FAIR BOARD REGULAR MEETING Lane Events Center, Meeting Room #2 June 11, 2013 7:30AM ROLL CALL Kelley Voorhees Harris Schwartz Cosio Present Present Present Present Present

Others Present Marsha Miller – Director Public Works Corey Buller – Interim Manager LEC, Interim Fair Director Rachel Bivens – Sales & Marketing Director Lane Events Center Laura Niles - Consultant Elizabeth Henry – Events Coordinator Lane Events Center (note taker)


2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 9, 2013 and May 14, 2013 MOTION: Sid Voorhees COMMENTS: Sid Voorhees motioned to SECOND: Jack Harris approve the April 9, 2013 minutes. No VOTE discussion Name Vote Cliff Kelley YES Sid Voorhees YES Sascha Cosio YES Jack Harris YES Mike Schwartz YES

MOTION: Sid Voorhees COMMENTS: Sid Voorhees motioned to SECOND: Sacha Cosio approve the May 14, 2013 minutes. No VOTE discussion Name Vote Cliff Kelley YES Sid Voorhees YES Sascha Cosio YES Jack Harris YES Mike Schwartz YES

3. GOVERNANCE UPDATE DISCUSSION: Laura Niles has conducted more interviews and will be starting a draft. Laura Niles has met with Lane County staff to discuss the report. Laura Niles looked up the role of the business plan. The business plan is required in the Lane County Fair Board bylaws, MOU between the Lane County Fair Board and Lane County Commissioners and State Regulations (ORS 565.442). There is no consequence to not having a business plan. Discussion regarding business plan should be reviewed and approved by the Fair Board annually. It was determined the best time would be post Fair and prior to when the State Report is due October 1. Two separate business plans, one for Lane Events Center and one for Lane County Fair. The Lane County Fair business plan is the one that is required. The Fairs that Laura Niles met with shared their business plans so the Lane County Fair Board will be able to compare and contrast with theirs. Fair Board asked that Laura include the other Fairs business plans in her report. There was discussion regarding timeline for the report and deliverables. Laura Niles has set a goal to pull the information together and have a report done by the end of June. This would lead to a Fair Board workshop post Fair with a goal for the Fair Board to make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners in the fall (Sept. or Oct.) Mike Schwartz asked questions regarding the purpose of the report. Cliff Kelley stated that the direction from the Board of County Commissioners was to expand their oversight of the Lane Events Center. Laura Niles understanding of her work is to get information to provide clarity so the Board of County Commissioners can provide direction. Past reports have been unclear with vague research (including discussion of the 2006 Economic Impact Study – Markin report). Current operations are clear as to the role of the Fair Board regarding the Fair but unclear regarding the Fair Boards role in Lane Events Center. Increased communication between County staff and Fair Board has resolved some issues. Laura Nilse will include recommendations on the level of Fair Board involvement in Lane Events Center and year round events.

4. REPORT BACK – ATTENDANCE RULES, BILL 7 DISCUSSION: Staff tried but was not able to get a county legal counsel evaluation of Bill 7. Alex Kyler is still in Salem. Corey Buller distributed copies of Bill 7. Bill 7 has passed the state senate and is now in the state house. Bill 7 does not go into a lot of the details including financials. Staff researched and found Fair Board attendance mentioned in the Lane County Fair Board bylaws, MOU between the Lane County Fair Board and Lane County Commissioners and State Regulations (ORS 565.225). There was discussion as to whether the bylaws need to be changed. The current procedure was determined to be acceptable. If the Fair Board determines that a members absences are unreasonable they can vote to take the issue to the Board of County Commissioners who would then make a final determination.

5. STAFF REPORTS / 2013 FAIR DISCUSSION: Corey Buller distributed the staff fair report. Concert tickets went on sale and over 500 are sold so far which is a good start for us. There are more ticket sales coming in daily. There is some confusion about General Admission by section as opposed to designated seating. Partnerships have kicked into gear including the Eugene EMs season pass sales The Ems will begin presales of fun cards on July 1. Rachel Bivens is pushing the EMs to promote as much as possible. The Lane Blood Center pint for a pass promo is active and their media buy has been a positive addition. Media is increasing. All major stations except KVAL have partnered with us. Billboards are up on Franklin, Beltline, MLK, in Veneta, and Junction City. Billboard on I-5 by Pioneer Parkway goes up next week. Register Guard Ads start July 1. Posters will be distributed 2 weeks prior to the Fair. Discussion regarding youth participation in the Exhibits department and it was determined that a workshop following Fair is needed to create a plan for the 2014 Fair. Grounds cleanup has begun. Corey Buller is looking at minimal maintenance contract the grounds. Copies of Fair information sheets will be provided to the Fair Board members. Review of Daily Specials

6. OPPORTUNITIES DURING FAIR DISCUSSION: Rachel Bivens distributed invitations to host the Senior Social. Staff will provide badges and Fair shirts for the Fair Board. Corey Buller will continue to work with Elizabeth Henry on the Fair Board Awards. Fair Board members are invited to attend the Fair Staff meetings at 9am each day of Fair. Discussion of Fair Board passes, access and concert tickets. Important to keep in mind the $50 limit.

7. OTHER DISCUSSION: On June 18 a statement regarding flexibility of rates for Lane Events Center will be on the Board of County Commissioners consent calendar. The house located at 13th and Polk will be moving soon. The property belongs to Lane Events Center and the house will be moved by end of June.

Sid Voorhees motions to adjourn Jack Harris seconds the motion Meeting adjourns