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Final 8-3-12

Clayton State University School of Business

MGMT 4750: Strategic Management

Course Syllabus and Schedule: Fall 2012

CRN 87877-1 / TR 2:10 – 3:25 p.m. Room T-152 CRN 87884-2 / TR 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. Room T-152

Professor: Gary L. May, Ph.D. Office: T-261 (School of Business Building) Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. or by appointment Phone: CSU Office: Tel (678) 466-4543 / Fax (678) 466-4599 Home Office: Tel / Fax: (770) 463-9676 E-mail: [email protected] Home Page / Bio:

Catalogue Course Description:

A capstone course to integrate the knowledge and skills gained in a student's program of study. It is an opportunity for a student to formulate an overall business policy and strategy. Due to exit exams administered in this course, it is strongly recommended that the course be taken the last semester.

Prerequisites (minimum grade of C):

FINA 3101 BUSA 3700 MGMT 3102 (can be taken concurrently) MKTG 3101 BUSA 3101 MKTG 3420 (can be taken concurrently) MGMT 3101 MGMT 3120

Required Course Materials:

 Ireland, Hoskisson, & Hitt (2012). Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts Plus, 3nd Edition; South-Western Cengage Learning ISBN 978-0-538-47681-2 (CSU bookstore: $145.75). Check also for E-book version.  Subscription to Foundation and Comp-XM from Management Simulations, Inc. ($68.98); subscription information will be provided the first week of class.  Subscription to Wall Street Journal print and online editions (10 Weeks for $19.95 – subscribe at

Required Computer Competencies:

MGMT 4750 requires extensive use of GaVIEW (Blackboard Learning Systems), Microsoft Word®, and PowerPoint. Exams are GaVIEW based. Each CCSU student is required to have ready access throughout the semester to a notebook computer that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for the student’s academic program. See for full details of this policy.

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Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: Assessment Method

A. Know, comprehend, and apply the three parts of the Exams with embedded strategic management process: questions keyed to 1. Establishing Vision and Leadership knowledge, comprehension, and application for each part 2. Analyzing Environments of the strategic management ▪ Evaluating external opportunities and threats process. ▪ Evaluating internal strengths and weaknesses 3. Selecting a Strategy ▪ Developing business-level strategies ▪ Developing multiproduct strategies ▪ Acquiring and integrating businesses ▪ Competing across borders

B. Apply the strategic management process and integrate Team ranking from analyst knowledge from previous coursework by running a report of ten business company as part of a management team, competing performance measures against other companies in a simulated business environment

C. Demonstrate business judgment and analytical skills by Individual “balanced managing a company individually for four simulated scorecard” with exam years, competing against three computer-managed questions keyed to companies simulation results

D. Demonstrate interpersonal skills and appreciation for Web-based intra-group peer diversity by leading and managing collaborative activities evaluation assessing team and working effectively in teams that have a diverse skills related to task and membership process.

The College of Business Fundamentals Exit Exam and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Major Field Test in Business are administered in this course (alternate semesters) along with the Capsim Comp-XM Business Competency Exam as part of the College of Business assurance of learning and assessment process. Failure to complete the exit exams will result in an incomplete for the course.

In addition to the primary course outcomes, this course will support other B.B.A. program learning outcomes by enhancing students’ ability to:

1. Demonstrate written communication skills and critical thinking skills by writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct analyses of current business situations related to strategy. 2. Demonstrate oral presentation skills by designing and delivering a “Board of Directors” presentation based on the results of the business simulation.

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3. Use basic computer technology appropriately in a business context (e.g., e-mail, Web-based discussion boards, PowerPoint® and library databases).

Course Requirements and Expectations:

Note: Grading criteria will be included with the instructions for each course requirement. Instruction documents are posted on GaVIEW under Course Requirements.

1. Class and Team Participation: Class sessions will focus on application of concepts and skill building. The delivery will be experiential, with a minimum of lecture. Students are expected to complete the required reading, chapter quiz, and pre-class assignment prior to each class according to the course schedule. Regular, punctual class attendance and active participation in class and team activities will be essential to the learning experience. Participation will be assessed through a peer evaluation process.

