L.1 My Story Began About Seven Years Ago, in 1875. My Name Is Jonathan Harker, and I Live

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L.1 My Story Began About Seven Years Ago, in 1875. My Name Is Jonathan Harker, and I Live

L.1 My story began about seven years ago, in 1875. My name is Jonathan Harker, and I live and work in London. My job is to buy and sell houses for other people. One day a letter arrived for me from a very rich man who lived in Transylvania. He wanted to buy a house in England and he needed my help. The man was Count Dracula, and I agreed to help him.

L.6 I found a house for him, and he asked me to take all the papers to Transylvania. I did not know then of the terrible danger waiting for me in Transylvania.

L.9 On May 4th, I arrived at a little town called Bistritz. Transylvania was a strange and beautiful country. There were mountains, trees and rivers everywhere. And somewhere high in the mountains was the Count’s home, Castle Dracula. I had six hours to wait before the coach came to take me there, so I went into a little hotel. Inside the hotel, it was warm and friendly. The people there were all laughing and talking.

L.15 “Where are you going?” they asked me. “To Castle Dracula,” I replied.

L.17 Suddenly the room was silent and everyone turned to look at me. I could not understand why they all looked afraid. “Don’t go there,” someone said. “But I have to,” I answered. “It’s business.”

L.21 Slowly the hotel keeper’s wife took the gold cross from her neck and put it into my hand. “ Take this to protect yourself,” she said. “There is danger at Castle Dracula. Perhaps this will help you.”

Adapted from DRACULA by Bram Stoker.

Nom de l’auteur: BRAM STOKER Titre du roman: DRACULA Nom du narrateur: JONATHAN HARKER /3

Dates : /2

- Quand l’histoire débute-t-elle ? 1875 - Quand est-elle écrite ? 1882 -Que savez-vous du narrateur ? Son métier  Vend des maisons/ agent immobilier /1 La ville où il vit  Londres /1 Où se rend-il ? / 1 Ecris le nom de cette région sur la carte proposée 


Qui doit-il rencontrer ?  Count Dracula /1 Pourquoi ?  Lui porter des papiers relatifs à l’achat d’une maison /2 Description de ce lieu : Entoure les images qui correspondent à la description faite dans le texte  (Autre possibilité : demandez aux élèves de dessiner)


Lequel de ces deux châteaux illustre celui du texte ? Entoure l’image qui convient  /1 Quand arrive-t-il dans cette région ?  Le 4 mai (1875) /1 Dans quelle ville ?  Bistritz /1 Où se rend-il en premier ?  Dans un hôtel /1 Combien de temps y reste-t-il ?  6 heures Pourquoi ? (+1 point bonus = attendre la diligence) /1  ATMOSPHERE AU DEBUT  joie, gaieté … détente PAR LA SUITE  silence /0,5 /O,5 Justification : 1 adjectif = /1 Justification : 1 adjectif = /1 Quelle est l’attitude des personnes Quelle est la réaction des personnes présentes ?  ils parlent, rient /1 présentes ?  la peur /1 Justification : 1 verbe = /1 Justification : 1 verbe + 1 adjectif = /1

Cause du changement d’atmosphère  /1 BONUS ! Adverbe qui l’indique  +1

Traduisez la ligne 18 : « Don’t go there, »  ……………………………………………………………… /1 Pourquoi lui dit-on cela ?  ………………………...... /1 Que décide-t-il finalement ?  ……………………………………………………………………………………… /1 BONUS ! Pourquoi ? (obligation professionnelle)

Que fait la femme de l’hôtelier ? Elle lui donne un objet, quelque chose pour qu’il se protège /2 (si les élèves donnent le mot ‘croix’ = bonus) Dans quel but ? /1

Quel important personnage n’est pas physiquement présent dans ce texte ? /1

Retrouvez le mot qui signifie /5 Diligence (1)  Comte (1)  Rire (1)  Croix en or (2) 

Trouvez un titre en Anglais  /1

Writer’s name: Title of the novel: Narrator’s name : /3

Dates : /2

- When did the story begin? Give a date : - When was it written? Give a date:

-What do you know about the narrator ? (job + residence) è /2

Where did he have to go ? / 1 Write the name of this place on the map è

Who did he have to meet? è /1 Why? è /2 Description of this place : Circle the right pictures è


Which castle illustrates the castle described in the text? Circle the right picture :

When did he arrive there ? Give a date /1 Name of the city ? è Where did he go first? è /1 How long did he stay there? è /1 Why? (+1 point bonus) è

ATMOSPHERE AT FIRST è /0,5 LATER ON è /O,5 Justification : 1 adjective = /1 Justification : 1 adjective = /1 What about the attitude of the people People’s reactions ? è /1 there ?è /1 Justification : 1 verbe + 1 adjective = /1 Justification : 1 verb = /1 Why did the atmosphere change ? è /1 BONUS ! Give the adverb indicating this +1 change è

Translate line 18 : « Don’t go there, » è ……………………………………………………………… /1 Why was he told to do that ? è ……………………………………………………………………………………………/1 (= Why did someone say that to him ?) What about his final decision ? è ……………………………………………………………………………………… /1 BONUS ! Why ?

What does the hotel keeper’s wife do ? /2 (si les élèves donnent le mot ‘cross’ = bonus) What for ? /1

Give the name of an important character who is absent : /1

Find the word meaning : /5 Diligence (1) è Comte (1) è Rire (1) è Croix en or (2) è

Find a title in English è /1

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