Trinity Lutheran Church

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Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Lutheran Church 106 W. Penn Street, Bedford, PA 15522 ~ ph: (814) 623-8813 Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-5:00 pm e-mail: [email protected] on the web ~ Pastoral Emergencies after Office Hours: Pr Short (814) 977-4741 / Vr Tormod: (301) 707-1548

Parish Announcements ~ January 9, 2011 ~ (+ = Times of Corporate Worship)

This Week … Sunday (9) Feast of the Baptism of our Lord ~ Eucharists: 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School & Adult Forum: 9:45 am Church Council Orientation Meeting: 1:30 pm (Trinity Hall) Church Council Appreciation Dinner: 4:30 pm (Ed’s Steak House) Monday (10) Evening Book Club: 6:15 pm (Sr. High Classroom) Internship Ministry Team Meeting: 7:00 pm Tuesday (11) Matins & Bible Study: 10:00 am Faith & Fun Club ~ After-School Ministry: 3:15-4:30 pm Free Community Dinner: 5:30 pm Thrivent Financial for Lutherans: 6:30 (Sr. High Classroom) Wednesday (12) Parish Musicians Meeting: 4:45 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal: 6:00 pm Vespers: 7:00 pm Anthem Choir Rehearsal: 7:30 pm

Next Week... Sunday (16) 2nd Sunday after Epiphany ~ Eucharists: 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School & Adult Forum: 9:45 am Summer Mission Trip Quick Info Sessions: 9:45 am & 12:05 pm Youth Gathering: 4:00 pm Tuesday (18) Matins & Bible Study: 10:00 am Diners & Travelers: Noon (Social Room) Faith & Fun Club ~ After-School Ministry: 3:15-4:30 pm Free Community Dinner: 5:30 pm Wednesday (19) Bell Choir Rehearsal: 6:00 pm Vespers: 7:00 pm Anthem Choir Rehearsal: 7:30 pm Friday (21) Theology on Tap: 6:00 pm (hosted by Pastor & Barb Short)

Sunday Morning Fellowship Time... Join us at 9:30 am in Trinity Hall ...”THANKS!”, to this morning’s hosts, Bev Landis & Maggie Pfaff, for providing refreshments ... Coffee and Refreshments are served on weeks which Parishioners volunteer to serve as hosts... If you enjoy this aspect of Trinity’s ministries and haven’t taken your turn serving lately, please do so soon! Maybe you can invite a friend to serve with you as a team??? A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in Trinity Hall.

Trinity Hall is Wired! Catch the Sunday Morning Liturgy, LIVE, in Trinity Hall~ Our Sunday Liturgies, both 8:30 and 11:00 am, are now available “live” in Trinity Hall. This should provide great support to families that may need to step out of the nave for a few minutes to comfort a restless child, or for parishioners who, for a variety of reasons, may be a little more comfortable in this setting. Our ushers will check to see if there are worshipers in Trinity Hall who would appreciate the Sacrament at the appropriate time in the liturgy.

2 New Adult Learning Series are beginning...... This Morning ~ The Sunday Morning Adult Forum begins a new series this morning, January 9, reflecting on Bp NT Wright’s book “Following Jesus”... Trinity Hall, 9:45 am ... This Tuesday ~ Tuesday Morning Matins & Bible Study begins a new series this Tuesday, January 11, exploring the New Testament Epistles... Trinity Hall; 10:00 am

Free Community Dinner Notes... Every Tuesday ~ Serving from 5:30-6:15 pm ... Trinity coordinates the efforts of our neighboring churches to join us in serving “Free Community Dinners” to local families and friends who appreciate the support. Dinner is served, every Tuesday, at Trinity. ... Parishioners of the Bedford County Christian Church will be serving the meal on Tuesday, January 11.

Valentine’s Eve “Chicken Parmesan” Dinner (with salad, sides, desserts, and drinks ~ tip included!) Supporting our Youth’s Participation in the 2012 New Orleans Youth Gathering * Serving in The Social Room *

2 ~ Sunday, February 13; Seating from 4:30-6:00 pm ~ ... Enjoy a great Dinner and Support a Great Cause ... Tickets are on sale through Wednesday, February 9 ~ $20.00 Worship & Music Ministries

Mid-Week Liturgies & Bible Study… Tuesdays; 10:00 am ~ Matins (Morning Prayers) and Bible Study …As our morning gathering begins, we share in the traditional office of Morning Prayers, and then turn our attention to the Study of the Scriptures. ... Through mid-March, we’re engaging in a 9 week study of the Epistles, with a specific focus on the Letters which are attributed to St. Paul ~ what sets the Epistles apart from other Books of the Bible, what messages they conveyed in Paul's time, and how they speak to us in our setting. We hope you will join us for great fellowship and lively and good discussion. Wednesdays; 7:00 pm ~ Vespers (Evening Prayers) ... Parishioners and friends are invited to gather in the nave for this time of contemplative prayer, Scripture-reading, and traditional Biblical canticles. The melodies of the Canticles are written by the contemporary composer, Marty Haugen. Please join us!

