESCC to not take into account when considering planning applications.

 KW referred to the NPPF.

Question from Hazel Watkins, Horebeech Lane

 Concerns over bridge – very narrow road, not room for lorries and cars to pass. North corner is also dangerous.

 Why is a crematorium being put in before a school.

 There will be pollution from the crematorium as they burn every hour.

 KW explained a survey would have been commissioned by the developers as this would have been required by the County Council.

 AR explained that Horebeech Lane can be made safe by traffic calming. Developer has to work the County Council.

 BS explained that WDC have been looking for a crematorium site for about six years. This one became available and fits WDC’s criteria. It will be landscaped and not linked to housing.

Comment from Roger Mobsby, Diamond Farm – rural farming policy seems to be concentrating on urban areas.

 MB explained that there are policies relating to agriculture and diversification in WDC’s Local Plan. WDC are seeking to do the best they can within the framework.

Question from Stephen Curry, Little London Road

 Very grateful for time given up by everyone. Aware of concerns re safety etc.  HORAM – explore,discover,enjoy  How joined up are WDC and ESCC regarding development infrastructure and environment.

 Impact of crematorium what is being done on impacts to date? Due diligence needs to stand up to scrutiny.

 MB – crematorium not part of local plan. Joined up approach through Local Plan. Some developments have come in outside of Wealden Local Plan. ESCC asked to look into cumulative effect of developments on traffic.

 Can’t stop premature applications because of change in Government rules, are preparing Wealden Local Plan as quickly as possible.

Trevor Scott, (TS), Director of Governance and Corporate Services, Wealden District Council explained the background to the plans for the crematorium:

 Plans at rear of hall. Looking for site for number of years. 1200 cremations re WDC residents each year. Currently have to go to either Eastbourne or Tunbridge Wells.

 Some positive input from residents because of difficulties accessing Tunbridge Wells or Eastbourne.

 Suitability of site has been examined, looked at access issues, design sits within existing landscape. A Garden of Remembrance and woodland will be provided.

 Looked at environmental issues, no burial plots, scattering of ashes.

 Highway concerns level of traffic. Assessment provides for better access from A267. Footpath out to Chiddingly Road.

 Facility environmental standards will be met, water vapour in air, not smoke.

 Parking will be provided on site, avoid overspill onto neighbouring lanes and turning off main road.

 Parker Dann to work with WDC. Planning application will then be submitted. Strict protocol to keep two elements apart.

 Press Release out inviting comments in to refining proposals before submitting planning application.

Question from Geraldine. Hooper, Chiddingly Road

 Why 21 houses if the crematorium is not in the Local Plan?

 TS - A potential site for some houses has been identified. No plans for this site have been drawn up at all.

 Do not know where this number has come from.

 Highways experts will look at whole of Horam whilst looking at crematorium.

 Does not consider it to be an aggressive timeline. Planning application has not been submitted yet.

 SS explained that end September/October should see planning application after the correct documentation submitted. Will go on weekly list of planning applications received and will be placed on Horam Parish Council website. HORAM – explore,discover,enjoy  Parish Council will comment prior to its consideration by the District Council. Residents will be able to comment, view the documentation etc on website.

 She will not chair the meeting of WDC’s Planning Committee when application is considered, but she will speak on the proposed development. The Planning Committee will make the decision.

Further question from Diana Francis – are financial resources in place for project without having to increase Council Tax?

 BS – The project will be self-financing, Council Tax would not increase (however it could rise for other reasons).

Further question from Lucy Ateby – will the houses in the crematorium site be part of the final number of houses for Horam?44

 KW – yes. Any approved application and windfalls will count towards final numbers. Sites will be taken into account.

 LA – residents are concerned that because the Local Plan is not in place, developers can put in applications and due diligence might be relaxed.

 KW – explained how due diligence works at present. The sooner the Local Plan is in place the better. There is no change in planning policy expected from the Government at this stage.

 SS assured the meeting that each planning application is taken very seriously.

Question from Margaret Smith, Coggers Cross

 Sewage and extra water from crematorium where is it all going?

 AR – Scheme will be in place – held on site and discharged appropriately. Flooding problem should be improved.

Question from Ann King, Chiddingly Road

 How can a community/resident comment on the whole site of crematorium if do not know about development of whole site if housing is not included.

 KW explained the process for commenting on planning applications.

 TS made it clear that housing is being considered, but not yet. – There would be a separate application to that for the crematorium.

Question from a resident of Vine Cross Road who queried SHELLA

 MB explained that sites that have been submitted by the developer.

Susan thanked Wealden’s team for attending the meeting and commented that hope that some of the questions of the residents had been answered. She thanked eveyone for attending.

HORAM – explore,discover,enjoy

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