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MINUTES of SCSHA Meeting date: November 17, 2011
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm, the pledges were read.
Clubs in attendance: Equestrian Challenge, Legends, Show Stoppers, BC Wranglers, Trailblazers II, Caballeros, Barnstormers, Equus Excellence, Elite Equestrians, Saddle Seekers, Horse Sense, Showman’s Corner, Skyriders II, Mane Attraction, Knight Riders, Royal Riders, Rough Riders, Jr. Leaders
Clubs not in attendance: All-Star Equestrians, Macedonia Pioneers
The minutes from last month were read and approved. Motioned – Carla Kline, Second – Sue Schutte -Going forward – minimal number of minutes copies available at SH meetings – please print from website and read prior to SH meeting
Officers' reports: -Treasurer’s Report: - Jackie Sampsel Request for flash drives for Secretary and President – Request approved Committee Budgets Quarterly audit from Sept, done tonight. Expenses are listed below. The next audit due in Dec 4-H flag $24.95, 3x5
Beginning Balance - $13,309.35 #2000 $25.00 #2001 $27.99 #2003 $400.00 #2004 $1555.20
Ending Balance $11,301.16
Denny Bittaker requested the cost of glass for the SCSHA building to replace what was broken into. Everything was opened and some damage, nothing was taken. $37.30 – the replacement cost of glass. Mary Ellen Lowe motioned to pay bills, Sara Justice seconded. Motion passed.
$8622.98 was presented to SCSHA from Mary Ellen Lowe for barn storage.
-President’s Report – Extension: Advisor Updates @ Summit County – 11/21 & 12/7 – 6:30-9:00 All but one or two clubs have gotten EIN’s in. The 2012 family guide and book order forms are in the folders. Please get book orders in ASAP. Extension is trying to implement a new program so that membership is completed by the advisors. The program should be up by March. What was there last year will already be there, it will just need to be edited. The state has filed the reports. Teresa Sondles will be at extension on Thursday afternoon. She would like to suggest SCSHA purchase 50 rule books to sell. Carla Kline motioned, Mike Hawsman second – motion passed for the association to purchase 50 books and sell them for their cost of $5.00 each.
-There is no state horse committee meeting until February, 2012.
Committee reports: Ad Book (Liz Bennett/Teresa Sondles) – Collection dates will be at the fairgrounds on Feb. 9th from 6:00- 8:30. Sign-ups will be by appt. February 11th, Saturday from 9:00-12:00 in Barberton. The Ad Sheets have been revamped, the new sheets were handed out. Prizes will be offered this year - American Eagle gift cards. Top 2 sellers will get prizes. Everyone who sells over $250 dollars will be put in a drawing to win a gift card. New Ad Rules – there must be a hard copy of emailed ads. We will not take an ad if it does not have money. Please do not send word documents over email. Emailed ads need to have 4Hers name in subject. Ads should be in black and white and proportioned correctly. The whole ad should be on one sheet. Any pictures, etc, that has to be scanned to go on the ad will an additional $10. The extra scans do not count towards the stall fee or the high sales awards. Everyone has to pay the $100 fee and it is nonrefundable. The ads are not cheaper because of having a sibling. Please call Liz for availability of the covers. Advisors are responsible for collecting ads. Liz’s email - [email protected] . Please call Liz with questions. Project Award (Chris Wokojance) – Applications will be available in February. Horse Bowl (Sara Justice) – 15 kids are participating, and more are saying they want to come. Two members are attempting to have meetings on Saturday’s in Springfield. The next Tuesday meeting is the Website (Sara Justice) – There have not been many updates lately. The minutes and attendance/membership are being posted monthly. Horse Camp (Becki Smith) – Jr. Leaders – the 27th of December - 6:00pm will be the Christmas Party at Midway Lanes. Becki will get out that information out. Any new people who would like to join are welcome to come. Sunshine Club (Mrs. Lowe) – If anyone needs a card, please let me know. Fairboard – There is a new vice president. We received a very nice thank you for the assistance on the Bobcat payment. Groom & Clean (Mike Conwell) – None. Competitive Trail (Dee Casteel) – None. Volunteer