Provided with the Best Education Possible at Robin Hood Junior School

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Provided with the Best Education Possible at Robin Hood Junior School

Summer Term 2007 Number 8

Dear Parents / Carers questionnaire so that you can read them We have returned to school after the at your leisure. I have also attached the Easter break to wonderful weather and it results of the questionnaire on is lovely to see all the pupils making good communication and what we will be doing use of our field at break and at lunchtime. as a school in response to your opinions. The new hanging baskets and troughs are in place and we are hoping that they Mrs Jones from the school office look as wonderful as they did last year. produced a beautiful baby girl called We are having a ‘Global Awareness’ Darcy on April 20th. Mrs Victoria Bassett, garden built where the ‘quiet area’ is at who was a teacher at the school last the front of the school. Mr Phillip Wing (a year, also produced a baby girl on parent) will begin work on this project Tuesday of this week. We wish them after the bank holiday. This area will be both all the very best of luck. We used by pupils who need shade and a welcome Miss Holmes to the school. quiet place to enjoy their breaktimes. The Miss Holmes will be working in the school garden is also going to be part of our office whilst Mrs Jones is on maternity entry for the ‘Sutton In Bloom’ competition leave. which we won last year. Thank you for all your support in making Pupils do not need to wear ties during the Robin Hood Junior School a very summer term and they can wear a polo or successful and popular school. white shirt. Please ensure that all hair bands to tie hair up or back are a dark SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS colour. Alice bands or scrunchies etc can The School Council continues to collect be green and white or just white or green. data on how children travel to school. Thank you. This is then forwarded to ‘Walk once a Week’ organisers in the Borough and Please note that we have attached a children who do manage to walk, cycle or comprehensive list of events that will be travel on public transport once each week happening this term well in advance. I throughout the month collect badges. hope that this enables you to negotiate Children at Robin Hood Juniors are very your diaries accordingly. I hope also that aware of the benefits of walking – for you can see when there will be financial themselves in helping them to stay implications to any trips or events, as healthy, and also the ecological benefits many parents expressed a concern about of using sustainable transport. We have the financial demands that the school an amazing record across the year for the requested during the autumn term. number of children using sustainable transport at least once each week. Since A final decision about the proposed September, our lowest figure has been school uniform changes will be made by 84% (in December), but in 4 out of the the school governors Tuesday 22nd May. seven months, we have achieved over I have attached the results of the pupil’s 90%. In February and March 96% of our questionnaire and the parent’s children walked or used sustainable

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’. transport at least once each week. Thank Apple crisps you everyone for your efforts. FREE BOOKS FOR SCHOOL The School Council recently carried out a survey, asking children for their view on Thank you to everyone who sent in cycling to school. This ties in with a ‘Nestle Box Tops for Books’. We have scheme called ‘Go Bike’ being run to try ordered 17 free non fiction books for our to encourage cycling. Mr Kench is library. They will arrive in early looking into how this might work for the September, ready for the new school children interested. year.

As you are aware, we have an arrangement with the NCP above the cinema, which allows parents to park for free whilst dropping off or collecting children. If anyone would like to take up this facility, please ask in the Office.

Because of the success of our School FOOTBALL NEWS Travel Plan (see above), we were visited last term by a theatre group who delivered a fun and interactive assembly Year 6 Borough Cup Semi Final v on sustainable forms of transport. We will Avenue continue to support Sutton LEA and On April 24th we travelled to Avenue, a Transport for London in their efforts to pitch we never seem to do well at. We promote eco friendly travel. prefer a much bigger pitch! The ball often sails from goal to goal missing out the HEALTHY SNACK BAR middle men! It was a very tight game but As we reported in the last newsletter, all we played our best match there. Both twelve classes now have a digital teams had chances and both goalkeepers camera, bought with the profit from the made crucial saves. The second half was Healthy Snack Bar. We are now working the longest ever – 12 minutes extra was towards the purchase of ‘Digital Blue’ played, so things got a little nerve- video cameras for year groups. Once wracking! However, we ran out 3 – 2 again, thank you to everyone who winners and go into the final against supports the Snack Bar. Cheam Park Farm. The healthy snacks we sell at the Healthy Scorers: Oliver Browne Snack Bar consists of: Oliver King (2) Fruit Strings Man of the match: Harry Hicks for superb Fruit Flakes in a choice of blackcurrant or defending. strawberry flavours. Fruit Flakes yoghurt coated in either Year 5 League Cup Final v Cheam blackcurrant or strawberry Common Raisins

