Medium Term Maths Planning Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

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Medium Term Maths Planning Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Medium Term Maths Planning – Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 On the boil Problem solving resources Term 1: 7.5 weeks Key skills: Aim: To develop an ‘I can’ attitude to maths.  Using key equipment / models and images  Using jottings to develop thinking  Developing attitudes to maths – e.g. through use of ‘one question / multiple answers’ Aim: To use Assessment for Learning to diagnose children’s next-steps in learning.  Using ‘Securing Levels’ resources  Using sample calculations to see what children choose to use to solve them, as well as how they choose to record any working out. Year 4: 117 + 114 ….. 134 – 45 ….. 15 X 4 ….. 132 ÷ 4 Year 5: 445 + 337 ….. 474 – 228 ….. 13 X 12 ….. 266 ÷ 14 Year 6: 58.8 + 44.6 ….. 267.4 – 136.2 ….. 36 X 18 ….. 532 ÷ 14 (1 ½ weeks) Properties of Shapes Year 4 Key vocabulary Year 5 Key vocabulary Year 6 Key vocabulary Red font denotes new radius, diameter circumference, concentric, arc vocabulary to be introduced, congruent net, open, closed Black font denotes vocabulary axis of symmetry, reflective to be continued across Years symmetry 4,5,6 shape, pattern flat, line curved, straight round hollow, solid sort make, build, construct, draw, sketch perimeter centre surface angle, right-angled base, square-based size bigger, larger, smaller symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern line symmetry reflect, reflection pattern, repeating pattern match regular, irregular 2-D shape 2-D shape 2-D shape 2-D, two-dimensional x-axis, y-axis, quadrant kite corner, side point, pointed rectangle (including square), rectangular, oblong rectilinear circle, circular triangle, triangular equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle pentagon, pentagonal hexagon, hexagonal heptagon octagon, octagonal quadrilateral parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium polygon right-angled parallel, perpendicular 3-D shape 3-D shape 3-D shape 3-D, three-dimensional octahedron dodecahedron face, edge, vertex, vertices net, open, closed cube, cuboid pyramid sphere, hemisphere, spherical cone cylinder, cylindrical prism, triangular prism tetrahedron, polyhedron Identifying shapes and Identifying shapes and Identifying shapes and their Counting: Year 4: their properties: their properties: properties: Year 4 NRICH: Let’s Reflect * - identify lines of symmetry in - identify 3-D shapes, - recognise, describe and build - count backwards NRICH: National Flags * 2-D shapes presented in including cubes and other simple 3-D shapes, including through zero to include NRICH: Stringy Quads ** different orientations cuboids, from 2-D making nets negative numbers, representations (appears also in Drawing and including in multiples of Constructing) 3, 4, 6, 7,8, 9, 25, 50, - illustrate and name parts of 100 and 1 000 circles, including radius, diameter - count forwards and and circumference and know that backwards in 10s and the diameter is twice the radius 100s from any 3 digit Drawing and Drawing and Drawing and constructing: number crossing decade Year 4: constructing: constructing: - draw 2-D shapes using given and hundreds barriers NRICH: A Cartesian Puzzle - complete a simple symmetric - draw given angles, and dimensions and angles - find 1,000 more or less * figure with respect to a specific measure them in degrees - recognise, describe and build than a given number NRICH: Symmetry line of symmetry (o) simple 3-D shapes, including Year 5 Challenge *** making nets (appears also in - count forwards and NRICH: Coordinate Identifying Shapes and Their backwards in multiples of Challenge * Properties) 6, 7, 8,9, 25, 50 and 100, and relate to counting in Year 5: tenths, i.e. 0.2,0.4, 0.6 NRICH: The Numbers Give - count forwards in the Design * halves, quarters, fifths, NRICH: Six Places to Visit eighths, tenths * - interpret negative NRICH: How Safe Are numbers in context, You? * count forwards and NRICH: Olympic Turns *** backwards with positive and negative whole Year 6: numbers, including NRICH: Making Spirals *** through zero NRICH: Cut Nets ** Year 5: NRICH: Making Cuboids ** Comparing and Comparing and Comparing and classifying: NRICH: Tug Harder! * Year 4: classifying: classifying: - compare and classify geometric - count forwards or NRICH: Nine-pin Triangles - compare and classify - use the properties of shapes based on their properties backwards in steps of *** geometric shapes, including rectangles to deduce and sizes and find unknown powers of 10 for any NRICH: Cut it Out *** quadrilaterals and triangles, related facts and find angles in any triangles, given number up to 1 based on their properties and missing lengths and angles quadrilaterals, and regular 000 000 Year 5: sizes - distinguish between polygons Year 6 NRICH: Egyptian Rope ** regular and irregular - count forwards in polygons based on halves, quarters, fifths, Year 6: reasoning about equal sides eighths, tenths NRICH: Where Are They? * and angles - use negative numbers NRICH: Quadrilaterals *** in context, and calculate NRICH: Round a Hexagon intervals across zero * Angles Angles Angles Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, protractor reflex angle three-quarter turn rotate, rotation angle, is a greater/smaller angle than degree right angle acute angle obtuse angle reflection straight line ruler, set square angle measurer, compass Angles: Angles: Angles: - know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles - identify acute and obtuse - recognise angles where they angles and compare and order - identify: meet at a point, are on a straight angles