Hours (Brian Petroff) – The volunteer hours are posted for the few odd days we have had so far. Rotating Trophies (Mrs. Lowe) – Only Chris W has approached about donating a rotating trophy. Maintenance (Denny Bittaker) – Three projects there is a goal to accomplish this year. The canopy over the bleachers, some form of drain near the Saddlehorse building, and a speaker at the other end of Barn 10. We could use a gravel donation, a speaker wire, and drainage pipe donations. If you come across things that might help in these situations please let me know. Scholarship (Sue & Rachel Schutte) - None Ribbons & Trophies (Cathy McWhirter) – Trophy questioning, there is a budget of $10,000 but would like to lower cost. Please poll kids on whether they want trophies or gift card, etc. Trophies are about $8.00. We are looking at about $10 gift cards. Major corporate sponsorship is being requested. Looking at basic packages – the sponsorship that will be requested and what they will get because of their donation. There are many ways for these companies to get major exposure. Businesses will also be solicited for product for highpoint awards, etc. Request to solicit companies in order to get the money. The goal of getting sponsorships is to help develop our assets and work towards fixing the barn roof. Discussion on how hard we are hitting up certain companies, taking away possible ads from 4Hers. Idea to use the kids to get more money from these companies, and then requesting more from the companies that donated. Carla Kline moved that we moved forward with the proposal for soliciting donations. Sara Justice second. Motion passed. Carla Kline – we are suggesting trying to attempt to recycle trophies. Handouts made for clubs. Everything would be handled. These would be used specifically for gymkhana classes or open shows. Please bring in your old trophies! A poll will be set up on the FB page for the 4Her’s feelings on trophies/awards. Judges (Jackie Sampsel) – Kelly Prior – The show steward – Don Ricchuti would be willing to come back as steward but he would like to have some things cleared up before fair. He feels that he needs to be left to do his job without association interference. Hopefully, contracts will be out by the end of the year. PAS (Chris Wokojance) – Belt buckles did come in and all have been distributed. There will be more of an update after the State Rules (Sara Justice) – Rules – First reading of the minutes - copies are in folders for each club. Reading minutes silently and then asking questions. Discussion of amount charged to bounced checks and how the money is collected. Please refer to suggested amendments in the Rules 2011 Draft. Drafts will not be posted online so that no one prints and refers to an unapproved copy of the minutes. Fair (Debbie Hookway & Mike Hawsman) – Spent a lot of time with the rules committee. Nothing has been done with classes. Open Show (Joani Hedderick) – Age divisions will remain the same. There is a concern with the various age ranges represented in the walk-trot classes with no age divisions. Will be taken to committee. Dates for shows have not been approved from Fairboard.
Old Business: -Please give ink cartridges to Carla – HP, Lexmark, and Brother. This year we have been awarded $336 from the cartridges. -There is still only one logo turned in, please turn in more to Judi. New business: -Discount Stables was unable to attend meeting to explain their fundraising idea. -Western Reserve Farm Co-Op has a 4H reward program for a 10% monetary award. -Big Dee’s also has a Bonus Bucks program. -Membership lists are updated, please let Rachel know if you think you are nearing becoming a sustaining member. Announcements: -From Jackie Krieger – Thank the county executives and Russell Pry – funding for 4H at the county has not been cut. -BC Wranglers Tack Auction – bidding starts at 11:00. -Horse Sense is collecting dog and cat food and pet supplies to families for Christmas. It will be extended until February because many homeless people take better care of their pets than themselves. -There will be a December meeting in order to help get the rules readings completed.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 15, 2011 - 7:30 p.m
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:26
Respectfully Submitted, Rachel Schutte
Date Approved: