Shelby Charter Township

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Shelby Charter Township


Shelby Charter Township is dedicated to providing efficient local government services at minimal cost to taxpayers. As such, we are constantly exploring opportunities to share services with other municipalities, or to improve the sharing of resources between the Township’s government operations. Listed below are some examples of the arrangements that we participate in, as well as others currently under consideration.

Existing Service Sharing Arrangements

Building Inspection & Plan Review Services Sharing of building department personnel between communities to Shared Service Description: perform inspection and plan review services to minimize the use of overtime, temporary labor and/or delay in services Partner Community(ies): City of Rochester Hills Year Begun: 2011 Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: $1,056 saved in 2011, $3,597 saved in 2012, $1,452 in 2013. More information: (Building Department)

Water and Sewer Utility Services Shelby Township contracts with Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) to provide treated water to our customers. We also contract with DWSD for wastewater treatment and transmission. Shared Service Description: The network of water and sewer transmission, distribution and collection pipes within Shelby Township are owned and operated by Shelby Township. Partner Community(ies): City of Detroit Year Begun: Water 1966; Wastewater 1974 The cost to Shelby Township of constructing its own water and wastewater treatment facilities would be in the tens of millions of Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: dollars. Annual maintenance on the system would also add significant staffing requirements and costs to the Township budget. More information:

Clinton River Watershed Council

Coordinates the efforts of local governments, businesses, community groups and individuals in improving water quality, promoting innovative Shared Service Description: watershed management techniques, and celebrating the river as a natural and recreational resource. Partner Community(ies): 54 local governments in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties 1972; reorganized as non-profit in 1994-Shelby participates as a core Year Begun: member government Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Unknown More information:

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 1 Other Watershed Collaboration

Working collaboratively, a group of public agencies has been able to Shared Service Description: meet federally mandated pollution discharge rule requirements. Partner Community(ies): 57 local government agencies, school districts and communities Year Begun: 2003 Shelby Township contributed $10,000 toward the local share of compliance costs, and was able to benefit from grants totaling over Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: $750,000. Ongoing compliance requirements are being met at a fraction of the cost of providing services alone. More information: (DPW Department)

Geographic Information System

Shelby utilizes the county GIS database to look up tax parcels, Shared Service Description: property size information and other data. Services may be expanded (see proposed shared services, below) Partner Community(ies): Macomb County Year Begun: 2010 $10,000 or more (money saved by the Township in reduced staff time Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: required to retrieve data; property owners, appraisers and real estate firms also save time and money) More information:

Economic Development

Cooperative effort with the county to recruit and retain businesses in Shared Service Description: the community. The Township Assessing Department serves as primary contact for certain tax exemption inquiries. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County Year Begun: 2010 Township Assessing department personnel time has been reduced, Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: and business owners have a centralized source for economic development information. More information: (Assessing Department)

Vehicle Purchases

Township Police department makes retired fleet vehicles available to Shared Service Description: other Township departments for non-police service, such as building inspections, assessing, etc. Partner Community(ies): Internal to Shelby Township Year Begun: Ongoing Township departments are able to acquire a service vehicle for about Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: 1/3 of the price of purchasing a new vehicle. More information: (Assessing Department)

DPW Share

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 2 Municipal public works departments share equipment, personnel, etc., Shared Service Description: resulting in reduced costs for renting or purchasing equipment that they need to perform their services. Partner Community(ies): Utica Year Begun: Ongoing Varies. Cost savings are realized through borrowing equipment at no Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: charge to one another through an informal agreement. More information:

Emergency Communications

A county-wide network of communications towers, combined with a common radio system, enables all local units to communicate with Shared Service Description: one another for emergency needs. System is part of a larger State- wide radio system. Partner Community(ies): All communities in Macomb County Year Begun: 2005 Much greater purchasing power (and lower costs) when purchasing emergency radios for 25 agencies. Improved efficiencies realized with Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: open communication between departments. Lower costs for acquiring, operating and maintaining radio towers and related equipment. More information:

Library Cooperative

The Suburban Library Cooperative is a network of public libraries in the Macomb County area which have joined together to secure services which can be performed more effectively and economically Shared Service Description: as a group. The Cooperative provides member libraries with several important services, ranging from automated circulation of library materials to access to the Internet. Partner Community(ies): 20 public libraries in and near Macomb County Year Begun: 1978 Shelby Library would have to expend hundreds of thousands of dollars to expand its collection to offer the resources available to patrons through the cooperative. The Township would also have to Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: invest millions in a larger building and expanded technology to house the larger collection and make comparable services available to patrons. More information:

Shared Automation System Shelby Library is a member of the Suburban Library Cooperative’s Shared Service Description: Shared Automation System, which maintains library and user records for its members. Partner Community(ies): 18 public libraries in and near Macomb County Year Begun: 2007 A common system is more efficient than 20 individual library records Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: systems. Improves patron access to other library holdings.