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’. On April 26th Year 5 played their cup final beaten them in the Borough Cup Semi- at Cheam Park Farm, only their 3rd game Final and they had beaten us in the together. We started well and scored the league, so it should have been a close first goal, a great effort from Daniel De game. Unfortunately, we didn’t produce Freitas, but Cheam Common levelled and our best football and played below par. then went ahead. Tiago Paulino gave us We seemed to be a bit flat and perhaps our second goal only to find the suffering from too much football in recent opposition go ahead again. Some strong weeks. Avenue was quicker to the ball play and passing saw Tiago score again and likes to play a long kicking game to give us some hope, but Cheam which we got a bit drawn into. We gave Common were just too strong and went away a penalty and had a goal disallowed on to score 2 more. Final score 3 – 5. It so it just wasn’t our day, but everyone bodes well for some good games next kept trying to the final whistle. Score: year. Avenue 4 Robin Hood Juniors 2 Man of the match: Callum Ahearne for Scorers: Oliver King sticking to his task. Daniel Scanlan Man of the match: Harry Hicks again, for Borough Cup Final v Cheam Park yet another consistent defensive Farm performance. This was always going to be a tough The team would like to thank all our game as it featured the 2 best teams in parents and spectators for their wonderful the borough. Cheam Park Farm had support in an extremely long season, beaten us in the league and we had brought about by our successful cup beaten them in the league cup, so campaigns. Thanks also to everyone honours were even. We had a lot of who helped to transfer the team around chances but couldn’t convert these to the borough. We couldn’t play without goals while Jesus Abreu made 2 good you! Finally congratulations to Mr Marlow saves at the other end. At full time the for passing his refereeing exams and score was 0 – 0. In extra time again we officiating so superbly. came close to scoring but it just wasn’t to be. After extra time it was still 0 – 0. It was decided to share the trophy and so NETBALL honours remain equal between the 2 Last Saturday, 28th April, the girls played teams! Special mention to Daniel Finch in the annual Netball Rally at Overton who once again did his job superbly by Grange High School. We had a difficult keeping their Arsenal junior under control draw and lost our first two matches and causing him to get frustrated! against Cheam Park Farm and Barrow Man of the match: Daniel Finch. Hedges but we won our third against Stanley Park in fine style. Unfortunately, League Cup Final v Avenue we did not make it through to the next round but the sun shone on us and we On Wednesday 2nd May, the team played enjoyed the morning. Well done to all the their final game of the season at Cheam team. Our thanks go to one of the Park Farm against Avenue. We had

