Oregon School Wellness Award

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Oregon School Wellness Award

Oregon School Wellness Award 2010-11 SCHOOL APPLICATION


School District:______

Contact Person:______

Position/Dept: ______Telephone: ( ) ______Fax:______E- mail:______

Application Completed By Committee Members (includes School Principal and Nutrition/Food Service): ______Position/Dept:______Position/Dept:______



______Nutrition/Food Service:______

1 Original Signature of School Administrator (required) ______Title:______

Date submitted/faxed:______

Directions: This application is designed to assist you with describing your school’s progress in implementing your district’s wellness policy over the last 18 months. In addition to completing this application, submit documentation, such as: creative menus, newspaper articles, student works like posters, videos, music, raps, or other examples that makes “your school shine.” If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Parenteau at (503) 947-5890 or [email protected] . Due: Friday, January 21, 2011 If your school is chosen as a winner you will be responsible for a school-wide assembly for the award presentation during this school year.

Send the completed application with additional documentation by Friday, January 21, 2011 to: Jennifer Parenteau, RD, SNS Child Nutrition Specialist Child Nutrition Programs, Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97310 Fax (503) 378-5156

Wellness Award Criteria This award recognizes schools who are working to establish an environment/culture that supports wellness.

Background:  Federal law required each school district to create a wellness policy.  Individual schools must implement the district policy, but can also go beyond the policy to improve student health.

2  This award is for schools that are taking their district's policy and effectively implementing it to promote student health.

Eligibility: Only Sponsors of the National School Lunch Program may apply.

Federal Law requirements for District Wellness Policy:

o Goals for 1) nutrition education, 2) physical activity, and 3) other school- based activities which promote student wellness; o Nutrition guidelines for all foods available on school campus during the school day; o Assurance that guidelines for school meals are not less restrictive than Federal standards; o Plan for measuring implementation of wellness policy; o Active involvement of parents, students, school nutrition/food service, school board, school administrators, and the public. www.fns.usda.gov/tn/healthy/wellness_policyrequirements.html

Individual School Criteria:  Demonstrates innovation and/or creativity in implementing Wellness Policy Requirements.  Includes a plan for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the district’s Wellness Policy. o Your individual school has a way to grow and change as a result of annual evaluation and feedback.  Identify a coordinator who will ensure measurement and evaluation.  Show how the school is working toward meeting Wellness Goals.

Selection Process: A Blue Ribbon Panel will review all the applications and make recommendations to Susan Castillo, Superintendent who will select the three winners.

Please complete each section of this application as it relates to your school, your school practice, and your school policy. Note the panel can only take into consideration the information that is presented on and with this application. Please be complete with your responses

It is not expected that all applicant schools will have fully implemented the required

3 elements by 2010-11:

I. Individual School Information

Enrollment as of October 2010 ______National School Lunch Program data (Nutrition/Food Services can provide this data from the October claim) Free eligible______Reduced eligible ______Paid eligible ______

1. Check which menu planning option is the school using? (Contact Nutrition/food services if you do not know.) □ Traditional Food-Based □ Enhanced Food- Based □ Nutrient Standard Menu Planning

2. Is your school participating in any of the following Wellness Initiatives? (Please check all that apply) ____ Alliance for a Healthier Generation ____ Healthier US School Challenge ____ Fuel Up to Play 60 ____ Healthy Kids Learn Better ____ Other

3. Does your student achievement data show that you are closing the achievement gap? ____ Yes ____No

4. If yes, please cite the data that shows a closing of the gap and share what percentage of your students are meeting or exceeding grade level expectations in: Reading______Writing______Math______

5. Describe what role your school nutrition programs and wellness policy have in closing academic achievement?

6. Has your National School Lunch Program % participation improved as a result of your school’s Wellness Policy? Please describe an example would be % students participating in breakfast and/or lunch increased from ______to ______

Please include a copy of your district’s current Wellness Policy and any

4 administrative rules that apply.