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 3 More information:

Countywide Trailways

The Macomb County-wide Trailways Plan is a coordinated plan to create a network of recreational trails throughout the county. The Shared Service Description: major project that involves a trail from Richmond to Shelby Township is completed. It connects to the Clinton River and an Oakland County Trail. Partner Community(ies): 27 Macomb County municipalities Year Begun: 2003 The planned development and part of the trailways construction has Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: been funded with grant revenues, saving the Township significant sums on this valuable public project. More information: %20Trailways%20Master%20Plan.pdf

Regional Bid Notification System

Shelby Township is a member of the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN), an e-procurement system designed to Shared Service Description: eliminate bid lists and streamline bid posting and application processes. Partner Community(ies): 91 local governments, authorities, road commissions Year Begun: 2003 Cost savings are realized through procuring goods and services in a Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: competitive bidding environment, and through streamlined bidding processes. MITN is a free service to participating agencies.. More information:

Shared Hazmat and Technical Rescue

Agreement signed in 2011 to pool resources and training for this Shared Service Description: specialized rescue operation. Grant money for OT and equipment is distributed by Macomb County for this operation. Partner Community(ies): Sterling Heights, Warren, Clinton Township Year Begun: 2011 Approximately $45,000 in grant funding received for OT in 2012, in Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: addition to equipment. Approximately $23,000 received in 2013. More information: (Fire Department)

Coordinated Dive Operations

Shared Service Description: Pooled resources and training for this specialized rescue operation. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County Sheriff, Harrison Township Year Begun: 2011 Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Received $15,000 in dive equipment in 2012. Received

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 4 approximately $16,000 in 2013. More information: (Fire Department)

Shared Parks & Recreation, Senior Transport and Cable Television Services

As part of a land dispute settlement, Shelby Township and the City of Utica agreed to jointly promote the development of a portion of the City, including the provision of water and sewer services to promote Shared Service Description: development and extend the Township’s utility infrastructure. In exchange, Shelby agreed to provide parks & recreation, senior transport and cable TV services to the residents. Agreement runs through 2026. Partner Community(ies): Utica Year Begun: 1996 Utica had for 15 years paid Shelby the equivalent of 3 mills of property taxes on the disputed property. Through 2026, Utica will pay Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Shelby $100/year. Utica also assigns its SMART transportation credits to Shelby, to help fund Senior Transportation Services for Utica residents. More information: (Parks & Recreation Department)

Subdivision Snow Removal Significant snow events limit the ability of the road commission to get plows into Shelby Township subdivisions in a timely fashion. Shelby Shared Service Description: and the road commission have developed a collaborative effort to use Shelby resources (plows, trucks, staff, and salt) to clear subdivisions during significant snow events. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County Road Commission Year Begun: 2009 Shelby is able to provide a higher level of service at no additional cost Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: to Township taxpayers. The road commission reimburses Shelby for all costs associated with plowing local subdivisions. More information: (Parks & Recreation Department)

SMART Bus Service

The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is Southeast Michigan's only regional bus system. Providing 12 million rides annually, SMART operates 275 Fixed Route buses on 54 routes, 7 days a week, 22 hours a day as well as Shared Service Description: Connector Service for seniors and people with disabilities who can't access SMART's regular Fixed Route service. Additionally, through our Community Partnership Program (CPP), SMART partners with 75 municipalities and organizations to support local transit service by leveraging federal funding that is returned to local communities. Partner Community(ies): 78 communities in Southeast Michigan Year Begun: 1967

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 5 Shelby residents benefit from increased public transit options, and Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: revenue sharing from federal grants for transportation needs More information:

Automatic License Plate Reading System

The City of Utica obtained a grant to purchase the ALPRS system, which utilizes advanced digital photography and computer databases to locate known criminals travelling along Macomb County Shared Service Description: thoroughfares. The City placed units within law enforcement agencies located in Macomb County that border M-59. The program is being expanded to include the I-94 corridor. Utica, Chesterfield Township, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Partner Community(ies): Sterling Heights Year Begun: 2011 Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Shelby Township received this new technology at no additional cost. More information: (Police Department)

