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My Past, Present, and Future in Psychology
Audrey Ndaba
University of Baltimore Running head: MY PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE IN PSYCHOLOGY 2
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Great things in this world and beyond this world have been discovered by some of the greatest minds in this world. These discoveries would not have been made had it not been for the characteristics of the mind that a person possesses. My interest in psychology began at a very young age. I was always interested in knowing what was going through someone’s mind and trying to figure out what the reasons behind their his or her actions were, and as a result I was able to “read a person’s mind” by deciphering their his or her body language. As I grew older, I realized that I had a passion for knowing what went on in people’s heads, but I know wanted to know these behaviors occurred in the physiological sense. I think the mind of a person is so fascinating, and its that the abilitiesty’s of it are unknown and sometimes misunderstood by the cultural bounds that societies are governed by. So, my interest in psychology lies in being able to learn and acquire the essential academic tools needed to research and find out more about a person’s mind.
The experiences I have had in the field of psychology is the job that I currently have as a bouncer at a club. When most people think of a bouncer, they think of someone who is aggressive. However, the environment I work in has customers who drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, and most of the time when people are intoxicated they often get into altercations., tTherefore those situations need to be diffused by us, the bouncers. Most of my co-workers get physically violent, but I found what works for me is to talk a person down instead of getting violent, because I know that violence will agitate a person more.
My career plans in psychology are that I hope to work in a large company in the human resources department after obtaining my doctorate degree in Applied Psychology with a concentration in Industrial- Organizational Psychology. What I hope to obtain in this course is to Running head: MY PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE IN PSYCHOLOGY 3 learn how to use APA format, which has been my weakness so far when writing papers for my psychology classes, . and I hope that the tools I obtain will help me in writing for journals in the future because I also have a dream of one day publishing a book on motivation in the workplace.
Your last paragraph does not really conclude your paper. Other than that, and overall good read.
I liked your style and perspective on psychology.
8.2 / 10