Plot it Up!

Your task: Create a plot diagram for a movie, book, or story you’re familiar with.


1. Brainstorm a list of movies or stories you know by heart.

2. Create an accurate diagram. List all of the important events leading up to the climax and then back down to the resolution. Fill in all of the boxes and lines.  Use your vocabulary chart to help you out.

Plot it Up!

Your task: Create a plot diagram for a movie, book, or story you’re familiar with.


1. Brainstorm a list of movies or stories you know by heart.

2. Create an accurate diagram. List all of the important events leading up to the climax and then back down to the resolution. Fill in all of the boxes and lines.  Use your vocabulary chart to help you out.

Plot it Up!

Your task: Create a plot diagram for a movie, book, or story you’re familiar with.


1. Brainstorm a list of movies or stories you know by heart.

2. Create an accurate diagram. List all of the important events leading up to the climax and then back down to the resolution. Fill in all of the boxes and lines.  Use your vocabulary chart to help you out.