The Interested Firm / Vendor / Agency
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No.D.21013/NP/233/2012-13/PS Date : 8.03.2013
To: The Interested Firm / Vendor / Agency
Subject : Supply,Installation and Commissioning of Noise Free AC System. Tender No. NP-233, Due Date : 25.03.2013 ……………………
Film & Television Institute of India, Pune, invites Quotation for the procurement of the above mentioned subject in the FTII Price Bid Proforma with the acceptance letter on your Official Letter head stating that you are capable to do this Tender.
Quotation should be submitted in the FTII Price Bid Proforma only with a covering Official Letter head with EMD otherwise Quotation will be rejected without any information to the concerned Vendors/Firms.
FTII reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Quotation without assigning any reason. The Quotation should reach the office within the Due date before 5.00 p.m. in a sealed envelop super scribe with Tender Name, Tender No. and Due Date address to the Purchase Officer, Film and Television Institute of India, Pune 411 004.
Thanking you,
Nilesh Dhote Purchase Officer
Enclosed : FTII Price Bid Proforma
FILM & TELEVISION INSTITUTE OF INDIA, PUNE (An Academic Institution under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Govt of India) Telephone:020-25431366 Fax:020-25457638 E-mail:[email protected]
Ref No. : No.D.21013/NP-233/2012-13/PS Dated : 8.03.2013
QUOTATION FOR Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Noise Free AC System
Last Date for Submission of the Quotation : 25.03.2013 before 5 PM To be submitted to : Purchase Officer, FTII, Pune
QUOTATION FOR Supply Installation and Commissioning of Noise Free AC System
Name of the Firm /Agency / Vendor
Address of the firm / Agency / Tel: Fax : Vendor Mob : E-mail: QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY, Installation and Commissioning of Noise Free AC System
Unit Price Total Price Warranty Period for (with all (with all taxes each item (To be Taxes and and Charges) filled by the firm / Sr. Items Specification QTY. Charges) (To be filled Agency Vendor) No. (To be filled by the Firm / by the Firm / Agency / Agency / Vendor Vendor)
01. Noise Free AC System One (Noise below NC 30) for a Room acoustically treated room
(Room Size : 19.6 X 13.9 X 10) feets
Part A and Part B
Note : 1. Vendors should visit the actual site before bidding. 2. Please see the detailed specification on page no. 4 to 6 3. The Vendors should quote for the PART A and PART B together.
Signature of the Authorized Signatory with seal (To be signed by the Firm / Agency / Vendor) TERMS & CONDITION 1 Quotation must be submitted by bearer or sent by post so as to reach the office latest by. 25.03.2013 before 5 PM in a sealed envelop addressed to the Purchase Officer, Film & Television Institute of India, Law college road, Pune dully accompanied by the following. (I) Forwarding letter on the Official letter head of the firm/agency/Vendor. (ii) Supporting documents of previous experience in the related field. (iii) Supporting technical literature/brochure on the brand items for which the rate are Quoted. 2 Loss or delay in postal/courier transit will not be considered as valid reason for non-receipt of the tender in time. 3 Quotation should indicate the ‘rate per unit item’ basis and shall be INCLUSIVE OF ALL APPLICABLE TAXES, OCTROI as well as INSTALLATION COST and COMMISSIONING at the User Department. 4 Tenderer should also confirm the stipulated warranty period mentioned with the specification of each items at the columns specified in the Price bid proforma. 5 a) Rates offered should remain valid for at least 3 months from the closing date of the Tender. b) Work must be completed in full within 30 days from the date of the placement of the Purchase order. c) In case of failure of the L1 tenderer to execute the order within scheduled time, then order would be placed with the respective L2 tenderer if the later is agreeable to as per the rate of L1 Tenderer. 6 Valid Sales Tax Clearance Certificate/VAT Registration No. and Documents relating to the financial position ie balance sheet, profit and loss account of last three years and IT returns. 7 EMD of Rs. 8000/- shall be deposited along with the Quotation in the form of the Bankers Cheque / Draft from any scheduled bank drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, Film & Television Institute of India payable at Pune. The EMD amount will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer without interest through A/C payee cheque after finalization and commissioning at the user department or till the warranty period. In the event of the supplier falling to execute the orders without sufficient resons acceptable to FTII the Security Deposit will be forfeited. 8 The successful tenderer shall have to deposit a sum of Rs. 20000/ as Security deposit within 15 days through Banker’s Cheque/ Draft from any scheduled bank, drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, Film & Television Institute of India payable at Pune which will be retained by FTII without interest till the work is to be completed. If the supplier falling to execute the orders without sufficient reasons acceptable to FTII, the Security Deposit will be forfeited. 9 The Supplier shall have to apply for the refund of Security Deposit along with Original receipt against the Security Deposit. Before releasing the Security Deposit the Firm/Supplier shall also have to submit a certificate that they have no claims against FTII under this order in the following format : I hereby certify that there are no claims against FTII under Tender No. ---- and you are requested to release the Security Deposit as soon as possible. 10 FTII Administration reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the Quotation without assigning any reason and modify the total requirement at any stage. 11 Any dispute arising out of order the purchase shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of court in Pune City Only. 12 Sealed envelope containing the Tender should super scribe the words. “QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF Noise Free AC System. NP-233 Due Date : 25.03.2013 13 Liquidated Damage: In case the supply is not completed within the aforesaid stipulated period liquidated damages @ 0.1% of the total value of order for delay of per day or part there of subject to deduction of maximum 10% of the value of order. 14 Tenderer may please note that non-submission of any of the aforesaid documents might lead to disqualification of their offer. The Tenderer shall be required to produce documents as mentioned above in original, as and when called for by FTII Purchase Authority. 15 No debit memo will be issued for the Octroi, reimbursement of Octroi amount will be against submission of original receipt. Payment would be released after Satisfactory report and submission of invoice against each order issued by the institute unless there are any unforeseen circumstances. Payment will be made as per availability of funds.
