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QMS/GT51f_Note - V3.0 CC To: Author: Date: 0044f4db8f36ac8740fa579a242faaee.doc

: New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment) Operating TRASYS SOE(Standard New Cornil Cornil Claude Key-Users RennesonClaire;Liberton Yves;Itkis Inna;Vanhulst Koen;BaillyJean-Luc; Schatteman Wouter 17/12/2008

New TRASYS SOE – Users TRASYS InformationSOE – (17/12/2008)New Users Users information 1 / 28 1 INTRODUCTION 3

2 TRASYS SETTINGS 4 2.1 Links set in ‘My Network Places’ for each user 4 2.2 Specific settings 5 2.3 Standard software’s 5



5 BACKUP AND RECOVERY TOOL 9 5.1 Manual Backups 10 5.2 Restore 11

6 PCTRANSPLANT 12 6.1 In your user profile(s) 12



9 ANNEX 1 15

10 ANNEX 2 17

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information 2/28 (17/12/2008) 1 Introduction

Information’s about the new settings implemented on the new configurations of the computers installed with the ALTIRIS implementation software.

Information’s about the new version of the SYMANTEC Antivirus and Firewall.

Information’s about the new methodology implemented with ALTIRIS for the backup of the computers.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information 3/28 (17/12/2008) QMS/GT51f_Note - V3.0 The links T, V, X, and Y automatically created at the logon, are replaced by permanent links in the folder My folder the in links permanent by replaced NetworkPlaces. are logon, the at created automatically Y and X, V, T, links The 0044f4db8f36ac8740fa579a242faaee.doc of iscreatedthe logon user. on foruser eachto exist and G: continues directory The home \\ariane\te\Trasys\aeropole \\ariane\te\Trasys\QMS \\ariane\te\Trasys\Archive \\ariane\te\Trasys\Activity \\ariane\te\Temporary\TRASYS links are: The permanent ‘My set in Network Places’Links for each user TrasysSETTINGS

New TRASYS SOE – Users Information (17/12/2008) NewUsers Information TRASYS SOE – 4 / 28 Specific settings

There is no more ‘Users’ folder. The shortcut ‘My Documents’ remains in the user profile.

When migrating the user settings the content op c:\users id copied to “My Documents”

The Trasys templates are copied in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Templates and this destination is set in Word (Tools - Options - File Location) The Trasys templates (.dot files) are located on: ‘\\ariane\te\trasys\QMS\QMS_Documentation\Standards\ST12_QMS_Macros\Word2002’ and the following shortcuts are introduced in that folder ‘\\ariane\te\trasys\qms\QMS_Templates\Forms’ ‘\\ariane\te\trasys\qms\QMS_Templates\General_templates’ ‘\\ariane\te\trasys\qms\QMS_Templates\PQP’ ‘\\ariane\te\trasys\qms\QMS_Templates\S2_S3’ The History settings from outlook and Internet explorer are not recovered.

Standard software’s

The following list includes the standard software’s installed on each computer:  Windows XP PRO with SP3  Office 2007  Visio Viewer 2003  Dot Net 3.0  Internet Explorer 7 with Proxy configuration for IE 7 (  Media Player 11 and Power DVD  Wi-Fi drivers with Trasys configuration  Trasys Root Certificate  WinZip 9.0 SR1  Freewares o Acrobat reader 9.0 o PDF Creator 0.9.5 o Mozilla Firefox 2.0 o Filezilla o Putty  Background and Screensaver standard Trasys  Symantec EndPoint Protection Client version 11 MR3 (Antivirus, Antispyware and Firewall)  ALTIRIS agents

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 5/28 Symantec Endpoint Protection

This new version of Symantec antivirus tool combines:

 Antivirus and Antispyware Protection : Real-time and ond on demand Antivirus and Antispyware scanner

 Proactive Threat Protection: a new virus proactive detection feature

 Network Threat Protection: Firewall

This tool is centrally managed, monitored and updated, and parameterization can be remotely modified. It is location aware and rules can be different depending on the location:

 TRASYS sites

 Remote (connected by Juniper to the TRASYS LAN)

 External

The tool will automatically request an update with the latest signature every 4 hours. You can also manually force this update by pushing on the ‘LiveUpade’ button. .