Choirs & Music Ministry...... Bell Choir rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. We play monthly, on the 4th Sunday, alternating between the 8:30 and 11:00 am liturgies. ... Anthem Choir rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. We sing at the 8:30 am liturgy the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of the month and the 11:00 am liturgy on 2nd Sundays. (We’ll be “off” on 4th Sundays to sit with our families).

Parish Musicians Meeting Wednesday, January 12; 4:45 pm Our Parish Musicians will meet to coordinate our music ministries of the parish for the upcoming months. We gather in the Parish House.

Ecumenical Liturgies of Praise and Prayer... Bishop Gregory invites parishioners and friends to gather with our ecumenical partners for these special times of worship, along with Bp Joseph Adamec and Metropolitan Nicholas Smisko (of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Traditions) and leaders of other judicatories

3 in our area. ... Sunday, January 30; 3:00 pm ~ St Luke Lutheran Church (301 N Pennsylvania Ave, Center Hall, PA) ... Sunday, February 13; 3:00 pm ~ St John Gualbert Cathedral (117 Clinton Street, Johnstown). Children & Youth Ministries

Growing Years Child Day Care Ministry at Trinity Administered by Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries Monday through Friday, 6:30 am-5:30 pm For More Information & Registration Details call 623-2096

Faith & Fun Club ~ Children’s After-School Ministries Tuesdays, 3:15-4:30 pm … Faith & Fun Club gathers elementary grade children of our parish and friends (grades K-5) for Bible Stories, Activities, Games, and Refreshments every Tuesday afternoon. ... Transportation is provided, via Chartered Bollman Bus, from the Bedford Elementary School to Trinity. Children from other schools are also welcome to join us. ... Parents/Adults pick-up kids from Trinity when “Faith & Fun Club” concludes, at 4:30 pm. … Registration materials are in Trinity Hall. Be sure to invite your neighbors. Please see Jill Aaronson with any questions. … Adult and older-youth helpers are always welcome, and parishioners are also invited to support this ministry by donating the weekly snacks (cupcakes, cookies, etc). Sign up sheets are in Trinity Hall.

Youth Group Gathering... Sunday, January 16; 4:00-5:30 pm Youth of the parish will be gathering for an afternoon of discussion topics, games, and (of course) snacks...All Middle School & High School Youth (and friends) welcome. Please see Jill Aaronson with any questions.

Pittsburgh Youth Quake & Zone for Senior High and Middle School Youth January 28-30, 2011.. See Jill ASAP if you’ve not registered... We’ll be traveling as a group to this annual weekend of great music, challenging speakers, and Christian fellowship with 100’s of Lutheran Youth from across the region. This year’s theme is “Hope”. Please see Jill with any questions.

Souper-Bowl Offering AND Super-Bowl Party Sunday, February 6

4 ... Our youth will once again take the lead in gathering offerings for the national “Souper Bowl of Caring Offering” following both morning liturgies. ... Then, in the afternoon/evening, we’ll be gathering for our annual Super-Bowl Party at Jill Aaronson’s house... Mark the date now, and plan to invite some friends... Adult & All-Parish Ministries

Sunday Morning Adult Forum Series... “Following Jesus ~ Biblical Reflections on Discipleship” A 9-Week Series ~ January 9 through March 6; 9:45 am “The longer you look at Jesus, the more you will want to serve him in his world. That is, of course, if it’s the real Jesus you’re looking at. Plenty of people in the church and outside it have made up a “Jesus” for themselves, an invented character who makes few real demands on them. He makes them feel happy from time to time, but he doesn’t challenge them, doesn’t suggest they get up and do something about the plight of the world – something the real Jesus had an uncomfortable habit of doing”... (from “Following Jesus”, by N.T. Wright) ... N.T. Wright, Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, is a leading contemporary New Testament Scholar. His book “Following Jesus” presents practical meditations which have been redacted from a series of sermons which he preached at the Cathedral over the past few years. Join us as we reflect on the questions and insights which Bp Wright raises to enhance our lives through faithful and maturing Christian discipleship. Contact Pr Short with any questions.