2. Weekly Quizzes: Knowledge of concepts from the weekly chapter reading assignments will be assessed by graded quizzes administered through GaVIEW. The quizzes will be “open book” and timed. Quizzes will expire on Mondays at 11:59 p.m. preceding the Tuesday class discussion on the assigned chapter.

3. Course Content Exams: There will be two scheduled exams during the semester. Exams will be closed book and will include assigned text chapters and material covered in class. Each exam will assess knowledge, comprehension, and application of key concepts. Exam dates are firm. If the exam will be missed, the student must notify the professor in advance and provide written documentation for the absence. An excused absence for medical reasons requires a written excuse from a doctor’s office. The professor reserves the right to exercise his personal judgment in allowing make-up exams and deducting points for exams taken after the published exam date.

4. Real-Time Application Memos (R-TAMs): Drawing from current articles in the Wall Street Journal, students will produce weekly one-page memos linking one or more concepts from the current week’s chapter to a selected company’s business situation. R-TAMs will be due in class as assigned on the course schedule.

5. Foundation  Business Simulation: Students will apply the strategic management process and integrate knowledge from previous coursework by running a company as part of a management team, competing against other companies in simulation. Most Thursday classes will be devoted to working in teams reviewing results of the simulation, making decisions related to strategy, and executing tactics.

6. Team Presentation to Board of Directors: Management teams will review their business simulation results, explain their decisions, and propose a future strategy.

7. Comp-XM  Business Competency Exam: At the end of the semester, students will be required to demonstrate business judgment and analytical skills by managing their own company for four simulated years, competing against three computer-managed companies. This exam is a component of the School of Business and AACSB Assurance of Learning process.

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8. Business Fundamentals Exit Exam or ETS Major Field Test Exam: During the final exam period, students will take an exam designed to assess overall core business knowledge. This exam is a component of the School of Business and AACSB Assurance of Learning process.

9. Personal Interview: All students must schedule a 20-minute structured interview with the professor to discuss career strategy. Appointments will be made through the GaVIEW calendar and must be completed by the deadline indicated on the course schedule. Completion of a pre- appointment assignment will be required. This interview is not optional and will be a graded activity.

Grading System, Scale, and Policies:

COMPONENT POINTS  Class and Team Participation (Peer Evaluation) 50  Weekly Chapter Quizzes (7 @ 20 points ea.) 140  Course Content Exams (2 @ 100 points ea.) 200  Real-Time Application Memos (7 @ 30 points ea.) 210  Business Simulation Rehearsal 50  Business Simulation Results (Team Rankings) 100  Team Business Presentation to Board of Directors 50  Comp-XM Business Competency Exam 75  Major-Specific or ETS Business Major Exit Exam 75  Personal Interview 50 Total Course Points 1,000 Available Bonus Points 20 Total Possible Points 1,020

Bonus Point Opportunities: Grading Scale (based on 1,000 points):

1. Orientation Quiz (10 points) A = 900 points and above 2. Exit Exam Review Quizzes (10 points) B = 800 to 899 points C = 700 to 799 points D = 600 to 699 points F = Less than 600 points W = Withdrawal before deadline WF = Withdrawal after deadline

The point scores earned are absolute. There will be no “rounding up” to the next grade.

Course Administration: GaVIEW (

This course will be administered though GaVIEW. All communication for MGMT 4750 will be handled through the course Web site. All students will work through Section 1 of GaVIEW. The Class Bulletin Board will be used for general class communication between class sessions. GaVIEW

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E-mail will be used for one-to-one communication. Therefore, it is essential that students access GaVIEW on a daily basis.

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Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity is of paramount importance at Clayton State University. Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the University’s official Student Handbook.

Student Policies:

Students are expected to abide by all policies in the University Catalog, Student Handbook, and the list of Basic Student Responsibilities posted on the Registrar’s Web site:

Special Accommodations:

Individuals with disabilities who need to request accommodations or obtain this document in an alternative format, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator, Student Center 255, 678-466- 5445.

Other Information:

 Please observe good classroom etiquette: cell phones and pagers off, computers closed unless being used in a classroom assignment. Please review the full university policy on disruptive classroom behaviors:  Please feel free to seek individual assistance from the professor.  Be sure to check the School of Business Web site for academic and career advisement:

Course Schedule:

The following course schedule provides a detailed checklist of topics and assignments by week. This syllabus / course outline provides a general plan for the course. The professor reserves the right to make periodic changes to content, requirements, and schedule to accommodate the needs of the class and to fulfill the goals of the course.

