Bob: Dad, Take Us to the Football Match! the Match Is Brasil-England

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Bob: Dad, Take Us to the Football Match! the Match Is Brasil-England

Раздел 1 Аудирование Текст “ At the Football Match”.

Bob: Dad, take us to the football match! The match is Brasil-England. It’s an interesting game. Bob’s father: Ok. Tom, do you want to go with us? Tom : It’s great! I like watching football match at the stadium. ( They are at the stadium) Father: The stadium is full today. Bob: How many people do you think there are? Tom: There are thousands of people here. Father: There are at least 50 thousands people here. Bob: Dad, look! Caps. Let’s buy a couple of caps. Father: How much do they cost? Bob: They are 18 dollars each or 2 for 30 dollars. Father: Ok. We’ll take two. Let’s watch the game. Tom: Yes, look, the score is nil-nil ( 0-0). Can our team score a goal? Father: Look! Our forward has got the ball. He is running to the Brazilian goal. The Brazilian defender is next to him. Can he stop our forward? Our forward is in front of their goal. He is going to shoot. He shoots. And it is a goal!. It is a goal! Bob: England scored. Tom: The score is one-nil (1-0). Our team is winning! The referee is blowing his whistle. That’s the end of the game.

Keys: Task1: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F, 6-T. 1.I like watching football match at the stadium. 2. There are 50 thousand people here. 3. Our forward is running to the Brazilian goal. 4. He is shooting the goal. It’s a goal! 5. The score is one-nil. 6. Our team is winning. There is a whistle. Task2 ( Reading): 1+ 2-3-4-5+6+7+ Task3 (Grammar/Vocabulary: sitting, writing,is, hate,do not want,is playing, are running, laughing,need, are having, like. 2.1c 2d 3c 4a.

Раздел 1 Аудирование Новые слова: A couple of –пара чего-либо Score- 1) счет; 2) забивать гол Forward-нападающий Defender- защитник Goal- 1) ворота 2) гол To shoot- бить по воротам Team- команда Referee- судья Whistle- свисток

I Listening comprehension 1 Послушай диалог и отметь буквой T информацию, соответ- ствующую тексту, и буквой F –не соответствующую тексту.

1. Bob, Tom and their father are going to the football match. 2. There are 40 thousand people at the stadium. 3. The match is Brazil-America. 4. The score is nil-nil. 5. The Brazilian defender shoots the goal. 6. The English team is winning with the score one-nil.

2. Переведи следующие предложения:

1. Я люблю смотреть футбол на стадионе. 2. На стадионе сегодня 50 тысяч людей. 3. Наш нападающий бежит к Бразильским воротам. 4. Он бьет по воротам. Гол! 5. Счет 1:0. 6. Наша команда выигрывает. Свисток. Раздел 2 Чтение.

II Reading Comprehension. 1. Прочитай письмо Британской школьницы и отметь знаком + те предложения, которые соответствуют содер- жанию текста.

Local State School Dear Friends, Hi! My name is Pam. I am from Nottingham. I am happy to be pen pals with you. I’ll tell you about my family. We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me. And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April, 1997. We are a loving and close family. And I have got a great grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. Can you believe it? She is very old. My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?

Love, Pam

Задание к тексту: 1. Pam lives in England. 2. Her family is a typical British family. 3. Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old. 4. Her uncle lives in Great Britain. 5. Pam’s uncle has got a farm. 6. Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals. 7. Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.

Раздел 3 Лексика и Грамматика 1. Вставь глагол в нужной форме на место пропуска. I…in the park and…my notes at the moment (sit, write). It…hot (be). I…hot weather (hate). I…not…to sit here ( want). But Roger …tennis with his friend ( play). They …and…(run, laugh). They…neither ice cream nor cold lemonade ( need). They …fun ( have). They …this weather ( like).

2. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу: 1. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London. a) place of interest b)building c) bridges d) museum 2. The …says the Tower of London has a bloody history. a) information b) museum c) voice d) legend 3. The Queen of Britain lives in … a) Westminster Abbey b) Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace 4. An important political meeting took …near the Houses of Parliament. a)place b) care c) part d) off

3.Напиши три формы следующих глаголов: give, take, see, have, do, play, go, stay, put, run.

Раздел 4 Письмо Напиши письмо Британской школьнице Пэм, расскажи ей о себе и своей семье. Не забудь про правила написания письма. Ключи Задание 1: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F, 6-T (6баллов) Задание 2: 1+2-3-4-5+6+7+ (7баллов) Задание 3: 1)am sitting, writing, is, hate, do not want, is playing, are running and laughing, need, are having, like. ( 11b). 2) 1c, 2d, 3c, 4a (4b). 3) 10b Задание 4: 6 баллов Итого: 44 балла

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