II. Nutrition Education: Promotion of Healthy Eating 1. What is your school doing for nutrition promotion for students? (Please check all that apply and/or describe) _____Colorful, creative menus _____Cooking/culinary classes _____Farm to School _____Harvest of the Month _____Posters _____School gardens _____Student led activities _____Student taste tests _____Other – please briefly describe

2. Does your school have a planned program promoting healthy eating with board- approved curriculum standards that are aligned to current state standards? _____Yes _____No If yes please describe what your school is doing/using?

3. Nutrition education is taught by school staff: (mark all that apply). ___ Certified Health Educators ___ Registered Dietitians ___ School Nurses ___ Teachers specially trained to teach various components of nutrition education

___ Teachers with little or no special training in nutrition education ___ School Nutrition/Food Service professionals ___ Other – please briefly describe:

4. School staff utilizes outside resources to support nutrition education. (mark all that apply): ___ Nutrition Educators (includes OSU extension, Dairy Council) ___ Registered Dietitians ___ School Nurses ___ Other – please briefly describe:

5. How many minutes of classroom nutrition education are provided during the school year?

5 K – 5 ______6 – 8 ______9 – 12 ______

6. Classroom Nutrition Education is (mark all that apply): ___ A unit that is at least 2 weeks in length ___ A semester course required for high school graduation ___ Considered a separate unit in Physical Education and/or Science courses ___ Integrated into Physical Education and/or Science courses ___ Integrated into elementary/middle/high school curriculum ___ Not formally taught in our school ___ Taught within a comprehensive health education course

In 2006, an Oregon law was enacted with nutrition standards for foods sold outside of school meals (including vending and student stores). Only items that conform to ORS 336.423 (HB 2650) are offered. For information: www.ode.state.or.us/services/nutrition/nslp/wellness.aspx


To see if a la carte items adhere to the Oregon Law go to: www.ddouglas.k12.or.us/?q=node/789 7. Does your school have vending machines available to students? _____Yes _____No If yes, please list the type of foods and beverages offered:

8. Does your school have a student store that sells foods? _____Yes _____No If yes, please list the type of foods and beverages offered:

9. Does your school fund-raising promote healthy food choices? _____Yes _____No If yes, briefly describe:

10. Does your school prohibit the use of food and beverages as rewards for academic performance or good behavior? ______Yes ______No If yes, please include a copy of the policy.

III. Physical Education

6 1. How many minutes of physical education does your school provide per student per month? K – 5 ______

6 – 8 ______

9 – 12 ______

Oregon passed legislation establishing minimum requirements for Physical Education by the year 2017. www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/standards/sae/peinfowithcitations.pdf www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1467

2. Check off and/or list other physical activities available for students before, during or after school? ___ Game On! ___ In-class-energizers breaks ___ Jog-a-thon ___ Jump Rope $ Heart ___ Recess = ______Minutes per day ___ Safe Routes to School ___ Shape Up Across Oregon ___ Walk & Bike to School ___ Other – please briefly describe

3. Who teaches physical education classes in your school (mark all that apply): ___ Health Education teachers ___ Physical Education teachers ___Other teachers, specify training or specialty______

4. Do teachers receive annual staff development that offers training in physical education/activity content and strategies for teaching skills related to physical behavior? _____Yes _____No If yes, briefly describe:

5. Do teachers and other school personnel refrain from using physical activity (e.g., running laps, push-ups) or withhold opportunities for physical activity (e.g., recess, physical education) as punishment? ______Yes _____ No 0 If Yes, briefly describe: 1 IV. Nutrition Services

 Please provide a month’s menu along with this application. National School Lunch Program lunches are required to follow the USDA

7 Dietary Guidelines – increasing whole grains, fruits and vegetables and using low fat dairy products. www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document

1. Do Lunch period policies permit students at least 20 minutes to eat lunch? (excludes time required to stand in lunch lines) _____Yes _____No

