Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War

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Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War

Chapter 34 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War

Terms to Know:

London Economic Conference Good Neighbor Policy Reciprocal trade Agreements Act

Rome-Berlin Axis Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 Johnson Debts Default Act

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Quarantine Speech Appeasement Hitler-Stalin Pact

Neutrality Act of 1939 Kristallnacht War Refugee Board lend-lease Bill

Atlantic Charter

People to Know:

Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Francisco Franco Cordell Hull

Wendell L. Willkie


1. What was the view of Roosevelt and the nation to world problems during the 1930’s? What changed their point of view, especially Roosevelt’s? (p. 800) 2. Why did Roosevelt eventually scorn the London Economic Conference of 1933? How does this show his view of foreign policy compared to domestic policy? What was the result of the collapse of the London Conference? (p. 801) 3. Why did Congress and Roosevelt pass the Tydings-McDuffic Act of 1934? What did the act provide for the Filipinos? What does it mean when the author states: “The American people were not so much giving freedom to the Philippines as they were freeing themselves from the Philippines? (p. 801) 4. What motivated Roosevelt to recognize the Soviet Union? What groups criticized the decision? (p. 801) 5. What was Roosevelt’s foreign policy towards Latin America? What does this show about his foreign policy in general? (p. 801-802) 6. What was his goal in having a more positive and non-interventionist policy in Latin America? How did this new policy manifest itself in Haiti, Cuba, and Panama? How did the policy get tested in Mexico? (p. 802) 7. What was Secretary of State Hull’s view towards tariffs? What did the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934 call for? How many countries did Hull achieve in getting to sign reciprocal trade agreements? What made the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act revolutionary? (p. 802) 8. What three dictators came to power in the 1920’s and 30’s in Europe? What was their view of the individual? How was Hitler the begotten child of post-war Allied powers policies? (p. 803-804) 9. What did Japan start to do in the 1920’s and 1930’s? What were their motives? (p. 804) 10. Who did Mussolini attack in 1935? What response did the League of Nations have? How is this a harbinger for future actions by dictators? (p. 804) 11. How did American isolationism get even a further boost by the actions of these rogue states? (p. 804) 12. What was the goal of Senator Gerald Nye’s investigation? What was the conclusion many Americans came to? What did the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 call for? (p. 804-805) 13. In your opinion, how does the author view American neutrality in the 1930’s? What is your opinion of the choice to remain neutral? (p. 805) 14. Who helped whom during the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939? What was Roosevelt’s position on selling arms to the two sides during the Spanish Civil War? As a result, what was the final outcome of the war? How did this further embolden the dictators? (p. 805-806) 15. What happened to American military size and military spending during the 1930’s? (p. 806) 16. What did Japan do in 1937? What did Roosevelt shrewdly do to allow the continued shipment of arms? What famous speech did Roosevelt make in Chicago in autumn of 1937? (p. 806) 17. How were American reactions to the sinking of the Maine and the Panay different? (p. 806) 18. How did Hitler violate flout the Treaty of Versailles starting in 1935? What did he do in 1938? What land did he wish to take in Czechoslovakia? (p. 806-807) 19. What was concluded at the Munich Conference of 1938? What did Hitler do to Czechoslovakia in March 1939? (p. 807) 20. What did Stalin and the Soviet Union sign with Nazi Germany August 23, 1939? Why was this pact so dangerous for Western Europe and Poland? What were Stalin’s motives in signing the pact? (p. 807) 21. Who did Germany attack on September 1, 1939? How did Britain and France respond? What did Stalin do in Poland? (p. 807-810) 22. How did Roosevelt respond to the attack on Poland and the specter of war in Europe? Realizing that both Britain and France needed support, what did the Neutrality Act of 1939 state? What were the positives and benefits of this act? (p. 810) 23. What was the phony war and when did it end? What nations did Germany quickly attack and subdue? When did France finally surrender? What happened at Dunkirk in France? (p. 811) 24. Why was the surrender of France so dangerous to the United States? How did Roosevelt and Congress respond to this threat of the loss of all of Western Europe? What was passed on September 6, 1940? What was decided at the Havana Conference of 1940? (p. 812) 25. During the Battle of Britain, when the courageous Royal Air Force defended Britain, what did the Americans do? What dilemma or decision was Roosevelt faced with? (p. 812) 26. What was the goal of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding its Allies? What was the goal of the America First Committee? Who was one of the most vocal isolationists? (p. 813) 27. What did Roosevelt decide to do on September 2, 1940, to aid Britain? What did the U.S get in exchange? What was American public opinion towards Britain and the war in 1940? (p. 813) 28. Who won the Republican nomination for President in 1940? What makes this nomination so remarkable? What was the Republican platform for the 1940 election? (p. 814) 29. What was Roosevelt’s rationale for running for a third term and violating the two-term tradition? (p. 814) 30. What was the final result of the 1940 presidential election and congressional election? What was the determining factor in Roosevelt being elected to a third term? (p. 815) 31. What were the basic details of the Lend-Lease Act? What was its number? What did Roosevelt mean America would be the “arsenal of democracy?” (p. 815) 32. How was the lend-lease act a momentous law? How much did the Americans give to the Allied powers? In the end, why did American public opinion support lend-lease? How did Hitler and Germany respond to the lend-lease act? (p. 817) 33. What did Hitler do on June 22, 1941? How did Roosevelt respond to the attack on the Soviet Union? (p. 817) 34. What important event occurred in August 1941 on a warship of the coast of Newfoundland? What was the most memorable offspring of this meeting? (p. 817) 35. What decision did Roosevelt make in July, 1941? Why did he have to make this decision? What was the danger with making it? (p. 818) 36. What events proved to America that the Neutrality Act of 1939 should no longer be applied? (p. 818) 37. What goods were the Japanese dependent on from America? What did Roosevelt decide to do mid-1941? (p. 819) 38. What decision was Japan faced with during negotiations with America in Nov/Dec of 1941? What did they choose? (p. 819) 39. Where did the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941? What were the casualties and effect on the U.S. Navy? What was the one fortunate thing for the Americans? When was the war made official? (p. 820) 40. How did Japan’s attack backfire? In the end, what were the major events that led to American involvement in WWII? (p. 820)

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