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Objective: SWBAT to construct a comprehensive timeline that covers major historical events of the ancient world we have learned about over the past school year.

Directions: Step 1: Research: Using IPADS research the events listed below and find out their approximate dates. Many may be circa dates, if so, be sure to use the circa symbol.

Step 2: Using your knowledge, or notes, from the past year, write a brief 1-2 sentence description of what happened at that event. Keep the sentences short and concise, but also try to capture the essence of what the event meant in a larger scope.

Step 3 Glue together two (9x17) pieces of paper. I will provide these for you but only two per person. If you mess up you are responsible for finding the paper on your own.

Step 4 Create a title such as “My Ancient Civ. Timeline”, or “7th grade History” “The Ancient World”, or “Mr. St. Pierre Taught Me all of This Stuff”

Step 4 .5 Using a ruler or yardstick measure out 30 inches across the paper. Then make a notch after every inch. Each inch will equal a century (______years), except for the first three inches. (They will equal a millennium (1000 years) I’ll show you an example of this. Then label the years starting with 2000 BCE all the way until 500 C.E. There will be some dates that won’t fall on the timeline. That is ok. I will show you what to do with those.

Step 5 After you have the actual timeline made, and your research complete you will begin plotting the events on their appropriate places on the timeline. Each event should have title, short description and small picture or symbol. Your will have to make small boxes away from the timeline in order to get all of this on the paper, so draw connecting lines from the timeline to the event description boxes. The boxes should be color coated and correspond with the key

(see above ) that symbolizes each civilization we have studied.

Step 6 For 10 of the events provide larger pictures that are in color. They may be drawn or printed, but must be in color. The pictures must connect to the correct event description. There should be very little white space left on your poster board.


Task Description Points Score Construction Project is properly assembly 30 using accurate measurements and placement of all 30 events Accuracy Descriptions are correct, each 30 has the appropriate date and a symbol or picture to go along with it Art 10 pictures are used to 10 describe major events. They must be in color. There is little white space left on the board Writing Writing is legible and clear. 10 The project has a title Presentation Overall neatness and 10 presentation


Date date Description of Event Picture / Symbol Hammurabi’s Code c. 1772 The first written code of laws that established justice BCE in the Babylonian empire.

Sumer established c. 3500 Sumer was the first civilization started in the Fertile Crescent of modern day Iraq.

Library at Ninevah 668 BCE Library built here provided thousands of stone tablets built that document ancient Mesopotamian history!

Hanging Gardens of 605 One of the seven wonders of the Ancient world, Babylon built Babylonian King Nebucannezar built the elaborate temple for his sick wife. Israelites and Phoenicians (1900 B.C.E. -200 C.E.)

Event Date Description of Event Picture / symbol Saul unites the 12 1000 BCE David captures Israel and establishes a Jewish kingdom tribes (Israel later led by the first king Saul becomes a kingdom)

Roman Diaspora 70. A.D. Roman empire conquers Judea and forces the Ancient Israelites into exile.

Solomon’s Temple 968 BCE Built as a holy place of Worship for the Israelites, this constructed housed the Ark of the Covenant.

Solomon’s temple 568. BCE King nebucannezer and the Babylonians destroyed the destroyed first temple.

Moses’ Exodus story 1250 BCE Moses leads the ancient Israelites out of Slavery in Egypt, into the Sinai desert for 40 years where he receives the 10 Commandments from God.

Phoenician culture at 1000 BCE. Founders of the alphabet, Phoenicians built a vast its peak maritime trading network, built on glass, purple dye, and cedar wood. Egypt

Event DAte Description of Event Picture/ Symbol Khufu’s Great Pyramid built

Cleopatra’s suicide

Ramses defeats the Hittites

Hatshepsut’s reign ends

Abu Simbel built by Ramses Lower and Upper Egypt united by first dynastys


Event Date Picture / Symbol First democracy founded in Athens

Persian War: Greeks defeat Persians in battle of Marathon

Golden Age of Athens, (Parthenon built)

Death of Sophocles

Sparta conquers Athens (Peloponnesian War)

Alexander the Great’s empire at its greatest


First Roman Republic is founded

Rome destroys Carthage

Julius Caesar is assassinated Octavian makes Rome an empire.

Colosseum built

First Roman aqueduct built

Rome splits Empire in two, East and West

Roman Empire in the West falls to Germanic Tribes.

Jesus is crucified, Christianity begins

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