Ap Biology Summer Assignment s1

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Ap Biology Summer Assignment s1


**If you do not complete your assignments by the due dates outlined above I will assume that you are dropping the course.

Welcome to AP Biology! The year should prove to be both exciting and challenging. As you may know, AP courses are designed to cover a variety of concepts that you would likely find in a first- year college introductory course. AP Biology is no different! We run the gamut in terms of the topics we cover- from chemical structures of biological molecules to ecological interactions of animal populations! This is why the completion of the summer assignment is so important. It will allow us to cover more of the material that will likely be found on the AP Biology exam that is offered in early May. Time is of the essence and the more we can get done the better you will be in May. There are several different tasks that need to be completed throughout the summer. Be sure to follow the timeline in order to complete each task on time.

Due Date Assignment Assignment #1 1. Visit Mr. Lowe’s website from the Senior High Website (http://www.svsd.net//Domain/1025) and enter your contact information into the “AP Biology Student Information Page” 2. Sign-up for “Remind” (Instructions found under AP Bio Summer Mon., June 8 Assignment Page) 3. Sign-up for “Schoology” (Instructions found under AP Bio Summer Assignment Page) 4. Program your smartphone (if you have one) to receive your school email. (Instructions found under AP Bio Summer Assignment Page) 5. Email me if you have any problems with these. Assignment #2 Mon., June 22 Send your e-mail “Letter of Introduction” to Mr. Lowe’s e-mail: [email protected] (See attached instructions below) Assignment #3 1. Buy and bring class supplies to school Wed., August 2. Complete summer reading/videos and bring completed Essays to 26 school 3. Be prepared for Ecology test the week of AUG. 31!!! Assignment #4 Wed., August 1. Hand-in your 25 pts. PowerPoint. (pictures w/ description) of your 26 scavenger hunt to Mr. Lowe. 2. Bring a Flash Drive to school with your PowerPoint. Throughout the 1. Check your school e-mail (be sure its included in the online summer information form) regularly for messages from Mr. Lowe Throughout the 1. Enjoy your summer! summer ASSIGNMENT #2


Welcome to AP Biology!

We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so it’s best if I get a head start on learning a bit about you. Also, we will use the Internet and the Web a lot next year for this course, so let’s get you used to communicating with me via e-mail.

Your first digital assignment is to successfully send me an e-mail. Due date: Mon., June 22, 2015

Draft an e-mail to me following these rules: a. Use clearly written, full sentences. Do not abbreviate words like you are texting a friend. Use spell check! This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor, so let’s practice for your rapidly nearing future!

b. Address it to me at: [email protected]

c. In the Subject write: “AP Bio: Introduction to ” (Do not include the quote marks or the brackets, just the words)

d. Begin the e-mail with a formal salutation, like “Mr. Lowe,” or “Dear Mr. Lowe,”

e. Now introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about yourself, like:

• What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)? • Do you have a job? • Tell me a little bit about your family (Mom? Dad? Guardian? Siblings? Pets?) • What do your parents do for a living? • Was there anything that you liked about your earlier biology class? • What was the last book you read for fun? • What are your strengths/weaknesses? • What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology? • What are you most anxious about in AP Biology? f. End the e-mail with a formal closing: “Cordially”, “Sincerely”, “Warm regards”, etc. and add your name as if you signed a letter. ASSIGNMENT #3 The topic of the summer reading is Ecology. Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the environment. Because of its great scope, ecology is an enormously complex and exciting area of Biology. To gain a basic understanding of the richness of the biosphere so we can conserve and sustain that richness, 1) read chapters 53-55 and watch the corresponding videos. (If you were not yet assigned a book, use the online chapters found on my website.) Additionally, 2) complete the Guided Reading sheets that go with each of these chapters. They are located on my AP Biology website, on the AP Guided Readings page. There is a lot of information in each chapter and we cannot concentrate on all of it. So let the guided readings help focus you. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the concepts of Ecology, not the plain memorizing of facts. Finally, 3) complete a 2 page essay for each Free Response Question listed below. As you will see the reading level of these three chapters is fairly easy so I do not anticipate a need for much explanation of the material. I’ve also placed on my website, a PowerPoint presentation that accompanies each of the chapter readings.