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MGMT 4750: Strategic Management Course Schedule and Checklist Fall Semester, 2012

Week of August 13 (Week 1)

In Preparation for Class on Tuesday, 8/14 (Topics: Orientation / Syllabus Review / Chapter 1)

 Preview MGMT 4750 course layout on GaVIEW ( o GaVIEW will be available on Saturday, August 11, 10:00 a.m. All students use Section 01.  Print, read, and bring to class the Syllabus / Course Schedule (see GaVIEW 4750 course page or  Prepare a one-minute presentation for the class, introducing yourself and explaining why you should be selected by your classmates as a CEO to lead a team in the Foundation business simulation. CEO ballots will be issued this class. nd  Read Chapter 1 (Understanding Business Strategy by Ireland, Hoskisson, & Hitt – 2 edition).  Subscribe to the Wall Street Journal:

For Class on Thursday, 8/16 (Topics: Business Simulation Introduction / Assignments Review)

 Bring your completed CEO ballot to class.  Print, read, and bring to class the following documents (GaVIEW: Course Requirements):  Quiz Ground Rules  Real-Time Application Memos (R-TAMs): Instructions  Personal Interview: Instructions  Foundation Getting Started Checklist

By Sunday, 8/19

 Complete Orientation Quiz on GaVIEW (10 bonus points).  Make an interview appointment on the GaVIEW calendar.

Week of August 20 (Week 2)

For Class on Tuesday, 8/21 (Topic: Leading Strategically)

 Read and study Chapter 2.  Complete Quiz C-2 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-2 (30 points).

For Class on Thursday, 8/23 (Team Selection Interviews)

 Important: Bring six copies of your resume to class.  Follow the instructions in the Foundation Getting Started Checklist to register for the simulation and to begin the pre-work.

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Week of August 27 (Week 3)

For Class on Tuesday, 8/28 (Topic: Analyzing the External Environment)

 Read and study Chapter 3.  Complete Quiz C-3 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-3 (30 points).

For Class on Thursday, 8/30 (Team Formation / Team Building / Role Assignments)

 Continue work on the Foundation Getting Started Checklist.  Print, read, and bring to class the following document: Peer Evaluations.

Week of September 3 (Week 4)

For Class on Tuesday, 9/4


For Class on Thursday, 9/9 (Team Time - Situation Analysis / Strategy Selection)

 Important: Complete the Foundation Getting Started Checklist, by Wednesday 9/5 (50 points).  Study Section 12 (Six Basic Strategies) in the Capsim Online Guide.  During class, after your team reviews the situation analysis, you will select your strategy and begin the decision process for Practice Round 1.

Week of September 10 (Week 5)

For Class on Tuesday, 9/11 (Topic: Analyzing the Firm)

 Read and study Chapter 4.  Complete Quiz C-4 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-4 (30 points).  Print and bring to class the document Exam Study Guide.  Bring laptops for short practice exam.

Foundation:  All teams submit Practice Round 1 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 9/11.

For Class on Thursday, 9/13 (Team Time)

 Debrief Practice Round 1; make decisions for Practice Round 2.

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 Complete audio/PPT lecture on peer evaluation (GaVIEW)Week of September 17 (Week 6)

For Class on Tuesday, 9/18 (Exam)

 Exam I: Covering Chapters 1-4 and all class activities (100 points). o Note: laptop computers will be required.

Foundation:  All teams submit Practice Round 2 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 9/18.  Complete Peer Evaluation # 1 and submit by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 9/18 o Capsim>Homework>Peer Evaluation>/Review

For Class on Thursday, 9/20 (Team Time)

 Debrief Practice Round 2 and peer evaluations; make decisions for Practice Round 2.  Print and bring to class the document Interpreting the GaVIEW gradebook.

Note: Foundation will be reset to zero year during class.

Week of September 24 (Week 7)

For Class on Tuesday, 9/25 (Topic: Business Level Strategy)

 Read and study Chapter 5.  Complete Quiz C-5 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-5 (30 points).

The Competition Begins!  All teams submit Round 1 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 9/25.

