Minutes of Leeming Bar Residents Association

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Minutes of Leeming Bar Residents Association


Present: Richard Moore (Chair) Paul Edworthy (Dep Chair) Mark Bonney (Sec / Web Master) Jackie Kennedy (Com) Lizzie Clapham (Tres) Sue Lawson Jan & Syd Fordyce Mike Palfreman Ray Alexander Alyson King

The meeting opened at 19:05

1. Welcome: Richard welcomed all present 2. Apologies: Were received from: Rab Hastie, Paul & Sam Craggs, Carol Smith and Val Oliver.

3. Declarations of Interest: Nil.

4. Chair’s Report: Richard gave details of the role now fulfilled by Paul as All Deputy Chair. Paul will attend the PC meetings with Jackie, with a view to fostering a closer relationship between LBRA and the PC, so far it seems to be working well.

5. Secretary’s report: Richard gave detail of letters written by Rab to residents former now subscription expired LBRA members, one negative response received.

6. Treasurer’s report: Balance at bank. £390.74 LBRA had £425.60 at the end of last year, the books are to be audited (Lizzie has arranged external auditor Keith fee is £20.

Insurance fees paid out of £79.86, the annual cover is due renewal in May, original cover arranged by Richard, renewal will be done in due course.

7. Web Report: Mark outlined the hits received by the LBRA site since the last meeting. 66 visits, 44 unique, 123 page views, visitors spend on average 3 mins & 53 seconds. Again we’ve had a multi-national audience.

TWITTER account is quiet as folks are not engaging with it.

FaceBook (AKA FaceAche) we now have 54 members, events are created on the Group by Jackie and or Mark both of whom are Group Administrators.

Our e-media is used to broadcast Police & Community messages, events etc.

7a: Minutes of previous meeting: Richard asked all present to read through Agreed the minutes, these were read and agreed. Proposed by Paul, Seconded by All Jackie, all were in favour. Previous minutes agreed as a true account. Matters arising, would be covered in items as the meeting progressed.

8. Deputy Chair - Report from PC Meeting: Paul and Jackie outlined LBRA Richard interests from the meeting. Flower planters installation, flower bed maintenance were discussed, we (Richard) is dealing are to put together costing etc, these will be taken forward to the PC by Paul & Jackie. PC will then discuss and investigate financial support for our planned endeavour to 1 of 4 locate and maintain planters by each of the Leeming Bar village signs.

Lizzie is aware of the recent Appleton Wiske similar project coming to fruition, Lizzie she is working close with those involved in order to replicate methods, processes etc.

Leeming Bar traffic volume and speed excess are still a major concern, PC are All investigating matrix signs, however, once used in a location re-use is not done for 3 years.

A684 Leeming Bar to Bedale is to be closed in the evenings for an extended All period between 1st May 2014 and 1st August 2014, this is to accommodate sewer feeds and fat clearance works. The road closure is in Aiskew and is to take place between the 1st May 2014 and 1st August there are no fixed dates as yet. Not sure what this is to accommodate. The sewer feeds and the fat clearance work is what is currently going on in Leeming bar at the moment All hence the traffic lights on Northallerton road. Any further details to follow once notified to us.

We have been given a “Blanket OK” from the PC for LBRA Events, we were Richard/ reminded about the need for further insurance cover for special interests at All events, i.e. Pony Rides, and other external attractions we may use.

Leeming Bar roundabout, the PC are investigating the glut of signs, in order to reduce clutter and allow motorists to focus more on the direction and advisory signage.

The village milestone has been found!! It will be restored, re located once the developments have been completed.

9. Leases Road Steering Group: Richard outlined the purpose of the newly Richard formed steering group. It was agreed establishment of the group would reduce LBRA meeting time expended on Leases Rd, LBRA will be kept informed by Richard on the issues being addressed such as, heavy vehicle disturbance, it has been reported that surveys indicate no structural problems are likely to happen, however, they had not taken into account the personal discomfort felt by the passage of heavy vehicles.

Lorry park, once established will reduce the ad hoc parking that happens, resulting in an unacceptable discards or litter and bottled body waste from visiting truck drivers. The police are ‘aware’ however, it is known by the ‘Truckers’ that moving on does not happen, therefore they park up! The Police and HDC are aware / monitoring, but have suggested vehicle registrations, haulier / operator details be taken and forwarded to them.

Resident parking permits, were discussed. No conclusions can be reached yet as Sam Craggs informed us that one member of Station Cottages residents is reluctant to commit to paying for a permit unless assurance is given that the price will not go up. Once consensus is reached the PC will be informed so that they may contact highways.

10.Railway Carriage Project: Paul outlined the history of the carriage, it was Paul built in 1959, any asbestos is around the engine unit, the engine is not required for our planned purposes. The area has been further lagged, the asbestos 2 of 4 present is believed to be no risk as it is “hard asbestos”. Discussion followed about removal of the substance and disposal, however, that in itself opens up another can of worms..

WDR will support us by maintaining a ‘track worthy’ condition of the carriage, Paul we (LBRA) will need to move forward with planning, drawing of detailed plans for re-fit etc. Further information will be uploaded to the web-site.

11.Events: Litter Pick. 23rd March 10:00 meeting in the park. RAB is working with McDonalds re person power, protective equipment etc. He will also contact street scene with a view to getting a caged truck or trailer.

Easter Egg Hunt 19th April, more details to follow see web-site, FaceBook etc. Lizzie Jackie has secured a variety of eggs and goodies to be issued as prizes. Paul Finer details are in discussion with the events sub-committee. Jackie Jan Other events were discussed further details dates etc will be finalised and reported back to us. Posters etc created are to be e-mailed to Mark for upload Mark to web-site.

12.Litter Pick: Covered above.

13.Environment Agency / Moreton Bridge Monitoring Station: Mark reported Mark back on e-mails and phone discussions, the flood monitoring station from Moreton Bridge was removed, it seems with little or no regard for the importance of the A684 from A1 to A19. Finance (lack of) seems to have been the driving force. Replacement is NOT on the cards, however, stations at Maunby and within RAF Leeming confines will become ‘LIVE’ once the Agency are able to focus less on the floods happening further South from us. They will inform Mark when stations are ‘ACTIVE’. Mark will report back to LBRA any further information received.

14.Contributions to ‘Good Causes’: It was agreed by all that our support would Jackie be given to the Local Stroke Association. Jackie will work with a local resident All who suffered a stroke at the age of 32, she is making good / positive progress. It was agreed that 10% of profits received by LBRA from events etc would be given to the association. Jackie to report back in details.

Events are planned, to coincide with ‘Le Tour’, discussion took place about Com/ possibilities or a rolling road and fixed exercise bikes on Leeming Bar Station, Members where folks could expend some pedal power in order to raise some sponsorship. Further details to follow nearer the time.

15.Flower Bed Maintenance / General Volunteering: The bed is looking good, All we will need to establish a regular maintenance of the existing plants, Richard thanked all who came along on the various days in the establishment phase of our centre piece.

Richard requested volunteering continue, also if folks are passing and see the odd weed or pieces of litter we deal with them.

16.Future Dates: Next Bedale and Villages Community Forum Meeting 20th All 3 of 4 March 7.30pm Bedale Hall

Next PC Meeting:- Date 26th March Leeming Bar Motel 7.00pm Next LBRA Meeting:- Monday 12th May 2014 the Corner House 7.00pm

17.AOB: It was agreed future LBRA meetings would be held in The Corner House, Jackie to speak with management to inform them or our intention and the dates.

The meeting ended at 20:25, Richard thanked all for attendance.

Mark Bonney (Sec / Web Master)

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