Trinity Book Clubs ~ Please Pass the Word and Join Us! Coordinated by Pat Macchiarolo, Trinity Book Clubs gather to discuss contemporary literature and reflect upon its significance and spiritual i mplications. We’re blessed to have 2 groups which meet monthly ~ one meets in the afternoon and the other meets in the evening. The January selection is “The Help”, by Kathryn Stockett. Evening Group’s Next Gathering... Monday, January 10, 6:15 pm, Sr High Classroom

Diners & Traveler’s Fellowship Ministry... Tuesday, January 18; Noon ~ Lunch and Sing-along... ”Senior” Adults of the parish will gather in the Social Room for a pork and sauerkraut lunch. Pork & Sauerkraut, drinks, and place settings will be provided. Guests are invited to bring side dishes to share (especially mashed potatoes) and a modest offering to cover the cost of the main dish. Following our meal, we’ll enjoy singing some songs from songbooks of the 1920’s-40’s. A sign up sheet is in Trinity Hall.

Theology on Tap ~ Faith Formation & Fellowship With Younger Adults...

5 Friday, January 21; 6:00 pm Our next “Theology on Tap” gathering will be held Friday, January 21; 6:00 pm, and will be hosted by Pastor and Barb at their home (801 Echo Vale Drive). Plan to attend, and feel free to extend an invitation to a friend or colleague. Our discussion topic will be e- mailed a week or so in advance. Contact Pastor Short with any questions. Lutheranism and Pizza with the Vicar Monday, January 24; 6:30 pm What does it mean to be an ELCA Lutheran? What do we have in common, and how do we differ, from other Lutheran church bodies at home and abroad? The Vicar invites you to three sessions on Lutheranism . The topic for the first session will be "What does it mean to be an ELCA Lutheran?" We will meet in Trinity Hall for a brief lecture followed by pizza and group discussion. The next session will be in February where we will look at other American Lutheran church bodies. We will conclude with a session on international Luttheranism in March. There is a sign-up sheet in Trinity hall. Why not invite a friend for an evening of fellowship, pizza and good discussion?

It’s soon time for our next “5th Sunday Potluck” Sunday, January 30; 12:15 pm Parishioners and friends are invited to gather for our upcoming 5th Sunday potluck and fellowship lunch following the 11:00 am liturgy on January 30. The main course, “Norwegian Meatballs” (no joke), will be provided by Vr Tormod. Please bring along salads, sides, and desserts to share. Drinks and table settings will also be provided. A sign up sheet is in Trinity Hall. Outreach Ministries

Habitat for Humanity of Bedford County January’s Special Ministry Highlight... Habitat for Humanity enables families to participate in the construction of affordable housing toward home-ownership, helps to develop healthy spending habits among its families, and brings the community together to work toward the benefit of others. ... Since it’s beginnings in 1999, our local Habitat Chapter has overseen the construction of nine homes and now in the planning stage for it’s 10th. Check out the local chapter’s web site, which is very informative, at ... Our special offerings will be shared with the local Chapter for use in this upcoming local project. Please make checks payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church”. Special envelopes are available in Trinity Hall and on the table in the rear of the nave.

Bedford Food Outreach ... Distribution Day: Friday, January 21, 2010; 9:30-11:30 am The upcoming distribution will be held at the Bedford Church of the Brethren, along Donahoe Manor Road. Please contact Dan Kerr (623-6384) to learn how you can get involved.

6 ... Please share any of the following items with local, needy families. The Collection Area is in the Narthex... + Boxed Mac & Cheese + Canned Soups + Peanut Butter &/or Jelly + Spaghetti &/or Sauce + Skillet Dinners + Breakfast Cereals + Canned Tuna + Canned Vegetables + Canned Fruit Church Council & Ministry Teams & Notes...

Church Council Organizing and Orientation Event... Sunday, January 9; 1:30 pm ... Church Council will gather for our 1st session of the year on Sunday afternoon, January 9. We’ll spend time considering our current ministries and setting some directions and goals for the months ahead. We’ll also elect officers and establish leadership tasks for our various committees and ministry teams. ... We’ll conclude our work at 4:15 pm and, at 4:30 pm, re-group at Ed’s Steak House for dinner. Spouses are invited to join us at this time, as will those who’s terms have recently concluded (Marlene Claycomb, Barbara Dikum, Ron Scott, & Chris Turner).