Always remember that you are responsible for your OWN work and for any information from the assigned reading, now and during the school year. Here are some key points to remember when completing the assignments:

1. The Guided Reading Sheets assigned as part of this summer assignment are to be printed off and NEATLY HANDWRITTEN. Not typed. If answers are illegible, they will not be graded and a grade of “0” will be assigned. Every student can write legibly if time is invested. 2. LATE SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED 3. Repetition is intentional. DO NOT write “see number 4 above” or “this answer was given in number 7 of part 1” for example. 4. I recommend beginning the reading assignments in August so that they will be fresh in your mind when the year begins. After you begin, read a little each night and review throughout the month. The reading level may be easy, but the volume is large and you are expected to remember the material from these chapters. 5. There is an Ecology Test Study guide on my website under “AP Biology Handouts” that can be used to help prepare you for your first exam.

If you have any questions during the summer, I can be reached at:

[email protected] Standard 7.5: The level of variation in a population affects population dynamics. Learning Objectives: 7.5A. Use evidence to justify a claim that a variety of phenotypic responses to a single environmental factor can result from different genotypes within the population. 7.5B Use theories and models to make scientific claims and/or predictions about the effects of variation within populations on survival and fitness.

Book Reading for This Section: Chapter 53-Population Ecology

Online Videos to Help: Crashcourse Biology Videos: The History of Life on Earth - Crash Course Ecology #1 Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery - Crash Course Ecology #2 Human Population Growth - Crash Course Ecology #3

Videos by Paul Anderson (Bozeman Science-http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-biology/): “r- and K- Selection” “Biotic & Abiotic Factors” “Ecosystems” “Logistic Growth” “Exponential Growth”

Assignment: Please complete the following free response question: Standard 7.4: All biological systems from cells and organisms to populations, communities and ecosystems are affected by complex biotic and abiotic interactions involving exchange of matter and free energy. Learning Objectives: 7.4A. Refine scientific models and questions about the effect of complex biotic and abiotic interactions on all biological systems, from cells and organisms to populations, communities and ecosystems. 7.4B. Design a plan for collecting data to show that all biological systems (cells, organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems) are affected by complex biotic and abiotic interactions. 7.4C. Analyze data to identify possible patterns and relationships between a biotic or abiotic factor and a biological system (cells, organisms, populations, communities or ecosystems).

Book Reading for This Section: Chapters 54-Community Ecology

Online Videos to Help: Crashcourse Biology Videos: Community Ecology: Feel the Love - Crash Course Ecology #4 Community Ecology II: Predators - Crash Course Ecology #5 Ecological Succession: Change is Good - Crash Course Ecology #6

Videos by Paul Anderson (Bozeman Science-http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-biology/): “Niche” “Communities” “Coevolution” “Ecological Succession” “Biodiversity”

Assignment: Please complete the following free response question: Standard 7.8: The diversity of species within an ecosystem may influence the stability of the ecosystem. Learning Objective 7.8A Make scientific claims and predictions about how species diversity within an ecosystem influences ecosystem stability. Standard 7.9: Distribution of local and global ecosystems changes over time. Learning Objectives 7.9A Explain how the distribution of ecosystems changes over time by identifying large-scale events that have resulted in these changes in the past. 7.9B Predict consequences of human actions on both local and global ecosystems.

Book Reading for This Section: Chapters 55-Dynamics of Ecosystems

Online Videos to Help: Crashcourse Biology Videos: Ecosystem Ecology: Links in the Chain - Crash Course Ecology #7 The Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles: Always Recycle! - Crash Course Ecology #8 Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycles: Always Recycle! Part 2 - Crash Course Ecology #9

Videos by Paul Anderson (Bozeman Science-http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-biology/): “Ecosystems” “Biogeochemical Cycling” “Ecosystem Change”

Assignment: Please complete the following free response question on the template provided in the class folder. ASSIGNMENT #3

Please use the summer as your opportunity to get your supplies for AP Biology early! Come in prepared on Day 1.

DUE DATE: Wed., August 26


1. 3-ring class notebook (2.5 – 3 inch) for handouts (Yes, I know that’s BIG, but you will fill it more than once!)

2. A bound 9 ¾ x 7 ½ in. composition notebook to be used as a lab notebook (pages should not be able to be pulled out- NO SPIRALS).

3. Blue or black pens and pencils to be brought to class EVERY day

4. Textbook (will be supplied to you before summer): Biology (7th Edition) by P. Raven, G. Johnson, et al.

5. The textbook should be left at home for your nightly homework. ASSIGNMENT #4



For this part of your summer assignment, you will be familiarizing yourself with science terms that we will be using at different points throughout the year by creating a slide presentation of biology pictures. On the next page is the list of terms.

