Ankle Rehab

The following program is designed to maintain flexibility, strength, and proprioception in the ankle and foot. This program is not designed to take the place of an evaluation by a healthcare professional such as a physician or a certified athletic trainer.

Exercises should be performed 2-3 times per day generally 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

I. Range of Motion a. Complete each of these exercises through complete range of motion. i. Plantar Flexion/Dorsiflexon ii. Inversion/Eversion iii. Alphabet iv. Clockwise and Counterclockwise Circles v. Wall Calf Stretch II. Strengthening a. Progress each exercise by adding more resistance or increasing the reps. i. Towel Scrunch ii. Pick-up Game iii. Toe and Heel Raises iv. Thearband Tubing 1. Inversion /Eversion /Plantar Flexion/ Dorsi Flexion III. Proprioception a. When performing these exercises, have someone help support you or stand near a supportive object (i.e. table). i. Single leg stance on injured leg. Eyes Open. Hold balance and count. Try to improve each time. ii. Single leg stance on injured leg, eyes open, and shake your head yes 10 times and no 10 times. iii. To progress, repeat the above exercises with eyes closed. iv. Single leg ball toss with partner. Have partner toss ball not toward you, but near you so you have to reach to catch.

IV. Functional a. While increasing your activity and rehab, it is advised you tape or brace your ankle for support. Consult your physician or certified athletic trainer for specific information. b. Do not begin functional exercises until strength is equal and walking is pain free. i. Jog in a straight line at ½ speed, increase to ¾, and full speed if pain free. ii. Run in an “S” pattern. Progress to clockwise and counterclockwise patterns. Progress by making circles smaller. iii. Progress to a “Z” zig zag pattern. Alternate planting the foot from right to left foot when you change direction. iv. Progress to more sport specific drills. v. Return to competition after successful completion of step-by-step functional progression.