up to two right angles * angles at a point and one line, or are vertically opposite, by size whole turn (total 360o) and find missing angles * angles at a point on a straight line and ½ a turn (total 180o) * other multiples of 90o Place Value Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary Number and place value Number and place value Number and place value Number Number Number number Factor pair factorise numeral ≥ greater than or equal to prime factor zero ≤ less than or equal to digit total one, two, three … twenty Numeral teens numbers, eleven, twelve … formula twenty divisibility twenty-one, twenty-two … one square number hundred, two hundred … one prime number thousand … ten thousand, ascending/descending order hundred thousand, million none how many …? count, count (up) to, count on (from, to), count back (from, to) forwards backwards count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes, fours, eights, fifties, sixes, sevens, nines, twenty-fives and so on to hundreds, thousands equal to equivalent to is the same as more, less most, least tally many odd, even multiple of, factor of sequence continue predict few pattern pair, rule relationship Place Value Place value Place value ones No new vocabulary No new vocabulary tens, hundreds digit one-, two- or three-digit number place, place value stands for, represents exchange the same number as, as many as more, larger, bigger, greater fewer, smaller, less fewest, smallest, least most, biggest, largest, greatest one more, ten more, one hundred more, one thousand more one less, ten less, one hundred less, one thousand less equal to compare ,order, size first, second, third … twentieth twenty-first, twenty-second … last, last but on before, after ,next, between halfway between ,above, below Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Number and place - order and compare numbers - read, write, order and - read, write, order and compare value: beyond 1 000 compare numbers to at numbers up to Year 4: - compare numbers with the least 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 and determine the - partition, combine and same number of decimal determine the value of each value of each digit (appears also re-combining numbers places up to two decimal digit in Reading and Writing Numbers) beyond 100 and up to places (appears also in Reading 1000 in many different (copied from Fractions) and Writing Numbers) ways, e.g. 232 = 200 + Identifying, representing 30 + 2 and 232 = 230 + 2 and estimating: and 232 = 222 + 10. - identify, represent and - make two and three- estimate numbers using digit numbers using different representations structured apparatus Reading and writing Reading and writing Reading and writing saying value of each numbers: numbers: numbers: digit. Year 5: - read, write, order and - read, write, order and compare - partition, combine and compare numbers to at numbers up to re-combine numbers with least 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 and determine the hundredths in many determine the value of each value of each digit different ways, e.g. digit (appears also in Understanding 246.35 = 200 + 40 + 6 + (appears also in Comparing Place Value) 0.3 + 0.05 or 146.3 + 100 - read Roman numerals to 100 Numbers) + 0.05 (I to C) and know that over - read Roman numerals to - make numbers time, the numeral system 1 000 (M) and recognise including tenths and changed to include the years written in Roman hundredths using concept of zero and place numerals. structured apparatus, value. whilst saying the value of Understanding place Understanding place Understanding place value: each digit. Year 4: value: value: - read, write, order and compare Year 6: NRICH: Some Games That - recognise the place value of - read, write, order and numbers up to - partition and re- May Be Nice or Nasty * each digit in a four-digit compare numbers to at 10 000 000 and determine the combine numbers with RICH: The Deca Tree * number (thousands, hundreds, least 1 000 000 and value of each digit (appears also thousandths in many tens, and ones) determine the value of each in Reading and Writing Numbers) different ways, i.e. digit - identify the value of each digit to 946.265 = 900 + 40 + 6 + (appears also in Reading three decimal places and multiply - find the effect of dividing a and Writing Numbers) and divide numbers by 10, 100 0.2 + 0.06 + 0.005 or one- or two-digit number by 10 - recognise and use and 100 + 800 + 40.2 + 6.065 and 100, identifying the value thousandths and relate 1 000 where the answers are up - make any number with of the digits in the answer as them to tenths, hundredths to three decimal places (copied tenths, hundreds and units, tenths and hundredths and decimal equivalents from Fractions) thousandths using (copied from Fractions) (copied from Fractions) structured apparatus, Rounding: Rounding: Rounding: e.g. dienes, and use - round any number to the - round any number up to 1 - round any whole number to a arrow cards to explain nearest 10, 100 or 1 000 000 000 to the nearest 10, required degree of accuracy verbally and represent 100, 1 000, 10 000 and 100 the value of each digit. - round decimals with one 000 - solve problems which require decimal place to the nearest - round decimals with two answers to be rounded to whole number decimal places to the specified degrees of accuracy (copied from Fractions) nearest whole number and (copied from Fractions) to one decimal place (copied from Fractions) Problem solving: Problem solving: Problem solving: - solve number and practical - solve number problems - solve number and practical problems that involve all of the and practical problems that problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly involve all of the above above large positive numbers

