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Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014
Mathematics Survival Skills & Developmental Mathematics Combined Course CRN Class time & place Math lab time & place Final exam date & time MSS 16616 MW 12:40 pm – 1:30 pm 6 – 202 Mon. 12/8 1:00 pm DMC 13837 MW 11:30 am – 12:35 pm 6 – 202 Wed. 12/10 10:00 am F 11:30 am – 12:40 pm 6 – 202 F 12:50 pm – 1:40 pm 7 – 112C
What is a LinC? Welcome to our learning community! You have enrolled in a LinC course matching Developmental Math Combined and Mathematics Survival Skills. This semester we hope that you will make friends, study together, and learn together so that you may succeed in college and beyond. Students who start Valencia with Mathematics Survival Skills (and other Student Success courses) make better grades and graduate sooner. Math goes better with Mathematics Survival Skills!
Who, Where, When: Math Lisa Potchen On-Campus Engagement Hours: Online/phone times: Bldg 1 Room 328 MW: 9:00 am – 9:45 am (SPA) WR: 7:30 – 8:30 am 407-702-7850 (Cell) MW: 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm (SPA) Sun,T,R: 8:00 – 9:00 pm TR: 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm (1 – 328) 407-582-2116 (Office) F: 10:45 am – 11:15 am (SPA) [email protected]
MSS Julie Phelps On-Campus Engagement Hours: Online/phone times: Bldg 7 Room 142 MTWR: 10:15 – 11:15 am (7-142) MW: 2 pm – 4 pm 321-689-3288 (Cell) TR: 1:15 – 2:15 (7-142 or SPA) 407-582-2527 (Office) [email protected]
Success Coach Kaitlyn Brooker - Your Student Services professional who supports students in learning communities. East Campus Student Services Bldg 5 Office Hours: Email for an appointment [email protected]
Joint office hours Upon Request
Required Materials Text: Developmental Math Combined by Al Groccia Developmental ISBN: 978-1-60797-456-7 Publisher: Linus Books. Math Combined: Calculator: Will not be allowed on tests, should not be used on homework except to check answers. Lab: Lab booklet will be provided at no cost during your first lab. You must bring it to each lab meeting. Notebook: Your choice of type but must satisfy description found later in syllabus. Other Materials: Ruler, graph paper. Access to: Atlas email (you should check this daily if not more often), IMathAS (your free online homework program. Instructions provided later in syllabus.) Blackboard (some assignments, instructions and grades may get published here) Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 Required Materials Text: None Mathematics Access to: email through ATLAS & Blackboard Survival Skills Calendar or day planner: bring to class EVERY day Other Materials: Paper, pen/pencil and stapler
Credit Hours: Each student will receive 6 credit hours upon successful completion of the LinC courses. (4 CR – MAT 0022C; 2CR – SLS 2930) Note: Separate grades will be issued.
Course Descriptions: LinC: Mathematics Survival Skills and Developmental Math Combined are LinC courses designed to work cooperatively to prepare students for higher-level mathematics by introducing specific mathematics study skills! It is our hope that the content of both of the courses is so interweaved that it becomes one course in the minds of our students. Students will leave the LinC experience with skills that are useful in any academic course that they may take in the future.
Developmental Mathematics Combined: Prerequisites: None. This developmental math course is designed to prepare students for MAT 1033C Intermediate Algebra. Topics include sets, computations with decimals, percents, integers, operations with rational and polynomial expressions, solving linear equations and simplifying expressions, plane geometric figures and applications, graphing ordered pairs and lines and determining the intercepts of lines. A minimum final course grade of C is required for successful completion of this course. This course does not apply toward mathematics requirements in general education or toward any associate degree. (Special Fee: $42.00)
Valencia Developmental Math Combined Competencies: Operations with Rational and Polynomial Expressions Linear Equations with Applications/Inequalities Introduction to Graphing Linear Equations Geometry Sets Radicals Unit Conversion Operations with Fractions/Decimals Long Division/Multiplication Facts Simplifying Algebraic Expressions and Order of Operations/Exponents
Page 2 of 10 Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 Mathematics Survival Skills: Course Purpose: Provides students with knowledge and skills for surviving college with a focus on being successful in mathematics courses. Includes an introduction to Valencia and its resources, selected study skills and personal resources management skills. Students will identify skills areas and levels they wish to improve. Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to learn about college resources and adopt methods that support your success in mathematics, school and life. Teaching Strategies: The objectives of this course will be achieved through lectures, individual and group experiences, guest speakers, web-based technologies, and assignments outside of class. The instructor's role is to be a facilitator/guide in your experience of learning what Valencia expects of you, the student.