For Class on Thursday, 9/27 (Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 1; make decisions for Round 2.

Week of October 1 (Week 8)

For Class on Tuesday, 10/2 (Topic: Multi-Product Strategies)

 Read and study Chapter 6.  Complete Quiz C-6 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-6 (30 points).

The Competition Continues:  All teams submit Round 2 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/2.

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For Class on Thursday, 10/4 (Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 2; make decisions for Round 3.

Note: Friday, October 5, is the deadline for midterm withdrawal.

Week of October 8 (Week 9)

For Class on Tuesday, 10/9 (Topic: Acquisitions)

 Read and study Chapter 7.  Complete Quiz C-7 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-7 (30 points).

The Competition Continues:  All teams submit Round 3 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/9.  Complete Peer Evaluation # 2 and submit by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/9.

For Class on Thursday, 10/11 (Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 3 and Peer Evaluations; make decisions for Round 4.

Week of October 15 (Week 10)

For Class on Tuesday, 10/16 (Topic: Competing across Borders)

 Read and study Chapter 8.  Complete Quiz C-8 (20 points).  Complete R-TAM C-8 (30 points).

The Competition Continues:  All teams submit Round 4 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/16.

For Class on Thursday, 10/18 (Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 4; make decisions for Round 5.

Week of October 22 (Week 11)

For Class on Tuesday, 10/23

 Exam 2: Covering Chapters 5 - 8 and all class activities (100 points). o Note: laptop computers will be required.

The Competition Continues:

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 All teams submit Round 5 decisions by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/23.

For Class on Thursday, 10/25 (Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 5; make decisions for Round 6.

Week of October 29 (Week 12)

For Class on Tuesday, 10/30 (Team Time)

 Debrief Round 6; make decisions for Round 7.

The Competition Continues:  All teams submit Round 7 by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/30.  Complete Peer Evaluation # 3 and submit by 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, 10/30.

For Thursday, 11/1(Team Time)

 Debrief Competition Round 7 and peer evaluations; make decisions for Round 8.

Week of November 5 (Week 13)

For Class on Tuesday, 11/6 (Foundation Wrap-up)

 Debrief competition results; award performance grade points  Print and bring to class the following document: Presentation Instructions.

Note: The EBI Student Satisfaction Survey and College of Business Career Survey will be administered this class

For Class on Thursday, 11/8 (Team Time)

 Work on preparing presentations.  Briefing on Comp-XM Exit Exam

Note: This week is the deadline for all personal interviews (10 point deduction for interviews after 11/8).

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Week of November 12 (Week 14)

For Class on Tuesday, 11/13 (Presentations)

 Presentations by the following companies (teams):  Andrews  Baldwin  Andrews / Baldwin team members complete Peer Evaluation # 4 by 11:00 p.m. Monday, 11/12.  Andrews / Baldwin team members bring completed Peer Evaluation Score Cards to class.

For Class on Thursday. 11/15 (Presentations)

 Presentations by the following companies (teams):  Chester  Digby  Chester / Digby team members complete Peer Evaluation # 4 by 11:00 p.m. Wednesday, 11/14.  Chester / Digby team members bring completed Peer Evaluation Score Cards to class.

Week of November 19 (Week 15)

For Class on Tuesday, 11/20 (Presentations)

 Presentations by the following companies (teams):  Erie  Ferris  Erie / Ferris team members complete Peer Evaluation # 4 by 11:00 p.m. Monday, 11/19.  Erie / Ferris team members bring completed Peer Evaluation Score Cards to class.

------Thanksgiving Break: November 21-25: Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday! ------

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Comp-XM Business Competency Exam

 The Comp-XM exam opens Monday, Nov. 26, 8:00 a.m. and closes Sunday, Dec. 2 at 11:00 p.m.

College of Business Fundamentals Exit Exam

 Date / Time (Final Exam Period)  Section 1 (2:10 p.m. class): Thursday, Dec. 6, 12:30 p.m.  Section 2 (6:30 p.m. class): Thursday, Dec. 6, 5:00 p.m.  Location: Testing Center (lower level of the library)

Important: Both exit exams are required for graduation. Failure to complete either exam will result in an incomplete for the course.

Graduation Day: Saturday, December 8 Congratulations!

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