Call to Order and Welcome: Cassie Lehmann
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Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes
January 14th, 2016
WSLR 116, 6:00 p.m.
Call to order and Welcome: Cassie Lehmann, [email protected]
Pledge of Allegiance: Rebecca Hoffman
4-H Pledge: Ellisa DeFur
Officer Introductions
Cassie Lehmann – President
Tyler Marker – Vice President
Lydia Smith – Secretary
Gabrielle Teter – Treasurer
Molly Towns – Murdock Director
Kendall Gatewood – Murdock Director
Emily Grimm – Officer Training Director
Josh Schonfeld – Social Director
Abby Hunnicutt – Regional Communications
Sara Holderbaum – Historian
Alyssa Hudson – Technology Director
Emma Hopkins – Publicity Director
Maddie McFadden – Ag Council Rep.
Steve McKinley – Advisor
Treasurer’s Report – Gabrielle Teter, [email protected]
$10 a semester or $15 for the whole year
o If writing a check, make payable to Purdue Collegiate 4-H
Current balance: $3374.88
T-shirts are available: $12 o If you ordered a t-shirt last semester, you have 2 weeks left to pick up your shirt, after that they are free game for the club
Polos and Jackets will be ordered soon
o Money will be due 2 meetings from today (February 11th)
Ag Council Report – Maddie McFadden, [email protected]
Hot Chocolate Social is Wednesday, January 20th in KRACH Leadership Center Lobby
o This will be a great opportunity to check out a variety of clubs in the College of Ag
o Be sure to stop by for some Andes Mints from the Collegiate 4-H booth!
Ag Week! April 11th – 15th. More details about Collegiate 4-H involvement to come!
o This year’s theme: Beyond the Field (Ag is more than plows, cows, and saddles)
o There are 4 members from Collegiate 4-H on the Ag Week Task Force who have attended one meeting about Ag week. They will continue to represent the club at future Ag Week Meetings
New Business:
Officer Training Report – Emily Grimm, [email protected]
Area 9 – 1/27/16 leaving at 6:30 pm
o This training will have 5-6 counties in one training experience
Hendricks County – 2/2/16 leaving at 5:45 pm
Miami County – 3/22/16 leaving at 5:15 pm
Go to Volunteer Spot to sign up:
Murdock Report – Molly Towns, [email protected] & Kendall Gatewood, [email protected]
Thursdays from 2:45 to 4 pm. Spring semester Murdock starts January 21st!
During the next meeting we will have a mini Murdock session so everyone can experience what Murdock volunteering is like
Social Report – Josh Schonfeld, [email protected]
Wallyball Intramurals!
Coed team plays Thursdays at 8:45 pm, Women’s team plays Wednesdays at 9:45 pm come out and play or cheer us on!
Players are not permitted to wear jeans
In order to play, team members must be dues paying members Volunteer Opportunity
4-H Foundation Thank-A-Thon will be January 21st (Next Thursday) from 5:30-7:00 pm. Food, phones and scripts will be provided for members. Come when you can and leave when you need to!
Chic-Fil-A will be provided
Location: State 4-H office
o This office is on the same road as the Purdue Student Farm across from the construction for the family care facility
o If you get to the Purdue farm, you’ve gone too far
Constitution Update!
We will be voting on the updated constitution on January 28th at our regularly scheduled meeting. It must pass 2/3 vote and can be found on our website at http://www.four- Any questions can be directed to Cassie.
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 28th 6:00 pm WSLR 116
Social Games!
Meeting Dates for 2015-2016
All meetings will be held biweekly from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in WSLR 116. The upcoming dates are as follows:
o January 28th, February 11th, February 25th, March 10th, March 24th (Officer Elections for 2016-2017), April 7th, April 21st (Banquet in Food Science Building 1215)
FOLLOW US! Facebook: Purdue Collegiate 4-H Twitter: @Purdue4H