Core Competencies of a Valencia Graduate: Valencia’s Student Core Competencies are complex abilities that are essential to lifelong success. This course will help you develop and demonstrate the abilities to (1) think clearly, critically, and creatively; (2) communicate with others verbally and in written form; (3) make reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments; and (4) act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly. Due to the nature of these global competencies, many problems in math and activities will be presented in the context of an application. These applications will require students to select appropriate information from the problem and communicate effectively how to arrive at an appropriate solution for the problem.
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LinC Course Resources: This term you will learn to use your resources and the college’s support services effectively and efficiently. These resources are at your fingertips and all around you.
Textbooks, notes, and class assignments: We recommend that you keep all of your work in an organized fashion so that you may refer to them when necessary.
Your professors and Success Coach: Our goal is to give you the skills you need to succeed and to provide a comfortable learning environment. As your professors and advisors, we welcome all academic questions.
Your fellow classmates: Making connections with other students in the classroom fosters motivation, responsibility, and persistence (that means you come back the next term).
The Academic Success Center (ASC) is located on the first floor of building 4. It contains the Student Computer Center, Communications Support Center, Math Support Center, Tutoring Center, SPA, Testing Center and more. The ASC hours of operation are M-R 7am-10pm, F 7am-8pm, and Sat 8am-4pm. http://valenciacollege.edu/east/academicsuccess/
o The Communications Support Center has computers and printers for student use. There are tutors available to provide help writing and proofreading assigned papers for any subject. They also provide support for reading and speech.
http://valenciacollege.edu/east/academic success/writing/
http://valenciacommunicationscenter.wiki spaces.com/
o The Specialized Prep Area (SPA) provides FREE walk-in help to math students and is a great place to do both online and textbook homework! Tutors are available on a first- come, first-served basis. Computers and internet are available. If you prefer to use a laptop, they can be borrowed for 4 hours at a time at the Audio-Visual window just around the corner from the SPA. iPads can
Page 4 of 10 Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 also be borrowed from the library on the 2nd floor of building 4. White boards line the walls and large tables are provided for students that would like to practice their math together.
http://valenciacollege.edu/east/academic success/spa/hours.cfm
o The Tutor Center provides FREE one-on- one tutoring for many subjects. To take advantage of this service, you must sign up at the beginning of the semester, and a tutor will be assigned to meet with you once a week.
http://valenciacollege.edu/east/academic success/tutoring/
General MAT & SLS Policies:
Attendance: Because so much of the learning in these classes is cumulative, interactive and participatory, attendance is a must! Attendance is required at your assigned class and lab time. You should be on time to each class and lab, complete all assignments, and remain in class for the entire time unless prior permission has been given by the instructor to leave early.
Three (3) absences, without adequate excuse, may result in withdrawal from the courses. It would be wise to contact your professors prior to class if you will be absent! If you are a Bridges student, Bridges staff will be notified. IF YOU WISH TO DROP THE COURSES, DO NOT RELY ON THE INSTRUCTORS TO WITHDRAW YOU. YOU MUST WITHDRAW YOURSELF!! Failure to take action could affect your final grade. Note: If you drop or are withdrawn from one course, you will be dropped or withdrawn from both. See “Withdrawal” information for deadline.
Students are responsible for all work presented when they are absent, and are also responsible for any announcements made in class. If due to an emergency you miss a class or lab, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed. Use your student contact names from the syllabus search.
Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals: 6Hx28: 4-07
Page 5 of 10 Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 Students who fail to “show” (participate in an academic activity) during the Drop/Refund period (first week of class) will be withdrawn and will not receive a refund.
Tardiness/Talking: Tardiness/Talking is considered rude and is unacceptable. Please be on time to class. Students who persist on being tardy or leaving early will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Questions during class are always accepted as long as they are relevant to the lecture.
