Risk Assessment Template s1
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APPENDIX 3 - Risk Assessment Template
Education, Learning & Leisure Risk Assessment Template
Establishment: Member of staff completing:
Date Completed: Completing Staff Signature and Date:
Description of Activity: Activity Location:
Head of Establishment: Head of Establishment Signature and Date:
Areas Covered in this template
Instructor / Supervisor competence Equipment Ability of the Group Weather Supervision Emergency Procedures Transportation Medication Environment / Location Electricity Activity Chemicals Security Insurance
1 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Staff Staff competent to Instructor Young people supervise the group competence Helpers activities Public Activity provider has High Supervisor Instructor provided evidence of their competence Supervisor staff competence and a Medium Others risk assessment for the activity. Activity premises are inspected by the Local Low Authority so would not be required to provide a risk assessment Staff PVG checked Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
2 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Insurance Staff All activities organised Young people under Aberdeenshire Council third Helpers council will be covered party Public third party by the council High Personal Instructor insurers. accident Supervisor Comprehensive cover can Medium Overseas Others be purchased from the cover Council Finance Dept Litigation Other relevant measures potential – note in the 5th Low column
3 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Ability of Staff Group Young people Helpers The ratio of staff to Young Ability Public people is set dependant High Inclusion Instructor on need Individual Supervisor Individual pupil support Medium support plans Others plans are available to available establish individuals / Supervision group ability ratio Identify, departure time, Low Disabled/mob contact numbers, finishing ility problems time, pick up, set down Medical location and instructions. needs, sick Identify any specific bag, medical / dietary needs. disposable If necessary obtain gloves, apron guardian advice / First-aid permission (travelling kit) Other relevant measures Mobile phone – note in the 5th Guardian column information
4 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Supervision Staff The ratio of staff to Young Young people people is set dependant Ratios Helpers on need High Activities Public Supervision levels are set Special Instructor as required to undertake needs Supervisor or support the activity Medium Overnight Others provider Supervision levels are set as required for overnight Low stay Supervisors “disclosure Scotland” checked Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
5 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Transportation Staff Ensure all staff, Young people volunteers, have Staff, Helpers vehicle insurance and volunteer, Public the cars are not High cars / Instructor overloaded insurance Supervisor Ensure the bus Medium Contact Others company is approved number / by the Council PTU mobile phone Ensure all loose number equipment is correctly Low Departure / stored / secured arrival times Ensure all are aware & guardian of the activity, information location, car park, Insurance (map) etc Competent Have a head count bus list for each vehicle. contractor Carry a fully charged Bus suitable mobile phone ready for disabled for use. Storage of Ensure the base equipment / phone number is food available. Lost client / Supervision levels vehicle correct for group Client, sick / Other relevant soiled measures – note in the 5th column
6 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Environment / Staff Staff, where possible Location Young people have undertaken a prior Helpers visit to the area / Location Public location / activity High Terrain Instructor An activity risk Possible Supervisor assessment is available Medium weather Others from the activity provider if conditions required Specific instructions are available to staff and Low Young people Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
7 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined A risk assessment is Activity Staff available for the Young people activity Activity Helpers An activity provider provider risk Public risk assessment is High assessment Instructor available Activity Supervisor Activity provider Medium provider Others informed of group / informed of individual ability group / Identify who will individual provide the activity Low ability supervision Who will Where possible block provide the book the group for activity easier supervision supervision Ensure suitable Block booking disabled Access arrangements Emergency Discuss emergency procedures arrangements where Disabled the activity identifies facilities the necessity Supervision Identify where staff toilets will provide Food assistance for example toileting Food allergies identified to the food provider Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
8 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Chemicals Staff Allergies identified Young people COSHH identified Cleaning / Helpers Other relevant washing Public measures – note in the High Activity Instructor 5th column related Supervisor Medium Others Others
9 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Electricity Staff Equipment tested / Young people suitable Electrical Helpers Other relevant equipment Public measures – note in High Instructor the 5th column Supervisor Medium Others
10 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Medication Staff Information sought Young people from parents Permission Helpers /guardians re parents Staff Public letter High available Instructor Staff competent and Staff training Supervisor willing to administer Medium Storage Others medication First-aid Suitable storage identified Ensure the First-aid Low supervisory ratios are suitable. (In some situations competent persons may be a member of the group if trained / competent to operate the emergency arrangements) A first-aid kit is available. If Low hills, a HSE trained first-aid person is required Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
11 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Security Staff All Aberdeenshire Young people vehicles locked when Vehicle Helpers not in use Campsite Public Accommodation High Accommodati Instructor locked at appropriate on Supervisor times Medium Others Local information taken into account re campsites Aberdeenshire Low activity provider information sought re activity sites Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
12 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Equipment Staff Aberdeenshire Young people equipment suitable Suitability Helpers for the activity, if not, Trained staff Public withdraw from the High to operate Instructor activity Supervisor Activity providers Medium Others equipment suitable for the activity, if not, withdraw from the activity Low Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
13 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Weather Staff Ensure the road / Young people travel conditions are Travel Helpers suitable conditions Public Ensure that the group High suitable Instructor has suitable clothing / Clothing Supervisor footwear for the Medium suitable for Others activity. activity Have an alternate Alternative plan available and plan / based ensure the base is Low informed kept informed Consider the effects of bright sun and exhaustion Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
14 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please Circle the bullet points of the measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. Control Measures to be put in place. completion areas place? date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Emergency Staff Have an emergency Procedures Young people plan agreed with the Helpers base Plan Public Carry a mobile phone High available? Instructor and have the base Base contact Supervisor number available if Medium available? Others necessary use a land Supervisory line ratios Ensure the First-aid Suitable supervisory ratios are Low contingency suitable. (In some plan situations competent First-aid kit persons may be a and first member of the group aiders if trained / competent to operate the emergency arrangements) A first-aid kit is available. If Low hills a HSE trained first-aid person is required. Other relevant measures – note in the 5th column
15 Circle the Risk Indicate anything else Action by Now Potential Who might be What are you already doing? level with control you need to do to Whom? done? hazard harmed? Please List the Control Measures to measures in manage this risk ? and and risk tick. be put in place? place. completion areas date If High or Medium the controls need re- examined
Other areas for Staff consideration Young people Helpers Public High Instructor Supervisor Medium Others