1920s study guide 1. Sacco and Vanzetti 2. Assembly Line 3. Al Capone 4. Return to Normalcy 5. 20s Fads (speakeasy, Charleston, bob hair, flapper)

6. Palmer Raids 7. Stock Market Crash 8. Isolationism 9. Immigration 10. Scopes Trial

11. Harlem Renaissance 12. Teapot Dome Scandal 13. Jelly Roll Morton 14. Babe Ruth 15. William Harding 16. 19th amendment 17. Speakeasies 18. Suffrage 19. Flappers 20. Prohibition

21. George Washington Carver 22. 18th Amendment 23. Nativism 24. Immigration Act 25. Back to Africa Movement

26. Jazz Age 27. Fundamentalism 28. Creationism 29. Buying on Credit 30. Women’s Rights 31. Volstead Act 32. Wet v. Dry 33. St Valentines’ Day Massacre 34. Ponzi Scheme 35. Bootlegger Calvin Coolidge Jack Dempsey Palmer Raid William Jennings Bryan Herbert Hoover