Term 2: 7 weeks Statistics Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key vocabulary count, tally, sort, vote bar line chart pie chart survey, questionnaire, data line graph mean (mode, median, range as graph, block graph, pictogram maximum/minimum value estimates for this) represent, group, set outcome statistics, distribution list, table, chart, bar chart, frequency table Carroll diagram, Venn diagram label, title, axis, axes ,diagram most popular, most common least popular, least common Interpreting, constructing Interpreting, Interpreting, constructing Addition and Year 6: and presenting data: constructing and and presenting data: subtraction: NRICH: Match the Matches - interpret and present discrete presenting data: - interpret and construct pie Year 4 and Year 5: ** and continuous data using - complete, read and charts and line graphs and use - rapidly recall addition appropriate graphical methods, interpret information in these to solve problems and subtraction facts including bar charts and time tables, including timetables within 20, represented as graphs missing number Solving problems: Solving problems: Solving problems: problems with = symbol Year 4: - solve comparison, sum and - solve comparison, sum - calculate and interpret the mean in any position. Make NRICH: Venn Diagrams * difference problems using and difference problems as an average links to finding facts to NRICH: More Carroll information presented in bar using information presented 200, 2000 etc. Diagrams * charts, pictograms, tables and in a line graph Year 6: NRICH: Plants ** other graphs. - rapidly recall addition and subtraction facts Year 6: within 20, represented as NRICH: Birdwatch * missing number NRICH: Probably … * problems with = symbol NRICH: Odds or Sixes? * in any position, plus NRICH: Same or Different? make links to algebra, ** e.g. 2x + 3 = 20 NRICH: Tricky Track ** NRICH: Winning the Lottery **

