South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD
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Gerrards Cross Parish Council
South Lodge, East Common, Gerrards Cross SL9 7AD
Clerk to the Council - Mrs. Diana Hepburn-Park
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Monday 20 th October 2014 7.30pm at the Memorial Centre
Present: Mr C Brown(Chairman), Mr I Gordon, Ms S Aga, Mr I Bayliss Mr M Shiman, Mr J Chhokar, Mrs H Orme, Mr N Moss, Mrs J Woolveridge and Mrs D C Hepburn-Park( Clerk) . Cllr S Chhokar Associate Cllr N Holmes
Would Councillors please give any declarations of interest at the beginning of the item.
65/14 Apologies for absence – Mrs M May, Mr P Grimes and Mr M Lawson.
66/14 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 15 th September 2014.
CB proposed the minutes and these were agreed by the Council and signed.
67/14 Public speaking from residents regarding matters relevant to the meeting’s agenda with time allowed 5 minutes per person.
78/14 Mr K Walker was unable to attend this meeting.
Mrs R Duncombe: I am concerned about the pavement between Marsham lane and the Memorial Centre. It is very dark at night. JW updated her on the plans to improve the lighting by cutting back some branches and there has already been put in place a review of the street lighting on this end of East Common. Her other concern was for Marsham Lodge residents getting out of their parking area as the site line made this very difficult. IB gave an update on the plans for changes to East Common parking. 79/14 To confirm the minutes of the following meetings:-
1.Commons Committee held on the 6 th October 2014 JW proposed the minutes which were agreed and seconded by IG and agreed by the Council. The committee approved the re-surface of the main footpath on East Common to a high standard giving wheelchair users access to the footpath. The seat that was vandalised last year situated opposite the One Stop Shop is to be replaced with a metal seat and a new dog bin is to be installed at the start of the footpath starting by 21 West Common. The Camp – the main footpath from Windsor Road has a problem with tree roots that are causing concern and the area just over the fosse becomes very waterlogged in winter. A quote was approved to re-surface the footpath and extent the surface. The steps at the top of Valley Way footpath need to have the infill replaced, this work was also approved.
SA Play Area – she has checked the play area and it is all well. CB received a letter from a resident who suggested he thought dog walkers were not welcome at The Camp. JW advised that about 98% of the walkers have dog with them, they are all very welcome as long as they pick up after their dog.
2.Highway Committee held on the 6 th October 2014 MS proposed the minutes from the meeting on the 6th October 2014. Mill Lane work has been approved to stress test the lamp posts to be used for the new VAS signs. Packhorse Road is progressing very slowly, CB will re-contact Cllr. Ruth Vigor Hedderly at the end of the month. SPWG have made the applications for parking regulation changes with slight amendments suggested by BCC. SA reported to Anita some time ago that the foliage down Station Approach needed cutting back as the cars are coming over the white line but nothing has been done. Clerk to chase.
3.Planning Committee held on 22 nd September 2014 & 13 th October 2014. JC proposed the minutes which were agreed by the Council. A redevelopment at 12 South Park Crescent for 5 apartments. Bulstrode Court have put in an application for front gates which we have agreed in principle but ask that the design is appropriate as they are adjacent to a Conservation Area. The Committee supported Chalfont St Peter Parish Council in retaining Winkers Nightclub within their Neighbourhood Plan.
4.F & G P Committee held on the 13 th October 2014 NM proposed the minutes which were seconded by JC and agreed by the Council. The Committee actioned a review of payment and salaries. Approved an application from Padstones for a grant for 2014/15. Precept: The Committee recommend to the Council a precept for 2015/16 of £218,510 The Council ratified the proposal to keep the precept the same as this year.
Application from Gerrards Cross Juniors Squash Team for a grant was considered. Grant of £500 approved. 80/14 Best kept Village The Traders Association are very keen to improve the village and would like to enter 2015’s Best Kept Village Competition. The best way to take this forward is to set up a working group with some members of the Council and Traders. HO, NM and CB volunteered. MS said he or ML would try, work permitting.