DUE DATE: Wed., August 26. I strongly suggest that you complete several each week:

1. Each picture is worth 1 point. You must earn 25 points.

 Earn 25 points by “collecting” any 25 items from the list of terms on the next page. When I say “collect”, I mean you should collect that item by finding it and taking a photograph (digital) of that item.  You will create a PowerPoint (if you do not have PowerPoint, use “Google Drive” at www.drive.google.com to create a presentation) of your photographs.  Your slide should also include a definition of the term and explanations/descriptions of how the picture fits the term.  Explanations or descriptions should be at least 2 sentences and there should be only one item per page.  Please bring your PowerPoint on a flash drive to class on the due date.  An example of a presentation is provided on my website.

2. YOU CAN BE CREATIVE: If you choose an item that is internal to a plant or animal, like the term “phloem”, you could submit a photograph of the whole organism or a close up of one part, and then explain in the description what phloem is and specifically where phloem is in your specimen.

3. ORIGINAL PHOTOS ONLY: You cannot use an image from any publication or the Web. You must have taken the photograph yourself. To prove place an item in all of your photographs that only you could have added each time, something that you might usually have on you like a pen or a coin or a key or your cell phone, etc.

4. NATURAL ITEMS ONLY (zoological institutions ARE acceptable): All items must be from something that you have found in nature. Take a walk around your yard, neighborhood, and town. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND ANY MONEY! Research what the term means and in what organisms it can be found... and then go out and find an example.

5. TEAM WORK: You may work with other students in the class to complete this project, but each student must turn in his or her own project with a unique set of terms chosen. So working with other students means brainstorming, discussing, going on collecting trips together. It doesn’t mean using the same items! There are almost 100 choices... probability says there is a very slim chance that any two students will have the same items chosen for their 25 points… and I believe in the statistics!


Below are the items you are to “collect”. An individual organism can only be used once. Humans are acceptable for one category only. You must take all photos yourself- NO INTERNET photos!

GROUPINGS Choose from among the items (1-12) below. Each example pair from that item is worth 1 point. You may include up to a total of 2 examples pairs for each item (this would be worth a total of 2 points). Except where noted every example must be native to Pennsylvania.

1. Different biomes (1 pair must be within PA) 7. Organisms in different animal phyla 2. Different types of carbohydrates 8. Organisms in different plant divisions 3. Different classes of proteins 9. Organisms in same class but different orders 4. Evidence of different alleles for the same trait 10. Organisms in same order but different family 5. Distinguishing characteristics between monocots & 11. Organisms in same genus but are different dicots species 6. Organisms in different kingdoms 12. Organisms on different levels of the same food chain INDIVIDUAL ITEMS Each example of the items below is worth 1 point. You may have up to 2 different examples of each item; submitting more than 2 will not add any additional points. These do not need to be native to Pennsylvania.

1. adaptation of an animal 29. epithelial tissue 56. meristem 2. adaptation of a plant 30. ethylene 57. modified leaf of a plant 3. altruistic behavior 31. eubacteria 58. modified root of a plant 4. amniotic egg 32. eukaryote 59. modified stem of a plant 5. analagous structures 33. exoskeleton 60. Mullerian mimicry 6. animal that has a 34. fermentation 61. mutualism segmented body 35. flower ovary 62. mycelium 7. anther & filament of 36. frond 63. mycorrhizae stamen 37. gametophyte 64. niche 8. archaebacteria 38. genetic variation within a 65. parasitism 9. asexual reproduction population 66. parenchyma cells 10. ATP 39. genetically modified 67. phloem 11. autotroph organism 68. pollen 12. auxin producing area of 40. gibberellins 69. pollinator a plant 41. glycogen 70. population 13. basidiomycete 42. gymnosperm cone – 71. predation 14. Batesian mimicry male or female 72. prokaryote 15. bilateral symmetry 43. gymnosperm leaf 73. r-strategist 16. biological magnification 44. hermaphrodite 74. radial symmetry 17. C3, C4 or CAM plant 45. heterotroph 75. redox reaction 18. Calvin cycle 46. homeostasis 76. rhizome 19. cambium 47. homologous structures 77. seed dispersal (animal, 20. commensalism 48. introduced species wind, water) 21. connective tissue 49. Krebs cycle 78. spore 22. cuticle layer of a plant 50. K-strategist 79. sporophyte 23. detritovore 51. lichen 80. stigma & style of carpel 24. dominant vs. recessive 52. lipid used for energy 81. succession phenotype storage 82. taxis 25. ectotherm 53. littoral zone organism 83. territorial behavior 26. endosperm 54. long-day plant 84. tropism 27. endotherm 55. mating behavior (be 85. unicellular organism 28. enzyme careful!) 86. vestigial structures 87. xylem

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