Addition and Subtraction Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary addition ones boundary, No new vocabulary add, more, and tenths boundary make, sum, total altogether double near double half, halve one more, two more… ten more… one hundred more how many more to make …? how many more is … than …? how much more is …? Subtract,take away how many are left/left over? how many have gone? one less, two less, ten less … one hundred less how many fewer is … than how much less is …? difference between equals is the same as number bonds/pairs/facts missing number tens boundary, hundreds boundary inverse Mental calculation: Mental calculation: Mental calculation: Addition and - add and subtract numbers - add and subtract numbers - perform mental calculations, subtraction: mentally, including: mentally with increasingly including with mixed operations Year 4: * a three-digit number and large numbers and large numbers - use number bonds to ones derive pairs of numbers * a three-digit number and to any multiple of 10 or tens 100. i.e. 3 + 7 = 10, therefore 13 + 7 = 20 a three-digit number and * and 23 + 7 = 30 hundreds - use their knowledge of the order Year 5: of operations to carry out - derive number bonds to calculations involving the four 0.1, etc, from known operations bonds, e.g. 4 + 6 = 10 Written methods: Written methods: Written methods: therefore 0.04 + 0.06 = - add and subtract numbers - add and subtract whole 0.1 with up to 4 digits using the numbers with more than 4 Year 6: formal written methods of digits, including using - derive as many facts as columnar addition and formal written methods possible from number subtraction where appropriate (columnar addition and bonds to 10/20 using subtraction) place value knowledge, Inverse operations, Inverse operations, Inverse operations, e.g. 120 + 80 = 200 estimating and checking estimating and estimating and checking because 12 + 8 = 20 and answers: checking answers: answers: 3.1 + 0.9 = 4 because one tenth and nine - estimate and use inverse - use rounding to check - use estimation to check answers tenths equal ten tenths operations to check answers to answers to calculations and to calculations and determine, in or one. Make links to a calculation determine, in the context of the context of a problem, levels of algebra: 5 + ? = 10.6 a problem, levels of accuracy. Years 4/5/6: accuracy - choose and use the Year 4: Problem solving: Problem solving: Problem solving: mental calculation NRICH: The Puzzling - solve addition and - solve addition and - solve addition and subtraction strategy that is the most Sweet Shop ** subtraction two-step problems subtraction multi-step multi-step problems in contexts, efficient when presented NRICH: Money Bags ** in contexts, deciding which problems in contexts, deciding which operations and with different NRICH: Amy’s Dominoes operations and methods to use deciding which operations methods to use and why calculations, e.g. using ** and why and methods to use and - solve problems involving doubles/near doubles, NRICH: Escape from the why addition, subtraction, reordering, partitioning, Castle ** multiplication and division rounding and adjusting, NRICH: Fifteen Cards * finding the difference. NRICH: Sealed Solution ** NRICH: Roll These Dice **

