Course Calendar - Stage 1

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Course Calendar - Stage 1

Saigon Institute of Technology Houston Community College


Semester: SUMMER 2010 Class: Campus and Room: Days & Times:

Instructor: Telephone: Office Hours: By appointment Email Address:

1. Course Overview:

This course is designed for high-beginner students whose first language is not English. It gives students a solid Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation foundation that is proven to get students speaking with confidence and to support the work with the four skills- Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

2. Course Objectives:

The aim of this course is to give students basic language input and skills that help them communicate with confidence in social settings. They will learn what to say when they want to check into a hotel or order a meal. They will learn how to write different text types like informal and formal e-mails, describing a friend, writing a report, etc. They will also learn how to pronounce words with accuracy and read phonetic symbols in their dictionaries.

3. Textbooks:

- American English File 1 by Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, 2008, OUP

4. Subject/ Skill Evaluation:

Percent Item 35% Mid-term Test 40% Final Test On-going 10% Student’s participation in classroom activities 25% assessment 15% Quizzes, Mini-tests or Assignments (at least 2) 100% Total

5. Course Grade Equivalents:

1 No Subjects/ Skills Weight Final Course Assessment 1 Practical English * 2 (American English File, Grammar & ESS) 2 Listening * 1 GPA = /6

3 Speaking * 1 4 Reading * 1 5 Writing * 1

Grade Score (GPA = /6) A 90-100 % B 80-89 % C 70-79 % F 0-69 %

NB: If the result of ANY subject/ skill is ≤ 30%, students must repeat the whole course.

6. Notes on Ongoing Assessment & Examinations:

6.1 Ongoing Assessment

‘Ongoing assessment’ is the process of providing students with clear responses to their performances of understanding in a way that will help to improve next performances. Quizzes and tests play an important role in assessment. In addition, other methods like class discussions, peer assessment, self-assessments, student participation and countless others can be used to informally gauge how students are doing. All of these types of assessment can be useful in teaching for understanding, as long as they fit into the criteria above.

6.2 Examinations

Be on time for examinations. No late students will be admitted to an examination 10 minutes after it has started. Those who arrive late (less than 10 minutes) will not be granted extra time. They have to finish their examination at the same time as other students. (For further information, please refer to SaigonTech catalogue, Appendix 4)

Any missed exams will automatically result in that test counting as a zero score. Absolutely no make-up tests or exams will be given without a verifiable, valid excuse. (Please see Item 7 below.)

7. Make-up test policy:

Make-up tests will be scheduled only in cases of true emergency, and only for those students who provide legitimate documentation (writing from a medical practitioner, for example) AND these students must contact the General English Faculty as soon as possible – generally NO LATER THAN ONE DAY after the test. Without legitimate documentation, any students missing any exams will automatically receive a zero score.

2 ALL accepted make-up tests will be given at the time we feel most convenient, maybe during the final exam period. No exceptions. This means that if you have more than one make-up test to take, you will take all of them on this date. Since you are given the extra time to prepare, the make-up tests will be longer and more difficult than the original versions.

8. Make-up class:

No make-up classes can be made prior to the scheduled date for any cancelled classes, i.e. instructors are requested not to give make-up classes first, and have a day off later. Also, instructors are requested not to arrange make-up classes or substitution without prior consent from the General English Faculty. Any cancelled or make-up classes must be reported to the General English Faculty as soon as possible so that substitution can be arranged timely

9. Cell Phones, Pagers, Tape Recorders:

Please turn cell phones and pagers off before entering class. Tape recorders may be used with instructor’s permission.

10. Scholastic Dishonesty:

According to the Student Handbook for the Houston Community College System, scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

a. Cheating on a test includes:  Copying from another student’s test paper and using materials not authorized by the person giving the test.  Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.  Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an unadministered test.  Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

b. Plagiarism means the presentation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own new ideas or words without crediting the source of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

c. Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit. Possible punishments for scholastic dishonesty may include a grade of 0 or F for the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from this institution.

11. Student Grievances:

Students who wish to complain about any aspect of their education should first speak with their instructor. If the situation remains unresolved, then the student has the right to file a student grievance with the administration.

Read your Student Handbook paying particular attention to the section on Student Policies. Within this section is a segment on Grievance Procedure as well as one on Academic Dishonesty. It is important that you familiarize yourself with both your rights and responsibilities as a student. The Student Handbook is available from the main office.

3 This class aims to establish and maintain a positive learning environment based upon communication and mutual respect. It will be conducted in accordance with Saigon Tech's commitment to social justice and academic honesty. Therefore, the above procedures will be applied throughout the course.


Textbook: American English File 1, Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, 2008, OUP WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday

File 1A: Nice to meet you File 1C: His name, her name File 1: Practical English – Review & Check 1 File 1B: I’m not American, I’m Canadian! File 1D: Turn off your cell phones!

(SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB-p.12,14,15) + (WB. p.12)

File 2A: Cappuccino and fries File 2C: An artist and a musician File 2: Practical English – Review & Check 2 File 2B: When Natasha meets Darren File 2D: Relatively famous

(SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB-p.24, 26, 27) + (WB. p21)

REVIEW UNIT 1, 2 File 3A: Pretty woman File 3C: The island with a secret 3 File 3B: Wake up, get out of bed… File 3D: On the last Wednesday in August

(prepared by instructor) (SB + WB) (SB + WB)

File 3: Practical English – Review & Check File 4A: I can’t dance File 4C: Fatal attraction? 4 File 4B: Shopping- men love it! File 4D: Are you still mine?

(SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB-p.36,38,39) + (WB. p30)

File 4: Practical English – Review & Check SAMPLE TEST + MIDTERM REVIEW File 5A: Who were they? 5 File 5B: Sydney, here we come! (Midterm review prepared by (SB + WB) (SB-p.48, 50, 51) + (WB. p39) instructor)

File 5: Practical English – Review & File 5C: Girls’ night out File 6A: A house with a history Check 6 File 5D: murder in a mansion File 6B: A night in a haunted hotel

(SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB-p.60, 62, 63) + (WB. p48) 7

5 File 6: Practical English – Review & File 6C: Nightmare neighbors REVIEW UNIT 4,5,6 Check File 6D: New York, New York

(SB + WB) (prepared by instructor) (SB-p.72, 74, 75) + (WB. p57)

File 7A: What does your food say about File 7C: Trading vacations File 7: Practical English – Review & Check you? 8 File 7B: How much water do we really File 7D: It’s written in the cards need? (SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB-p.84, 86, 87) + (WB. p66)

File 8C: Would you like to drive a File 8A: The True False Show File 8: Practical English – Review & Check Ferrari? 9 File 8D: They dress well but drive File 8B: The highest city in the world badly (SB + WB) (SB + WB) (SB, p.96, 98, 99) + (WB. p75)

File 9: Grammar – Review & Check File 9A: Before we met FINAL REVIEW 10 File 9B: I’ve read the book, I’ve seen the

movie (SB + WB) (prepared by instructor) (SB-p.104-107 )

N.B: 1. One session lasts 2.5 hours. 2. The sample test is corrected in class with the instructor’s explanation 3. The on-going assessment must be scheduled and conducted by each instructor. 4. NO make-up classes allowed during this semester.


Summer 2010 Page 7

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