Grandfather Turkey

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Grandfather Turkey

Shalom Community Lutheran Church NEWSLETTER

Teaching Our Children The 10 Habits of Happiness By Lisa Jacobson

The goal of parenting is not a happy child, but to turn out a successful adult. November Birthdays That’s what our friend informed us as we all sat around the dinner table together. Two couples enjoying a fine meal and fine china. Two couples without children. 11/01 Nancy Bakewell And you know something? At first, it seemed to make sense. 11/05 Dennis Jepma Our friend expounded on his theory. I mean, what makes a child 11/08 Max Deal happy? If you give a kid a piece of candy, then he’s happy. If you don’t, 11/11 Lance Miller then he’s not. You can’t build a life around that. 11/12 Kara Leedahl Now isn’t that the truth! 11/20 Jack Tharaldson Never mind that the gentleman didn’t actually have any children of his 11/22 Carolyn Holte own. He was older and wiser. A sage looking on from a distance. But 11/24 Lukas Kilts then Matthew and I went on to have children ourselves and our view 11/26 Monica Gosseling changed a bit. Quite a bit. Suddenly we didn’t see anything wrong with 11/29 Jacob Lien wanting our child to be happy. 11/30 Jerrid Jepma And, tell me again, how does happiness conflict with being a successful adult? Maybe we wanted too much. But my husband and I wanted our children to enjoy both a happy childhood and a successful adulthood. November Anniversaries We started to consider the possibility that the two of these went together – even went hand-in-hand. We began to suspect that learning 11/03 Don & Janet Hacker how to be happy could be a very important skill to take into adulthood. 11/15 Richard & Vicki Syverson What if we were to pass on to our children the habits of happiness 11/28 James Hum Len Thang & Kara Maus as a gift? Something that they could carry with them wherever God took them in life. Cont. on page 2 The 10 Habits of Happiness

1. Happiness is not found in things. Things will never make you happy. Never. Stuff will always remain just that: stuff. So don’t get drawn into the Stuff Game – it’s not nearly as much fun as it sounds. 2. Happiness is a choice. Here’s the deal: happiness is not something you “find” or that “happens to you”. The beauty of happiness is that it is a choice you get to make. Every day. So why not choose to be happy? 3. Happiness is not about getting your way. We think we’ll be content if we finally get what we want, or if things go our way. But that’s not how it works. Getting our way all the time is rarely as satisfying as we think it will be. 4. Happiness grows out of thankfulness. If you make it your habit to be grateful each day for the blessings around you – whether big or small – you will find that you’ll become a happier person. The secret is simply being thankful for what you have right now. 5. Happiness is found in looking after others. Surprised? Often, we assume that happiness is found in looking after ourselves, but the irony is that we are the ones who are blessed . . . when we are blessing others. But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he. ~ Prov. 14:21 6. Happiness isn’t a personality trait, but a character quality. Some people seem happy as if that’s just the way they were made. Not so. Happiness is available to all for the taking. You can learn to be happy – much like you learn to be honest, kind, and thoughtful. 7. Happiness is found more in relationship, than in achievement. While there’s nothing wrong with achieving goals, never let those goals come before the people you love. Always invest in relationships more than fame or fortune. 8. Happiness means giving it your best. And resting in that. Doesn’t have to be perfect. 9. Happiness doesn’t depend on circumstances. You don’t have to let your situation determine your happiness 10. True happiness is always grounded in the God of Hope. He is the only real source of true joy.

Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help. Psalm 146:5

“Board Game Night” Saturday, November 15th, 6:30pm at the Ministry Center. Come and enjoy an evening together with friends! November 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9am Worship 6:30pm 9:30am Text Study 3:30pm 9:30am Office Closed 10:15 Fellowship “Who is God?” Soul Food Too Intercessory Prayer 10:30 Education 7pm Prayer 7pm Praise Team 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9am Worship 6:30pm 9:30am Text Study 3:30pm 9:30am Office Closed 6:30 10:15 Fellowship “Who is God?” Soul Food Too Intercessory Prayer Board Game 10:30 Education 7pm Prayer 7pm Praise Team Night 7pm BOD 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9am Worship 6:30pm 9:30am Text Study 3:30pm 9:30am Office Closed 10:15 Fellowship “Who is God?” Soul Food Too Intercessory Prayer 10:30 SON Dist. 7pm Prayer 7pm Praise Team 5:30pm Dream Class w/Craig 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9am Worship 6:30pm 9:30am Text Study 3:30pm Office Closed 10:15 Fellowship “Who is God?” Soul Food Too Thanksgiving Day 10:30 Education 7:30pm Thanksgiving Worship Service 30 9am Worship 10:15 Fellowship 10:30 Education

Date Ushers Reader Acolyte Communion Nursery Assistant Coffee Servers Assistant 11/02 Larry Pederson Ellie Musselman Brooke Jepma Brooke Jepma Gail Elbe Mary Danielson Joyce Pederson Bill Goldenstein Kody Pendergraft Joyce Pederson Tim Carlson 11/09 Jack Tharaldson Mike Troen Andrew Troen Andrew Troen Kay Hacker Kay Hacker Karen Tharaldson Dianne Halvorson Hunter Troen Rolinda Sanders Roger Anderson Margaret Brevard 11/16 Gene Hacker Roger Anderson Hunter Troen Hunter Troen Carrie Jepma Tim Carlson Kay Hacker Nancy Bakewell Josh Troen Dorothy Carlson Gene Hacker Jack Tharaldson Kay Hacker Karen Tharaldson 11/23 Pat Peterson Margaret Brevard Grace Worner Grace Worner Marla Watson Larry Pederson Rolinda Sanders Bill Goldenstein Andrew Troen Joyce Pederson Marlene Kennedy Bruce Bakewell ______Dalen Gosseling ______Nancy Bakewell 11/26 Pat Peterson Katelynn Jepma No Nursery The Worners & Rolinda Sanders Todd Worner Katelynn Jepma Roger Anderson The Gosselings 11/30 Dale Carlson Roger Anderson Lance Miller Lance Miller Gene Hacker Tim Carlson Lee Carlson Carolyn Holte Grace Worner Dorothy Carlson Andrew Troen Mary Danielson Tim Carlson Grandfather Turkey Just before Thanksgiving, the holding pen was abuzz as Mother Turkey scolded her younger birds. "You turkeys are always into mischief," she gobbled. "If your grandfather could see the things you do, he'd turn over in his gravy."

A Child's Thanksgiving Prayer My family traditionally begins the evening meal with a prayer of thanks. When they were old enough, we began letting our children say the meal prayer. Of course at first they would ask for a pony, a new bike, etc. They soon learned the more important things which should be included in the prayer.

At Thanksgiving we had the whole family over. My nine year old wanted to say the prayer. It went like this:

"Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the turkey, the rolls, the mashed potatoes, the red jiggly stuff, and the bread stuff even though I don't like it. We ask that You not let us choke on this food." HOLY HUMOR A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means? The son replied, "I do know!" "Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth Thanksgiving Facts :

1. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.

2. By the fall of 1621 only half of the pilgrims, who had sailed on the Mayflower, survived. The survivors, thankful to be alive, decided to give a thanksgiving feast.

3. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October in Canada.

4. The Plymouth Pilgrims were the first to celebrate the Thanksgiving.

5. The pilgrims arrived in North America in December 1620.

6. The Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to reach North America.

7. The pilgrims sailed on the ship, which was known by the name of 'Mayflower'.

8. They celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621.

9. They celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

10. The drink that the Puritans brought with them in the Mayflower was the beer.

11. The Wampanoag Indians were the people who taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate the land.

12. The Pilgrim leader, Governor William Bradford, had organized the first Thanksgiving feast in the year 1621 and invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians also to the feast.