Year 5: NRICH: Twenty Divided Into Six ** NRICH: Reach 100 *** NRICH: Two and Two *** NRICH: Journeys in Numberland * Measurement Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary measure imperial unit No new vocabulary measurement size compare unit, standard unit metric unit measuring scale, division guess, estimate enough, not enough too much, too little too many, too few nearly, close to, about the same Length Length as, approximately square metre (m2), square yard, foot, feet, inch, inches roughly millimetre (mm2) circumference just over, just under Length millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, mile length, height, width, depth, breadth long, short, tall high, low wide, narrow thick, thin longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so on far, further, furthest, near, close distance apart … between … to … from edge, perimeter area, covers Weight Weight square centimetre (cm2) No new vocabulary tonne, pound, ounce ruler metre stick, tape measure Weight mass: big, bigger, small, smaller weight: heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest kilogram, half kilogram, gram weigh, weighs, balances Capacity and volume heavy, light heavier than, lighter than heaviest, lightest scales Capacity and volume Capacity and volume cubic centimetres(cm3), cubic litre, half litre, millilitre pint, gallon metres (m3), cubic millimetres capacity (mm3), cubic kilometres (km3) volume full empty more than less than half full quarter full holds, contains container, measuring cylinder Temperature Temperature Temperature temperature No new vocabulary No new vocabulary degree centigrade Money Money Money money discount profit, loss coin currency penny, pence, pound price, cost buy, bought, sell, sold spend, spent pay change dear, costs more cheap, costs less, cheaper costs the same as how much …? how many …? total Comparing and Comparing and Comparing and estimating: Multiplication and estimating: estimating: - calculate, estimate and compare division: - estimate, compare and - calculate and compare the volume of cubes and cuboids Year 4: calculate different measures, area of squares and using standard units, including - double and halve including money in pounds and rectangles including using centimetre cubed (cm3) and cubic numbers – rapidly pence standard units, square metres (m3), and extending to recalling up to 20 + 20 (also included in Measuring) centimetres (cm2) and other units such as mm3 and km3. - rapidly recall square metres (m2) and multiplication and related estimate the area of division facts – X3, 4, irregular shapes (also 5,8, 50 and 100. included in measuring) Year 5: - estimate volume (e.g. - use key vocabulary – using 1 cm3 blocks to build sum, product, difference cubes and cuboids) and – to practise finding the capacity (e.g. using water) sum, product and Measuring and Measuring and Measuring and calculating: difference of two single Year 4: calculating: calculating: - solve problems involving the digit numbers. NRICH: Discuss and - estimate, compare and - use all four operations to calculation and conversion of Year 6: Choose * calculate different measures, solve problems involving units of measure, using decimal - use key vocabulary – including money in pounds measure (e.g. length, notation up to three decimal sum, product, difference, Year 4: and pence mass, volume, money) places where appropriate square, cube to practise NRICH: Torn Shapes * finding the sum, product, (appears also in Comparing) using decimal notation (appears also in Converting) including scaling. difference, square and Year 5: - recognise that shapes with the cube of given numbers. NRICH: Area and Perimeter same areas can have different * - measure and calculate the - measure and calculate the perimeters and vice versa NRICH: Numerically Equal perimeter of a rectilinear perimeter of composite ** figure (including squares) in rectilinear shapes in - calculate the area of NRICH: Shaping It * centimetres and metres centimetres and metres parallelograms and triangles NRICH: Cubes * NRICH: Fitted *** - find the area of rectilinear - calculate and compare the - calculate, estimate and compare NRICH: Brush Loads * shapes by counting squares area of squares and volume of cubes and cuboids NRICH: Making Boxes ** rectangles including using using standard units, including standard units, square cubic centimetres (cm3) and cubic Year 6: centimetres (cm2) and metres (m3), and extending to NRICH: Next Size Up ** square metres (m2) and other units [e.g. mm3 and km3]. estimate the area of irregular shapes - recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume - recognise and use square of shapes numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3) (copied from Multiplication and Division) Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary Time Time Time time No new vocabulary Greenwich Mean Time, British days of the week, Monday, Summer Time, International Date Tuesday … Line months of the year (January, February ...) seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year, leap year, century, millennium birthday, holiday morning, afternoon, evening, night bedtime, dinner time, playtime today, yesterday, tomorrow before, after, earlier, later next, first, last noon, midnight calendar, date, date of birth now, soon, early, late, earliest, latest quick, quicker, quickest, quickly slow, slower, slowest, slowly old, older, oldest new, newer, newest takes longer, takes less time how long ago? how long will it be to …? how long will it take to …? how often? always, never, often, sometimes usually, once, twice hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to 5, 10, 15 … minutes past a.m., p.m. clock, clock face, watch, hands digital/analogue clock/watch, timer hour hand, minute hand hours, minutes, seconds timetable, arrive, depart Roman numerals 12-hour clock time, 24-hour clock Telling the time: Telling the time: Telling the time: - read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12 and 24-hour clocks (appears also in Converting) - solve problems involving - solve problems involving converting from hours to converting between units of minutes; minutes to seconds; time years to months; weeks to days (appears also in Converting) Converting: Converting: Converting: - convert between different - convert between different - use, read, write and convert units of measure (e.g. units of metric measure between standard units, kilometre to metre; hour to (e.g. kilometre and metre; converting measurements of minute) centimetre and metre; length, mass, volume and time centimetre and millimetre; from a smaller unit of measure to gram and kilogram; litre and a larger unit, and vice versa, millilitre) using decimal notation to up to three decimal places - read, write and convert time - solve problems involving - solve problems involving the between analogue and digital converting between units of calculation and conversion of 12 and 24-hour clocks time units of measure, using decimal (appears also in Converting) notation up to three decimal places where appropriate (appears also in Measuring and Calculating) - convert between miles and - solve problems involving - understand and use kilometres converting from hours to equivalences between minutes; minutes to seconds; metric units and common years to months; weeks to imperial units such as days inches, pounds and pints (appears also in Telling the Time)