Attention, the Juniper application requires signatures not older than 10 days.

The firewall is always enabled, but when you are connected on the Trasys LAN, all ingoing and outgoing traffic is authorized.

On other locations, some ingoing traffic is disabled, and depending on the parameterization, the firewall can ask you to authorize or deny some outgoing traffic.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 6/28 Altiris Agents

Four agents run continuously on the PC:

 ALTIRIS agent : main agent used for PC (HW & SW) inventory, software distribution and all agents parameterization

 Deployment agent : used for initial OS image reinstallation

 Remote Control agent : used to allow helpdesk technicians to take remotely control of the PC

 Backup and Recovery agent : used to backup and restore local PC data on and from storage servers

Each agent tries periodically to connect to the ALTIRIS Management servers to send information and receives instructions.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 7/28 By double clicking on the ALTIRIS agent, you can manually force a send of a basic inventory and a request to update the configuration.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 8/28 Backup and Recovery tool

The ALTIRIS Backup and Recovery tool replaces the previous TBLBackup tool.

The Backup is running automatically every working day between 12h05 and 23h50 on the laptops and between 22h and 3h on the desktops. The Backup includes 2 directories: ‘Documents and Settings’ and ‘My Documents’ (for all users of this PC). Some files (avi, mp3, mpg, mpeg, img, vmdk, iso, wma, wmv) and folders are excluded from the backup. The detailed list of files and folders that are excluded from the backup can be found in annex 1. Latest version backuped files are kept indefinitely on the server, older versions of a same file are kept 30 days.

The tool is active when you are connected to the Trasys network (on site or through the Juniper portail with ‘Secure Access Method’ feature).

For information on taken backups, please right click on Altiris Recovery agent icon – Options…

You can view backups you did in ‘Activity log…’ in General tab.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 9/28 Manual Backups

You can run additional backup whenever you need by clicking on the ‘Snapshot’ or ‘Accelerate’ button in ‘Snapshot and Restore’ tab:

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 10/28 Restore

When you are connected to the TRASYS network (on site or through Juniper), restore of lost files can be done by asking to helpdesk or by your self.

2 ways:

 Click on ‘Restore files’ under ‘Snapshot and Restore’ tab and follow the instruction.

 Click on the ALTIRIS Recovery icon in Windows Explorer and navigate to the desired file

Altiris allows you to restore different versions of files. To do it please choose View – Recovery Solution Versions – All Versions from the Menu of Explorer.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 11/28 PCTRANSPLANT

In order to recover the settings when migrating to the Altiris environment we use the tool called “PCTRANSPLANT”


In your user profile(s)

(If you want more recovered then your default user profile you will need to specify this before we migrate the PC!!!)



Quick launch files


All settings for:

All MS Office application

Acrobat reader

Internet explorer



Outlook express


Address book


All file in the c:\users directory

All common files extensions from the C:\ partition (!!! Files like MP3, MPEG, AVI etc are not recovered (The detailed list of what will be recovered can be found in annex 2)

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 12/28 Certificates

For security reasons Pctransplant is not able to transfer any certificates installed on your pc.

You can download your certificate from the website

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 13/28 Helpdesk

How to open one call: 1. Send an email to [email protected] (*) 2. Open the following site: and create a new call. 3. Phone +32 2 773 8888

(*) only messages sent by Trasys users are allowed. Others are rejected.

How to modify a call: 4. Reply to ServiceDesk using the call reception message (without modification of the subject). 5. Open the web site – find and open your call – perform the modification and save it.

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 14/28 Annex 1

New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 15/28 New TRASYS SOE(Standard Operating Environment)Users information (17/12/2008) 16/28 ANNEX 2

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