Minutes of the Rocky Mountain Section of AIAA s2

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Minutes of the Rocky Mountain Section of AIAA s2

Attendees Paul Anderson – Chair Brian Gulliver – Chair-Elect Kevin Mortensen – Secretary Roger McNamara – Treasurer Taylor Lilly – Southern Vice-Chair Erik Eliasen – Montana Vice-Chair Chris Zeller -- Programs Tyler Franklin – ATS 2015 Chair Lisa Holowinski – Young Professionals Sue Janssen – Education-Stem Rusty Powell – Honors & Awards John Reed – Technical Committee Pamela Burke – Member At Large Joe Hackel – Facebook Lead

Agenda - Chair Opening – Paul Anderson - Roll Call – Morty - RAC V Meeting (8/25) Notes/Items – Paul Anderson - ATS Conference Status – Tyler Franklin - UAV Symposium Support / Cooperation – Pam Burke - Treasurer (2015/2016 Budget) – Roger McNamara - Programs (16 Sept – Rosetta Comet Mission, SwRI-Boulder) – Chris Zeller - Individual Council Member Status – Paul Anderson -- Encouraging all Council Members to get their approved 2015-16 budget items planned ASAP and on the calendar -- Call for additional items / ideas given our anticipated positive ATS sponsorship funding level - Other Business – Paul Anderson - Next Council Mtg – Morty - Adjournment – Paul Anderson Chair Opening Paul Anderson welcomed everyone and opened the council meeting at approximately 6:05pm. This meeting will focus on the ATS 2015 and the budget for 2015/2016.

Roll Call

Morty conducted a roll call and the list of attendees is provided above. It was confirmed that a quorum was present.

RAC V Meeting (8/25) Notes/Items

Paul Anderson provided an overview of yesterday’s RAC V Teleconference. Laura Richard ping’ed Paul on the status of the above write-up. Her understanding was the council was working on pulling this together on the (4) items from last year (Hi Altitude Balloon Launch; Tech Seminar Class; Astronaut Night; and Membership Drive Initiative). Paul asked Chris Zeller to provide these write-ups to Laura by the end of this week (28 Aug 15). Paul said Laura needs it by this Friday (28 Aug) to include in her broader report. Paul reminded everyone that the Engineer of the Year Award packages are due 1 Oct 15 and that Rusty Powell will be the Section POC.

Page 1 of 6 ATS Conference Status

Tyler provided the following update on ATS Planning:

Committed Sponsor Pledges = $11,500 (not including the CSM sponsorship for the facilities). - We are officially “in the green”! We can host 200-250 attendees and generate profit. Note: We had a total of $10,500 in sponsorship dollars last year. - Tyler met with Heather and Paul to discuss follow-ups to those sponsors that we expected to donate but haven’t heard from. $4000 gain was a direct result. - Foot traffic is going to be channel into the sponsor room this year. - Booth are reaching maximum capacity.

- Abstracts -- We have 42 abstract submissions with more on the way (verbal commitments) -- According to the schedule Taylor Lilly and Tyler drafted up, we have 32 speaking slots. -- Tyler sent out a second call for abstracts with an August 31st deadline. He targeted groups at Lockheed and Colorado universities. Tyler will follow up with select companies.

- Panels (we have 4 panels with 4 leads doing recruiting for those panels). -- Leads: Paul Anderson (leadership), Heather McKay (technical), Angel Abbud Madrid (CSM), Tracy Copp (ASE Initiatives in RM Region). -- Tyler will touch base with each of those leads in the following week to ensure we’re on track. -- Panel will have more spotlight on them this year.

- Keynote Speakers -- This is the one area we haven’t put my focus on yet – we wanted to “secure our foundation” first. -- We’re exactly 3 months out from ATS 2015; it’s time to recruit 2 great speakers! -- Paul and Tyler have brainstormed some ideas, but Tyler requested the council to send him their ideas. -- Only 1 additional speaker needed due to Diamond Sponsor commitments. Tyler is looking into the AIAA speaker series (https://www.aiaa.org/Secondary.aspx?id=14682)

- Event Invites -- First Invites went out on Monday, August 24th. The registration link is ATS 2015 Registration Link (so far 10 people registered so far). -- First price increase to occur on October 6th and the final Price bump to occur on October 30th. -- Tyler said he is using one exceptional student from three each colleges/universities to help run the symposium.

For being 3 months out, Tyler feels like we’re in a really good place.

Following Tyler’s update there was further discussion. - Rusty asked about Air Force Academy sponsorship at ATS. Tyler said the Air Force Academy made the decision to not sponsor monetarily but they may with people. - Taylor said more participation in ATSA would really be appreciated.

