Ok… so did you miss me last week? It’s been a few weeks so lets recap… A thriving church is one that … 1) Embraces flexibility and change as a core value 2) Places the highest value on God’s Word 3) Honors the old but aims at the young 4) Not afraid to discuss differing opinions 5) Doesn’t waste volunteers valuable time

So by now you’re probably sitting on the edge of your seat …. waiting for the next line …. so what else makes up a vital church?

A thriving church is one that … “is focused on the mission, not church activities!”

“Whoa, you gotta be kidding! I love the Chili Cook-Off! I look forward to the Strawberry Social, and yes, don’t forget the ladies group on Thursday afternoon!” Don’t get me wrong! Yes, I will say it again because I know someone is going to misunderstand … don’t get me wrong! Church activities are wholesome, fun, inviting, and social and we usually leave singing “a good time was had by all.” But church activities are not the mission of the church … making disciples for Jesus Christ is!

Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus didn’t tell us to “fill the hall with people for a spaghetti dinner” … or did He? If the spaghetti dinner is a way to introduce new people to Christ then He is all for it! Ultimately a thriving church remains focused on the mission of the church as ordained by Jesus. We can use spaghetti dinners, movies, plays, game nights, carnivals, free stores, Christmas programs, Crop Walks or just about anything to bring people into the church, but our focus behind the event needs to remain focused on introducing people to Christ.

So … what’s for dinner? Joe