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’. governors, Mrs Steers, for coming to YellowBrooke Butler umpire for us. Palm: Red Joe Fox SWIMMING Blue Lauren Neilsen-Von Reitzig Our congratulations to Eve Tidy who, Green Hannah Sebaduka following her success in a gala earlier on YellowJosh Hadnutt in the year, represented the Borough of Sutton in a gala last Saturday, 28th April. Pine: Red Hennock Kassaye Eve came 3rd in her race for breast stroke Blue Bruno Faria and Sutton’s girls’ team came 3rd overall. Green Macaulay Pearman YellowAlex Kerr HOUSE CAPTAINS FOR THE SUMMER Willow: Red Kapary Follett TERM Blue Emma Pereira Green Daniel Scanlan Ash: Red David Akindipe YellowSummah Longley Blue Tommy Turner Green Megan Rogers Larch: Red Alan Abad YellowJoseph Adams Blue Jesus Abreu Green Abigail Scruby Beech: Red Michael Mugambe Yellow Laura Barfield Blue Melanie Marks Green Alfie Bicknell Oak: Red Bricks Elliott-Nabarro YellowJenny Powell Blue Katie Caria-Preen Green Bartek Pietras Maple: Red Ptolemy Archard YellowKeziah Doh Noble Blue Lewis Wright Rowan: Red Natasha Roche Green Haflan Haleem Blue Douglas McMullen YellowJosh Greenleaf Green Cavan Gornell YellowJessica Taylor Elm: Red Renee Cannon Blue Max Brewer Green Jessica Murray TESCO SPORTS VOUCHERS YellowLaine McGrath Thank you to all of you who sent in the Tesco Sports Vouchers. With all the Redwood: Red Claudia Costa vouchers we collected we were able to Blue Neha Sohan acquire the following items for the school. Green Hannah Case Lunchtime balls YellowAlan Steward Tag Rugby belts Hurdles Sycamore: Red Charlea Hollowday Skirts for the Netball Team Blue Panagiotis Argyros Playground goals. Green Billy Watts

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’. We are currently collecting Tesco absence to let us know if your child is Computer for Schools Vouchers and unable to attend school for any reason? Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers. In the event that you are unable to call us, Please bring into school as many please ensure that your child brings an vouchers as you can as they really do absence note in with them on their first help in providing valuable equipment for day back. If you receive an absence letter the school. Thank you. from the office on your child’s return, we would be grateful if you could complete BILBO WEEK this and return it as soon as possible This week is ‘Bilbo Week’. We have been otherwise we are legally required to mark collecting money to raise funds for the your child’s absence as unauthorised. Diamond Riding Centre. The children Many thanks. have bringing in silver coins which have been placed onto the letters of Bilbo’s LATENESS name in each class and also Smartie Please be reminded that if your child is tubes filled with 1p coins. We have for consistently late after registration closes some years been supporting ‘Bilbo’ a you may be liable for a fixed penalty pony at the Diamond Riding Centre. fine. Please make sure your child arrives Each year we raise funds to send to the no later than 8.50 am. The Education centre to help with the cost of his upkeep. Welfare Officer is obliged to visit the Bilbo, along with other ponies at the school twice every half term to check on centre, is ridden by children with attendance records. Thank you. disabilities. Thank you to all of you sent in coins and Smartie tubes. The money collected will be passed on to the LOST PROPERTY Diamond Riding Centre to help with Bilbo’s upkeep, which offers a wonderful There is a large box marked ‘Lost experience to these children. Please Property’ held in the school office. Lost continue to send your coins into school property will be kept for two weeks and for this very worthwhile cause. then recycled. PLEASE make sure that all clothing is clearly marked! PFA NEWS Unfortunately due to the lack of support to find a chair person and full committee, there will not be a summer fair this term. However, the children will be having a Summer Fun Day during the day on Thursday 5th July and parents will be invited to the Sports Finals on 21st June.

REPORTING A PUPIL ABSENCE Please can you make sure that you call the school office on the first morning of

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’. ROBIN HOOD JUNIOR WEBSITE Visit our school’s website,, where you can see some exciting new changes. Visit the website to see a new animated welcome page, with pupils involved in a wide range of activities including egg box modelling, exploring a fort and growing vegetables.

Pupil’s pages You can visit the pupil’s pages to see work by pupils including Egyptian models, structures, egg box modelling.

Eco Team The new EcoTeam web pages are packed with lots of exciting information including the background of the Eco Garden, the Allotment Club, newts and bees. There is also information from our energy team with charts showing our electricity and gas usage, water usage will be added soon!

‘All children, with support from parents, staff, Governors and outside agencies, will be provided with the best education possible at Robin Hood Junior School’.

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