UAV Symposium Support / Cooperation

Page 2 of 6 Pam Burke briefed that this symposium was going to be held on 10-11 Nov. Pam is coordinating with Allen Bishop. Pam and Allen are working on possible table trades (Allen gives AIAA-RMS a table at his symposium and Pam gives Allen a table at our ATS. Tyler mentioned that he and Heather McKay will be supporting the UAV Symposium’s technical panel.

Treasurer (2015/2016 Budget)

Roger McNamara stated the 2015/2016 budget was approved in June 2015 and forwarded to National. Each council member was provided the budget and asked to start finalizing their committee’s plans for the year, based on their allocated budget. Committee leads were reminded that they need to start spending their allocated budgets. Erik Eliasen mentioned he could use some budgetary resources to fund an event in Montana. Roger requested Erik to submit his program plan and budget need… Roger felt there was room in the budget to support Erik’s request.

Programs (16 Sept – Rosetta Comet Mission, SwRI-Boulder)

Chris Zeller briefed the council on the upcoming September 16, 2015, Rosetta Comet Mission program at SwRI-Boulder's Departments of Space Studies and Space Operations (1050 Walnut St, Suite 400, Boulder, CO 80302). The event will start at 6pm with a social followed by the program presentation at 6:30pm.

To kick off the 2015 season, AIAA presents an overview of the Rosetta program. After a circuitous ten-year trek across the Solar System that has taken it beyond 5AU, ESA's Rosetta spacecraft arrived at a comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August of 2014. Rosetta has since orbited the comet and deployed the lander Philae to the surface collecting data with its 11 orbiter and 10 lander instruments. It has characterized the comet through its orbit phases as it warmed up on approach to the sun, then through the high activity phase as it moved through its closest approach to the sun of ~1.2AU in August of 2015, and is planned to escort the comet back to the outer solar system through September 2016. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) developed and operates the Alice, an ultraviolet imaging spectrometer, onboard Rosetta. Mr. Pineau will discuss the Rosetta mission, its current status and plans, and the exciting results from both the orbiter and lander.

Jon Pineau, is the Rosetta Alice Instrument Operations Team Lead at the Southwest Research Institute. Mr. Pineau, an active AIAA member through the last 18 years, is a Sr. Systems Engineer at Stellar Solutions. Since Jon earned a bachelors and master’s degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Colorado in Boulder Colorado he has worked on 16 separate spacecraft and instruments for NASA, Lockheed Martian, Raytheon, SwRI, and other companies. He has worked on NASA deep space science missions including Stardust, Mars orbiters and landers. He has worked on human rated spacecraft including the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station, and Orion. He has also worked on NASA/NOAA weather satellites and launch vehicles. His roles have included spacecraft design, space systems integration and testing, satellite and space instrument operations, space environment simulations, and space system research. When not working on vehicles exploring space Jon enjoys exploring Earth by way of mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, hiking, scuba diving, and world traveling.

Page 3 of 6 Chris stated they have the automated registration process available online (via the Rocky Mountain AIAA website: aiaa-rm.org) and that RSVP’s are due by Monday, September 14th. For questions please call or email Chris at (303) 939-4636 or [email protected].

Looking ahead, Chris mentioned he was looking to have a Young Professionals event (volleyball) at Ball Aerospace. Chris also briefed the Council on an event he’s supporting (Ball Aerospace’s Employees in Action). Chris asked for some support for this event (membership brochures, AIAA banners and swag).

Individual Council Member Status

Paul Anderson encouraged all Council Members to get their approved 2015-16 budget items planned ASAP and on the calendar. Paul also requested council members to consider additional items / ideas given our anticipated positive ATS sponsorship funding level.

Educational Outreach

Sue Janssen contacted the Girls Scouts of Colorado to ask if they were interested in an aerospace activity. Cortney Kern said there are no aviation- or space-related badges in the current program, but she would be happy to post information on our events on their website (http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/events/event-list.html) so we could reach out to girls and leaders. 1. Sue contacted SWE about GESTEM (http://www.swe-rms.org/gestem.html) and AIAA has now been added to the list of organizations interested in holding a workshop in April 2016.

2. Sue left several messages with Tony Raymond of the Colorado Technology Student Association (http://www.cotsa.cccs.edu/index.htm) to see how AIAA RMS could help with the flight completion events at the state conference in the spring.

