Delta Police Board

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Delta Police Board


Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 9:00 am in the Briefing Room at Police Headquarters, 4455 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, British Columbia. PRESENT: Mayor Lois Jackson, Chair Karla Rockwell, Vice Chair Hari Aroon Cameron C. McLeod, Sr. Neelam Sharma Pip Steele ALSO PRESENT: Lyle Beaudoin A/Chief Constable Rich Drinovz Deputy Chief Inspector Kelly Young A/Deputy Chief Inspector Harj Sidhu A/Inspector Varun Naidu Melissa Granum Corporate Planning & Communications Manager Hilary Madore Finance Manager Julia Trasler Human Resources & Administration Manager Volker Helmuth Information Services Manager Sgt. Mark McKinnell Vice President of Delta Police Association RECORDING: Tanya Bader Police Board Secretary

Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Agenda Endorsement MOVED By Cameron McLeod, SECONDED By Karla Rockwell, THAT the Regular Agenda of April 8, 2015 be received and adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY --Amendment to the MOVED By Karla Rockwell, Main Motion SECONDED By Cameron McLeod, THAT New Business Item H.01: JIBC 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan, be added to the Agenda. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Receipt and Approval MOVED By Hari Aroon, of Regular Meeting SECONDED By Karla Rockwell, THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Minutes (A.01) March 11, 2015 be received and adopted with the following changes: Page 2 Item D.01: “Action – Staff will look into the option of displaying a banner at conferences sponsored by the DPD.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Board member arrived Neelam Sharma joined the meeting at 9:05 am


Delta Police Board Page 1 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015 Crime Stats (C.01) Delta Police Statistics – February 2015 Hari Aroon enquired about Theft Over/Under $5000 and what falls under that category. A/Chief Beaudoin advised DPD tries to be very proactive with this type of theft, talking to businesses to educate them on how they can better protect their property. This category does not include residential B&E. A/Chief Beaudoin advised the Theft under $5000 includes shoplifting, wires/cables, and batteries. DC Drinovz noted that commercial B&E is up 57% and DPD talked to the business owners in Tilbury and Annacis but they are hesitant to install cameras. Hari Aroon also enquired where the stats get recorded when shoplifters are caught. A/Chief Beaudoin advised when Security calls the DPD, the information is then recorded and then tracked. Mayor Jackson enquired about the number of people taken in under the Health Act. A/Chief Beaudoin advised the statistics and information are recorded and tracked internally, outside the system. Staff are currently working on a method to compile and track the statistics to easily report to the Board. Insp. Sidhu added they are tracking the statistics to see a better picture and to hopefully assist with time management. Mayor Jackson would like to take this issue back to the Province, and this would be important information to have. Cameron McLeod enquired about the increase in weapons offences. A/Chief Beaudoin advised this could be any type of weapon, knife, gun, etc. This number does not accurately reflect the actual number of cases. --Motion Endorsed MOVED By Hari Aroon, SECONDED By Karla Rockwell, THAT the report be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Delta Police Statistics Year to Date Comparison Presentation by Deputy Chief Drinovz (C.02) DC Drinovz reviewed the year to date statistics from 2013 to 2014, noting cybercrime has increased significantly. In the budget, DPD has requested to hire specific staff to deal with this crime. Hari Aroon enquired whether the victims are residents of Delta or is it someone in Delta committing the crime. DC Drinovz advised the residents of Delta are being targeted by people overseas or outside the Country. Mayor Jackson enquired whether the DPD encourages people to call the police and report these incidents. A/Chief Beaudoin advised that it depends on the case. Some types of crime are more common that the DPD is already aware of but they encourage people to report any crime where they are personally targeted. Motor vehicle incidents have increased overall but fatal collisions are down. Total calls for service have increased 4%. There is a general increase in crimes against person, however, there are more calls for service than actual cases. This could be due to residents reporting more incidents.