Persistent disruption (including ringing/singing/beeping/honking/ vibrating cell phones) will be cause for removal from the classroom.
Make up/Late Work: It is our policy that you hand your work in early or on-time. Make up and late work will be accepted with documentation of an emergency (illness, jury duty, etc.) and is at the discretion of the instructors.
Electronic Devices: (Phones, iPods, etc.): Please use them for academic purposes only! Many studies have shown that the brain needs to focus on one thing at a time. We think it should be math and Mathematics Survival Skills. If you have an emergency situation that requires your cell phone to be on, please notify your instructors at the beginning of class.
Class Participation: You should consider being a student as a full-time job. You should attend all classes, labs, study sessions, participate in class, ask relevant questions, turn in assignments when they are due, and ask for help when needed from an instructor, tutor, or another student.
Expect to spend 10 – 15 hours a week on Math/MSS, outside of class time.
Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals: 6Hx28: 4-07
Communication: We will frequently communicate through your Atlas e-mail account, so it is important that you check BOTH on a daily basis. Grades and private matters discussed via email should only be discussed through Atlas email.
When emailing your professors you MUST include your full name, class days and times (ex: Mary Doe, MSS, TR 12:40 pm). Please also include a brief and descriptive subject line. Remember, we have a professional relationship, you are expected to write in full sentences, using correct grammar and spelling. Ur not 2 use txtng shrthnd.
Final Exams: There will be comprehensive (covering the entire semester) final exams for both Developmental Math Combined and Mathematics Survival Skills. Each final exam will take place during scheduled final exam periods. Failure to attend the final exams will result in a grade of F (which can impact your GPA)!! The schedule for final exams at Valencia college can be found at http://valenciacollege.edu/calendar/FinalExam.cfm. Schedule times for LinC classes can be different so final exam times for this LinC class are posted at the top of page one of this syllabus.
Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals: 6Hx28: 4-07
Page 6 of 10 Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 Withdrawal Policy: Withdrawal Deadline: The withdrawal deadline for receiving a non-punitive grade of "W" is November 7, 2014. During a first or second attempt in the same course at Valencia, if you withdraw, or are withdrawn by the professor, you will receive a W (Withdrawn). You will not receive credit for the course, and the W will not be calculated in your grade point average; however, the enrollment will count in your total attempts in the specific course. Note: A “W” may affect your eligibility for financial aid and certain scholarships.
Note: Withdrawal from one LinC class will result in withdrawal from both courses. Please talk to us BEFORE you withdraw or quit coming to class.
After the Withdrawal Deadline: A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A professor may withdraw you up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy in which case you will receive a grade of “W”. If the professor does not withdraw you, your grade will be what you had earned. Remember, failing to sit for the Final Exam will earn you an “F” for the course.
Before you withdraw from a course, you should be aware that course withdrawals: Will increase the cost of your education May affect your financial aid status May affect your transfer grade point average May result in your having to pay the full cost of instruction fee to retake the course May affect your anticipated graduation date May result in your being denied access to limited access programs May affect your eligibility for the Honors Program May affect your immigration status if you are attending Valencia on a nonimmigrant visa Will result in your required repayment of course fees paid by a Bright Futures scholarship.
Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals: 6Hx28: 4-07
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Academic Honesty: All students are expected to be in complete compliance with Valencia College’s policies on academic honesty as stated in the Student Handbook. If any student is caught giving or receiving aid on a test or quiz, all students involved will receive a zero score for that particular assignment. Plagiarism is claiming as your own a paper, report, article or speech which in whole or in part was prepared by someone other than yourself. Students who plagiarize or cheat in any way, risk dismissal from class and/or expulsion from college.
Academic Dishonesty: 6Hx28: 8-11
In addition, please follow college policy relating to children on campus. Please make arrangements for childcare outside the classrooms or labs.
Student Assistance Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and Program: successful college experience. Valencia students can get FREE immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. Students have 24 hour unlimited access to the BayCare Behavioral Health’s confidential student assistance program phone counseling services by calling (800) 878-5470. Three free confidential face-to-face counseling sessions are also available to students.