3. John Grace and Sue Janssen met in July with Jesse Greaves-Smith of the Denver Council for the Boy Scouts of America. Jesse is an “Adventure Executive” for the Colorado Adventure Point (http://www.coloradoadventurepoint.org/) which is a new facility near 6th and Simms in Denver. We toured the CAP facility and discussed the possibility of collaborating on an aerospace-related workshop for kids in the community.

 Colorado Adventure Point has a new facility which can be used for experiential education events as well as community meetings

o STEM room with computers and other technology

o General purpose rooms for indoor activities

o Shop for woodworking, metalworking, etc.

o Outdoor area

o Kitchen

o Overnight capability


 AIAA proposes two events to be held at the CAP:

Page 4 of 6 o September: “Engineers as Educators” workshop for AIAA members to learn about experiential education (https://www.aiaa.org/toolkit/) in preparation for the AIAA workshop and other outreach activities

o October: Aeronautics and Astronautics workshop for kids based on the Boy Scout merit badges Aviation, Engineering and Space Exploration (http://www.scouting.org/meritbadges.aspx ) which could be 2-day (Saturday and Sunday 8 to 4) or several after-school sessions ( e.g. 4 Mondays from 6 to 9)

o Dates TBD

o Facility costs TBD

o Possibility to use CAP bus for transport from CAP to airport tour and/or rocket launch site

 Jesse can help us design the workshop for kids so it supports CAP program objectives

o Experiential education – hands-on activities with objectives of learning

o Participants do not have to be scouts – this is community outreach

o Participants do not have to complete all requirements for a badge at the workshop – it is more important to integrate activities so kids see the connections

o Boy scouts would get credit toward merit badges

o Girl scouts would get credit toward “custom” badge – Sue would create the requirements and work with GS of CO

4. Sue has been preparing materials for an “Engineers as Educators” workshop that would prepare facilitators for the merit badge workshop. Anyone interested in helping with either can contact Sue and she can provide more info.

5. Sue contacted Merri Scott of the AIAA Foundation to inquire how RMS might donate funds to scholarships. Here is her reply:

From: Merrie Scott Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 12:39 PM To: Sue Janssen Subject: RE: Rocky Mountain Section inquiry about AIAA Foundation Hi Sue, And thank you for reaching out! You have initial options to consider to make a donation to the AIAA Foundation: The section can donate funds to the AIAA Foundation and the money will be used where necessary to support our programming outreach that includes scholarships, design competitions, student conferences and K-12 programming. There are no minimum or maximum amounts to do this. If you would like the have a specific undergraduate scholarship or award “named” in honor of the Rocky Mountain section or a specific person, you will need to donate $10K or higher to endow a fund. $10K will award $500 to a deserving student each year based. AIAA will administer all aspects of the undergraduate scholarship. If you would like the have a specific graduate scholarship or award “named” in honor of the Rocky Mountain section or a specific person, you will need to donate $10K or higher to endow a fund. $10K will award $500 to a deserving student each year based. Your section would have to administer the criteria and the

Page 5 of 6 administrative aspects of the award. AIAA would simply safeguard the financials and assist in the recognition of the award. I hope this helps. If you have something else in mind, let me know! I will look forward to the opportunity to talk more about this with you at your earliest convenience. All the best to you and thanks again! Merrie Scott Development Director AIAA Foundation 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344 Please visit www.aiaafoundation.org for more information and to make a donation [email protected] 703.264.7530 (direct) 703.674.7324 (mobile)

Other Business

Paul Anderson polled the council for any new business.

- WebMaster: John Grace was unable to attend due to travel but he provided the following report: -- We got ATS Registration running for Tyler with a big assist from Taylor. -- Updated the listserver in July and August. -- Server/domain name bills are paid in March. -- AIAA HQ has an acting IT Director until they hire a permanent fill.

Paul asked Morty to poll the Council members on the line for any additional inputs: - Brian Gulliver briefed he was attending AIAA Space 2015. - Sue Janssen briefed there was an opportunity to provide an AIAA Foundation donation, if our budget had excess funds. - Pam Burke briefed that the Colorado Space Business Roundtable was going on road trips and inquired if AIAA-RMS wanted to support. Pam also briefed on new STEM initiatives. Pam also briefed on her recent work with the CACI Congressional Panel and the US Global Leadership Coalition. - Morty requested all Committee leads to email him their committee reports so they could be included into the minutes.

Next Council Mtg Morty mentioned the next Council meeting will be held 23 September 2015 (6:30pm – 9pm) at the Koelbel Library (5955 South Holley Street, Centennial, CO 80121).


Paul Anderson thanked everyone for calling into tonight’s first council meeting of the year. Paul adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin “Morty” Mortensen Secretary, AIAA-RMS

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