2. Does the Cafeteria offer the following at lunch? ___ Fresh fruit and vegetables ______times per week ___ Fat free or 1% milk low fat daily ___ Oven baked potato products _____times per week ___ Additional whole grains outside the main dishes _____times per week ___ Vitamin C rich foods offered ______times per week ___ Vitamin A rich foods offered ______times per week ___ Iron rich foods offered ______times per week

3. Does the Cafeteria offer the following à la carte? (Please mark all that apply and indicate number of times per week) ___ Additional whole grain options ___ Bottled Water ___ Fruit and vegetables ___ Fat free or 1% milk low fat daily ___ Other low fat options for students – please list:

4. Is Nutrition/Food service staff offered staff development annually on nutrition- related topics? _____Yes _____No If yes, briefly describe:

5. Do your Nutrition/Food Service staff and Classroom Teachers coordinate to promote healthy food choices? _____Yes _____No If yes, briefly describe:

V. Parent/Community Involvement 1. Does your school have a health/wellness council? _____Yes, if yes complete questions 2 - 8 _____No, if no complete questions 5 – 8

8 2. Our school’s health/wellness council reflects the diversity of the student population with participants who represent (mark all that apply):

___ Community-Based Organizations (YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, etc) ___ Counselors ___ Healthcare Providers (physicians, mental health providers, registered dietitians, dentists) ___ Parents ___ Public Health Agencies ___ School Nurses ___ School Food Service ___ School Administrators ___ Social Service Agencies ___ Students

3. The health/ wellness council meets ______times per year. 0 4. Does the health/wellness council provide opinions and recommendations to the School Board/School Administration regarding health/wellness? _____Yes _____No

5. Do parent meetings (PTA, PSO, etc) include health/wellness related items as a standing agenda item for meetings (nutrition, physical activity)? _____Yes _____No Please give one example:

6. Are school health/wellness activities promoted to parents and feedback is encouraged? ______Yes ______No If yes briefly describe:

7. Does your school offer parents/community members programs that promote health/physical activity? (e.g. family fun night, wellness challenge, family walks, etc) _____Yes ______No If yes, how many times during the school year? ______

How many participants on average attend (approximately what %)?______

Check/list these activities: _____Family Fun Night _____Family Walks _____Wellness Challenge _____Other please list:

9 8. Are Physical Education facilities open for community use outside of school hours or when school is not in session? _____Yes ______No If yes, please briefly describe:

VI. Narrative Section

Describe in 500 words or less total ** what makes “your school shine” in implementing your wellness policy in the following four areas: a. Nutrition Education: Promotion of Healthy Eating b. Physical Activities c. Nutrition Services d. Parent/Community Involvement

1. Please comment on how evaluation has improved your school’s wellness environment/culture. (250 words or less)

2. What other resources outside time and money, would be helpful to enhance your school’s Wellness policy and environment/culture. (250 words or less)

3. If your school wins a Wellness Award, what is your school going to do with the monetary award? (We encourage you to allocate it evenly between nutrition and physical activity programs.)

**Reminder: You may send samples of creative menus, newspaper articles, student works – posters, videos, music, raps and/or other examples that help “your school shine.”

10 Resources

Action for Healthy Kids - http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/

American Dietetic Association – Kids Eat Right http://www.eatright.org/foundation/kidseatright

Alliance for a Healthier Generation - http://www.healthiergeneration.org

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 - www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document

Fuel Up to Play 60 – www.fueluptoplay60.com

Healthy Kids Learn Better - http://www.hklb.org

Jump Rope for Heart http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=2360

Healthier US Challenge Award - http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/HealthierUS/index

National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity http://www.schoolwellnesspolicies.org

Nutrition Services/Oregon Dairy Council http://www.oregondairycouncil.org

Oregon Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (OAHPERD) http://www.oahperd.com/

ODE Child Nutrition School Programs http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=207

Students Taking Charge http://www.studentstakingcharge.org

11 USDA Team Nutrition - http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn


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