81/14 To agree payments in accordance with the budget. NM went through the payments and recommended their approval, the Council agreed. The Parish office had received invoices from Jacobs and it was agreed to hold these invoices and discuss this further at the next Highways meeting. Agreed. Pyramid Consulting 270 Fineland Forestry 140 Latchmoor Garden Care 42 The Garden Company 475 Southern Electric 479.15 Leigh Electrical 706.66 Amersham Town Council 4198.7 Petty Cash 300.64 Chess Ltd 90.95 Gerrards Cross Community Assoc 38 BNP Paribas 315.33 CBE Solutions 100.69 Chess Ltd 95.26 D2D Distribution Ltd 325 GPEX 692 GX Scouts 360 Girl Guides. 300 Mr J Tuttle 1043 British Gas 99.82 Total Salaries 3966.87
82.14 Taxi Concessionary Fares Scheme Update was circulated to members confirming the scheme is up going again with the new taxi company Aspire Executive Taxis.
83/14 Report from District Councillors. JW attended CCG. Wexham Park was discussed. The new group is called Frimley Health. The Chiltern Commisioning Group meet frequently with Frimley Health to ensure continued good care for South Bucks residents.
Landlords forum at SBDC. This is to encourage landlords to raise their standards for residents and work with SBDC to find accommodation. Padstones AGM – good support for the evening Health and Wellbeing –this was a SBDC staff event with members having their blood pressure taken and advice on giving up smoking as well other health advice and information available.
SC was pleased to hear about the work towards the Best Kept Village. Such work is good for community life. It is irrelevant if you win or not. Charity Golf Day South Buckinghamshire Golf Club was a fund raiser and very effective. It was enjoyed by all, and the fund raising with a theme of South Bucks good causes raised £5k. Sir Bruce Forsyth opened the proceeding The funds raised were split between Padstones and Citizen Advice Bureau. The Boundary Commission have submitted their conclusions which were included in your documents. Gerrards Cross is fortunate with one area and 3 district councillors. Other parishes are not happy with their results.
Cllr Peter Hardy has submitted a report updating members on County Council matters. He mentions that he is pleased to see the work the parish council is doing regarding increased parking restrictions where there have been insufficient resources to cope in a timely fashion.
84/14 Report on Meetings – members update on where they have represented the Parish Council since the last meeting. CB/IB/HO SPWG met with BCC proposals had been made and the circulated document HO attend opening of Buckingham House also attended SBALC. JW. GXCV there were 14 members , 4 from Tesco, one of which was the manager, 2 from The Bull. The work concentrated on East Common, we moved a fallen tree and cleared footpaths.
CB 24th September Tarmac Appeal meeting with Secretary of State Inspector. We await his decision, expected to be an extension until 31 Dec 2015 with State enforcement to close. Met with Ken Walker to discuss his work with the new group Movers and Shakers. Best kept village meeting with GXTA. SB Association Local Councils – CB was disappointed that few Parish Councils seem to be taking on devolved budgets. They are a bit negative. It is for the benefit of residents and the improvements they can make in their towns and parishes.
Clerks Meeting – Notes were circulated. The new legislation for the Public Bodies (Admission to meeting) Act came into force August 2014. In brief the public are allowed to film, photograph or make audio recordings of the proceedings including Councillors and staff but not by default the public. The Council Standing Orders will have to be altered to allow the Chair to intervene. Should the occasion arise to stop any action and protect members of the public should they so wish not to be included. The timetable for the next election on the 7th May 2015. Members are reminded that all nomination papers must be hand delivered not sent in my post. 85/14 To note general information received in the correspondence at the Parish Office. The League of Friends of Chalfont’s and Gerrards Cross invitation to their AGM 27th October 2014 .
Invitation to Royal British Legion Service – 9th Nov 2014 10.40 Chris Norman. It is hoped that all members will be able to attend.
86/14 To confirm that the Parish meeting of Gerrards Cross Parish Council will be held on Monday 17 th November 2014 at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Centre
The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 8.40pm