2011 Church Council... Thanks for your Leadership and Commitment! ... Dave Betts, Connie Claycomb, Lisa Hagenbuch, Beth Hullihen, Brenda Jennings, Mike Macchiarolo, Linda McElroy, Michelle Plush, Chuck Replogle, Erick Seager, LaDonna Snyder, and Dan Wakefield

Internship Ministry Team with Vicar Tormod Monday, January 10; 7:00 pm Those who are serving on Vr Tormod’s Internship Ministry Team will gather in the Parish House Meeting Room. Please see the Vicar with any questions.

Minutes of recent Council and Ministry Team Meetings are available on-line via the “Parish Resources” tab at the top of Trinity’s website. Other Notes...

Financial Offerings and Support of Trinity’s Ministries in 2011 Please share in a growing way...... As we enter into this new year, opportunities to witness to the steadfast love of God abound ~ worship and music ministries... educational and fellowship ministries with children, youth, and adults of the parish... outreach ministries which feed, shelter and encourage those in need... and the maintenance and utility expenses associated with our facilities... Our 2011 Parish Ministry Budget, which was unanimously adopted at the recent Annual Congregational Meeting, is the means by which we organize and manage the expenses associated with the ministries we share.

7 ... As parishioners and friends of Trinity, we are asked to grow in our financial support of our ministries as we enter into this new year. Even the modest increase of a dollar or two a week, when given regularly over the course of the year by the many households of the parish, will result in significant growth and funding for our ministries. Please, be a part of this challenge and share, in a new way, with the work of our Church.

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans... “Choice Dollars” Trinity is registered with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to be a recipient of “Choice Dollars” and would appreciate being designated to receive the “Choice Dollars” which you may be eligible to direct. “Choice Dollars” designated to Trinity will be used to support Trinity’s work with the “Free Community Dinners” and youth ministry opportunities of the parish. Please contact the Church Office with any questions.

Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Bedford County Chapter... Tuesday, January 11; 6:30 pm The Chapter Leadership Board will hold its first meeting of the new year at Trinity (in the Sr High Youth Classroom). Any local Thrivent Members are more than welcome to attend and learn about the various ministries which the local Chapter accomplishes.

2011 Summer Mission Trip ~ A Great Opportunity to Serve... June 5-11, 2011 ~ Flood Recovery Project in Munson, Indiana Quick Info Sessions... Sunday, January 16: 9:45 am & 12:05 pm ... Join the Vicar in Trinity Hall for a brief Question & Answer session on Sunday, January 16 after liturgies (9:45 am and 12:05 pm) in Trinity Hall. ... Plans are coming together for a Mission Trip to assist the 17,000 families who are still working to recover and rebuild their homes from a devastating flood in 2008. ... Housing (including beds and bathroom facilities) will be provided. The only projected expenses for the week will be traveling and food expenses (estimated to total about $150 per person). Typical tasks include painting, drywall and carpentry work, and people of all skill levels (novice or skilled) are needed and welcome. Those unskilled will be given training necessary for any assigned tasks. Youth (16 and up) and Adults are invited to participate. ... Please check out the website; or contact the Vicar for more information. ... A signup sheet is in Trinity Hall for all who want to know more about this opportunity.

Sponsors for Altar Flowers, Missionary, Bulletins, and Sanctuary Lamp... Parishioners and friends are invited to sponsor the Altar Flowers which adorn the church each Sunday and are delivered to parishioners in special circumstances, our congregation’s Missionaries to Africa, the Sunday Worship Pamphlets & Announcements, and the Sanctuary Lamp which illumines the Tabernacle.  Sponsors, and those in whose memory or honor their gift has been shared, are noted in the weekly Church Announcements. 8 ... Chancel Flowers... $40.00 (includes both vases) ... Missionary to Africa... $25.00 ... Sunday Bulletins... $20.00 ... Sanctuary Lamp... $5.00  Sign up sheets are located on the table in the rear of Trinity Hall.  Please contact the Church Office with any questions. Daily Devotions

Resources for Daily Devotions are Available in Trinity Hall...... “Portals of Prayer” (Daily Devotions for Adults ~ regular and large print) ... “Davey & Goliath’s Devotions” (Daily Devotions for families with Children) ... Please visit for daily devotions. While at this site, you can register for daily devotions to be emailed to you. ... Daily Devotions... Parishioners are encouraged to engage the Scriptures as a regular part of their daily routines. There are various printed resources in Trinity Hall (for adults and families) and even more “on-line” (check out to guide you in this Spiritual Discipline.