CLEMIS – County Law Enforcement Management Information System

Shared service with Oakland, Wayne, Ann Arbor and about 75% of Macomb County. The system provides capabilities of sharing local Shared Service Description: information of other CLEMIS users that creates a larger database than possible individually. Partner Community(ies): Oakland, Wayne, Ann Arbor and about 75% of Macomb County. Year Begun: 2011 Cost savings of approximately $50,000 in annual maintenance fees Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: and benefit of investment in existing hardware/software. Benefit of access to vast database of multiple law enforcement agencies. More information: (Police Department)

MACRO – Macomb Area Communities for Regional Opportunities

Macomb County’s largest communities formed a task force and formal partnership to research and implement services-sharing concepts to further reduce cost of providing municipal services Shared Service Description: including but not limited to parks and recreation service, library services, building and inspection services, police and fire services, joint training programs, purchasing cooperatives, facility and equipment maintenance and information technology services. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County, SEMCOG, Shelby Township Year Begun: 2011 Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Savings and Benefits not quantified at this time. More information:

Macomb Fire Technical Rescue – Oakland County Collaboration

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 6 Agreement between Warren, Oakland County, Shelby Township, and other communities to participate in a M1 Task Force to utilize equipment owned by Oakland County for large scale emergency events. This agreement provides more and larger resources for Shared Service Description: longer periods of time. The combined task force is also prepared to respond to regional, State and national events if equipment is needed in a catastrophe. The Shelby Township Fire Department is one of the lead agencies on this collaboration. Warren, Oakland County, Shelby Township, Sterling Heights, Clinton Partner Community(ies): Township, Macomb Township. Year Begun: 2011 Savings from sharing large equipment used during catastrophes Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: rather than normal operations. Ability to respond to catastrophes because of emergency equipment on hand. More information:

Small Park connected to the Macomb Orchard Trail

The Shelby TWP Parks Recreation and Maintenance Department, Planning and Zoning Department and Macomb County are working on the development of a small park at the SE corner of 25 MI Road and Shelby Road along the Macomb Orchard Trail. PRM obtained a grant from ITC for park improvements. The Township and County are Shared Service Description: working with the owner of the shopping center adjoining the park to allow trail users the use of the parking lot at this retail site. By leveraging the county and private sector, we were able to achieve more improvements at this site than we could by doing the park on our own. Macomb County, Shelby TWP PRM and Planning / Zoning Partner Community(ies): Departments, ITC, shopping center owner Year Begun 2012 Enhancement to the Macomb Orchard Trail providing rest area and potential parking and meeting place for trail users. Benefit of Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: additional traffic for shopping center. Offset of park development cost with ITC Grant. More information: (Parks & Recreation Department)

Proposed Service Sharing Arrangements YR 2013, Continuing in 2014

Geographic Information System

To share GIS data services between Macomb County and the Township to produce in-house all statutorily required tax parcel maps, Shared Service Description: land value maps, economic condition factor maps, land table maps, DPW related maps, and other various maps. Current Status: The Township published an initial generation of the GIS project on the internet at Residents can access the page by clicking on the “I Want To…” button on the Shelby Township homepage as well. This portal has an option for Township Staff to login and have access to non-public data like water

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 7 and sewer utility locations. The County provided a connection directly to their GIS data and the Township ArcMap systems are linked to Township data locally and county data through the ArcGIS server options. The Township Building, Treasurer, and Assessing departments have migrated to the BS& version of the software (this was completed in 2013). Assessing and Building departments have linked the BS&A information to the GIS maps allowing resident access to that data. The Township is working on developing a parcel layer for condominium units. This data is not currently provided by Macomb County. Updates of the condominium layer fabric will be uploaded to the Macomb County GIS when available as part of the data share agreement. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County First phase: 2010. Second phase: Completed in 2013. DPW aerials and water main mapping as well as agreement on data share with Macomb County completed in 2013. The Township also completed a Year Begun: connection with the Macomb County Road Commission to gather current Road PASER data in 2013. DPW development of sanitary sewer layer is ongoing as budget permits from 2014 - 2017. Tax parcel maps in house – 2014. Savings in time and efficiency for internal departments and Township Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: residents by uninterrupted access to all mapping needs. More information: Dept)