Certified that we are quoting the above rates after having gone through the specification of each item individually in addition to Terms & Conditions & Terms of Payment mentioned above which are agreed by us. Date:
Signature of the authorized signatory with seal (To be signed by the Firm / Agency / Vendor) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Subject : Tender specifications for the air conditioning system comprising supply, transportation, installation, testing and commissioning as per the BOQ along with the specifications and quantities.
1. Supply, Transportation, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 3 TR ductable AC unit comprising
(i) Indoor unit capacity 3TR (36000 BTUs/HR) and Dehumidified air quantity 1200 CFM at 35 to 40MM SPWG
(ii) Outdoor unit with scroll compressor and condenser coil.
(iii) Necessary refrigerant piping with Armaflex insulation and cabling interconnecting the indoor and outdoor unit – Quantity 15 Rmt
2. Ceiling suspension arrangement with rubber grommets for the indoor and MS stand with rubber isolation for the outdoor unit – 2 Lot
EQUIPMENT DETAILS OF DUCTABLE TYPE SPLIT AIR CONDITIONERS SR. Description RATE QTY UNIT TOTAL NO. 1 3.0TR Duct Middle Static Air Conditioner - 2 Standard Installation, Testing & Commissioning Charges
Installation, Testing & Commissioning including pipe pressure testing & flushing with Nitrogen etc. 2.1 3.0 TR Ductable Type Split AC - Filter for Indoor Unit 3.0 TR - 3 Refrigerant Piping with Rubber Nitrile insulation Refrigerant piping of copper tubes/piping,with necessary structural, clamps, supports, bends, elbows, reducers, U-
bends, oil return & expansion loops, flare nuts /adaptors/any brass fittings, tee connections etc.with insulation 3.1 3.0 TR Ductable piping - 4 Drain Piping duly Insulated 4.1 40 mm PVC Drain Piping with rubber nitrile insulation - 5 Control Cabling Control cabling with saddles/supports to connect outdoor 5.1 - units with respective indoor units 6 Miscellaneous fittings and accessories 6.1 Cable Trays For Refrigeration Pipings - 6.2 Fabrication Stand For ODU - TOTAL - II. PART B
Air Distribution Ducting System in order to obtain necessary noise attenuation which is related to the noise generated by the AC system. Required noise level NC 30° and below. Specifications and Bill of Quantities are as under :
Unit Total Sr. Item Description Quantity Rate Amount No. ( Rs.) ( Rs.) GSS DUCTING : G.S.S. Ducting including the supply and return air plenums wherever necessary, complete with fabrication & Installation. Ducting to be separated by using rubber washers, Rubber isolators made of V. Grooved Reels with flanged type 5 mm Neoprene Gaskets. 1 as per Consultant’s design, drawings. Material : I. S. 277-1965 Installation : I. S. 655-1963 22 G - 24 G - Acoustical lining of Ducting from inside with crown 300 having Density 48kg/m3 Resin Bonded Fibre Glass Rigid Board covered 2 with R.P. Tissue supported by G.I. Nuts, Bolts & Washers. 25.0 mm Thick - Thermal Insulation of duct using 9 mm thick Armaflex insulation 3 stick with suitable adhesive compound. - Providing & Fixing of Extruded Aluminium powder coated Grilles 4 with approved finish and with suitable deflection angle as per the Drawings. - Providing & fixing of Rexene Canvas connections for 6 interconnecting the duct and collars. - Providing & fixing of Rexene Canvas connections for 7 interconnecting the A.C. units. - Thermal blanketing of the false ceiling using F. G. crown 200x 8 50mm Thick. Fiber glass material filled inside fiber cloth bags and stitched and laid on the false ceiling. - Acoustic Insulation of AHU Space : a. Fix G.I. Frames of Size 1½” x 1” U-Channels, 20 swg. Framed at 2’0” x 1’6” interval. b. Fix 25mm thick Resin Bonded fibreglass of 48kg/m3 density in between the framework. 9 c. Fix 1”x1” x 20 swg aluminum Angles at all Corners & 1” x 20 swg. Aluminium Flat at all vertical joints. d. Cover the insulation with R.P. Tissue and 26 swg. Aluminium perforated sheet screwed to the G.I. Frame work using metal screws. - Underdeck insulation with Elastomeric Nytrile rubber foamed insulation Fire classification : Class - O / 1 water vapour permeability : 7000 10 Applying 3 coats of sticking compound & Sealing all joints with the help of sticking compound Adhesive of reputed make.
13 mm thick - TOTAL : -
Note : The rates mentioned above under Part A and Part B will be inclusive of all taxes and duties. Excluded works and services
Following items will be provided by the other agencies such as civil, electrical etc.
1. Necessary acoustical treatment for the walls, ceiling etc. for the control room
2. Carpentry work comprising wooden flooring, separated from the main flooring.
3. Construction of the civil enclosure using single brick supported by with MS ‘U’ channels for housing the indoor unit with access door above the false ceiling in the adjacent room.
4. Electrical supply 440 volts, 50 HZ, 3 Phase, AC supply power required for AC – 4 KW
5. Any other item which is not mentioned above in the scope of work but required to be provided.