Delta Police Board Page 2 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015 Cameron McLeod enquired if DPD records how many cases are closed or where a suspect is apprehended. Volker Helmuth advised this can be calculated, but most agencies don’t as it is not a meaningful number. There could be various reasons for cases being closed, it does not mean they are complete. Cameron McLeod felt recording this stat would be a mark of success. Volker Helmuth commented that some cases can’t be solved. For example when a lawnmower is stolen from a garage – those cases are difficult to solve. Mayor Jackson commented that reporting this statistic was considered at one time where herself, the Police Chief and the CAO were involved on a joint committee. It was determined by the Committee that it would be difficult to record and report this statistic as each agency has different criteria. Cameron McLeod enquired whether there was a way DPD could record the statistics where there is a specific reason the type of crime ended. He commented this could help identify a need for more officers if we are not clearing cases. DC Drinovz commented that industrial growth has contributed to the increase in commercial crime and along the Scott Road corridor. Insp. Sidhu noted there seems to be more activity on Annacis Island and this could be due to longer hours of operation by the business. The DPD has utilized the Tilbury Business Association and the Delta Chamber of Commerce to assist in watching and reporting incidents. Mayor Jackson enquired whether it would be beneficial to blanket the industrial areas to promote safety and ways the business owners could take precaution against theft. Insp. Sidhu advised that when they see certain trends emerging, they talk to the businesses to inform them of the activity and education them on safety and crime prevention. Pip Steele enquired what the reluctance was by commercial companies to use cameras/surveillance. DC Drinovz advised some companies felt if the crime didn’t affect them they wouldn’t put the money out. The DPD will continue to communicate with business owners and educate them on crime prevention and reduction. A/Chief Beaudoin advised they have suggested to some companies they undergo an assessment to determine what they could do to increase the safety of their operation. Karla Rockwell noted the TFN Mall and residential development, and enquired whether the DPD would be able to project possible spikes in commercial and residential crime in this area. Mayor Jackson noted the commercial development is expected to be upwards of 2.5 million square feet. A/Chief Beaudoin advised that based on information from ICURS, the DPD statistics will likely spike as the development will be attractive to businesses and crime. He further noted a concern with the accessibility to the Port and the potential to bring in contra ban. Karla Rockwell enquired whether commercial businesses have asset tracking on vehicles and trucks. A/Chief Beaudoin advised it is not a requirement. Some have used a GPS and this has been helpful on an incident with a trailer. Delta Police Board Page 3 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015 Neelam enquired whether insurance companies should be required to work with the DPD. A/Chief Beaudoin advised that insurance agencies have come to talk to the BC Chiefs to help promote the benefit of insurance, but until it is mandatory it is not very effective. Hari Aroon commented that Des Jardines insurance have started using a tracking device similar to a GPS that can track theft, driving patterns and accidents. He further noted insurance rates are determined based on the data from the device.

--Motion Endorsed MOVED By Neelam Sharma, SECONDED By Cameron McLeod, THAT the presentation be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Committee Report Policy, Planning & Evaluation Committee: Department Policy Review (D.01) --Motion Endorsed MOVED By Karla Rockwell, SECONDED By Hari Aroon, THAT the report be received and approved with the following recommendations: A. THAT Delta Police Board approve amendments to Policy AE16 Security and Confidentiality of Records and Information, as recommended by the Policy, Planning & Evaluation Committee. B. THAT Delta Police Board approve amendments to Policy AE19 Correspondence, as recommended by the Policy, Planning & Evaluation Committee. C. THAT Delta Police Board approve amendments to Policy AF20 Property and Equipment Management, as recommended by the Policy, Planning & Evaluation Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Action Document Review and update action items from previous Board meetings (E.01) --Motion Endorsed MOVED By Hari Aroon, SECONDED By Neelam Sharma, THAT the action document be received for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Delta Police Board Page 4 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015 --Motion Endorsed MOVED By Hari Aroon, SECONDED By Neelam Sharma, THAT the following items be received for information: F.01: Letter to the Delta Police Foundation dated March 23, 2015 G.01: Memo from A/Chief Beaudoin dated March 17, 2015 G.02: Calendar CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Police Week-One Day Hari Aroon enquired as to whether there will be another Police Open House. Event (G.01) A/Chief Beaudoin advised that this year the Police Event will be in North Delta and staff will consider holding it in South Delta, potentially at the new TFN mall, next year.


JIBC 2015 – 2020 JIBC 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan provided by Michel Tarko, President & CEO Strategic Plan (H.01)

The Board discussed deferring this item to the next meeting in order to have more time to review the document.

--Motion Endorsed MOVED By Hari Aroon, SECONDED By Neelam Sharma, THAT the JIBC 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan be deferred to the next meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Next Meeting Date The next Regular meeting of the Delta Police Board will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 9:00 am at Police Headquarters.


MOVED By Hari Aroon, SECONDED By Karla Rockwell, THAT this meeting terminate. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Terminate The meeting terminated at 9:52 am.

Delta Police Board Page 5 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015 ______Lois E. Jackson Mayor CERTIFIED CORRECT:

______Tanya Bader Police Board Secretary

Delta Police Board Page 6 of 6 Regular Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015

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