Nfuse Classic 1.7 File Guide

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Nfuse Classic 1.7 File Guide

NFuse Classic 1.7 File Guide

ASP Scripts (in rough chronological order) Filename Responsibilities global.asa . Defines application-scoped NFuse objects gPropKey, gApp, and gNdsObj . Initializes and finalizes NDS connection for the NFuse17 application . This file is parsed by IIS the first time any NFuse17 page is accessed. It does not return any output to the user. default.htm . Serves a default page for users who access the NFuse17 folder without any filename, e.g. /Citrix/NFuse17/ . Redirects the user to redirect.asp redirect.asp . Detects client OS and browser type; sets numerical values for the icaClientCode and icaBrowserCode cookies . Determines whether NDS mode is enabled; redirects the user to loginNDS.asp if so, otherwise redirects the user to login.asp login.asp . Executes include/login.vbs . Determines which authentication methods are enabled, and constructs a login form with options for each (integrated, smart card, anonymous or explicit) . The login form posts data back to login.asp. . Executes include/install.vbs in the NFuse Message Center loginNDS.asp . Executes include/login.vbs . Constructs a form for Novell NDS logins . The login form posts data back to loginNDS.asp. . Executes include/install.vbs in the NFuse Message Center include/login.vbs . Redirects the user to “../NFuseEnterprise/” if ESN mode is enabled . Converts the URL from http to https if smart card authentication is being used . If explicit credentials are posted to login*.asp, or if the only enabled authentication type is non-explicit, the user is redirected to frameset.asp include/install.vbs . Reads the icaClientCode and icaBrowserCode cookies to determine what OS and browser the client is using . Displays an ICA Client install caption according to the client system and the preferences set in NFuse.conf frameset.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Redirects the user to "../NFuseEnterprise/" if ESN mode is enabled . Sets seamless as the default launch type . Constructs an HTML frameset consisting of two frames: 1. the applist*.asp page, as determined by include/include.vbs (100% of the window) Frame title: nfusemain 2. Win32WebClientDownload.asp (0% of the window) Frame title: hiddenwindow Filename Responsibilities include/include.vbs . Defines common AP functions for determining the authentication mode and authenticating the user . Determines which applist page to use: a. applistCertificate.asp for smart card logins b. applistIntegrated.asp for single sign-on logins c. applist.asp for explicit and anonymous logins . Determines which launch script to use: d. launchCertificate.asp for smart card logins e. launchIntegrated.asp for single sign-on logins f. launch.asp for explicit and anonymous logins applist.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Executes include/applistImpl.vbs applistcertificate.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Validates the user’s certificate credentials . Executes include/applistImpl.vbs applistintegrated.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Validates the user’s integrated credentials . Executes include/applistImpl.vbs Win32WebClientDownl . If AutoDeployWebClient=On in NFuse.conf, constructs an HTML tag oad.asp to deliver the ICA client as an ActiveX control . Sets the codebase of the ActiveX control equal to /Citrix/icaweb/language/ica32/ica32t.exe#version, where language is a language code such as ‘en’ and version is the WebClientVersion set in NFuse.conf, e.g. 6,30,1000,0 . If a user does not have an ICA client version WebClientVersion or later installed, the ica32t.exe file is downloaded and executed. include/applistimpl.vbs . Executes include/include.vbs . Defines an appembed() JavaScript function which launches appembed.asp in a new, non-resizable HTML window with no toolbars, buttons, scrollbars or status window . Displays the NFuse Classic toolbar . Draws application icons: a. as hyperlinks to launch*.asp for launched applications, with TARGET=hiddenwindow in order to hide the ‘ICA link launched’ message b. as triggers for the appembed() function for embedded applications, e.g. . Displays the NFuse Classic welcome message . Displays the NFuse Message Center, which includes the file include/install.vbs launch.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Validates anonymous or explicit user . Executes include/launchImpl.vbs launchcertificate.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Validates smart card user . Executes include/launchImpl.vbs Filename Responsibilities launchintegrated.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Validates single sign-on user . Executes include/launchImpl.vbs include/launchimpl.vbs . Parses template.ica or guest_template.ica into an ICA file and sends it to the user with an application/x-ica MIME type appembed.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Embeds an ICA application into an HTML page . Determines whether to use the ActiveX control, Netscape plugin or Java applet according to the user’s browser/OS, their preferences, and the administrator’s preferences . When using the Java client, an tag is constructed. Includes an ASP function called getJICAPackages() to determine which .jar/.cab archives to include . When using the Windows client, an tag is constructed . When using the Netscape plugin, an tag is constructed, using installembed.asp for the “Click here to get the plugin” destination appsettings.asp . Displays the user options page, according to what the administrator allows the user to configure installembed.asp . Executes include/include.vbs . Executes include/install.vbs . Referenced by appembed.asp--used as the PLUGINSPAGE parameter for Netscape plugin users. This page is opened if the user tries to use the Netscape plugin for embedded applications but does not have the ICA client installed. doclaunch.asp . Executes include/login.vbs . Launches the specified document using the associated published application if a File Type Association exists, otherwise redirects the user directly to the published URL . Executes include/login.vbs p . Executes include/doclaunchImpl.vbs . Executes include/login.vbs p . Executes include/doclaunchImpl.vbs include/doclaunchimpl. . Executes include/login.vbs vbs . Determines whether the current user has access to any published applications associated with the current file type . Opens the document using associated published application if available, otherwise redirects the user directly to the published URL CloseThisWindow.htm . Upon application termination, the Java client redirects to this file in order to close the appembed window reloadconf.asp . Re-reads the nfuse.conf file and applies settings

Citrixwebhelp.css . Cascading style sheet for use with NFuseHelp.htm

NFuseHelp.htm . End-user help topics displayed when the user clicks the help icon System Files Filename Responsibilities . Defines the location of NFuse.conf

NFuse.conf . Maintains all administrative preferences for the operation of the NFuse Classic website. See the NFuse Classic Administrator’s Guide for a full list of parameters and possible values. . On IIS servers, the web-based administrative tool available at /Citrix/NFuseAdmin/ reads and edits the parameters in this file NFuse.dtd . Defines the NFuse XML protocol (Document Type Definition)

NFuse.txt . Defines static text strings to be displayed on the NFuse web site . Strings are accessed by their key name using the gPropKey object, e.g. gPropKey.getStaticString(“Welcome”) . Defines static text strings for friendly error messages . These error messages are intentionally vague so not to disclose too much information about your environment to attackers . Defines static text strings for detailed error messages bg . Error messages in this file reveal details about your environment and are therefore considered a security risk . To use this file, rename the existing file and then remove the .dbg extension from this one nfuse.jar . Contains Java class files for all NFuse Classic (normal mode) java objects: com.citrix.nfuse.* . This file must be included in the web server’s Java classpath for NFuse Classic to function NFuseE.jar . Contains Java class files for all NFuse Classic (ESN mode) java objects: com.citrix.portal.* . This file not included on XP FR2 servers, only on standalone NFuse Classic installations ctxxml4j.jar . IBM’s Java XML parser

jSafeObj.jar . RSA encryption library

sslplus3.1.7.jar . Java SSL libraries for use when connecting to the Citrix XML service via SSL Relay or HTTPS CtxSTA.dtd . Defines the Citrix Secure Gateway ticketing XML protocol for use when communicating with the Secure Ticket Authority (STA) template.ica . ICA file template for non-anonymous users

guest_template.ica . ICA file template for anonymous application users

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