Bible Readings ~ as we prepare to Worship... Parishioners are encouraged to prepare for worship by reading and spending time in reflection on the Scriptures which will be read at the Sunday Liturgy...... Readings for Sunday, January 16 ~ 2nd Sunday after Epiphany: Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 40:1- 11; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1:29-42

~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Worship Attendance & Offerings This Past Week ~ through January 7, 2011 Attendance: 178 Tithes & Offerings: $ 3,746.00 Year to Date Tithes & Offerings: $ 3,746.00

Thank You for your Tithes and Offerings in support of Trinity’s Ministries

May our Worship and Tithes be an out-pouring of our gratitude in response to our Lord’s gracious gifts of Life and Salvation. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Please strive to grow in your Financial Giving to the ministries of Trinity during 2011... Even modest growth of a dollar or two each week will make a significant impact on the ministries we share.

9 “Simply Giving”... The Stewardship & Finance Ministry Team remind you of the opportunity to use “Simply Giving” ~ a free, convenient, and flexible way to focus your stewardship and share your offerings with the ministries of Trinity. Please check with the Church Office to learn more about this stewardship resource and how you can take advantage of its simplicity! Please contact the Church Office by Thursday afternoon to have family and/or friends included in this prayer list, and in the weekend’s prayers. … Parishioners and friends of the parish who would appreciate pastoral visitation and/or prayer while hospitalized are asked to share their request by contacting Pr Short or Vr Tormod through the Church Office.

The Church...... For all servants of the Church, especially Bishop Gregory, Pr Andrew & Barbara Hinderlie (Missionaries to Africa), and all who labor for the sake for the Gospel. ... For our neighbors who will be served by the food distributions of the Bedford Food Outreach, and for those who share of their time and resources to accomplish this ministry. ... For the Ministries of Habitat for Humanity, that all people of our community may have a safe and sustainable home in which to live.

Our Nation and the World...... Leaders of the nations of the world and all who govern at home, especially the President, the members of Congress, the Courts of our Land, and our state and local officials. ... Military personnel and their families, at home and over-seas.

Parishioners and Family & Friends in Special Circumstances...... Beth Bittner, Jane Claar, Tom Cox, Joe & Skip Dishong, Pr John Duffus, Lori Dunkle, Spencer Growden, Ruth Hoppe, Beth Hullihen, John Imler, Fran Leibfreid, Roger Markle, Beth Miller, Brent Nelson, Betty Ritchey, Raye Speicher, Mid Stanko, Phyllis Strawn, Sandy Zembower … (1/9) ~ Chet & Heddy Dull (Dot Keller’s family), Roger Birch (Mary Jo Casalena’s brother-in- law), Dorothy Garber & Gary Leonard (Mary Jo Casalena’s friends) ... (1/2) ~ David Bittner (Frank & Alice’s son), Brian Harr, Jr. (Brenda Beegle’s neighbor), Mary Grace Imgrund (Fred Claycomb’s friend) … (12/26) ~ Gerry Waugh (Mike & Pat Macchiarolo’s brother-in-law)

Rest Eternal Grant Them, O Lord… Clarence Beegle (1/5 Mark’s father), Edith Amtower (1/1 Priscilla Seager’s mother), Alice Kenen (12/28 Barbara Arnold’s sister), Kim Sherry (12/19 Mike Macchiarolo’s friend), Marey “Betty” Kagarise (12/19 Freda’s mother-in-law), Karen Mrdjenovich (12/4 Gerry Gronborg’s friend), Dora Albright (12/2 Howard Atkinson’s mother-in-law), Twila Black (11/26 Bob Lehman’s aunt), Tom Miller (11/20 Faith Nelson’s cousin), R. Devon Bowman (11/17 Erle & Shirley Sipe’s brother-in-law), Judy Guediche (11/16 Chris Turner & Ashley Clark’s colleague)

10 To The Glory of God… ... The Flowers are sponsored in honor of Sophia’s 9th birthday by Mike & Pat Macchiarolo. ... Our Missionaries, Pr Andrew & Barb Hinderlie, are sponsored by Milton & Gladys Dumeyer. ... The Sanctuary Lamp burns in loving memory of Thomas R. Doyle sponsored by his wife, Marie.


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