Best Day Care Center/Reading Passage- ONE

Dear Residents, Hope all of you are enjoying their stay at Dream Living Housing Community. Being the President of the Home Association I am very obliged to all of you. The Association always tries to do the best for all our residents. As we all know most of the residents are full time professionals and have small kids. The Association has received proposals from five day care centers in and around this area. These centers have different features and offers. They would like to accommodate maximum number of kids from our community and give us a better deal. I would like all our parenting residents review these data and choose the best three centers. Please write us back with your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranking and also please let us know the procedure by which you have come to your decision. On behalf of Dream Living Home Association I appreciate your cooperation in all of you have done together so far and we are looking forward to do more things together. Thanks & Regards,

Thomas Rodriguez, President, Dream Living Home Association, 12304 SW 104 Street, Miami, Fl 33196

PH: 705-452-3521