Time Frame for the Two Tasks

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Time Frame for the Two Tasks

Library tasks

Time frame for the two tasks.

1. Day 1, finish task 1 in the first half class, and finish poster draft in the second half class 2. Day 2, finish project in the first half class, and do presentation in the second half class.

Needed materials: 1. Wordlist of Topic 5 2. Construction paper, color pens and things likewise.

Tasks: 1. Send your pen pal an email in Chinese and cc me. This is counted as a formative assessment. Estimated time: (15-20 minutes)

The email should contain: 1) a greeting. 2) information about your age and birthday 3) questions about your friend’s age and birthday 4) date

Sample email is as follows:

Lisa, 你好! 我是 David. 我 15 岁.我的生日是 3 月 8 号。你几岁?你的生日是几月 几号?

祝好! David 2015 年 12 月 10 号/日

1 Library tasks Library tasks

2. Project on family members and dates It is counted both a formative and summative assessment of Topic 5. (Speaking is summative)

1) In this project, you are supposed to design a family tree poster or booklet (format is not limited) which features numbers.

2) Each of the family members can be represented by the number of his/her age, but please design the numbers in a creative way so they might appear in the shape of instruments if your family is musical. Or if your family likes to go to the beach, the age number of your grandparents may look like a fish. Let your imagination go wild!

3) You will present your project to the class, even other classes (but let me know when and where. It can either be extra credit or act as one of your culture summaries)

4) In the process, you’ll teach yourself some new words, like 爷爷,奶奶,外公, 外婆,喜欢

Content of the project: 1) 3 generations: at least 6 family members, one of them is YOU. This list can help 爸爸,妈妈,(6 分) 哥哥,弟弟, 姐姐,妹妹, 爷爷(yé ye) 奶奶(nǎi nai), 外公(wài gōng) 外婆(wài pó) 2) descriptions:for each family member, write a short description( You can also choose to print it out, cut and paste) (24 分) A. 他/她是谁?他/她叫什么? Who is he? What’s his/her name? B. 他/她是哪国人? What nationality is he/she? C. 他/她几岁?他/她的生日是几月几号? How old is he/she? When’s the B- day? D. 他/她喜欢(xǐ huān)星期几? Which day of the week does he/she like?

例子 example: 我爸爸叫大卫,他是美国人。他 49 岁,生日是 1 月 2 号。他喜欢 星期一。Wǒ bàba jiào dà wèi, tā shì měi guó rén. Tā sì shí jiǔ suì,shēng rì shì yī yuè èr hào. Tā xǐ huān xīng qī yī.

3) The project creatively represents my family. It is colorful, creative… it looks good! Everything is written correctly! ( 10 分)

2 Writing rubric

Comprehensibility Vocabulary Correctness Creativity Excellent Easy to You learned Correct Poster is A 36-40 underseatnd. and used all characters. attractive and Could be listed new Almost no contains all understood by vocabulary. usage required most native mistakes. information speakers Language and more! flows smoothly. Acceptable Fairly easy to You learned Mostly Some B 32-35 understand part of the list correct, but creativity and C 28-31 new you had some elaboration. vocabulary difficulty with but used characters or them right. usage. F 0-27 Difficult to You didn’t Significant You only did understand use new errors in the minimum vocabulary. usage. to get by. Looks like a draft.

Speaking rubric

Total Scoring Criteria Points Score 1 Information is spoken not read 5 2 Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5 3 Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5 4 Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5 5 Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience 5 Total Points 25

3 Library tasks

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