13. The first Thanksgiving feast was held in the presence of around ninety Wampanoag Indians and the Wampanoag chief, Massasoit, was also invited there.

14. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days.

15. President George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in the year 1789 and again in 1795.

16. The state of New York officially made Thanksgiving Day an annual custom in 1817.

17. Sarah Josepha Hale, an editor with a magazine, started a Thanksgiving campaign in 1827 and it was result of her efforts that in 1863 Thanksgiving was observed as a day for national thanksgiving and prayer.

18. Abraham Lincoln issued a 'Thanksgiving Proclamation' on third October 1863 and officially set aside the last Thursday of November as the national day for Thanksgiving. Whereas earlier the presidents used to make an annual proclamation to specify the day when Thanksgiving was to be held.

19. President Franklin D. Roosevelt restored Thursday before last of November as Thanksgiving Day in the year 1939. He did so to make the Christmas shopping season longer and stimulate the economy of the state.

20. Congress passed an official proclamation in 1941 and declared that now onwards Thanksgiving will be observed as a legal holiday on the fourth Thursday of November every year. Praise Notes… Once again we are experiencing the change of seasons. We have seen some spectacular fall colors and marvel once again at our great God and the many ways He provides for us. Our longer warm days are turning to shorter colder days and some of us will struggle with the shorten daylight hours. It reminds me once again of the one thing that will never change, our Father’s love for each of us. Listen, to what our Father says to each of us, ponder His words in your heart, treasure His love, give thanks and praise Him : My child, You may not know me, but I know everything about you (Psalm 139:1), I chose you when I planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12), you were not a mistake (Psalm 139:15-16), and it is my desire to lavish my love on you, simply because you are my child and I am your Father (1 John 3:1), my thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore (Psalm 139: 17-18), and I rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17), I will never stop doing good to you (Jeremiah 32:40), I am your Father and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus (John 17:23), for in Jesus my love for you is revealed (John 17:26), I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love (Romans 8:32), if you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me (1 John 2:23), and nothing will ever separate you from my love again (Romans 8:38-39), I have always been Father and will always be Father (Ephesians 3:14-15), I am waiting for you (Luke 15:11- 32) Love, Your Daddy, Almighty God Thank you, thank you, Daddy! We have so much to be thankful for everyday of our lives

Praise Team – Have you been gifted in the area of music? Is He speaking a calling to you to serve in this area? Whether He has gifted you in singing or in playing an instrument and you wish to find out what is all involved in Shalom’s Praise Team, please give me (Monica) a call. I would be happy to visit with you. My phone numbers are (h) 320-239-4411 or (c) 320-894-5360. My email is: [email protected]

Powerpoint Assistant: Are you comfortable and efficient with computers and wish to learn more about this area of service? If so, please give me a call.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone! Monica Gosseling, Director of Music

Thank you…A big shout out to all who helped with our Community Movie Event on Oct. 25. I do not know the names of those who put up the flyers in our communities but thank you! A number of people at the movie indicated by a show of hands that they learned of the movie event by our flyers. A thank you to those who helped with setup… Larry & Joyce Pederson, Margaret Brevard, Dennis & Marce Forbord, Kody Pendergraft, Marla Watson, Jayne Hacker, Rolinda Sanders, Roger Anderson, Marlene Kennedy, Eric & Mary Danielson, Dalen & Monica Gosseling. It was a great time of fellowship while serving! Thank you also to all who helped with setting up for church afterwards. It was a very fun event and we heard so many good comments on the movie, “The Pledge”.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Submission acknowledgments – Thank you to Karen Tharaldson for the feature article, Monica Gosseling for Praise Notes and Marce Forbord for the joke, “Holy Humor”. Your submissions are appreciated! Quotes

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings. – Eric Hoffer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. – 2 Corinthians 9:10-12

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?' William Arthur Ward

VERSE OF THE MONTH Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4

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