Term 3: 6 weeks Multiplication and Division Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary multiplication No new vocabulary No new vocabulary multiply multiplied by multiple, factor groups of times product once, twice, three times … ten times repeated addition division dividing, divide, divided by, divided into left, left over, remainder grouping sharing, share, share equally one each, two each, three each … ten each group in pairs, threes … tens equal groups of doubling halving array row, column number patterns multiplication table multiplication fact, division fact inverse square, squared cube, cubed Multiplication and division Multiplication and Multiplication and division Fractions, decimals Year 4: facts: division facts: facts: and percentages: NRICH: Multiplication - recall multiplication and - recall multiplication and - recall multiplication and division Years 4/5/6: Square Jigsaw * division facts for multiplication division facts for facts for multiplication tables up to - convert fractions into NRICH: Shape Times tables up to 12 × 12 multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 [Year 4] decimals, percentages Shape * 12 × 12 [Year 4] and ratios. NRICH: Table Patterns Go Wild! ** NRICH: Let’s Divide Up! * NRICH: That Number Square! * NRICH: Carrying Cards * NRICH: Light the Lights Again * NRICH: Multiples Grid * NRICH: Zios and Zepts * Mental calculation: Mental calculation: Mental calculation: Year 4: - use place value, known and - multiply and divide - perform mental calculations, NRICH: Trebling * derived facts to multiply and numbers mentally drawing including with mixed operations NRICH: All the Digits ** divide mentally, including: upon known facts and large numbers multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing Year 6: by 1; multiplying together three NRICH: Exploring Number numbers Patterns You Make ** - recognise and use factor - multiply and divide whole - associate a fraction with division NRICH: Become Maths pairs and commutativity in numbers and those and calculate decimal fraction Detectives * mental calculations (appears involving decimals by 10, equivalents (e.g. 0.375) for a 3 also in Properties of Numbers) 100 and 1000 simple fraction (e.g. /8) (copied from Fractions) Written calculation: Written calculation: Written calculation: - multiply two-digit and three- - multiply numbers up to 4 - multiply multi-digit numbers up digit numbers by a one-digit digits by a one- or two-digit to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using formal written number using a formal number using the formal written layout written method, including method of long multiplication long multiplication for two- digit numbers - divide numbers up to 4-digits by - divide numbers up to 4 a two-digit whole number using digits by a one-digit number the formal written method of short using the formal written division where appropriate for the method of short division and context interpret remainders - divide numbers up to 4 digits by appropriately for the context a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context

- use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places (copied from Fractions (including decimals)) Properties of numbers: Properties of numbers: Properties of numbers: Year 5: multiples, factors, primes, multiples, factors, multiples, factors, primes, NRICH: Sweets in a Box * square and cube primes, square and square and cube numbers: NRICH: Which Is Quicker? numbers: cube numbers: - identify common factors, * - recognise and use factor - identify multiples and common multiples and prime NRICH: Multiplication pairs and commutativity in factors, including finding all numbers Squares * mental calculations (repeated) factor pairs of a number, NRICH: Flashing Lights * and common factors of two - use common factors to simplify NRICH: Abundant numbers. fractions; use common multiples Numbers * - know and use the to express fractions in the same NRICH: Factor Track ** vocabulary of prime denomination NRICH: Factors and numbers, prime factors and (copied from Fractions) Multiples Game * composite (non-prime) numbers Year 5: - establish whether a NRICH: Two Primes Make number up to 100 is prime - calculate, estimate and compare One Square ** and recall prime numbers volume of cubes and cuboids up to 19 using standard units, including Year 5: centimetre cubed (cm3) and cubic NRICH: Up and Down - recognise and use square metres (m3), and extending to Staircases * numbers and cube other units such as mm3 and km3 NRICH: One Wasn’t numbers, and the notation (copied from Measures) Square ** for squared (2) and cubed (3) NRICH: Cycling Squares **

