Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society Community Service Award

1. Background and Purpose

In the spirit of the University of Redlands’ liberal arts mission, the Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society has established an annual Community Service Award in order to promote and recognize the values of citizenship, care and individual responsibility. Recipients of the award will have demonstrated a commitment to their communities through volunteer, community service and/or philanthropic activities.

2. Eligibility

The awards are open to any current University of Redlands student in satisfactory academic standing.

3. Selection

The selection committee will be composed of faculty from the University of Redlands’ School of Business and members of the Center’s corporate advisory board. The final number of awards granted will depend upon the quantity of nominations; up to two awards will be granted, consisting of up to $1000 in tuition remission for each recipient.

4. Nominations

Nominations are requested from faculty, advisors, staff, administrators, students, employers or anyone familiar with the nominees community service work. The attached nomination form should be completed with special attention paid to the brief statement describing the extent of the nominee’s community service activities. Self nominations are acceptable. Recipients will be selected on the basis of their commitment to their communities and the significance of their work to the communities they serve.

The recipients will be profiled on the Banta Center’s web page and will be formally recognized at a School of Business event such as graduation dinner or alumni weekend.

It is requested that individuals submit nominations as soon as possible; however, no new nominations will be considered after January 31, 2017. All nominations should be submitted to Award Selection Committee, Director, Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society, University of Redlands School of Business, 1200 East Colton Avenue, Redlands, CA 92373. Questions regarding the award, selection process, and nominations can be directed to Stan Dale at 909-748-8785 or [email protected]. Banta Center for Business, Ethics and Society Community Service Award


Please use this form to nominate individuals for the Banta Center’s Community Service Award. Simply enter your responses in the grey text fields. You should complete both parts of this form with as much detail as possible. Self nominations are welcome. Send completed forms by mail to Award Selection Committee, School of Business, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA 92373, or electronically (after renaming and saving your form under your last name) to [email protected] with “Community Service Award” in the subject line.

Part I: Contact Information

A. Nominator’s Information

 Name

 Department

 Campus Phone and Email

B. Nominee’s Information

 Name

 Department

 Campus Phone and Email

Part II: Programming and Initiatives

A. Describe, in detail, the nominee’s community service and/or philanthropic activities including the organizations with which s/he has worked, the amount of time s/he has committed to these organizations, and the communities that are impacted by this service.

B. Does the nominee receive any compensation for the work described in (A)?

C. Has the nominee received any honors, awards or special recognition for their service work?

D. Has the nominee received any academic honors, awards or special recognition?

E. Provide any additional reasons for the nomination, e.g., what outstanding qualities make the nominee especially suited to receive the CBES Community Service Award?