Students with Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter Disabilities from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with their professor(s), preferably during the first two weeks of class. OSD website: http://valenciacc.edu/osd/, East Campus: 5-216
Dev. Math Homework: Homework will be assigned after each section. It is assigned so you can learn Combined Course the material and serves as practice material for the tests. You should do homework with Specific Evaluation the goal of understanding and not just for the grade you will receive on your homework. Policies: Exercises completed through IMathAS are part of your “Homework” grade, unless otherwise noted.
Logging In http://imathas.valenciacollege.edu/index.php At the Login page, you will be asked to supply your login credentials (Atlas username and the temporary password… math).
Home Page The home page lists the classes you're currently taking, and also has options for enrolling in a course, changing your password, changing your user info, or logging out of the system.
Tests: There will be five (5) Developmental Math Combined tests during the semester. If you know ahead of time that you are going to be absent the day of a test, you may schedule a time before that test date to take the test. If a student misses two tests, they may be withdrawn from the class and therefore withdrawn from both courses. Test items may come from examples from class, examples from the text, homework exercises and/or lab activities.
Page 8 of 10 Syllabus SLS 2930/MAT 0022C LinC Fall 2014 Mathematics Portfolio Section: The portfolio’s contents are necessary parts for any Dev. Math mathematics course and as such they are a required part of this course. Combined Course The tabs in your notebook should be the following: Specific Evaluation Policies: 1. Notes: Every student is expected to keep accurate lecture notes each class (continued) meeting. (A sample of the way notes should be taken will be demonstrated during class.) 2. Homework: Completion of your homework assignments on a regular basis is crucial to your success in this class. Answers only will not be accepted. 3. Lab: Attached to this course is a separate lab, with its own work. This work will be collected and graded and will comprise your “Labs and Activities” grade, in addition to several in class activities. These are facilitated to reinforce concepts learned and gain additional practice. Your lab booklet will be given to you on the first day of labs. All labs must be received complete on the due date; late work is handled on a case-by-case basis. Working together is encouraged, but individual work must be turned in. Attendance in lab is mandatory to receive a grade on the lab assignment! 4. Test Corrections: Tests must be corrected and for each problem missed not only must you rework the problem, but you must also explain your correction so you will remember what you did wrong. Complete documentation is mandatory. (A test correction sample will be provided during class.) 5. Quizzes: Completion of your online module and quiz assessments must be kept in this section of your portfolio. Answers only will not be accepted.
Think of the math portfolio as the Developmental Math Combined Course Insurance policy! If your portfolio is an A average and your online homework is a B average, your lowest test grade will be replaced by your final exam.
Mathematics Students will develop skills to enhance their Valencia College mathematics success. Survival Skills Course Specific Homework assignments will often accompany classroom discussions, guest Information: speaker presentations or outside classroom activities. All assignments and are due by the date and time posted on our schedule or as noted in class. All writing assignments must be typed (12 point font), double-spaced free of grammatical and spelling errors. Name, date and class meeting times must be on each assignment; with the exception of the Thank You Letters (they should have your signature). DO NOT wait for instructor to collect homework, drop on desk when you arrive.
All writing assignments are expected to be at college level. Hastily written work, without depth or thought, will be returned. The 1st occurrence can be resubmitted for a grade, all other occurrences will result in a loss of points.
Students are encouraged to take lecture notes (including those from guest speakers). You would be wise to clearly label your notes with the topic/date and place in a notebook or portfolio. (These will come in very handy at the end of the term.)
All lectures, discussions and presentation materials are fair game for final exam.
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Grading Scales: The following scales will be used to determine your final grade:
A: 90%+
B: 80%-89%
C: 70%-79%
D: 60%-69%
F: < 60%
Developmental Math Combined Weight Scale: Tests: 50% Homework/Quizzes/other: 10% LinC projects: 5% Labs: 10% Final exam: 25% Total 100%
Mathematics Survival Skills Grading Scale*: MSS Assignments/Journals 100 points MSS Journals 100 points LinC Assignments 100 points LinC Group Project 100 points Final Exam 100 points Total points 500 points
* due to the nature of this LinC course, assignments may be added or deleted during the term, so this total may change.
Additional information may be provided in Blackboard, on your instructors’ websites and on your course schedule.
Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the professors.
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