Building Inspection and Plan Review – Sterling Heights

Sharing of Building Department personnel between Sterling Heights and Shelby Township to perform inspections and plan reviews to Shared Service Description: minimize the use of overtime, temporary labor and or delay in services. Partner Community(ies): Sterling Heights Year Begun 2013 Discussions, approval and agreement are pending between the Township Board, labor union and Sterling Heights to determine feasibility and cost/benefit. Anticipate $2,000 or more in savings plus improved services to customers. Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: This project was unable to be implemented in 2013 due to union negotiations. Now that union negotiations are over and a contract is in place, the implementation plan will be resumed in early 2014. More information: (Building Department)

Dequindre Crosswalk

Improvements to the pedestrian trail crossing for the Clinton River Shared Service Description: Trail at Dequindre Road connecting to the Macomb Orchard Trail Anticipated start of construction is April 21, 2014, with construction Current Status: slated to be completed May 23, 2014. City of Rochester, MDOT, RCOC, RCMC, Shelby Township, Oakland Partner Community(ies): County and Friends of the Clinton River Trail. Year Begun 2013 Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: Cost set aside by City of Rochester - $70,000. Total project cost and sharing agreements unknown at this time. The cross walk will provide

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 8 ease of access to many trail sections and also provide a safe transition from Rochester to Shelby. More information:

Unsuccessful Service Sharing Arrangements YR 2013

Ladder Truck Sharing

An opportunity to reduce the number of ladder trucks required by four Shared Service Description: communities. This opportunity is still in the discussion stage. The project was stalled with the passing of Shelby Fire Chief Gene Shepherd. Upon Current Status: the appointment of Shelby Township’s new chief, it was decided that this project would not be pursued. Partner Community(ies): Macomb Township, Washington Township, Utica Discussions will resume on the ladder truck sharing in the spring of Year Begun: 2013 with an anticipated agreement before the end of the year. The cost of specialized fire apparatus can be hundreds of thousands Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: of dollars. Reducing the number of trucks required could save a substantial amount of money. More information: (Fire Department)

Service Sharing Arrangements That Ended in 2013

Adult Scramble Golf League A service sharing arrangement with a neighboring community Shared Service Description: expands the base for this recreational activity. This shared service ended in 2013 through mutual agreement by both Current Status: parties. Partner Community(ies): Macomb Township Year Begun: 1999 Sharing services reduces the costs of providing the service. The Townships are now collaborating with the golf course to reduce the Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: staff time required to organize and manage the league, saving Shelby additional money. More information: (Parks & Recreation Department)

Joint ISO Rating Study

The Township recently contracted for an evaluation of the fire protection effectiveness in the community. To improve the efficiency Shared Service Description: of the study, Shelby joined with a neighboring community to jointly contract for the evaluation.

This shared service was a one-time project and no plans are in place Current Status: for additional studies in the foreseeable future. Partner Community(ies): Washington Township Year Begun: 2011 Savings were realized through a lower cost to the community, Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: compared to contracting for the service individually.

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 9 More information: (Fire Department)

Proposed Service Sharing Arrangements for 2014

Library Shared Purchasing Agreement Shelby Township Library is a member of the Suburban Library Cooperative. In December 2013, the library entered into a joint Shared Service Description: purchasing agreement with its SLC partners to provide digital magazine service to its residents. Partner Community(ies): 20 public libraries in and near Macomb County Year Begun: 2013 Group purchasing is more efficient than separate purchases by individual members. The group purchase was estimated to provide a Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: yearly savings of $125,000 overall; additional savings from centralized management of the resource will also be realized. More information:

Economic Development Worked with Macomb County to launch a new web site identifying the county’s most desirable industrial development sites. Cherry Creek Corporate Park was the first industrial park included on this website. Shared Service Description: This initiative leverages the county’s technical and economic development resources and provides links to municipal and private sector partners. Partner Community(ies): Macomb County Department of Planning and Economic Development Year Begun: 2013 This partnership with the county extends the Township’s reach into the area of economic development without any additional costs. It Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: allows the Township to market available industrial development sites through Macomb County. More Information:

Little League Baseball A service sharing arrangement with a neighboring community Shared Service Description: expands the base for this recreational activity. Two joint divisions are run together by the two communities. Partner Community(ies): Macomb Township Year Begun: 2013 Sharing services reduces the costs of providing the service. The Townships are now collaborating together to reduce the staff time Estimated Annual Savings/Benefits: required to organize and manage the divisions, saving Shelby additional money. More information: (Parks & Recreation Department)

Shelby Charter Township Summary of Shared Services 10

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