Year 6: NRICH: Mystery Matrix ** NRICH: Factor Lines ** NRICH: Factor-multiple Chains ** NRICH: The Moons of Vuvv * NRICH: Round and Round the Circle ** NRICH: Counting Cogs ** Order of operations: Order of operations: Year 6: - use their knowledge of the order NRICH: Four Go * of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations

- estimate and use inverse - use estimation to check answers operations to check answers to calculations and determine, in to a calculation the context of a problem, levels of (copied from Addition and accuracy Subtraction) Problem solving: Problem solving: Problem solving: Year 5: - solve problems involving - solve problems involving - solve problems involving NRICH: Curious Number multiplying and adding, multiplication and division addition, subtraction, *** including using the distributive including using their multiplication and division law to multiply two digit knowledge of factors and Year 5: numbers by one digit, integer multiples, squares and NRICH: Make 100 ** scaling problems and harder cubes correspondence problems - solve problems involving such as n objects are addition, subtraction, connected to m objects multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the equals sign - solve problems involving similar - solve problems involving shapes where the scale factor is multiplication and division, known or can be found including scaling by simple (copied from Ratio and fractions and problems Proportion) involving simple rates Fractions Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary fraction proper/improper fraction ratio equivalent fraction equivalent, mixed number reduced to, cancel numerator, denominator thousandths equal part in every, for every equal grouping percentage, per cent, % equal sharing parts of a whole half, two halves one of two equal parts quarter, two quarters, three quarters one of four equal parts one third, two thirds one of three equal parts sixths, sevenths, eighths, tenths …hundredths decimal, decimal fraction, decimal point, decimal place, decimal equivalent proportion Recognising fractions: Recognising fractions: Recognising fractions: Counting in fractional - recognise that hundredths - recognise and use steps: arise when dividing an object thousandths and relate Year 4: by one hundred and dividing them to tenths, hundredths - count up and down in tenths by ten and decimal equivalents tenths, halves, quarters (appears also in Equivalence) and hundredths, Comparing fractions: Comparing fractions: Comparing fractions: including across tens - compare and order unit - compare and order - compare and order fractions, barriers. fractions, and fractions with the fractions whose including fractions >1 same denominators [Year 3] denominators are all multiples of the same number Comparing decimals: Comparing decimals: Comparing decimals: - compare numbers with the - read, write, order and - identify the value of each digit in same number of decimal compare numbers with up numbers given to three decimal places up to two decimal to three decimal places places places Rounding including Rounding including Rounding including decimals: decimals: decimals: - round decimals with one - round decimals with two - solve problems which require decimal place to the nearest decimal places to the answers to be rounded to whole number nearest whole number and specified degrees of accuracy to one decimal place Equivalence, including Equivalence, including Equivalence, including Year 4: fractions, decimals and fractions, decimals and fractions, decimals and NRICH: Fractional percentages: percentages: percentages: Triangles * - recognise and show, using - identify, name and write - use common factors to simplify NRICH: Bryony’s Triangle * diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions of a fractions; use common multiples NRICH: Fair Feast * equivalent fractions given fraction, represented to express fractions in the same visually, including tenths denomination and hundredths - recognise and write decimal - read and write decimal - associate a fraction with division equivalents of any number of numbers as fractions (e.g. and calculate decimal fraction 71 tenths or hundredths 0.71 = /100) equivalents (e.g. 0.375) for a 3 - recognise and use simple fraction (e.g. /8) thousandths and relate them to tenths, hundredths - recall and use equivalences and decimal equivalents between simple fractions, - recognise the per cent decimals and percentages, - recognise and write decimal symbol (%) and understand 1 1 3 including in different contexts. equivalents to /4; /2; /4 that per cent relates to “number of parts per hundred”, and write percentages as a fraction with denominator 100 as a decimal fraction Addition and subtraction Addition and Addition and subtraction of of fractions: subtraction of fractions: - add and subtract fractions fractions: - add and subtract fractions with with the same denominator - add and subtract fractions different denominators and mixed with the same denominator numbers, using the and multiples of the same concept of equivalent fractions number - recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number (e.g. 2 4 6 1 /5 + /5 = /5 = 1 /5)

