Gnoss Field Community Association

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Gnoss Field Community Association

Gnoss Field Community Association Board of Directors Agenda July 20, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.

Members in attendance: Ken Mercer, Ted Newman, John O’Connell, Susan Royce, Frank Woolard

Members absent: Bob Comyn, Stewart Emery

Guests: Rick Beach, Charlie Gallagher

Approval of Minutes from June

Ted asked that action on these minutes be tabled until next meeting to seek clarification on several points from Bob.

Treasurer's Report

Ted reported 25 attendees at the June meeting, no raffle held, netted about $100 on breakfast. Current bank balance $8,654.20. There were three renewals since last month’s report. Total of 95 memberships/renewals to date (FY2016), of which 10 are family memberships.

Proposal to renew Directors’ and Officers’ Liability coverage with Shannon and Luchs Agency at $1,000 for another year, m/s Newman/Woolard, approved unanimously.

Proposal to secure General Liability insurance with $8,000 property coverage from State Farm for $310/year. m/s Newman/Woolard, approved unanimously.

The Board expressed its’ thanks and appreciation to Ted for his tireless work on these coverages.

Officer Elections

Ken reported that Bob Comyn, Stewart Emery, Ken Mercer, Ted Newman and Susan Royce were re-elected to new, two year terms on the board at the July annual meeting. Discussed hiring a bookkeeper to do the day-to-day accounting work, to be overseen by a board level treasurer. There was general agreement with the concept, but action was tabled pending a closer look at the details of the logistics. Ken and Ted to work together to define roles and responsibilities of this arrangement.

Ken agreed to take notes for the minutes for this meeting; a secretary for the next year will be chosen at the next board meeting.

Skydiving application update

The county and Skydive Golden Gate are negotiating the terms of the operating permit and lease. For now the FAA is relatively happy, but the Part 13 informal complaint is still open and Skydive has indicated their willingness to proceed with a formal Part 16 complaint against the county if progress is not maintained. As has been seen with a similar claim against South County airport, this has the possibility of endangering other federal transportation funding for the county if not resolved.

Summer Intern Status

John O’Connell reports that intern Poh Maga is progressing well, with 3 hrs’ flight instruction completed so far. He is doing such a good job in the maintenance hangar that Pat Scanlon has offered him a job during the school year, as well. John reports that Poh is very appreciated and liked by the staff, especially Ken Robbins.

Ken noted that last year’s intern, Will Tourous, did not return to complete his 15 hours of instruction so the $1,500 allocated to that expense for this year can be freed for other uses.

Planned Events for Fall

Ken proposed the following go/no-go list of events for this fall:


• Big Brothers/Big Sisters Young Eagles September 17 • Flying community dinner-October 22 • Airport Day-October 22 Ken ○ Displays, rides (rick?) varieze (McKenzie), food (CAP), Young Eagles (Ken), 2 pedal planes in a corral, SOS2 open, Michael Knight skydiving demo, F16 flyover (Frank)(see list for more)  Holiday Pot Luck dinner, December 3 (GFCA provide the turkey again this year

No-Go: • North Bay Science Day October 29-unable to meet the expectations of the organizer (creating a hands-on exhibit to engage as many as 5,000. 6-8 graders in a six-hour time period)

Motion seconded by Sue, list approved unanimously.

Review annual meeting

Many of the excellent ideas forwarded at the annual meeting were discussed. For the time being it was decided to investigate the installation of two picnic benches on the grassy area adjacent to the north ramp area, and to obtain quotes for signs directing the public to the observation deck. No action taken.

Talking points/briefing for supervisor teams

Ken noted that it was time to assemble and send out the supervisor teams, and several topics to be covered in these meetings were discussed. Ken will call a briefing of these teams in August so that the actual meetings can take place before the elections in November.

Polo shirts for volunteers

M/S Ken/Ted to purchase a dozen embroidered Nike Fit GFCA polo shirts for the breakfast volunteers as a thank you at a total cost of $410. Plus taxes and shipping. Approved unanimously.

Adjourn 8:46 p.m.

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