Multiplication and division Multiplication and Multiplication and division Year 6: of fractions: division of fractions: of fractions: NRICH: Andy’s Marbles ** - multiply proper fractions - multiply simple pairs of proper and mixed numbers by fractions, writing the answer in its 1 1 1 whole numbers, supported simplest form (e.g. /4 × /2 = /8) by materials and diagrams - multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers

- divide proper fractions by whole 1 1 numbers (e.g. /3 ÷ 2 = /6 )

- multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers

- multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 where the answers are up to three decimal - find the effect of dividing a places one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as - identify the value of each digit to ones, tenths and hundredths three decimal places and multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 -. and 1000 where the answers are up to three decimal places

- associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents (e.g. 0.375) for a simple fraction 3 (e.g. /8)

- use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places Problem solving: Problem solving: Year 4: - solve problems involving - solve problems involving NRICH: Fractions in a Box increasingly harder fractions to numbers up to three ** calculate quantities, and decimal places NRICH: Chocolate ** fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions Year 5: where the answer is a whole NRICH: Route Product ** number NRICH: Forgot the - solve simple measure and - solve problems which Numbers ** money problems involving require knowing percentage fractions and decimals to two and decimal equivalents of 1 1 1 2 4 decimal places. /2, /4, /5, /5, /5 and those with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25.

Term 4: 5 weeks Position and Direction Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary position Coordinate No new vocabulary over, under, underneath (Also see section on Angle (Also see section on Angle for above, below, top, bottom, side for other position and other position and direction on, in, outside, inside direction vocabulary ) vocabulary ) around ,in front, behind, front, back, beside, next to, opposite apart,between,middle, edge centre,corner,direction,journey, route left, right, up, down, higher, lower forwards, backwards, sideways across, next to, close, near, far along, though, to, from, towards, away from clockwise, anticlockwise compass point ,north, south, east, west, N, S, E, W north-east, north-west, south- east, south-west, NE, NW, SE, SW horizontal, vertical, diagonal translate, translation movement slide,roll,turn,stretch, bend (Also see section on Angle for other position and direction vocabulary ) Position, direction and Position, direction and Position, direction and Year 5: movement: movement: movement: NRICH: Transformations - describe positions on a - identify, describe and - describe positions on the full on a Pegboard * 2-D grid as coordinates in the represent the position of a coordinate grid (all four NRICH: Square Corners ** first quadrant shape following a reflection quadrants) NRICH: More or translation, using the Transformations on a appropriate language, and Pegboard ** know that the shape has not changed Year 6: NRICH: Cops and Robbers - describe movements - draw and translate simple * between positions as shapes on the coordinate plane, NRICH: Eight Hidden translations of a given unit to and reflect them in the axes. Squares ** the left/right and up/down NRICH: Coordinate Tan ** NRICH: Ten Hidden - plot specified points and draw Squares *** sides to complete a given polygon Ratio and Proportion Year 6 Key Vocabulary See the language in Fractions e.g proportion, in every, for every ratio Ratio and proportion: Year 6: - solve problems involving the NRICH: Orange Drink ** relative sizes of two quantities NRICH: Pumpkin Pie where missing values can be Problem ** found by using integer NRICH: Jumping * multiplication and division facts Year 6: - solve problems involving the NRICH: Would you calculation of percentages [for Rather? * example, of measures, and such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for comparison - solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found - solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples.

Algebra Year 4 Key Vocabulary Year 5 Key Vocabulary Year 6 Key Vocabulary Formula formula, formulae equation unknown variable Equations: Equations: - use the properties of - express missing number rectangles to deduce problems algebraically related facts and find missing lengths and angles (copied from Geometry: Properties of Shapes) - find pairs of numbers that satisfy number sentences involving two unknowns

- enumerate all possibilities of combinations of two variables Formulae: Formulae: - Perimeter can be expressed - use simple formulae algebraically as 2(a + b) where - recognise when it is possible to a and b are the dimensions in use formulae for area and the same unit. volume of shapes (Copied from NSG (copied from Measurement) measurement) Sequences: - generate and describe linear number sequences

Term 5: 7 weeks

Term 6: 6.5 weeks

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